
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 96:07:17
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A podcast by Wollongong Baptist Church. Dive deeper into the word of God as recorded in the Bible. Featuring interviews with our pastors as they respond to questions that have arisen from the Bible talks delivered each Sunday.


  • Deuteronomy - Week 6 - Generous Justice

    10/06/2021 Duration: 32min

    Deuteronomy 16:18-20 commands God's people pursue justice. Deuteronomy 24:19-22 commands God's people to be generous towards the needy. But what if justice, which we all long for in this broken world, begins with being generous ourselves towards those in need?! This change of mindset helps us better answer the question: How does God expect his people to treat those in need? Ken Davies helps us think deeper through these passages in Deuteronomy.

  • Deuteronomy - Week 5 - God's Better Guidance

    02/06/2021 Duration: 28min

    Deuteronomy 18:9-22 lists a number of practices that the LORD finds detestable - sacrificing children, divination, interpreting omens, casting speells, witchcraft and more! They are detestable to the LORD because they are a turning away from God, not trusting Him, an act of fear and desparation to find guidance about the future  in ways that are against God - and often are demonic in their nature. God warns us against dabbling in such practices, but instead points us to a much better way - His way! We don't need to chase after signs, which only lead us astray and to confusion, we need Jesus, His wrds, and His Holy Spirit. Rod Bayley helps us think deeper through Deuteronomy 18:9-22.

  • Deuteronomy - Week 4 - The King of God's People

    27/05/2021 Duration: 31min

    500 years before Israel would ask God for a king, God set the boundaries for what they must look for in a king: 1. Where from - he must be one of them 2. Weapons - he must not put his trust in his military might 3. Wives - he must not have many wives nor marry foreign women lest they tempt him away from God 4. Wealth - he must not put his trust / pride in his wealth As we read through 1 and 2 Kings we see king after king fail in this. So why did God set these boundaries? It wasn't to make Israel fail, but to show their dependence upon Him alone, and point us to the one true King who will fulfill these conditions perfectly - Jesus! Ken Davies will helps us think deeper through Deuteronomy 17:14-20.

  • Deuteronomy - Week 3 - LOVED AND SET APART

    20/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    For all who have out their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you are secure in God's love! God loves us, because he loves us! We are his treasured possession, not because we earned it, but because he chose us. And in loving us, he sets us apart as his people. Do we live as God's treasured possession, a city on a hill, a light to the nations? The gospel calls us to live radically different lives as his people - the gospel is therefore necessarily missional. But there was a particular period in Israel's history when they were to go and take possession of the land God had given them - and in doing so, they had to destroy the inhabitants of the land. Mark Roberts will help us unpack Deuteronomy 7 and give us some tools to help us read what are some uncomfortable verses, but in the midst we see God's clear and amazing grace and love for his people.

  • Deuteronomy - Week 2 - FOREVER FAITHFUL

    12/05/2021 Duration: 28min

    The Ten Commandments of Deuteronomy 5 and the Shema of Deuteronomy 6 are two passages for God's people. The Shema (6v4-5) reads: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength." This is the command that follows from the the Ten Commandments, but preceding these commands are the words of grace in 5v6: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery." Our God is a God of grace who not only rescues us, but shows us how to live in relationship with Him. Rod Bayley helps us dig Deeper into Deuteronomy 5-6.

  • Deuteronomy - Week 1 - CHOOSE LIFE

    05/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    The book of Deuteronomy begins with the words "These are the words Moses spoke to all Israel in the wilderness east of the Jordan..." Having spent 40 years in the wilderness in what should have been an 11-day journey, Israel are on the verge of entering the Promised Land. Moses is therefore preaching to the next generation that they're to remember all that God has done for them, and trust God in all that he will do for them. In other words, because God is good his words are good and so God's people should listen to them, for it is in obedience that we choose life. Mark Roberts helps us dig deeper into Deuteronomy 1-3 and Ken Davies helps us dig deeper into Deuteronomy 4.

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 8 - INVESTING

    31/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    What do we do during the delay before Jesus returns? The Kingdom of God, that we're pledging our lives to, has an upside down dimension - it's now but not yet, those who we think will be in are out and those we think will be out are in! If we're pledging our lives to be in this Kingdom, then what we do with our lives now matters - so what will we do during the delay before Jesus returns? In our podcast this week we dig Deeper into Luke 19:11-27 with one of our  pastors, Mark Roberts.

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 7 - SEEK

    26/03/2021 Duration: 30min

    How can the spiritually lost be found? By seeking them out, and by the lost truly repenting. This passage about Zacchaeus might be a familiar one to many, but it is one that challenges us in many ways. Firstly because it is Jesus that seeks us (the lost) out, not we seek Jesus out. But also is asks if we have Jesus' heart for the lost! Do we truly understand that how we love others may be a matter of life and death... In our podcast this week we dig Deeper into Luke 19:1-10 with one of our pastors, Rod Bayley. 

