Wisdom For Working Mums

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:14:08
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Expert interviews and conversations with inspirational working mums all designed to help support women to combine their family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.


  • Seeds of Change: How Small Actions Can Create a Positive Legacy in the Workplace

    23/08/2023 Duration: 36min

    Ever felt the sense that gender inequality in the workplace is somehow our fault as women? We often hear: We’re not confident enough. We let imposter syndrome hold us back. We’re not ambitious enough. We lack leadership skills. It's as if we just need to do more female leadership development and that will help solve the problem! Well, today’s guest is here to change that narrative. My guest is Joy Burnford, the author of the thought-provoking book, "Don't Fix Women."  Joy challenges the prevailing narrative surrounding gender equality, urging us to shift our focus from changing women to transforming the systems that hold us back.  Join us as we delve into the concepts and practical strategies presented in her book, and explore how we can create a more inclusive and empowering world for all. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/116 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episo

  • Anatomy of Trust: Cracking The Code

    09/08/2023 Duration: 20min

    Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, whether it's with our colleagues, partners, children, or even ourselves.  Have you ever wondered what it takes to be seen as trustworthy? And what are the key components that contribute to trustworthiness?  In this episode, I explore the anatomy of trust. Sharing the four components that crack the code on what trust is and how we build trustworthiness. These components play a significant role in how others perceive us, rely on us, and ultimately trust us. So,  get ready to uncover the secrets of trust and learn how to enhance your trustworthiness in the workplace and at home. This episode will inspire, challenge you, and ultimately empower you to create meaningful and trusting connections.  You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/115 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop i

  • How I've Stepped Up To Be the CEO In My Business And Life: Behind The Scenes With My Business Manager Lauren Fenn-Ellis

    26/07/2023 Duration: 52min

    Let me take you behind the scenes! In my latest podcast episode, l share my journey from solo entrepreneur to building a dream team and how it has transformed my life and business with the help of my incredible business manager Lauren Fenn-Ellis. In this revealing conversation episode Lauren and I discuss how I've stepped up to be the CEO in both my business and life. Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation: 1️⃣ How to build a dream team.  Exploring culture, values, clear communication and project management systems. We discuss the importance of setting expectations and how it helps streamline processes. 2️⃣ You don't need to have a podcast or a business to benefit from hiring support. We explore how the mental load of tasks and responsibilities affects everyone, and how hiring support professionally or personally can help you to step up to be the CEO of your life. 3️⃣ Automation and delegation are game-changers. We talk about how eliminating tasks without a return on value and questioning our involve

  • The Future Of Leadership - Building Future Fit Mindsets

    12/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    The future of leadership lies in our ability to embrace the non-linear nature of the world.  What the military call VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.  This non-linear world creates opportunities but enormous challenges too. In this episode with my guest Jean Gomes, the New York Times bestselling author and trusted advisor to CEOs and leaders, we dive into how to lead in a non-linear world. If you love to geek out on the latest leadership and psychology insights like me, then you'll *love* this episode.  It's no understatement to say it's a game-changer - the insights Jean shares you probably will never have heard before. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/113 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so

  • Seven Signs You're Addicted to Busyness

    28/06/2023 Duration: 17min

    Does life feel busy? For most people, the answer to this question will be YES! But how do you know if you have an addiction to busyness or if you're simply living a full life? Just because you have many things going on doesn’t necessarily mean it's an addiction to busyness. Tune in to my latest podcast episode to learn more about the signs of being addicted to busyness and what to do about it if you are. In this episode, I share: * The difference between busyness addiction and living a full and healthy life * The seven signs of busyness addiction * Four simple strategies to unhook yourself from being sucked into a busyness addiction Here's to living full and meaningful lives - not just finding ourselves on the hamster wheel! You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/112 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head

  • Fatherhood Matters - Insights From A Solo Father

    14/06/2023 Duration: 46min

    Here at Wisdom For Working Mums you obviously hear me talk a lot about mothers. But a huge part of our experience is influenced by gender and societal roles.  The research shows that if we can achieve more equal parenting then the gender pay gap and the motherhood penalty reduce significantly. To celebrate Father's Day I wanted to give a voice to fatherhood.  And how those gender roles influence a dad’s experience. And my guest today has powerful insights to share. Michael Ray is an international motivational speaker who addresses the gender and societal roles that are no longer applicable and the negative impact on organisational, business and personal outcomes. He speaks straight from the heart and his ability to connect, resonate and inspire people is obvious.  You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/111 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three workin

