Highlights The Malliard Report



Paranormal, Alternative, Trending, Topical, Conspiracy.


  • Exploring Reverend Oakley's Spiritual Expedition: A Journey from Faith to Atheism and Beyond

    24/07/2023 Duration: 59min

    Channeling my younger self as a producer of a local Christian music video show, I'm excited to journey back in time and explore a vastly different era of faith and music. Joining me is the enlightening Reverend Ruin Martin Oakley, who has walked his spiritual path from Pentecostalism to atheism, and now identifies as a universalist and pantheist. Reverend Oakley's spiritual expedition is a fascinating tale of faith deconstruction, sparked by questions that led him to authors like Christopher Hitchens and ultimately propelled him to his current beliefs. His is a testament to the power of questioning and evolving our beliefs.  In the spirit of our nostalgia trip, we journey back to the 90s, a time of Christian music explosion spanning genres from ska to hard metal. We walk down memory lane, reminiscing about Adobe after effects and my own forays into music video production across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Our dialogue extends beyond spirituality and music, touching upon the polarizing influence of leade

  • Exploring Harmonic Wealth through Shared Human Experience

    19/07/2023 Duration: 55min

    Few things in life have the ability to transform us like the unexpected encounter of a soulmate and fellow traveler. In our latest conversation, we follow the unique journey of our guests, James Arthur and Proceval Ray Close, as they navigate the choppy waters of life's trials and triumphs, ultimately leading them to marriage and a shared purpose that's deeply rooted in harmony and well-being. Their compelling personal story offers a fresh perspective on the concept of wealth – a harmonic wealth encompassing the financial, relational, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. As we journey further, we uncover the intriguing intersections of leadership and harmony, daring to question common perceptions. Through our guests' wisdom, we come to understand that the notion of balance is perhaps unrealistic, instead, we should strive for a dynamic harmony across all life's aspects. They also shed light on dealing with life's disappointments - like misses in your career path - and how those moments can become

  • Navigating the Spiritual Evolution of the Aquarian Age with Dick Larson

    28/06/2023 Duration: 01h31s

    Discover the fascinating world of Ageless Wisdom Teachings and the spiritual path they offer for the Aquarian Age in this enlightening conversation with our guest, Dick Larson. With a diverse background from serving in the Air Force to teaching and counseling, Dick shares his insights into the spiritual evolution of humanity and the potential arrival of a great teacher to guide us through our challenges. Join us as we journey through the concept of Masters of the Wisdom, who have the option to inspire humanity from behind the scenes. We discuss the possibility of these Masters returning, and their potential role in laying the groundwork for a better future. Learn how prayer, meditation, and service can act as powerful tools for spiritual growth, and how incorporating these practices into our daily lives can lead to profound personal transformation. As we explore the symbolism of Pisces and Aquarius, we discuss the coming of Jesus and Maitreya, and the evolution of the Christian religion. Our conversation de

  • Unveiling the Life of a Pastor: Deconstruction, Authenticity, and the Impact of Technology with David Hayward

    21/06/2023 Duration: 01h34s

    I remember the days when I was deep in what went on behind the scenes in the church. That's when I discovered David Hayward, aka The Naked Pastor, who began blogging about the real life of a pastor in 2004. In this riveting conversation, David shares his journey to full-time blogging and how he's been able to reach a global audience, with his most popular city being Sao Paulo, Brazil! We dive into the concept of deconstruction, its recent rise in popularity, and how David found freedom in his authenticity while helping others on their unique journeys. Together, we explore the tension between progressive Christianity and deconstruction, focusing on the impact of David's cartoons challenging purity culture and orthodox theology. We discuss the effect of deconstruction on the Big C Church and its need to create space for people experiencing significant transformation and asking serious questions. Moreover, we delve into the consequences of leaving the ministry and embracing the idea of living free, sharing our

  • Navigating the Legal Landscape of US Citizenship and Mortgages

    15/06/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Discover the art of using sales strategies to build trust, create value, and seduce your prospects in our conversation with guest Brandon Joe Williams. Inspired by Sydney Biddle Barrows' book, Uncensored Sales Strategies, we explore the concept of romance in sales and how providing educational content upfront can not only inform your prospects but also help you choose who you want to work with. Join us as we discuss the challenges of disconnecting from the world due to technology's over-connection. Listen in as we dive into the world of self-deprecating branding and its potential to create value for our audience without the need for a traditional sales pitch. Brandon shares his experience in developing a brand based on self-deprecating humor, and how it's transformed his approach to sales and marketing. We also explore how to create content that appeals to your audience and effectively monetize a show. Finally, we delve into the legalities of United States citizenship, the mortgage scam process, and the con

