Mid-days With Lauree

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 29:45:38
  • More information



Lauree "Lo" Austin is Definitely Raw, Kinda Funny, and 100% Heart!


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  • "If They Only Knew..." Why We Have To Stop Listening To Our Inner Critic

    19/04/2021 Duration: 02min

    Have you ever been a social situation where you thought, "if they only knew the truth, there's no way they'd want anything to do with me."? There was a season of my life that I knew this feeling all too well and that inner voice almost caused me to miss out on one of the most impactful experiences of my life! I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's ever felt this way. The feeling of knowing that because of the sin in my life, I wanted to run away from community instead of running towards it, running away from church instead of being apart of it, running away from God instead of running to him. My encouragement to you is this: 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God doesn't carry around the burdens of our sin and view us for that. We're seen as forgiven when we come to him. It's good news.

  • Research Shows This Is The Most Effective Ways To Lead People To Jesus

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  • 3 Ways To Survive Being A Single Mom

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  • Lauree Prays A Familiar Prayer For Someone In Our KCBI Community

    16/04/2021 Duration: 02min

    We have something called the Prayer Center over at KCBI.org where you can leave a prayer request or you can pray for others in this KCBI community and that's exactly what this podcast is about!Today, Lauree prays a familiar prayer for one of our friends who been single for sometime and has a big date coming up this next week.

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  • Rest, Don't Quit

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    Some days, you can't escape the tired feeling. You may even feel like waving the white flag on the day completely, but what if instead of quitting, we chose rest?

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    Doug was at home the other night, dozing off to sleep on the couch...till this happened.

  • I Hear God Better When My Room Is Clean

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    I know this is a little off the wall, but I truly believe I can hear God better when my room is clean.

  • Have You Ever Tried To Teach God Something?

    14/04/2021 Duration: 01min

    Has there ever been a moment you've tried to teach God something?I know you probably think this question is silly and you'd be right, it is. God is the creator of the universe, what could I ever teach him? Well let me share with you my moment of immaturity where I tried to do just that.I was 17 years old and was with my youth group teaching English to kids from the Czech Republic and the first night of camp I noticed a girl started praying in her native language of Czech. I remember thinking it was beautiful, but I got worried thinking God wouldn't understand this girl because I couldn't understand her. So in my ignorance, I took a shot at translating her prayer so God could understand her when in reality I made God out to be too small. God understood her perfectly, not because God excelled in some foreign language class (lets be clear, he would), but because God was and will always be so much bigger than whatever expectations we could have of him. I'm so thankful for that.

  • Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Has Been Halted

    13/04/2021 Duration: 01min

    You may have heard the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been halted for the moment due to some unforeseen side effects. Maybe you've received the one time vaccine and you're wondering what you should be looking out for. Here is the latest insight!

  • Big Blue Has A Big Ooops Moment

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    Big Blue, better known as the University of Kentucky, had a BIG ooops moment that left some student heartbroken and others downright confused!

  • What Would You Do For 10 Million Dollars

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  • Anger Isn't Pretty

    13/04/2021 Duration: 02min

    It's kinda vulnerable to admit that you struggle with anger. I did that today. Because it's been a struggle for me. And I believe that as a community when we share areas of our own weakness we can encourage and exhort others to pursue more Christlikeness together. So I admitted that I've struggled with anger this past year.A friend once told me that anger is a secondary response. When we are offended, betrayed, hurt, or sad that's the initial feeling and then it goes to anger. It's been going there pretty quick lately. I'm not proud of that. Here’s what angers gets us, it damages trust. It causes anxiety, it leads to loneliness and it damages self-esteem. You won't have to look far in the book of Proverbs to find so many examples of instruction what to do with our anger. But it was the encouragement of Ecclesiastes 7:9 today that gave me a challenge and rebuke: Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,for anger resides in the lap of fools.I don't want to be a fool. I certainly don't want to be an angry fool.

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