  • The Tolerance Paradox: Balancing Acceptance And Boundaries For Your Wellbeing

    07/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    What’s the right level of tolerance to have to live a good life? That's the question I'm reflecting on in my own life at the moment - come join me in this episode as we explore this concept. Tolerant people tend to be accepting and open-minded. They tend to be more relaxed as they can accept diverse situations, people and thinking. But if we’re too tolerant, we can tolerate situations, people and behaviours that cross our boundaries. When is it right to be tolerant and when are you being too tolerant? Because being tolerant without discernment can lead to pitfalls. In this episode I share three key questions to help guide you as you navigate this in your own life. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/110 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on t

  • The Missing Superpower That Changes Everything And Will Transform Your Impact As A Manager And Leader

    24/05/2023 Duration: 55min

    Are you an accidental manager?   Whether you formally hold the title of a people manager, we're all managing relationships with other people in our lives.   But how much training have you been given to do this effectively?  And how much of that training is relevant for our modern and ever-changing lives? In this episode I'm exploring The Missing Superpower that Changes Everything and Will Transform Your Impact as a Manager and Leader with my guest Laura Ashley-Timms. Laura is one of the UK’s top Executive Coaches, co-founder and COO of Notion, a performance improvement consultancy.  She's here to share a superpower that has the potential to change everything.  These insights come from the book that she's recently co-authored: Here are just a few reasons you might want to listen to what Laura has got to say: * You want to supercharge your career * You want to improve your relationships at work and home * You want to stop firefighting, reduce stress and improve your wellbeing I can't wait for you to listen to L

  • The Five Gifts of Anger

    10/05/2023 Duration: 22min

    What's your relationship with anger? If you struggle to have a healthy relationship with anger, this episode is for you. In this episode, I share: * My personal struggle with anger * Why women are more likely to have an unhealthy relationship with anger * The shocking impact on our bodies when we repress our anger * The five powerful gifts of anger and the positive impact it can have on our lives Join me in this episode as I explore how we can use our anger wisely and healthily to empower ourselves and others. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/108 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pas

  • How Hybrid And Remote Working Can Impact Career Progression

    26/04/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    One of the outcomes of the pandemic is that more of us are working remotely. So many of my clients tell me that the opportunity to work remotely has gifted them much-needed flexibility as working mothers. They’re saving time on less commuting, have reduced travel costs, and most have more work-life balance.  However, hybrid and remote working can impact career progression - particularly for women, due to proximity bias. The so-called proximity bias is an unconscious tendency to give preferential treatment to those in our immediate vicinity.   But the problem is that proximity bias is likely to affect women disproportionately. Going on maternity leave Taking a career breath Working remotely All increase the likelihood of us being penalised due to proximity bias. So what can we do to overcome the risk of proximity bias impacting us? Well, my latest guest is here to help. Lauren Currie OBE is the Founder of UPFRONT, an organisation on a mission to change confidence, visibility, and power for 1 million women and

  • Why Women Delegate Less Than Men And What We Can Do About It

    12/04/2023 Duration: 31min

    We know as working mums that to have it all, we can’t do it all. So delegation is a key strategy that can support us. But my experience supporting women as a coach is that so many of us struggle with delegation.  And it’s not just my experience, the research shows this too. So in this episode, I’m going to be sharing why women struggle with delegation and what we can do about it.  I’ll be diving into the benefits of delegation, the common challenges with it and then practical strategies to help support you to do it more effectively. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/106‎ or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to y

  • How To Make Flexible Working Work

    29/03/2023 Duration: 35min

    Lack of flexibility at work pushes too many women out of the workforce. So many women end up leaving their jobs and even their careers because they can’t find a way to combine their work and motherhood in a sustainable way. And while flexible working might seem like the solution to the working mum juggle, asking for and getting your flexible working request approved is a whole different story. In my latest podcast episode, I'm joined by Olivia Bath from The Women's Vault. We explore the external and internal barriers to asking for flexible working and making it work in your life. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/105 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering th

  • Maternal Inheritance - Mother in The Mother

    15/03/2023 Duration: 30min

    In this Mother's Day special episode, I'm exploring Mother in the Mother - reflections on maternal lineage.   When a woman becomes a mother, it's often a time when she reflects on her relationship with her mother. I'm joined by the author of Mother in The Mother - Pippa Grace - to explore this often unconscious dynamic that influences our mothering journey.  Looking at the intergenerational relations between grandmothers, mothers and daughters. No matter if you have your mother in your life, I think you'll love the insights in this episode. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/104 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to

  • How To Have More Impact Without Working Harder

    01/03/2023 Duration: 12min

    Wondering how you can continue to progress in your career without sacrificing your wellbeing or personal life? In this episode, I share a powerful mindset shift that's needed to break the cycle of overworking to progress in your career and have more impact. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/103 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Please consider rating and reviewing my show. Your review can help other people find my podcast so you’ll be helping another working mum find this resource. Plus I also love to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and

  • The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men and What We Can Do About It?

