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Podcast by Faith Baptist Church


  • In His Grip

    23/04/2018 Duration: 58min

    Who and what defines you? We draw our personal identity from our face, our family and friends, plus our dreams, longings and hopes. But at your very core, who are you? Do you live out of an accurate settled identity, or are you uncertain of yourself, where you fit and what you can contribute? If our identity flows out of how the world defines us, or our past failures, our changing looks, or our fears for the future, we will miss the full life God has for us. This Sunday we are considering Romans 8 and the identity God gives us as the Children of God. It is perhaps the most liberating chapter in the whole Bible. Join us as we seek to get our GRIP on this!

  • Episode 2 Over Coffee

    19/04/2018 Duration: 18min

    Pastors Alex White and Doug Campbell talk about what it looks like to be called into ministry, what 1&2 Timothy and Titus say about what a leader in the church should look like. As FBC is looking for a new pastor in the near future they seek God's word as the structure of what the church should be looking for.

  • Leadership's High Calling

    17/04/2018 Duration: 59min

    April 15, 2018, Pastor Doug Campbell shared from Romans 8 as we continue to follow the Gospel Project. There is a distinct lack of honest political leadership today. We can criticize leaders for being more about perception than character. But voters tend to be swayed based on hype and appearance rather than policy and character. God gives the church exacting Biblical standards of character and conduct for its leaders, particularly for pastors. We should be thankful that God’s standards don’t change the way cultural standards do. Leadership looks attractive but carries a high cost with it. Leadership is life in a glass house. The scrutiny of leaders is easy for critics, but it can wear down leaders. Spiritual leaders are called to set a godly example and live fully committed to their calling - no easy task for flesh and blood. Spiritual leadership is based on the Word of God and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ – so thankfully there are spiritual resources that transcend frail humanity. Leadership

  • Episode 1

    11/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    This is FBC Great Village's weekly podcast review and discussion of the week's sermon. This is where different guest are able to share their takeaways or additions to the sermon. We hope this is helpful and provides some great disscussion at home.

  • Authentically His

    11/04/2018 Duration: 55min

    On April 8, 2018, Pastor Steve Adams shared out of 1 John 3:10-18. It’s fun to identify features and mannerisms kids exhibit that they get from their parents and share with other relatives. But those realities are much more than mere fascination. They represent a vital truth about life and a theological axiom of the New Testament. The apostle John tells us that “to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but [born] of God.” He presents the truth over and over in his writings, that we become God’s offspring by a supernatural rebirth. BUT, he emphasizes that God’s children will exhibit certain irrefutable qualities that will mark them as authentically His. They are defining characteristics of God Himself. The relationship is real. Do you have your Father’s eyes?

  • I Know Who You Are Looking For

    03/04/2018 Duration: 58min

    April 1, 2018, Pastor Doug Campbell spoke on the central focus of the Christian faith, the physical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection points both backward and forwards for His followers. It points back to what Jesus has done in history through His life, death, and resurrection and God saving us and raising us spiritually. At the same time, Jesus’ resurrection points forward to the day when Christ will return and we will experience ultimate victory over sin and the final completion of our faith in Him.

  • Identity In Christ

    27/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    March 25, 2018, Pastor Steve Adams shared from 1 Peter 2:1-17. We are each part of the body of Christ. As those who are chosen by God and receivers of great mercy, believers have been given a new identity and all we do flows out of this new identity. We’ve also been given a new purpose and calling to be set apart for the working and glory of God, with Christ as our foundation and example.

  • Christian Or Religious Snob

    26/03/2018 Duration: 58min

    March 18, 2018, Pastor Steve Adams shares from James 2:1-13. As we are following along with the Gospel Project curriculum, we learn God calls us to avoid showing favouritism and to extend mercy to all.

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