  • Charting the Course for AI's Future: Insights with GermanTownRunner

    07/06/2023 Duration: 01h50s

    Discover the latest insights surrounding the future of AI, as we wrap up our season discussing its potential implications and unknowns with our guest, Dave Bross, also known as Germantown Runner. We tackle recent news of 400 Silicon Valley executives urging a slowdown in AI development and even take a moment to discuss the exciting possibility of pitchers joining the 10-10 club. Join us as we delve into the potential impact of AI on the future of work and the possible necessity for Universal Basic Income (UBI). We also touch on the darker side of AI, exploring the rise of deep fakes and scams, and discuss AI's ever-growing presence in the podcasting world. As we conclude this season, we eagerly anticipate our upcoming spiritual summer season filled with thought-provoking topics and intriguing guests. Finally, we want to extend our gratitude to our listeners for their continued support. Be sure to subscribe and share our podcast, as we venture beyond AI and into the unknown. Don't forget to check out our new

  • Overcoming Barriers in the Biofuel Industry with Matt Snyder

    17/05/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    Join me on this episode of the Malliard Report as I chat with Matt Snyder, CEO and technology inventor at Cipio Biofuels. We explore the fascinating world of biofuels and the role algae plays in producing them. Matt shares his innovative photobio reactor system, which makes it possible to create fuel from algae, and we discuss the challenges and potential of using biofuels as a sustainable energy source. As our conversation continues, we dive into the suppression of innovation, specifically within the biofuel industry. Matt speaks from personal experience, sharing how his groundbreaking work faced hurdles due to lack of government funding and even an FBI investigation. We discuss the implications of such control and what it means for the future of clean energy innovation. In the final part of our discussion, we examine the potential consequences of stifling innovation, including the effects on climate change and the global political landscape. We also discuss the need to transition from an extracted energy

  • The Healing Moment: Exploring the Seven Paths to Recovery and Personal Fulfillment

    06/05/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    In a recent podcast episode, Dr. Dona Marks discussed her new book, "The Healing Moment," which shares the seven paths to healing and recovery. In this insightful and transformative conversation, Dr. Marks emphasizes the importance of trusting our inner voice and how it can guide us through life's challenges. She also explores the concepts of forgiveness, healing, and validation, especially for traumatized children in the age of social media. Additionally, we delve into the nature of addiction, considering whether it's an inherited or learned trait, and discuss various options for treating addiction. The conversation also touches on the power of self-love, appreciation, and connecting to ourselves, emphasizing the importance of compassion, love, and overcoming fear to achieve personal fulfillment. The Power of Trust and Self-Healing According to Dr. Marks, the key to healing and recovery lies in trusting our inner voice. This voice can guide us through life's challenges and help us make better decisions. Ho

  • The Future of AI in Schools: Information Velocity, Deepfakes, and Ethics

    26/04/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education and how it may change the way students and teachers approach learning. We also discuss the concept of "velocity of information" and the overload of information in today's fast-paced world, leading to a "wet bulb effect" where people are overwhelmed and burned out. We explore the growing threat of deepfakes in schools and the potential impact they could have on the education system, as well as the challenges of regulating deepfakes and the potential impact on various industries. We also touch on the role of AI in monitoring students and the ethical implications of using this technology in the classroom. Join us as we ponder the future of AI in schools, the potential ubiquity of constant surveillance in various professions, and the challenges of determining the effectiveness and longevity of safety measures in schools. Don't miss this intriguing conversation about the ever-evolving landscape of AI and education. Guest Da