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 6 - BLINDNESS

    17/03/2021 Duration: 25min

    How can our spiritual blindness be removed? It's a big question, but the healing of the physical blindness of the man in Luke 18:31-43 highlights our spiritual blindness. And our spiritual blindness can only be healed by recognising Jesus' true identity, and accepting his crowning as King. Recognising Jesus as both Lord and Saviour is essential, as the crowds will try to sway us, and when we go through trials we need to know who to look to for help. This week Rod Bayley helps us dig deeper into Luke  18:31-43.

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 5 - WEALTH

    12/03/2021 Duration: 27min

    We believe everything we have is ours, but it isn't! It belongs to God and we're just managers of it on behalf of God. Knowing who Jesus is helps us understand how we can follow Jesus and have a right mindset about our possessions. This week Ken Davies helps us dig deeper into Luke 18:18-30 to see Jesus' investment strategy for us - it is important to provide for our families, and also to plan for our retirement, but do we also plan for eternity?

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 4 - CONFIDENCE

    03/03/2021 Duration: 29min

    We're all in danger of putting our confidence in the wrong things or in the wrong people. Jesus warns us in Luke 18:9-17 of not only how we evaluate ourselves, but how we evaluate others. Do we take centre-stage? Or do we realise that the kingdom of God is for those who know they don't deserve it? This week Ken Davies helps us dig deeper into these verses to see that it is because Jesus is good that we are welcomed into his kingdom, not because we are good - and we should extend that welcome to others. What walls do we need to stop putting up? And what welcome signs can we be putting out instead?

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 3 - PRAYER

    24/02/2021 Duration: 31min

    Jesus ended his parable in Luke 18:1-8 with a question: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" And what kind of faith will Jesus, the Son of Man, be looking for when he returns? Last week we looked at what it means for God's people to 'wait', that it is active and not passive. This week Mark helps us see one key aspect of what waiting faith looks like - one where we always pray and don't lose hope. We need to see the world as God sees it - and grieve. And this should drive us to long for God's justice and to pray to our loving heavenly Father. 

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 2 - WAITING

    18/02/2021 Duration: 30min

    This is our second podcast in our "Upside Down Kingdom" series looking at Luke 17 - 19. This week Clayton Ryan and Ken Davies are discussing Luke 17:20-37 and what Jesus is calling his people to do as we wait for Him to return. Waiting, in this sense' is anything but a passive activity. There are a lot of things about Jesus' Second Coming that can distract us from what's really important, and in this episode Ken helps us think biblically how we get on living our lives until He comes. 

  • Luke 17-19 - Week 1 - FORGIVENESS

    10/02/2021 Duration: 31min

    This is our first episode for 2021 as we begin a new series titled "Upside Down Kingdom" looking at Luke 17 - 19. This week Clayton Ryan and Mark Roberts are discussing Luke 17:1-19 and the subject of forgiveness, especially forgiveness towards brothers and sisters in Christ within the church. Mark helps us think biblically about rebuking others that we see in sin, forgiving those who sin against us, what do we do when others won't repent, and perhaps most importantly, what can we be doing now to prepare our hearts to be ready and able to forgive others.

  • 2020 Retrospective

    10/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    Join us for the final podcast of 2020 as our pastors Rod Bayley, Mark Roberts and Ken Davies come together to spend some time in reflection thinking back over the year that was. Tune in as the pastors recap the various series we’ve worked through in 2020, and share how God has been at work during a year that did not go to plan! Be encouraged as we reflect on the fruit that has been born through the challenges of this year, and celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church.

  • 1 John - Week 8 - LOVE

    03/12/2020 Duration: 21min

    This episode marks the final instalment in our series in the book of 1 John. Tune in as Pastor Rod Bayley shares a little of his own reflections on the series as a whole and encourages us to love the true God, and to love others at our local church. 

  • 1 John - Week 7 - CHILDREN OF GOD

    26/11/2020 Duration: 26min

    "Dear children" is a repeated refrain from the Apostle John. But what does he mean? What actually is a "child of God"? How do you become one, and what difference does it make? In this podcast we're joined by a special guest to talk about the topic of adoption.

  • 1 John - Week 6 - ASSURANCE

    18/11/2020 Duration: 22min

    The book of 1 John is sometimes referred to as a book of assurance. Assurance is a big and weighty topic! Tune in to hear Pastor Mark Roberts explain what assurance is, where Christians can derive their sense of assurance from, and what we should do if our time studying 1 John has actually left us feeling decidedly unassured.

  • 1 John - Week 5 - COMMANDMENTS OLD AND NEW

    12/11/2020 Duration: 33min

    Tune in as Pastor Ken Davies helps us to think rightly about the commands of both the Old and New Testament.  The discussion will consider the role and relevance of Old Testament commands, what these reveal about God and ourselves, well as how we can have the right heart attitude about keeping God's commands.  Ken references a helpful article you might like to read for further investigation. It can be found at:

  • 1 John - Week 4 - FALSE TEACHERS

    05/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    What is a false teacher? What problems arise from false declarations about God? What responsibility do we have in discrediting false teachers and HOW can we do this? Tune in this week to hear Pastor Rod Bayley as he helpfully guides us through this difficult topic and encourages us to not only stand against false teaching, but to make sure we ourselves faithfully declare God's word.  The link to Tim Challies' article may be found here:

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