St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services



Podcast by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services


  • Mission Moment with Teresa Reed, RN St. Joseph Home Health Topic: Medication Reconciliation

    25/06/2021 Duration: 20min

    Join Liz Wessel and Teresa Reed, RN as they discuss medication management and tips for success in home care.

  • Celebrate Juneteenth 2021 - "See Description for link to Teams presentation and link to Music video"

    18/06/2021 Duration: 46min

    Teams presentation: Cynthia Erivo - "Stand Up" - Oscar 2020 Performance

  • Mission Moments: Erika Vallie, DPT LCM Home Health

    14/06/2021 Duration: 25min

    Mission Moments: Erika Vallie, DPT LCM Home Health by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

  • Elizabeth Okabe, RN Sea Crest HH 2021 VIA

    24/05/2021 Duration: 13min

    Elizabeth Okabe, RN Sea Crest HH 2021 VIA by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

  • Prayer And Reflection - Hopes, Dreams And Aspirations (See Description for Prayer)

    12/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    3-23-2021 Universal Prayers- Hopes, Dreams, Aspirations Greetings friends and welcome to our time of gathering in our little community to reflect and share our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Ring the chime, take a 3-5 second pause As customary we will take a few deep breaths to settle in and bring our awareness to this moment, appreciating the gift of 5 precious minutes of loving kindness for ourselves, others and those who did not join but need our loving intentions. On breath to release stress, another worry and the third to breath in peace. Let us take a moment to silently reflect in the spirit of prayer and to offer our own silent intentions. (Chrystal Hogan) When I think of our hopes and dreams for a better world I often turn to the Sisters for inspiration. The Sisters of St Joseph share, “God invites us to be present in the here and now, and as we are attentive to the movement, we also step faithfully into an unknown future…In sharing God’s unconditional love and fidelity, we dedicate ourselves in a

  • 3.30.21 - Universal Prayer Offering- An Instrument of Your Peace (See Description for Reflection)

    30/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    3-31-2021 Universal Prayer Offering- An Instrument of Your Peace I invite you to take a few deep breaths...if you feel comfortable, with your eyes closed...and to just slow we begin to catch up to ourselves... Ring the chime… Let's set out our intentions for this short time of prayerful reflection. I invite you to offer them right now and hold them in your heart. Let us remember that a God of love, mercy, and already among us...with us...for us...around us and within us... Using your hands, find & feel the pulse on your neck...take a few moments until you feel those life-proving beats...And once you’ve located that pulse, let's humbly acknowledge a God of miracles and give thanks for this day... for the sacred elements that give us life, earth, air, water, sun, and to our Creator for another day of life. Let us also remember the words that pass through this area of our bodies and that our words can breathe dignity into our community...Our words are powerful... may we "never

  • St. Joseph Day Reflection

    17/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    St. Joseph Day Reflection by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

  • 3.16.21 - Universal Prayer & Reflection - St. Patrick Day (See description for Reflection)

    16/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    3-17-2021 Universal Prayers- St. Patrick Day Hello fellow caregivers, Liz Wessel here and today it is my joy to share in a spirit of celebration, St. Patrick’s Day. Whenever St Patrick’s Day rolls around I am mindful of my Irish heritage and my love of blessings. In a spirit of hospitality for which, the Irish are best known we ask that our hearts and minds be open and welcoming. We come in a spirit of prayer to receive and in return bless others generously. Unique to blessings, is the way they help us to connect with the sacredness of our life’s journey. A blessing creates a pause for us to honor and celebrate our being together. John O' Donohue fashioned, “The language of a blessing is a calling forth, a recognition of the miracle of being here, on the shoreline of pure arrival. Blessings are also an acceptance of the transitory nature of all the gifts that have arrived; for they need not come.” As natural as the movement of our breath, a blessing connects us in Spirit. As we breathe in, we can savor,

  • 3.9.21 Universal Prayer & Reflection Love Of Neighbor (Please see Description for Prayer)

    09/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    3-9-2021 Universal Prayer & Reflection: Love of Neighbor Good morning, this is Liz Wessel and thank you for joining in prayer and communion as we journey together. We begin by centering ourselves and settling into a comfortable position. I invite you to close your eyes and focus your awareness of your breathing. Together we take 3 deep breaths, one to come as you are, two to welcome whatever emotions you may feel. Perhaps feelings of peace, happiness or sadness, anxiety and stress. Offer even these unwanted guests’ hospitality and say yes, that these too belong. You may wish to place your hand over your heart and offer loving kindness for yourself and to all who are gathered here today. Ring the bell To the God of our understanding, the spirit with whom we gather this morning – we ask that our minds be open, our hearts welcoming, and our arms embracing to our dear neighbor. (adapted Chrystal Hogan) Take a moment to reflect in the spirit of prayer for loved ones, our neighbors near and far who need our

  • 3.2.21 - Universal Prayer For Self Reflection

    02/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    Good morning, fellow caregivers this is Liz Wessel and it is my honor to share in this time of reflective prayer with you in our little community of mutual support and caring. We all come with a wealth of experience and wisdom and diverse backgrounds. It is our diversity that adds to the richness and beauty of our lives. Being together in community and sharing in a few minutes of intentional prayer strengthens us. Our heartfelt intentions multiply and carry far and wide, rippling out in boundless ways, beyond our ever knowing to bless others in unforeseen ways. So, thank you for bringing your healing energies to this moment to heal others and to be healed in the process. Healing is what we do, each and every day, especially when we bring our wholeheartedness into whatever we are doing, in our family life and work life, regardless of the task at hand, when we approach our work in a conscious and intentional manner it opens us to the scaredness that exists in all things. So, let us settle in to a comfortab

  • 2.23.21 Universal Prayer Offering - Infinitely Loved (See Description for Prayer)

    23/02/2021 Duration: 05min

    2-23-2021Univeral Prayer Offering -Infinitely Loved Good morning, this is Liz Wessel, and as we gather, we come just as we are and we are welcomed as we join in a brief time of reflection. We may come as stranger but we will leave as friends. Let us center ourselves, while sitting comfortably, take a few slow deep breaths and quietly repeat to yourself "I am" as you breathe in and "at peace" as you breathe out. Feel your entire body begin to relax. You may wish to focus on your breathing throughout this time together. In this sacred space we reconnect with the source of all that is. Gavin Thomas Murphy offers the following insights to think and pray about throughout this week. We are invited to rest awhile among the green meadows and flowing streams, to relax in God’s presence, and be nourished, strengthened, and renewed. In this place, we may turn from a closed fist of denial, frustration and turmoil to an open hand of acceptance, relaxation and serenity. (Gavin Thomas Murphy) Too many of us gravitate

  • 9.16.21 - Universal Prayer - All Shall Be Well (See description for Prayer)

    17/02/2021 Duration: 05min

    2-16-2021 Universal Prayer: All Shall Be Well Today I have a different kind of prayer to offer, one that is set to music. It is a well-known prayer written by Julian of Norwich called, “all shall be well.” Julian was a 14th century mystic who lived during a period of great suffering and uncertainty during the 100-year war between England and France. Famine was widespread coupled by the disastrous bubonic plague pandemic. This led to Julian living in isolation. Suffering was everywhere, which many attributed to the wrath of God. However, Julian’s response was not one of despair or judgment, but of love, solidarity, and hope. As you listen, may you be enfolded anew by the miracle of your being. (John O’ Donohue) From Love we come From Love we come From Love we come In Love we are enfolded

  • Virtual Ash Wednesday Service 2 - 16 - 2021

    12/02/2021 Duration: 05min

    Virtual Ash Wednesday Service 2 - 16 - 2021 by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

  • 2.9.21 - Universal Prayer - World Day Of The Sick (Please see description for Prayer)

    11/02/2021 Duration: 05min

    2-9-2021 Universal Prayer World Day of the Sick Good morning, this is Liz Wessel and it is an honor to be with you and to share in a short time of prayer and reflection. I have woven together a compilation of prayers from various sources. I will share the name of author after each one. First let us begin to center ourselves and settle into a comfortable position. Take 3 deep breaths, one to let go of stress, another to let go of worry and the third breath to become fully present. To the God of our understanding, the spirit with whom we gather this morning – we ask that our minds be open, our hearts welcoming in this shelter of belonging. For Pope Frances and others before him, February 11 is a day of recognition and prayer for the sick and for the ministry of health care, both professional and family caregivers. He reminds us, “The commandment of love that Jesus left to his disciples is also kept in our relationship with the sick. A society is more human to the degree that it cares effectively

  • 2.2.21 -Universal Prayer - Black History Month (Please see Description for Prayer)

    03/02/2021 Duration: 06min

    2-2-2021 Universal Prayers in Honor of Black History Month 2021 Good morning and welcome, Liz Wessel here, and as we gather together, taking a moment out of our busy lives as we share in a brief time of prayer and peacefulness. Resist the temptation to multi-task and instead gift yourself with 5min of peace and prayer. Find a sitting position that allows you to be alert—and also relaxed. Close your eyes and rest your hands in an easy, effortless way. Together we will take in a deep breath and as you exhale release your cares, again breathe in and honor those whom we hold in our hearts. Listen to the wind it talks Listen to the silence it speaks Listen to your heart it knows (Native American Proverb) Ring the chime: God of our understanding, we come to you in these quiet moments, seeking that which is beyond ourselves. In this sacred space; we join in solidarity and prayer, as we lift up our brothers and sisters of color and express our hopes and our dreams for a better world. God of each Heart and Mind,

  • 1.26.21 - Universal Prayers - Help Me To Rest In Love - (Please see description for today's prayer)

    27/01/2021 Duration: 06min

    Good morning, this is Liz Wessel and it is joy to be with you and to share in a short time of prayer and reflection in this community of great belonging. These prayers are a compilation from various sources and todays theme is called, “Help Me to Rest in Love.” Let us take a moment to center ourselves and find a comfortable position. take 3 deep breaths, one to let go of whatever you are holding, another to listen deep into your heart and the 3rd to arrive in this moment. Dear Love, Please help me to rest, I place my list of things to do in your hands. Just for one moment, I let go. I place my thoughts about how someone else should be Different in your hands. Just for a moment, I let them go. Right now, just for a moment, I allow things to be as they are, I allow someone else to be as they are, I allow myself to be as I am. And so, I rest. To the God of our understanding, the spirit with whom we gather this morning We lift up those whose lives are touched by sadness, by illness, by worry, or by loneliness.

  • 1.19.21 - Universal Prayer Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. *See description for today's Prayer*

    19/01/2021 Duration: 04min

    1-19-2021 Universal Prayer in Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. Good morning and welcome, Liz Wessel here, and as we gather together, taking a moment out of our busy lives let us share in a brief time of prayer and peacefulness. Resist the temptation to multi-task and instead offer the gift of your loving presence to this community. Find a sitting position that allows you to be alert—and also relaxed. Close your eyes and rest your hands in an easy, effortless way. Ring the chime: Allow your awareness to scan through your body and, wherever possible, soften and release obvious areas of physical tension. Because we so easily get lost in thoughts, let’s begin with attention to the breath. Using the breath as a primary anchor of mindfulness helps quiet the mind so that you can be awake to the changing stream of life that moves through you. (Tara Brach) God of our understanding, we come to you in these quiet moments, seeking that which is beyond ourselves. In this sacred space; we join in solidarity in

  • "1.12.21 - Universal Prayer - Peace, Unity And Reconciliation"

    12/01/2021 Duration: 06min

    "1.12.21 - Universal Prayer - Peace, Unity And Reconciliation" by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

  • Time Of Reflection For All HCC Caregivers - **Link to the presentation is in the description***

    08/01/2021 Duration: 25min Song presentation starts at the 24 minute mark

  • 1.5.21 - Universal Prayer For All HCC Caregivers - Hope

    08/01/2021 Duration: 04min

    1.5.21 - Universal Prayer For All HCC Caregivers - Hope by St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

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