Cupid's Coach With Julie Ferman



Are you Single? Wish you weren't? I'm your host, Julie Ferman, join me as I challenge today's evolutionary, modern day dating experts, through interviews that are frank, courageous, open-hearted and often hilarious.We'll shine light on your blind spots (yep, we've all got 'em) and we'll laugh through our A-HA moments together. You'll hear about couples who did dating well and found each other, and the flops -- those who are doing dating badly -- we'll learn from them too. How might you do dating differently? What subtle and not so subtle changes might you make that might just change everything? Join me on this journey as we listen, laugh, learn and love!


  • Ep. 99 - Silver Linings & Generating Happiness

    28/02/2022 Duration: 46min

    Disciplining ourselves to see the opportunities in our "problems", recognizing that having a relationship (with a human or an animal) is trading a headache for a stomach ache - acknowledging the power we have to choose how to frame life's happenings. Happiness chemicals - how to create them consistently for ourselves, through disciplined, consistent practices.   

  • Ep. 98 - Are you bored? Have YOU been boring? Here's the fix!

    20/02/2022 Duration: 48min

    Curiosity is the antidote to boredom. If you've been bored (or boring) on your early dates or in your relationships, uh oh.... that's on you. Develop your arsenal of deep dive, under the surface questions and topics that you can and maybe should be incorporating into your dating game. And my pick for the best "How We Met" story!

  • Ep. 97 - Little Miss Fussy Pants

    30/01/2022 Duration: 43min

    Do you focus more on what you DON'T want, than what you love and appreciate? Are you a "Human No Machine" , guarding yourself with your obscenely long Must Have List?  And do you have the courage to look your "bad habits" squarely in the eye and step into a new, healthier, happier version of yourself? 

  • Ep. 96 - A Truly Good Man: Can you handle him, really?

    23/01/2022 Duration: 20min

    There's no shortage of truly GOOD men out there. The real issue might be whether you are ready for a true blue, rock solid, partnership-oriented man -- or maybe not so much. Find out why a bunch of ladies missed meeting my awesome gentleman client, Sean, and why one super smart woman gets to keep him and experience family life together. 

  • Ep. 95 - Your New Year Dating Plan

    09/01/2022 Duration: 26min

    Setting yourself up for success in your dating life. Join me as we create your action plan for finding "your person" this year. How one smart 44 year old managed dating and is now married with a baby on the way. Creative first dates, out of the ordinary Zoom dates, and why it's great to have a posse of single pals.  Is this your year to find Your Person?  

  • Ep. 94 - Transcending Sexual Abuse and Addiction

    02/01/2022 Duration: 40min

    Meet my guest, Chuck Tyler, author and teacher of meditation and yoga, as he shares his transformational journey through recovery from childhood sexual abuse. Gaining power over our thoughts through meditation and yoga is instrumental in moving through addiction and trauma, and why comedy improv is therapeutic.   

  • Ep. 93 - The Year in Dating Adventures

    19/12/2021 Duration: 49min

    Assessing  2021's dating adventures, let's mine for gold in your calendar. How to make lemonade with a Close But No Cigar gathering. Why your "crazy busy" calendar is saying to your romantic hopefuls, and how to make yourself more accessible and more bookable for dates with potential candidates. Over-sharing - how to stop doing it and how to save someone who's doing it. And how to spin a "bad date" into a mutual WIN!

  • Ep. 92 - Boobie Prizes

    12/12/2021 Duration: 48min

    Are you dating for only ONE reason, to find Your Person? If so, uh oh, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Listen in as we shine light on the Boobie Prizes that are everywhere along your dating journey. Expanding your capacity to communicate compassionately, to hold your space, to contribute and to embrace contribution from another imperfect person. And when it's time to evolve beyond ageism. 

  • Ep. 91 - Tough to match? Draw Bigger Circles!