  • Behind the Headlines: Unraveling the Penn State-Jerry Sandusky Controversy

    19/04/2023 Duration: 01h45s

    In this episode, we dive deep into the controversial Penn State-Jerry Sandusky scandal with John Zeigler of FramingPaterno.com. Initially interested in whether legendary football coach Joe Paterno was unfairly fired, John's investigation soon revealed that not only may Paterno have been railroaded, but the entire case against Sandusky could be fundamentally flawed. We explore the media's role in portraying good guys as bad and vice versa, as well as the attorney general's office's role in the scandal. We also delve into John's personal experience with Jerry Sandusky during his interviews and their subsequent correspondence, discussing key moments and insights that led John to believe in Sandusky's innocence. Finally, we reflect on the personal impact of investigating the Penn State-Jerry Sandusky scandal on John's life and career, and share a tribute to Franco Harris. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and stay tuned for our next episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • The Double-Edged Sword of Advanced Technology

    12/04/2023 Duration: 01h45s

    Advanced technology allows for thorough research and exploration, but also makes it easier to create false information that can mislead people. The abundance of fake news and content makes it difficult to discern what is true or not, regardless of the field. The dogged researcher will spend more time trying to find valid information amidst the sea of misinformation. Regardless of the field, we're all looking for valid information and correct, valid content, not false news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Erica Lukes: Debunking The Myths About UFOs

    05/04/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Are you interested in learning more about UFOs and the paranormal? If so, then you need to check out the Malliard Report podcast! On this episode, Jim talked with Erica Lukes, who is a UFO archivist, historian, and researcher. Erica is a wealth of knowledge on all things related to UFOs, and she was able to debunk a lot of the myths that surround this topic. If you’re looking for a well-researched and balanced podcast about UFOs, then the Malliard Report is the perfect show for you. Jim and his guests discuss various topics related to UFOs, including different chapters that have different approaches and ethical standards, the manipulation of data and people by organizations, and the potential for paranormal tourism. They also discussed the possibility of exploring the topics of artificial intelligence and space in future episodes. The conversation also touched on conspiracy theories, Antarctica, and the Earth being flat or hollow. The speakers expressed their love for talking to people and hearing their stor

  • Exploring the UFO Phenomenon with Cheryl Costa on The Malliard Report

    30/03/2023 Duration: 01h23s

    On The Malliard Report, Cheryl Costa shares her experiences with UFOs, her observations of UFO activity in New York, and her insights into the mysteries of the unknown. She’ll discuss her research into the UFO phenomenon, her writing, and her work with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Listeners can expect to learn more about the UFO phenomenon and its impact on society today. Cheryl Costa is a great guest for The Malliard Report and her UFO-related insights are sure to be of interest to listeners. She’ll bring a unique perspective to the show and provide an inside look at the UFO phenomenon from a New York resident’s point of view. Tune in to The Malliard Report to get the latest from Cheryl Costa on UFOs and to get the answers to your most burning questions about this fascinating topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Exploring Extraterrestrial Contact and Experiences with The Mallard Report

    23/03/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    The Mallard Report is a live virtual show that is recorded on Tuesday nights at 9 pm Eastern time. The host, Jim Mallard, welcomes Leslie Mitchell Clark, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, regressionist, on-air host, actor, and arts journalist, to the show. Leslie specializes in working with individuals who have had contact and experiences with extraterrestrial beings. Jim and Leslie discuss the nature of extraterrestrial contact, with Leslie sharing some of her own experiences and stories from her clients. They also discuss the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to explore new ideas and concepts. The show is sponsored by Sarah Wood Dock, a PTSD survivor who has created a small business selling unique gifts and animal prints. Jim and Leslie have a lively and engaging conversation, with both of them sharing their thoughts and opinions on the topic of extraterrestrial contact. Overall, the show is an interesting and informative look at a topic that is still shrouded in mystery and controvers

  • Uncovering the Mysteries of UFOs: Recent Sightings and Potential Shoot Downs

    15/03/2023 Duration: 01h45s

    With the increasing number of sightings and encounters reported around the world, it is no wonder that the UFO phenomenon has become one of the most talked-about topics in the media today. From mysterious flashing lights in the sky to close encounters with strange craft, people’s curiosity about UFOs and their potential origins is understandably piqued. And while there are still no definitive answers to the questions surrounding UFOs, researchers are making progress in unlocking some of their secrets. Advanced technology and scientific inquiry have allowed researchers to investigate these phenomena in far greater detail than ever before, providing new insight into the nature of UFOs and their potential origins. So while we may not have the answers yet, the mystery of UFOs continues to captivate the public’s imagination. And with advances in technology and scientific inquiry, it may not be long before we have a better understanding of these mysterious objects and the potential for life beyond our own planet.

