Gaming in Hell is a podcast about online culture hosted by two guys who hate being called "gamers" despite the term being appropriate. The internet is hell and we're all living in it - but what made it this way? Through conversations with friends about gaming culture, social media and everything else that happens online, the show hopes to unpack what makes the internet so terrible, and possibly discover a way to enjoy things without being awful.
Dead Games, Gambling is Easy, Evan is Here
27/06/2018 Duration: 01h04minMitch and Dan are joined by Mitch's lil' brother Evan to talk about school lunches and how gamers just love spending money on things they hate so deeply.
E3 Part 2 and A Wolf in Nerd Clothing
20/06/2018 Duration: 01h01minThis week on Satan's favorite podcast, Mitch and Dan finish their E3 discussion, covering Sony's weird press conference and a game that wants to pay for art with exposure. Oh, and a nerd hero turns out to be a monster, who knew. Music by Bensound
E3 Part 1 and a Star Wars Rant
13/06/2018 Duration: 56minMitch and Dan discuss the first half of E3, if new games are getting boring, and why nothing seems to be able to kill Destiny. Later, they'll yell at some dumb nerds for being awful about Star Wars - brace yourselves.
A Star Wars Nerd Story, Swain is Here (SOLO SPOILERS!)
06/06/2018 Duration: 01h15minDan and Mitch are joined by special guest Swainstache to discuss the Star Wars universe, its fandom, and the brand new SOLO movie that no one asked for but secretly went to go see.
The Evolution of GamerGate
31/05/2018 Duration: 58minThis week on the podcast about the internet and why it's gross, Mitch and Dan dive into troubled waters to discuss how the early twenty teens online movement known as "GamerGate" has evolved into a broader, more malevolent threat on the internet today. What Gamergate should have taught us about the 'alt-right' The Ugly New Front In The Neverending Video Game Culture War Music by Bensound
Lazy Writing, Picking Locks, and Dumb NPCs
23/05/2018 Duration: 44minHosts Mitch and Dan discuss a problematic article that apparently seems to justify all the whining many gamers do about games they still play all the time. That and some of our listeners' favorite gaming tropes - in hell!
Hey, you - yes, you! Sports R Evil
16/05/2018 Duration: 48minMitch and Dan are back with more Gaming in Hell to talk a lot about video games for once! Both of our beloved hosts have fallen back into Destiny land, but they're willing to take some time and explain to you dear listener why the NFL sucks and sports games are weird now.
The Roast of Gaming in Hell, Birds is Here
09/05/2018 Duration: 01h29minEpisode 7 is the right time to laugh at the hosts of a podcast and talk about their faults, right? We're established enough, right? Don't care it's happening anyways. Special guest Famous Birds joins the show to weigh in on how Dan and Mitch suck as much as the internet does.
Incels and Kanye Are Ruining the Internet
02/05/2018 Duration: 47minYour favorite Chads are back with more Gaming in Hell, the podcast about the internet and video games and Kanye West's dormroom-stoner philosophy. This one's a doozy.
Cult Talk Pt 2, Adam Pally is our God, Cool Diapers
25/04/2018 Duration: 48minMitch and Dan are back for another little chat about cults, which is what most gamers would be in if they lived before the internet. Also some other stuff like the fact that Reddit makes the world a worse place!
Finding a Space, Lisa Tears Us Apart, Moonvald is Here
18/04/2018 Duration: 01h03minSpecial guest Moonvald joins Mitch and Dan to discuss the struggles of finding a comfortable space on the internet when it's typically inhabited by obnoxious people. Mitch gets upset about The Simpsons.
Cult Talk, Internet Nazis, Mitch & Dan Play Fortnite
11/04/2018 Duration: 48minOn episode three of Gaming in Hell, Mitch and Dan have a few questions from listeners. Will our hosts have the answers? Maybe after an in-depth discussion on cults but who knows, really.
Streamers Can't Stop Saying the N Word, Charlie O'Hara is Here
04/04/2018 Duration: 01h02minLinguistics PhD candidate and Mitch's roommate Charlie O'Hara stops by to discuss with the boys a shockingly common occurrence: streamers saying the N word in front of thousands of viewers. Why is this problematic and how should we feel about them? Mitch and Dan hope to have answers.
Gaming Addiction, Snorting Emergen-C, Bones Hates Old People
28/03/2018 Duration: 01h01minIt's the first ever episode of Gaming in Hell! Join Mitch and Dan as they introduce their new show and hit on a big topic that hits close to home: Gaming Addiction. There's a lot to learn and some jokes to be had right here on the internet, which is hell! Music: Kotaku: Experts Have A New Reason to Debate Whether "Gaming Disorder" Is Real
Introducing: Gaming in Hell
15/03/2018 Duration: 44minWelcome to a preview episode of Gaming in Hell, a brand new show about gaming & online culture, and why it's so awful. Join hosts Mitch and Dan as they discuss some recent topics in gaming news and social media, highlighting what you can come to expect from the show. The internet is hell and we're all living in it! New weekly episodes coming soon!