London Heal



A scientist's view on alternative and cutting edge approaches to modern lifestyle and chronic disorders. Unpacking the mind body connection and sharing motivational conversations with alternative practitioners, scientific experts and physicians who share the vision of demystifying medicine by thinking out of the box and empowering you to live healthy for longer. Join the community and stay connected, learn about new features, and have a say in what's coming up! Stay connected over at Disclaimer: The information provided in the following podcasts is provided as educational content only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your registered health care practitioner if you wish to implement any changes in your current method of treatment and under no circumstances should you stop taking any prescription medication without medical supervision.


  • The Best Brain Possible with Debbie Hampton

    21/12/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    A failed suicide attempt left Debbie Hampton severely brain injured. Her journey to recovery showed Debbie that she had always had the power to heal her body, her mind and her life. Debbie shares these insights in this week's episode. She describes her gradual decline in emotional and mental health that culminated in the suicide attempt and the subsequent road to recovery. Learning to master her thoughts and emotions together with physical exercises and a healthy diet, she managed to harness the power of neuroplasticity to heal her brain and her life. Now running a successful blog and author of two books, Debbie helps others achieve the best brain possible and with that, the best life. For more information see On Facebook @The BestBrainPossible Become a London Heal Insider and receive EXCLUSIVE access to extended show notes at

  • Healing through Lucid Dreaming with Charlie Morley

    14/12/2018 Duration: 58min

    We spend one third of our lives asleep. Wouldn't it be great if we could use some of that time consciously to deal with issues that plague us in real life? Charlie Morley is a bestselling author and teacher of lucid dreaming & shadow integration. A Tibetan Buddhist and dream yoga practitioner, Charlie teaches people how to lucid dream, and specific practices that use this unique state of consciousness while sleeping to achieve certain goals. In this episode we discuss what is lucid dreaming and how can we use it. We delve into the safety and profound effects that can be achieved with lucid dreaming. Charlie discusses using lucid dreams to assist with psychological, emotional and physical health, and the potential of integrating other modalities with lucid dreaming as a therapeutic approach. Finally, a conversation about lucid dreaming wouldn't be complete without a few tips to get started, and if for no other reason than it's fun! For more details see On Facebook under @CharlieMorleyLuc

  • Mastering Menopause with Dr Michaela Schaefer

    16/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    There is much confusion around Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and this week's guest, consultant gynaecologist Dr Michaela Schaefer, sorts out the confusion and discusses the mode of action, merits, safety and indications of HRT. However , she also focuses intently on the patient and the surrounding factors such as lifestyle, family dynamics and psychological status. She discusses the changes that take place in the lives and bodies of her patients and how important self care and acceptance are in mastering menopause. We also take a look at some herbal alternatives that can be effective. Michaela helps us understand that menopause is a transition into a new and unfamiliar phase of life, but with the right care, support and mindset, it can also be a new lease of life. Become a London Heal Insider and receive EXCLUSIVE access to extended show notes at

  • Addressing Addiction with Lucy and Alex da Silva

    09/11/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    What is addiction really? In this episode Lucy and Alex da Silva join me to discuss their own views in this subject based on personal experience and that of their clients. An addiction therapist and life coach, Lucy and Alex share their insights into the emotional nature of addiction. We discuss to what extent trauma and the inability to process negative emotion lie at the heart of addictive behaviour. Is addiction even a thing, or simply a human mechanism to change the way we feel that can become chronic and imbedded as patterns of behaviour. Recovery is possible and Lucy and Alex highlight the merits of the twelve step programme and their own support in terms of the therapy and coaching they offer. Addiction is not a moral weakness, but rather the inability to deal with the emotional landscape. Luckily, help is available. For more information visit the or on Facebook under @HappyasLarryGroup Become a London Heal Insider and receive EXCLUSIVE access to extended show notes at Londonheal

