
Deuteronomy - Week 3 - LOVED AND SET APART



For all who have out their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you are secure in God's love! God loves us, because he loves us! We are his treasured possession, not because we earned it, but because he chose us. And in loving us, he sets us apart as his people. Do we live as God's treasured possession, a city on a hill, a light to the nations? The gospel calls us to live radically different lives as his people - the gospel is therefore necessarily missional. But there was a particular period in Israel's history when they were to go and take possession of the land God had given them - and in doing so, they had to destroy the inhabitants of the land. Mark Roberts will help us unpack Deuteronomy 7 and give us some tools to help us read what are some uncomfortable verses, but in the midst we see God's clear and amazing grace and love for his people.