Explore Norths Podcast

Podcast 118: Knocked down in the Pacific - and brutally honest



James "Jim" Dobie was a skipper in the Clipper Round The World Race when he got brutally knocked down in the North Pacific. Of course, he put on a brave face during the incident, you actually have no choice when you are a skipper in a dangerous situation, but inside he was screaming "I want to get off". Back on shore, he wrote the story as it really happened and how it affected him. It is very few skippers that tell it like it really is, and it was really liberating to read his story. So I just had to make a podcast with him. Here he also talks about his plan to take keen sailors who want to invest in a sheared boat and experiences the high latitudes and eventually through the North West Passage. You can find out more about it on his Facebook page Ægir Yachting. Keen on sailing the Norwegian coast? You should be. Read Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition. If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wr