  • A Mystical Physician with Dr Christine Page

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h51s

    When did your doctor last ask you about what was happening in your life when you got sick? Never? That's the first question this week's guest, Dr Christine Page asks. A pioneer in the field of healthcare for over 40 years, she is a holistic physician practicing soul medicine. Mind body and spirit around the central soul. In this episode we discuss the type of medicine that Christine believes should be practiced, empowering the patient and rooted in community. She also discusses her particular focus on women and getting them back in touch with their natural rhythms and embracing each phase of life. She also talks about her love of earth mysteries, of how Mother Earth is our true nurturer and how we have become disconnected. She provides deep insight and practical advice on the importance of the inner journey as well as the outer journey for health and wellbeing. For more information go to Find her on Facebook under @DrChristinePage Become a London Heal Insider and get EXCLUSIVE access to ext

  • Towards Living Healthy for Longer with Tatiana Kassessinoff PhD

    25/10/2018 Duration: 54min

    Today marks 30 episodes and six months of London Heal. An appropriate landmark to review what we've learned so far. Talking to a variety of guests be they scientists, physicians, therapists or activists, the central theme emerges. Optimal health and wellbeing comes from the active pursuit of a healthy mind, body and spirit. A look back at what we've learned in terms of getting our minds on board, a review of the main features of looking after our bodies, be it exercise, nutrition or sleep. A dip into some of the knowledge from our expert guests gives insights into the best way to look after our physical forms. The topic of spirituality also comes into the discussions as a practice to generate peace and stillness, and moreover to combat stress. A brief resume of the last six months on the journey towards living healthy for longer. Become a London Heal Insider and receive EXCLUSIVE access to extended show notes under Find London Heal on Facebook under @LondonHeal

  • Vedic Meditation with Jillian Lavender

    18/10/2018 Duration: 57min

    Stress, fatigue, anxiety and insomnia are just some of the ailments of modern life that can be addressed with meditation. Vedic meditation is the world's most ancient form of this practice, and Jillian Lavender co-director of the London (and New York) Meditation Centre joins me today to share her wisdom and expertise. A meditation teacher since 2003, Jillian explains the specific aspects of Vedic meditation and how it differs from other forms. She describes how to start a meditation practice and the many benefits that it brings. We talk about the science as well as the spiritual aspects and discuss why meditation has become so popular in recent times. Meditation is a central component to any modern health, lifestyle and personal development regime, and Jillian's insights throw light on how Vedic meditation may be the right way for you. For more information please visit the or the On Facebook under @londonmeditationcentre Become a London Heal Insider and

  • Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet with Emma Williams MBE

    11/10/2018 Duration: 55min

    Epilepsy affects at least 300,000 people in the UK - just over 60,000 of these people are children under the age of 16 (Epilepsy Society). Emma Williams MBE is the founder and CEO of Matthew's Friends, a non profit organisation she set up to help families of adults and children with epilepsy follow medical ketogenic diets. Following her own experience with her son, Matthew, she is a staunch advocate and activist to allow those affected by epilepsy have access to this diet and potentially alleviate their symptoms. She discusses the principles of the diet and the evidence that it can help. We talk about the types of patients that the diet can help, why it should be medically supervised and its application in adults. Emma also describes the Matthew's Friends organisation including the training programmes offered to health professionals. Emma's aim is to allow everybody access to the diet who could benefit from it, train professionals to implement the diet, and to further research into which other conditions coul

  • Gender Identity with Michelle Bridgman

    04/10/2018 Duration: 58min

    An increasing number of people are experiencing a gender identity that does not wholly correlate with the gender they were assigned at birth. This has led to the field of Gender Identity in psychotherapy and new ways to support people suffering from gender dysphoria or being very unhappy with their assigned gender. This is a complicated subject that is eloquently addressed by this week's guest, Michelle Bridgman. Shelley is a psychotherapist, a professional speaker and author. She is in the process of completing her doctorate in psychotherapy and is a regular communicator on gender identity issues in the media. In this episode we discuss the 'gender spectrum' the problems that arise for some people and the role of therapy in the various areas of need that people experience in dealing with this issue. In this candid and inspirational conversation, Shelley describes how `gender is just a space suit we walk around in' and that learning to know and be who we really are is at the root of all happiness. Shelley ai

