Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.36- Wickedness Is Stubborn



Do you ever get frustrated with how the world seems so stubbornly commitment to wickedness & evil? Does it ever seem like the world in general takes pleasure in its relentless rejection of God, and the Gospel? Even if they don’t reject God, they are relentlessly committed to redefining Him in their terms? One example is God’s judgement. Most of the world, even some Christians, want to cancel the idea of the wrath of God. How could God be a God of love and judge people? Why does Evil seem like an uncontrollable weed popping up everywhere, constantly needing to be rooted out? There is a reason for this. The wicked aren’t just wicked because of sins they commit. Aren’t the righteous sinners too? The difference between the righteous & the wicked isn’t sinlessness; it's a full, devoted, passionate commitment to evil. That’s what wickedness is, a relentless commitment to what is untrue, what is evil. That’s what we see in this passage.