Ceo Vibes Podcast



I'm Haley, the voice behind each episode. My goal for YOU is to scale your business using profit focused productivity strategies that I teach on this podcast. I will be talking with you each week over strategy, systems, and sales so that together, you and I, can make a plan for you to hit your dream revenue goal month after month after month. I'm excited for you to tune in and become a part of the #profitplanner movement!


  • 027: Organizing Your Marketing and Business Finances with Elena Forbes

    19/06/2017 Duration: 43min

    Today I brought Elena Forbes on the show because we talk about all these marketing strategies BUT with these strategies, you are spending money on tools or are having other expenses and I want to make sure that all of us are prepared + organized when it comes to the financial side of your business. She really breaks everything down to where it is beyond easy. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 026: Creating a Unique Experience with Live Video

    12/06/2017 Duration: 42min

    TODAY I’m bringing someone on that isn’t super business-y or market-y but knows a good amount about live streaming and creating a REALLY awesome community around live video. And that person is my handsome husband Creed who I seriously cannot wait for you to meet!    He talks about how he utilizes live streaming to bring in donations through his gaming channel on twitch and how he has created a sense of community online for his people. We talked about creating a marketing strategy with Facebook live a few weeks ago with Michelle and this episode is about to take your Facebook lives to the NEXT level which I’m really excited about. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 025: Finding Keywords for SEO to Strengthen Your Online Presence

    05/06/2017 Duration: 50min

    So I have a really good friend that I want you to meet today. His name is Jacob Mills and we met on Instagram over our love of SEO and paid advertising. He’s so fantastic and I know you’re going to love meeting him and learning from him. We’re talking about how to find the perfect keywords that you can use to optimize your website with so you can show up on search engines, have a strong presence online, and kick butt.  This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 024: Top SEO Myths and Mistakes You Need to Know

    29/05/2017 Duration: 30min

    I wanted last week to be super fun because today I wanted to talk about search engine optimization, which may not be the sexiest topic. I get it. But it is definitely important! So let’s say you are a brand designer and someone types in the search bar “quality feminine brand designers” and YOUR work with me page shows up. SO exciting! That’s the power of SEO because we are able to optimize our site or certain pages to show up based on keywords. There are quite a few myths out there as well as mistakes that are being made when it comes to search engine optimization. So I’m going to put it all out there. What they myths and mistakes are and how you won’t fall into these SEO traps yourself! This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside

  • 023: How to Use Facebook Live as a Marketing Strategy

    22/05/2017 Duration: 54min

    Today, it’s all about Facebook live my friend. I’m bringing the wonderful Michelle Lewis to chat ALL about this today and I just know you are going to love her. I know Facebook live can be terrifyingly overwhelming and a bit intimidating especially if you have never gone live before or are new to live. Michelle and I give strategies to help conquer the overwhelm and how to use Facebook live strategically in your business, not just casually because everyone is telling you it’s a good idea. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 022: Getting Smart with Email Segmentation

    15/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    Let's talk about email segmentation. This is an insanely useful email marketing tactic that a lot of people aren’t using! So I want to give you the low down on what it is, how you can use this tactic strategically, and how this will not only make your customers feel more loved but allow you to bring in more sales because you are talking to the right people on your list.  This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 021: How to Use Stock Photography to Market Your Business

    08/05/2017 Duration: 45min

    Stock photography can be used in strategic ways to not only help brand your business but help market your services and products effectively. I brought on stock photographer Brittney Bush to the podcast to talk about how she and her clients have used stock photography in marketing and social media to elevate their brand experience. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 020: How to Balance Working a 9-5 and Running a Business

    01/05/2017 Duration: 52min

    If you are working a full-time job and either thinking about starting a business, already have a business, or making the transition you are in the right place because Tisa and I are chatting it up today about how to balance your life when it comes to working a 9-5 and being the boss you are as well. She has some fantastic takeaways, strategies, and advice if you’re in this boat. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 019: Understanding Your Marketing Metrics to Make Smarter Decisions

    24/04/2017 Duration: 46min

    Marketing metrics are intimidating. I mean there are all these numbers and what the heck do they even mean and what should you even be paying attention to and there are so many things to track. I feel ya. I was in that boat before but let me tell you, numbers are important. So I brought on Nicole who is freaking fantastic and she’s going to talk to us all about having confidence in your marketing metrics. We aren’t only diving in into what types of metrics to track but also how do view your metrics as a challenge as well as a story that is telling you some invaluable information about your business that you are currently missing. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 018: Adding Passive Income To Your Business

    17/04/2017 Duration: 48min

    Bailey Richert is on the show and we are chatting about being an infopreneur and how you can leverage this type of passive income in your business.  This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 017: Taking Care of Your Clients Using the 5 Love Languages

    10/04/2017 Duration: 50min

    Rachel Allene and I are chatting about using the 5 Love Languages effectively in your business so that your customers and clients feel like they are taken care of. This impacts the way others view your brand and puts you on the track to being a more genuine business owner. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 016: How to Effectively Run a Blog as a Business Owner

    03/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    As business owners, we juggle a lot and content marketing aka having a blog, podcast, or youtube channel can be so time-consuming and a lot to keep up with. Allie Williams talks about how to effectively run a blog as a business owner so you will feel like you have it all together instead of like you are going crazy (because we have all been there!) This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 015: My Path to Entrepreneurship and How to Effectively Pivot in Your Business

    27/03/2017 Duration: 34min

    Today’s episode was requested by a lot of people and an episode that I honestly dreaded. When I take requests for specific topics on the show, this is the most requested episode.. “Haley, how did you get to where you are right now? How many times did you pivot in business?” So ok, I’ll be honest and let you in on the real reason why I put this episode on the back burner for months. Part of my story is a little tough. For years, I worked really hard and my life was consumed by the business I created. I became a slave to work. But the root of the reason why is because I was escaping something that had happened to me from my past, something that created a terrible habit of working and being busy every second of my life to the point of where relaxing is so foreign to me. I joke around about it, but I’m terrible at it. I can’t NOT work. People joke about being a workaholic but, I truly believe I was addicted to working as an alcoholic was addicted to alcohol because I hated the thought of having to face my situati

  • 014: Getting Started with Video for a Low Cost

    19/03/2017 Duration: 53min

    I have Tors Grantham on the show so if video freaks you out or you don’t know how to use video strategically in your business, she’s about to provide some crazy practical and extremely easy steps to get you fired up about using video in your business. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 013: Crucial Web Design Tips that Impact Your Wallet

    13/03/2017 Duration: 54min

    I’m so excited we get to chat about not only the importance of a beautiful, branded website but where things need to go on the pages of the site as well as what needs to go on the pages of the site to make sure your website is working for you. This episode is all about crucial web design tips that impact your wallet.  This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 012: Anxiety and Depression Remedies for Online Business Owners

    05/03/2017 Duration: 26min

    I don’t want you to feel as if you are alone. When I realized how prominent this problem was, I wanted to make sure that my community didn’t feel anywhere close to this. I understand it is so easy to sink into those really low low’s that we all have as business owners but consider joining my Facebook group at so you can have a support system! Think of me as an annoying cheerleader that believes in you a little too much, like embarrassingly too much. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 011: How to Automate Making Money from your Email List

    26/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    What if I told you that you can set something up once and it automatically works in the background of your business to keep bringing in consistent revenue? Listen to this episode and let's make it happen together. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 010: How to Create a Sales Page that Converts for your Services

    14/02/2017 Duration: 57min

    Ok, you are going to absolutely love this episode. Not only because it is with Liz White who is such an incredible person and knows what she is talking about but because it is action packed with specific tips for your sales page. I know your service that you are promoting needs one and Liz is going to walk you through, step by step, and share all of her sales page wisdom with us. I’m so excited that she is geared toward business owners who run solely by providing services because I know this is so perfect and will bring even more to the table for your business. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 009: How to Manage Multiple Clients to Maximize Profits

    06/02/2017 Duration: 50min

    Today I’m chatting with Becca, the co-creator of Dubsado which is a client management system that makes running a service based business a million times easier. I have guest posted for Becca for the Dubsado blog and absolutely love any collaboration we have together. She is always full of excitement and every person I send her way she loves on them so much it makes me want to send as many people over as possible This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

  • 008: Instagram Visual Marketing Advice by the Creator of Plann

    01/02/2017 Duration: 48min

    Christy has developed an app called Plann, runs a blog on and will soon be introducing a new service where she will touch up Instagram images! So of course when I found out about Christy I couldn’t help but rush to the app store and download it so I could play around with the drag and drop feature, hashtag library, and scheduling tool. I have fallen in love with this drool-worthy app and it has become a part of my daily insta routine now. One of the things I love most about Christy is that she genuinely cares about all her app users and wants to have the best product possible which you will clearly be able to tell when you listen to our chat. This episode is brought to you by The Profit Planner Lounge! You can sign up for a 7-day trial for $1 at You will get immediate access to the 6-phase system to create a custom profit plan and an entire blueprint ready to download based on your specific business stage. I'll see you on the inside!

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