    15/02/2023 Duration: 55min

    The Authority Gap - Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men and What We Can Do About It? Ever felt like your competence is challenged and your views ignored as a woman in the workplace? You’re not alone - most women have a tale to tell about being underestimated, talked over, ignored, patronised and generally not taken as seriously as their male counterparts. This is known as the authority gap. My latest podcast guest joins me to shine a light on this important subject. Sharing what the authority gap is. How it impacts us as women. And most importantly what we can do about it. I’m thrilled to be joined by Mary Ann Sieghart - Journalist, broadcaster and author of the bestselling book The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It In this interview, we explore the covert bias that many women experience and the effects it can have on us personally and professionally. We look at how we can recognise it, correctly apportion it and start to narrow

  • The Power Of Your Purpose

    25/01/2023 Duration: 53min

    Do you feel stuck? Maybe you’re asking yourself: What do I want? Is this enough? Why do I keep wanting more? These big questions are some of the toughest to navigate. They are linked to our purpose. Purpose has such an important influence on our wellbeing. But how much time do we actually get in our lives to reflect on our life and work and whether we’re making the contribution we want to, to the things that truly matter most? In this episode, I’m going to be addressing these questions with my guest James Glover. James is a purpose practitioner and he’s here to help you find your purpose, fuel your days and feel good again. James has worked with some of the world's top athletes and executives helping them boost their performance, look after their wellbeing and find a greater sense of self-worth. Today James is here to share how he helps his clients find meaning, clarity and purpose, getting to the heart of who they really are. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/101 or

  • The Impact of 100 Episodes - Stories From Listeners

    11/01/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    This episode is dedicated to you. As we hit the podcast's 100 episodes milestone, we decided to invite a special guest to join us - you the listeners. Join me in hearing from six of my podcast listeners as we explore the impact it has had on their lives. You'll hear: * powerful personal stories from other working mothers * connection to other listeners of this podcast show * a reminder to not underestimate your impact on this world You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/100 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Please consider rating and reviewing my show. Your review can

  • Life Lessons From 2022

    28/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    As we close the door on another year join me as I reflect on my life lessons from 2022. In this episode, I’m going to reflect on what my lessons have been and I hope they help you to reflect on what your lessons have been too. So we can carry what we need to into the new year and leave behind what we need to as well. So let’s go mining for that gold before saying goodbye to 2022. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/99 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Please consider rating and reviewing my show. Your review can help other people find my podcast so you’ll be helping an

  • The Ultimate Christmas Story

    24/12/2022 Duration: 39min

    You probably know this story very well. It’s a 2000-year-old story. It’s the story of the birth of Jesus BUT I bet you’ve never heard it quite like this before. In this special bonus episode of the podcast, I'm joined by Bridget Supple who has written a book told from the perspective of the midwife who attended to Mary when she gave birth to Jesus. It’s a fictional story called the Birthkeeper of Bethlehem. This is not the story of Jesus, but rather the woman who delivered him. Because it seems that the women were left out of the story. And Bridget wanted to reclaim this. It's a story that all mothers can relate to as it’s a universal experience of birthing and those that support women in their birthing journey. Come join me as we explore this beautiful story.   You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/bonus-episode or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two

  • Five Strategies To Help Mothers Feel Calm And In Control For The Week Ahead

    14/12/2022 Duration: 32min

    I don’t know about you but I’m always looking for life hacks. Those little strategies and tips that can make my life easier and save me time and energy. My guest Toni-Ann Mayembe from Real Happy Mom is here to share her Sunday routine that takes the stress and overwhelm out of being a working mum. Toni-Ann is a full-time dentist, a reservist in the Navy, and the blogger and podcaster at Real Happy Mom. She is a wife and mother to two boys. She understands the struggle of juggling work and home and she’s here to share her tips and insights to make our lives easier. In this latest episode, Toni-Ann shares with us the top things we need to prepare on a Sunday to make the week ahead amazing as a working mum. I hope you enjoy the tips that Toni-Ann shares as I'm all about sharing the inspiration to make our life as working mums easier. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/98 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could

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