Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! In this weekly discussion of film and television, Stephen, Robbie and (sometimes)Dack will say what they want, drink what they feel, and laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX!
FANTASY, Or: How Robbie Can't Think Off The Top Of His Head
11/09/2019 Duration: 01h34minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave #eyediosmio The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - Hundred Proof History: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
THE KIDS, Or: How I Stubbed My Toe On A Sock
04/09/2019 Duration: 01h15minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - Hundred Proof History: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
#1 FAN, Or: How We Add Something New To The Dictionary
28/08/2019 Duration: 01h39minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - Hundred Proof History: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
ACCURATE! Or: How, No...No It's Not
21/08/2019 Duration: 02h08minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - Hundred Proof History: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
GAME SHOW II, Or: How Josh Has Been Living A Secret Life All Along
14/08/2019 Duration: 01h31minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
IN HELL, Or: How The Movie Should Have Been Called Once Upon A Time...
07/08/2019 Duration: 01h15minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
GUILTY, Or: How The Obsession Finally Rears Its Ugly Head
31/07/2019 Duration: 01h25minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. We curse. We drink tequila. We discuss the last movie we saw. Robbie drinks something new. Josh gets fired. Stephen bangs on the table. We laugh unnecessarily close to the microphone and consistently reference old episodes! MOMMA SOAPBOX MIGHT MAKE A CAMEO APPEARANCE!!! Nothing is off limits! Nobody's safe! This is madness. This is chaos. THIS! IS! CINEMA SOAPBOX! #dicksuave The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
COOGA, Or: How We Saw This Coming Months Ago
24/07/2019 Duration: 01h39minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like how I've had to delete something for the passed two episodes. Or how we're the worst movie podcast ever because none of us watched a movie last week. Or how Eddie Murphy will never truly disappoint us. Or how Bradley Cooper's ex wife would be great in A Few Good Men. Or how Jimmy Iovine was a monster back in the early 90s. Or how our main topic this week was overshadowed by relentless jibber jabber. Or...Or.... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
QUARTER, Or: How This Doesn't Feel Like Artistic Pursuit
17/07/2019 Duration: 01h23minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Or...honestly, guys. Here's the real deal. for BIG ASS episode 25 we teamed up with the BIG ASSHOLES of the IDIOTSYNCRATIC podcast for a legitimate crossover. We discuss some heavy shit, but we more or less just dick around like we always do. Check them out in the links in our summary. They're our best friends. The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
PEEVED, Or: How Some Idiots Can Play A J Sharp
11/07/2019 Duration: 01h42minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Stephen is somewhat sick. Or how a lot of things bother us. Or how in all reality we're not generally happy people. Or how Robbie got the biggest reaction for his drink choice ever. Or how something Josh said got deleted. Or how we got a little more political than we usually do. Or how we may or may not be social relevant. Or...or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
THE PITCH, Or: How You've Made Me Hate Steve Carell
03/07/2019 Duration: 01h59minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Stephen pitches a TV show to us. Or how it's a really REALLY good idea. Or how we take a break to shotgun a Keystone. Or how it's the first time Josh and I have ever seen Stephen drink a beer. Or how the idea of seeing Lisa Kudrow and Julia Louis-Dreyfus come face to face on screen would be amazing. Or how Robbie is a better co-host than actual host. Or...or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
ABOUT NOTHING III, Or: How It's Over Before It Even Starts
26/06/2019 Duration: 01h43minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Or...I'm gonna be honest af, guys. These "About Nothing" episodes are the hardest to write a summary for, because the conversation is here, there and everywhere. For the life of me, I can't remember what we talked about, and hopefully I can get Stephen in to properly tag the episode so it can be searched for a tad more easily. Just do yourself a favor, and enjoy the episode. I'm sure there are some gems in there somewhere. The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
2 CASHIN' 2 CHECKS, Or: How Nic Cage Is Confused By Mushrooms
19/06/2019 Duration: 01h16minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Or this is our first podcast crossover episode. Or how Tarantino sucks. Or how Robbie is the only one that thinks Tarantino sucks. Or how Stephen gets jealous. Or how Justyn gets fired before Josh. Or how we pitch more fake movies. Or how Justyn plays really REALLY inappropriate sound byte. Or...or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - Idiotsyncratic: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
BOOTLEG CHEWBACCA, Or: How George Lucas Just...ugh...He Sucks
12/06/2019 Duration: 01h40minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we watched. Or how this is our twentieth episode. Or all things Star Wars. Or how Robbie started a new drink series. Or how George Lucas is terrible. Or how Han Solo was almost a whole list of actors. Or how foo FIGHTuhs makes a come back. Or really REALLY bad Sylvester Stallone impressions. Or...or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
3000, Or: Endgame OMG You Guys We Finally Get To Talk About Endgame OMG
29/05/2019 Duration: 02h18sCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like Endgame. Or Endgame. Or Iron Man. Or Endgame. Or Fat Thor. Or Endgame. Or Captain America. Or Scott Lang. Or Endgame. Or Nebula. Or Endgame. Or Endgame. Or ENNNNNNNDGAAAAAAAME!!! Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
WHIFFED, Or: How Two People Completely Devastated An Entire Fan Base In 6 Episodes
22/05/2019 Duration: 01h32minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like how Robbie's the hose and it totally goes to his head. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or how Armando gets fired instead of Josh. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones Or how Robbie will now NEVER watch the show because of the final season. Or fucking coffee cups and water bottles. Or Game Of Thrones. Or how no one's really excited for Star Wars anymore. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
ARMANDO & LEXI, Or: Is It Biopic, Biopic, Or BeeOPike?
15/05/2019 Duration: 01h45minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or Josh gets demoted...again. Or how we finally get so racist we call it quits. Or how there's no joke about when we're recording. Or how Johnny Knoxville interests no one but Robbie. Or how Elmo, Kermit and Cookie Monster get ruined. Or how LEXI DO YOUR SHOT!!! Or how Armando makes it all worth it. Or how Josh needed to see Stephen in his office. Or how Taron Egerton should dethrone Rami Malek. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
MAYtheforcebewithHEW, Or; How Only 90s Kids will Understand This Episode
10/05/2019 Duration: 01h45minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or how That 70s Show is an antique. Or Peter Mayhew put up with Stephen's bullshit. Or how Robbie totally fooled the bros. Or something something something Game Of Thrones again. Or how 1999 was really only ten years ago. Or how Josh's chiseled chin distracts the bros. Or how we really don't mean to shit on any directs but M Night Shamwow is a complete hack. Or how Josh ruins The Visit. Or how Bruce Willis was dead the whole fucking time. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
INEVITABLE, Or: How We Spoil Literally Nothing, And This One's For You Chris
01/05/2019 Duration: 01h38minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or how they call him Dick Suave. Or something about pancakes. Or how Billy Shoots Blanks. Or something something something Game Of Thrones. Or how we review Endgame without spoiling shit. Or how I'm so proud of myself for not spoiling shit. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -
25/04/2019 Duration: 01h15minCinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding (your fearless leader), Robbie Clark (the seniorest editor), and Josh (almost against his will) take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or how Josh is the only one who shows up. Or something about fish sauce. Or Dave Grohl is the man. Or how Josh totally beefs it on the commercial. Or how Stephen talks about movies. Or Disney+ will be a game changers. Or how Robbie sniffles into the mic a little too constantly. Or...or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -