Coach Corey Wayne



Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here:


  • Proper Use Of The No Contact Rule

    13/08/2018 Duration: 36min

    How to properly use the no contact rule to get your ex back or to re-attract a woman you pushed away and turned off by over-pursuing. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who got dumped and blown off by his ex-girlfriend of two years by acting like a woman, losing his center and as he puts it, by acting like a “needy lovey-dovey mangina.” In the beginning of the relationship he was doing everything right and acting like an alpha male, but slowly over time he says that he became the woman in the relationship. He finally told her he was not interested in being friends and only wanted to see her romantically. After four months of no contact, she reached out and basically told him that she could not live without him. She is also vacillating back and forth between him and another guy and is often confused. He asks what he can do to fully re-attract her and cause her to completely disengage from the other guy and choose him for good.

  • When She's Losing Interest

    13/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses what to do when a girl you have been sleeping with seems to be calling and texting you less and it seems like she's losing interest.

  • She's Back After Choosing Another Guy

    13/08/2018 Duration: 26min

    What you should do and how you should approach a situation where a woman you briefly dated, who got serious with another guy, gets back in touch with you, but it appears that the other guy is still in the picture. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who writes in asking about a woman he dated about a year ago. They only had two dates, but he was really crazy about her. She ended up getting serious with another guy she was already dating and he simply thought it was the last he would hear from her. Since then he has found my work and has been dating other women. She recently got back in touch with him, asked him about where he was living and if he was living alone. He tried to set a date with her, but she was vague and evasive. She said that she would get back in touch with him once she figured out her schedule, but it’s now been nine days since he last heard from her. He asks my opinion on what is really going on and what he should do now.

  • Getting Her To Fall In Love Again

    13/08/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses once you've got your ex-girlfriend back to dating and sleeping with you again, but she still says she's not in love with you yet, how to get her to fall back in love with you again.

  • Attraction Triggers & Turn-Offs

    13/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    What causes attraction and what turns off attraction in both men and women and how they differ in their approaches to dating and relationships. How to use an understanding of masculine and feminine energy to understand your partner and maintain attraction and sexual intimacy.

  • Alpha Male Qualities

    13/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    The alpha male qualities you must embody that are essential to your success, overcoming challenges and accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares how my work has helped him to completely transform his personal and professional life. He says he had always let women, employers and other people treat him like a doormat and take advantage of him. After he got friend-zoned and mistreated by the woman he was dating and let go from his job so they could hire someone cheaper after he helped them get things up and running, he came across my work. He details how he got a better job making $25,000 more per year, equity in his new company and how he successfully attracted the most amazing beautiful woman he has ever dated in his life, who also happens to be a great communicator, all within ninety days of discovering my work.

  • How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend

    13/08/2018 Duration: 12min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how acting like you are bored and disinterested in your friend can turn her into your girlfriend.

  • Mastering The Art Of Letting Go

    13/08/2018 Duration: 40min

    The importance of mastering the art of letting go so you can create the life and lifestyle you’ve always wanted, and to attract the kind of friends and lovers you really deserve. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a viewer from the United Kingdom who joined the British Infantry Reserves after watching my videos on discovering your purpose in life. He’s getting a lot of pushback from friends and family who are busting his balls about his choices and he asks how to deal with their verbal assaults and lack of support. He’s obviously still attached to and worried about what other people think about him. The second email is from a viewer who asks what is love really? He’s read my book twice already, but he’s struggling with how to balance letting go and being attached to whether or not a woman will choose to stay with him, or leave him for someone else. The third email is a great email success story.

  • When She Says "Maybe" Or "We'll See"

    13/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses what it means when a woman says "maybe" or "we'll see" when you ask her to do things.

  • Undoing Mistakes Of Always Being Available

    09/08/2018 Duration: 08min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to undo your mistakes and bad training of women you are dating who expect you to always be available 24/7 for texts and phone calls, to you slowly backing off and only using your phone to set definite dates which causes the sexual tension to grow.

  • Respond To Her Texts... Later

    09/08/2018 Duration: 04min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses what to do when women you have dates set up with already, continually text you days before your dates. How & when to respond so they want you more & keep your dates, instead of causing them to reject you & cancel your dates.

  • When You Care TOO Much

    09/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    What you should do when you realize that the person who you are dating is not putting the same level of effort into your relationship that you are. How to get people who you are dating to start appreciating and making more of an effort to enhance and contribute to your relationship.

  • Courting Women Without Being Needy

    09/08/2018 Duration: 24min

    Why women fall in love slowly over time and why trying to rush them into a relationship/commitment will lead to getting rejected outright or being friend zoned. What men need to focus on during the courtship so women fall in love with them and ask them for a committed relationship.

  • When She Comes Back & When To Respond

    09/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to properly interact with a woman who you walked away from two months ago after she gave you the "let's just be friends" speech when she starts posting on social networks how she misses you and that you were the greatest guy she ever met, but she still has not contacted you directly yet. When and if you should initiate contact.

  • How To Communicate With Women Effectively

    09/08/2018 Duration: 08min

    Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to communicate with and understand women, so you can have effortless relationships free from drama, nagging and arguments!

  • Wanting Someone Who Doesn't Want You

    09/08/2018 Duration: 20min

    Why wanting someone you can’t have, someone who is unavailable, someone who doesn’t want you, or wanting reality to be other than it is, is an unhealthy, unbalanced and dysfunctional way of denying yourself true happiness, true love, and what you really deserve.

  • Be A Priority, Not An Option

    09/08/2018 Duration: 26min

    Why you should never make someone a romantic priority in your life when you are only an option in theirs.

  • With Women... Patience Pays!

    09/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    Why men need to be patient and not overly eager to kiss, touch, have sex, text, call or interact with women they want. Why being patient, hanging back and observing a woman's actions before making a move will get better results, than acting like a bull in a china shop or a horny teenager trying to lose his virginity.

  • Leaving Behind Those Who Disrespect You

    09/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    What you should do if your ex or someone you have dated off and on, has disrespected and led you on one too many times. How to decide when enough is enough and if it's time to let someone go who is simply not a good or healthy match for you.

  • Alpha Vs. Beta Mindset

    06/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    The differences between the mindset of an alpha vs. a beta and how it shapes your destiny and what you’re willing to do to help yourself. How you can use the superior mindset of an alpha to achieve your grandest goals and dreams. In this video-coaching newsletter I discuss a YouTube comment from a viewer who complains about my success and why he’ll never be successful and wealthy. I discuss why most people never reach their full potential and how their mindset and belief system determines their trajectory in life. I also discuss the pain and pleasure principle originally discovered by Aristotle and how this affects what people are willing to do to help themselves move their lives forward, or not. Why mediocre people do not like high achievers and often attack them due to their own lack of success.

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