Spire Director's Commentary



"Directors' Commentary" for the Spire RPG, by the authors.


  • Episode 8 - Rumoured Goats Of Spire

    20/11/2018 Duration: 45min

    We enter the appendices, and ask: what's the deal with all the goats? We also interview Adrian Stone, our artist, on his visions for Spire and how he helped to define the setting.

  • Episode 7 - Our Glorious Lady

    10/11/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode, we delve into the (understandably long) Religion section, dealing with: - The creepy and insidious Ministry, who you work for - Proscribed faiths and the worship of Hallows - The wind-whipped, bone-strewn towers of New Heaven - Pilgrim's Row, a multistorey high street for religions - The Solar Basilica, and the attached anti-Ministry paladins

  • Episode 6 - Train Hell

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    In this episode, we look into: - The glittering halls of High Society - The wet, sweltering mess of Low Society - The many different areas of the Occult domain, including the grand cursed train network known as the Vermissian

  • Episode 5 - Guns, Drugs and Money

    07/09/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    This episode, we examine: - Combat (all four pages of it) - The Academic districts, featuring details on demonology, the Infinite Library and the uplinked crystal-brain-surgery-practicing Brazacott Institute - The North Docks, obviously our favourite district, with the gangster knights and their pub/knightly order-focused organisation structure - The Blue Docks, an ever-shifting maze of stalls and cloth-covered tunnels, where the merchants worship a god of gold - Red Row, where Crime goes on holiday - An unsurprisingly comprehensive section on the drug trade in Spire

  • Episode 4 - Mass Transit Warlocks

    17/08/2018 Duration: 56min

    We round out the third and final part of the classes section in this episode, looking at the Midwife and Vermissian Sage classes and going over the Extra Advances.

  • Episode 3 - Gangsters in Platemail

    18/07/2018 Duration: 47min

    In this episode, we look at the following classes: - The fearsome Firebrand, who can transform into an idea - The beautiful Idol, bleeding-edge artist and occultist - The cocksure Knight, member of one of a hundred sacred orders that just so happen to be run out of pubs - The mysterious Lajhan, moon-priest of the drow, clinging on to what remains of their culture - The cunning Masked, who somehow always turn out to be the most brutal and upsetting characters in every campaign

  • Episode 2 - The God of Slaughter

    07/06/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode. we discuss: - The savvy Azurite, faithful to the god of gold, who can buy miracles for coin - The shadowy Bound, who wears their gods on their body and bound one into their blade - The bestial Carrion-Priest, devotees of Charnel, the hungry god of corpses and death

  • Episode 1 - Welcome to Spire: Population Too Many

    24/05/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Join us for a monumentally in-depth look at our design process on Spire, our fantasy-punk game of dark elf rebellion in a mile-high, high elf-controlled city. In this episode, we cover everything from the start of the game up to the end of the Durance chapter, talking about our multiple rules revisions, the worldbuilding that led to the creation of the city of Spire, and the evolution of the game's tone and themes over 18 months of development.

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