Progressiven Psytrance, treibende Beats, Musik im Flow, pure Leidenschaft und immer eine musikalische Geschichte in seinen Sets. Seit nunmehr 20 Jahren verkörpert er diese Attribute als DJ und Produzent. Im jugendlichen Alter begann seine musikalische Reise als Drummer. Die Tiefe von elektronischer Musik berührte ihn aber bereits im Kindesalter, geprägt von Künstlern wie z. B. Jean Michele Jarre! Erst startete er seine DJ Karriere unter dem Synonym Akira-Psy-Projekt und änderte diesen dann in seinen aktuellen Namen Dropkick!
@MS Goa / The Boat Adventure 3
02/09/2018 Duration: 01h13minrecord of my set 01.09.2018 MS Goa / The Boat Adventure 3
Dropkick vs Mat.S @ Nature One 2018 - Magic Circus (Vibez Psytrance Floor)
06/08/2018 Duration: 01h48minsaturday @ nature one 2018 playtime 22-00 magic circus / psy-floor powered by vibez productions Here Is our full length video on youtube
3hours djset - psy mega perls (jan-jun 2018)
02/07/2018 Duration: 03h01minMy absolute best of 2018 (Jan-Jun)
Dj Set@ Klimbim schidatschi (Techno)
17/04/2018 Duration: 01h30minDj Set@ Klimbim schidatschi (Techno) by Daniel Vogedes
@Tanzen Mit Freunden - 06.04.2018 - Walkabout Essen
07/04/2018 Duration: 02h02minrecord of my dj set @ club walkabout / essen party tanz mit freunden / bassbunker
@Sunsplash with Phaxe @Odonien Köln 01.04.2018
01/04/2018 Duration: 01h59minDropkick DJ Set@ Odonien 01.04.2018
Into our dreams (deep house excursion)
15/03/2018 Duration: 02h24minStory telling DJSets new deep house excursion mixed and compiled by dropkick 2018
Into The Light (Deep House Therapy) ***NEW**
14/03/2018 Duration: 01h42minStory of my life in notes! ABGT Style Mixed and compiled by Dropkick @ Dropkick Studio 14.03.2018 Feel free to download this set in loseless aiff audio quality
@Psychedelic World // Gleis 9 Bremen / Germany // Klangwelten Events - 16.02.18 FREE DOWNLOAD
16/02/2018 Duration: 01h36minrecord dj set @ Psychedelic World Dropkick LIVE @Gleis 9 Bremen // Klangwelten Events Mainfloor: 2-4 o'clock the set is a free download!! Stay tuned
@HgIch.T Aftershow@ Projekt-X Bochum / 27.01.2018
27/01/2018 Duration: 02h09minRecorded on 2018/1/27 @ Projekt X Bochum HGich.T Aftershowparty Partylink: Homepage: FREE DOWNLOAD
@Different Celebrations - Dinslaken / Germany 01.12.2017
09/01/2018 Duration: 02h14minDifferent Celebrations 01.12.2017 PRIVATE PARTY
Travellers tribe *new*
09/01/2018 Duration: 01h51mintravellers tribe is a journey through many kinds of electronic music starting at 125bpm up to 138 bpm in the end have fun (c)by dropkick
@Goa Xperience - The Tribe @Projekt X Bochum 03.12.2017
03/12/2017 Duration: 02h07minrecord of dropkicks dj set @ Goa Xperience - The Tribe @Projekt X 03.12.2017 Bochum // Germany
Wake up Tunes (Deep House/Chill Set)
21/09/2017 Duration: 01h27minSome chill tunes -just for fun chillout or background sound Download for free on The Artist Union
@Sternenhimmel 09/10/17 / Sandkasten // Mühlheim/Germany
10/09/2017 Duration: 01h32minDownload for free on The Artist Union
@Ruhr In Love 2017 (Vibez Floor) Oberhausen / Germany
03/07/2017 Duration: 01h43minDownload for free on The Artist Union
Weekend Fades Away @ PsystreamTV 23.04.17
24/04/2017 Duration: 02h29minAudio of my DJ Set 23.04.2017
@Do-Bo Villa - Dortmund / Germany 16.04.17
16/04/2017 Duration: 02h53s@Do-Bo Villa - Dortmund / Germany 16.04.17 by Daniel Vogedes