Citius Mag Podcast

Kristie Schoffield Joins Team NB Boston + How She Nearly Left The Sport Before Becoming An NCAA Champion



"You are not inferior to your coach. You have to see yourself as equals because you're working together toward whatever goal that you're working toward." Kristie Schofffield is the NCAA outdoor 800m champion from Boise State. She is also the newest rookie Team New Balance Boston. She had the best year of her career last year by stunning the field and kicking to the NCAA outdoor 800m title. It came just eight months after making a coaching switch and nearly taking a break from the sport. Her rise to the title was not a straightforward path, as she faced challenges and self-doubt along the way. In this episode, she talks about how she overcame that process and then pushed herself to break two minutes for the first time at the U.S. Outdoor Championships final. She will be making her professional debut this weekend when she races the 800m at the New Balance Grand Prix.  SUPPORT THE SPONSORS OLIPOP is a prebiotic soda with only 2-5g of sugar that is actually good for your gut health. – and it's delicious. Use