Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.38- The Great Prostitute



I want to start off with a small disclaimer, there is some descriptive language here today. The last 2 weeks we learned there’s a diff between struggling with sin & being fully committed to wickedness. We live in a fallen world; many people suffer from choices they regret, choices many are forced into. God’s purpose for this passage isn’t to shame or condemn people who’ve been sucked into bad situations. This passage's descriptive language is a metaphor for why evil has such seductive power. It pulls back the curtain on that seductive power so followers of Jesus can know what’s really going on in the world. Don’t you ever marvel at this world constantly fighting against your desire to follow Jesus faithfully? Does it seem like this world never tries to make it easy, to help you stay faithful when all it does is make it harder? Doesn’t it seem like the world constantly beckons us to fall in love with life on this earth more than we love the savior? The world sys