    28/11/2021 Duration: 17min

    The more specific your criteria...the broader your reach needs to be.  Expand your radius, qualify and nurture your candidates and suitors, book the flight or get in the car and drive to meet your most interesting prospects. You go the extra mile. Plus, why First Responders are truly hot!

  • Ep. 90 - Surprise Date Challenge

    21/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    In the hot seat today is Marty Kupper, co-founder of Surprise Date Challenge for individuals and couples. How to create and enhance connection, romance and fun in ALL of our personal relationships. How planning surprise dates will thoroughly transform your experience of dating and relating. 

  • Ep. 89 - Red, Yellow, and Green Flags

    31/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    Are you "red flagging" too much? Is it OK to have a Friend with Benefits? What about the dog in the bed? She voted for WHO? Have you barricaded yourself behind so many red flags that no one can get to you? Do you really want another person in your life? Let's get real about that.

  • Ep. 88 - Natural Matches, Unnatural Matches

    11/10/2021 Duration: 27min

    Are you setting yourself up for failure in dating because you're seeing an unnatural match, someone who isn't seeking you? Why you should pay particular attention to the Maybes.

  • Ep. 87 - Dating Just Got Kinder

    19/09/2021 Duration: 27min

    Adam Gilad shares his invitation, to join us for the upcoming Kyyndr Summit. I want ALL of my peeps with me at this miraculous, thoroughly innovative online event -- an opportunity to engage with, learn from and learn with thousands of other single men and women who are enthused about the notion of doing dating well, with love, care, compassion, openness and courage.

  • Ep. 86 - Storytime: Who's getting it? Who's not?

    12/09/2021 Duration: 29min

    Why are Caroline and David still single, after years and years of dating, while Blake and Kathy find themselves entwined in a surprising new love affair? How two perfectly imperfect humans can create beautiful love together.

  • Ep. 85 - Managing Dating ADHD, Racism, and Inclusivity in Candidate Selection

    29/08/2021 Duration: 45min

    Do you have Dating ADHD? How to best utilize your tech tools: your dating apps and online dating memberships. Managing your inner psycho by building your dating funnel. What fears are driving you to sort out those who are different than you are?  Doing your part to maximize each of  your opportunities with likely candidates...while staying open to surprises!

  • Ep. 84 - Misbehaving or Clueless?

    15/08/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    When things go awry in dating, is it because that "loser" was misbehaving...or merely clueless? When it's you who's got the blind spot, when it's you who made the unfortunate choice, were you misbehaving or were you clueless? What do we call the person who's misbehaving AND clueless?  There's a word for that too....

  • Ep. 83 - Making Dating Kinder

    01/08/2021 Duration: 47min

    Adam Gilad, founder of invites us and shows us how to bring much more kindness to the dating process. Discover with us the seductive power of willingness, why curiosity is the "baking soda" of true intimacy, and how not to be a Dick!.

  • Ep. 82 - Matching Celebrities, A-Listers...and Folks Like You!

    25/07/2021 Duration: 53min

    Celebrity Matchmaker Ali Conti joins us to share best practices for dating today. Whether you're royalty, a well-known celeb, or just a normal person seeking meaningful, lasting love; this frank, open-hearted conversation between two world class matchmakers enlightens and entertains!

  • Ep. 81 - Faith, Beliefs, Spirituality, Soulmates

    18/07/2021 Duration: 53min

    My fellow colleague, professional matchmaker and soul sister, Jessica Fass is in the hot seat today, engaging with me on issues related to spirituality and religion in dating. The  parameters you've set for your personal search for love -- are they spot on or shall we tweak / broaden / narrow them? Rethinking geography, we share new tools and ideas for developing love and relationships creatively from afar with long distance prospects. 

  • Ep. 80 - Politics, Date Planning, and Mountain Lovers

    11/07/2021 Duration: 23min

    Should political leanings be a Critical Criteria for you, or not? Your matchmaker needs to know. Tips on scheduling and planning your dates, and a new dating avenue for mountain lovers everywhere!

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