Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.39- Who Was, Who Is, & Who Is Not



Some of you may not know this about me, but sometimes…I can be a little bit….dramatic, and hyperbolic. Not too long ago, Laura and I were driving to meet some friends and 41 was a parking lot. As bad as I ever remember. I huffed, shook my head, and verbally expressed my frustration w/the other drivers who don’t drive as good as me. I said to Laura… “We are gonna miss dinner. We’re never gonna get off this road, we’re gonna be stuck here forever.” She looked at me with that wife look. She says “Joe, that's a little bit dramatic, don’t you think?” But do you know the feeling? Have you ever been in a miserable situation that felt like it had no end? We all have felt that sometimes it was annoying, other times it's real suffering that seems to have no end in sight. Compared to the tribulation John’s readers were living through, I can tell you it makes our stuff look different. There’s no doubt the tribulation they suffered