  • Exploring the JFK Assassination with Fred Litwin

    08/03/2023 Duration: 01h45s

    Fred Litwin is discussing two books that he has written. The first book is about debunking the misinformation in Oliver Stone's two documentaries about the JFK assassination. The second book is about Lee Harvey Oswald going to trial and how he was killed by Jack Ruby before he had the chance to go to trial. The speaker also discussed how Oliver Stone was hoodwinked into believing the conspiracy stories and that he did not do the necessary fact-checking. Fred Litwin also talks about the aftermath of the assassination and the impact it had on the United States. Tune in to the Malliard Report to hear Fred Litwin discuss the JFK Assassination and its aftermath. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Responsible Pet Ownership for Rat Care

    02/03/2023 Duration: 01h21s

    Responsible pet ownership is a vital part of caring for our animal friends and ensuring their health, happiness, and safety. One of the first decisions that pet owners must make is where to source their pet and what type of pet they would like. For example, if you choose to get a rat, you can either buy a rat from a breeder or a feeder bin rat. When assessing the health and friendliness of a rat, look for a clear coat, bright eyes, alertness, and a friendly attitude.  Pigs are also a popular pet choice and the Kony Kony is the smallest breed. They have a fascinating history, and are known for their intelligence and adaptability.  When it comes to rat rescue, the goals include finding homes and offering medical care, food, and toys. Rat rescue is made possible by a tight-knit rat community, but coordinating activities and care can be difficult without a facility. To this end, some have proposed creating a greenhouse and roadside vegetable stand to serve as the building for the rat rescue.  Time management, bre

  • Navigating the Waters of Acting with James Quinn

    22/02/2023 Duration: 54min

    In this episode, I join actor, writer, director, and Pittsburgh native James Quinn to discuss the art of acting. We discuss the Super Bowl and reboots of beloved franchises, Quinn's experience of breaking into the industry in the nineties, and how technology and social media have changed the industry since then. We also talk about the difficulty of accepting rejection, and how to channel the nerves of auditioning into positive energy when a part is accepted. We move on to using real-life emotions in storytelling, and the differences between boxing and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). We end with a discussion of navigating the film industry, from idea to festival, and the importance of being able to tell the same story with less. Finally, we explore the upsides of independent film, and the current rise of independent artists, as well as the benefits of podcasts versus radio. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Daniel Bautz on 'The Blood of Life'

    15/02/2023 Duration: 01h44s

    Blood cults have been a common theme in fiction for centuries. From ancient stories of gods and goddesses to more modern tales of vampires and werewolves, blood cults have been a source of fascination for readers. The power and mystery of these cults have captivated readers for generations, and they continue to be a popular topic in books, movies, and television. The power of blood cults is often rooted in the supernatural. They may be associated with dark magic, and their members may be granted special abilities or powers that ordinary people do not possess. In some cases, these abilities may be used for good, while others may be used for evil. In either case, the power of blood cults can be a source of great fascination and terror. In Daniel Bautz, Life Is In The Blood we are introduced to a preacher who is part of a blood cult. This cult requires its members to drink the preacher’s blood in order to gain power and immortality. The preacher is on the run from the law, and he is eventually tracked down by

  • Love is the Answer to All of Our Struggles and Challenges

    03/02/2023 Duration: 01h45s

    We all have a calling, a purpose in life that is uniquely ours. For some of us, it is easy to recognize, while for others it may take a lifetime to uncover. For Jeannie Thompson, a former Fortune 50 executive and author, it was a journey of self-discovery that led her to her true purpose. Jeannie started her career as an evidence-based psychotherapist, treating anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. She then moved into the corporate world, leading high potential and leadership development programs and eventually becoming a Fortune 50 executive. After 12 years in the corporate world, she decided to explore the world of energy, something she had once made fun of. This exploration led her to become a Reiki master, certified yoga teacher, and to learn all she could about energy work and the power of the visible and the invisible. It was this journey of self-discovery that inspired her to write her book, 9-1-1 From Your Soul. In it, she shares her story of how she followed her soul’s calling to pursue a caree

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