  • The Role of the Mind in Infertility with Andrea Yearsley

    27/09/2018 Duration: 55min

    Around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving. This is approximately 3.5 million people in the UK (NHS). Andrea Yearsley specialises in helping women maximise their fertility, help them have a baby naturally or with IVF, and help women carry babies to full term. After eight years of experiencing the infertility journey herself, Andrea was lucky to have two beautiful daughters, but knew there was a better way to navigate this journey. A successful TV producer for 15 years, she retrained as a Rapid Transformational Therapist with Marisa Peer. She set up Pebble Fertility and has been helping women get pregnant ever since. She describes the role of mindset in fertility and how the impact of failed IVF attempts can seriously impact future attempts. We discuss the role of stress on hormonal balance and how this can affect fertility. Sometimes mental blocks or limiting beliefs can prevent fertility and Andrea discusses some examples and how her method can identify, turn around and rewire the mind with new bel

  • Who Cares? with Sara Challice

    13/09/2018 Duration: 58min

    3 in 5 of us will become a carer at some point in our life time and many become ill themselves due to the emotional and physical stress of caring. It can be a wonderful thing to care for someone who may, for example, be terminally ill, that we forget to care for ourselves. Sara Challice gave up a successful career as a top graphic designer to care for her husband for 13 years after he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. After falling emotionally and physically unwell herself, she realised she needed to make changes to ensure she not only remained healthy, but started to enjoy life again. Something we all deserve. In this episode Sara talks openly and candidly about her journey as a carer. Her story is inspiring and all the more so because now she has decided to share her story in the book, "Who Cares?", to help and uplift anyone caring for a loved one. Sara shares her insight into how to survive and thrive in the face of one of life's greatest challenges. Sara's message of endless love and compassion not only

  • I Am Enough with Marisa Peer

    06/09/2018 Duration: 01h58s

    'What lies beneath' is almost always an inner belief of 'I'm not enough'. To combat this, Marisa Peer returns to discuss this topic and subject of her new book, I am Enough. Marisa describes behaviours and beliefs that can arise from feeling not enough. She discusses how society and our childhoods make us feel inadequate and how modern life challenges us on many levels. We talk about the importance of raising children with strong self belief, living with purpose and doing what you love. Marisa highlights that 'I am enough' also comes with two other fundamental beliefs, but the good news is you can change those beliefs. We talk about how to deal with criticism and rejection and why personal connections are essential to us all. We also discuss how to deal with emotions and how to change looping thoughts. "It's never too late to believe in yourself and show the rest of the world you're worth believing in" For more information please visit Marisa's website at For Marisa's free mini-course on se

  • The Longevity and Fasting Mimicking Diets with Valter Longo PhD

    30/08/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Do you know the recommendation for the best diet for longevity, based on five distinct pillars of data? My guest today is Valter Longo PhD, Joint Professor of Gerontology and Biological Science as well as Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California. He is also author of the Longevity Diet. In this episode Valter Longo describes how he always looks at an array of information sources such as basic research, epidemiology studies, centenarian studies and more. This way, he can be confident that the data observed in a new study are meaningful and relevant. He describes a vegan pescatarian diet to be ideal with a focus on really good complex carbohydrates, low protein and healthy fats. He is not a supporter of a low carbohydrate diet as the multi pillar approach does not provide supporting data. He also discusses the Fasting Mimicking Diet and how a strict 5 day program of nutrition can mimic the benefits of fasting essentially risk free. The benefits would appear to act analogous t

  • Reset! A Blueprint for a Better Life with Rosalyn Palmer

    23/08/2018 Duration: 01h00s

    Ros Palmer went from running a successful PR company to experiencing disease, divorce and despair. Rosalyn is not only a survivor, but a thriver and her first book, RESET!, shows you how you can get your life back on track. Now a therapist and coach, Ros shares her personal experiences, her methods for overcoming adversity and a therapeutic approach to help you master the challenges in your life. She describes how her cancer diagnosis was a strange relief and how she used that experience to change her life. Ros knows it's about the journey and openly shares that she is still very much on hers. She shares her deep understanding of how the mind controls how we experience life and gives some practical tools to help turn your life around. For more information on Ros, visit her website: and on Facebook: @RosalynPalmerTrustTransformation Book website:

  • Sleep, Rest and Repair - Theory and Practice with Dr Stasha Gominak

    16/08/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    In this second of a two part episode, Dr Stasha Gominak discusses the difficulties associated with applying this regimen of D and B supplementation to cure sleep and enable rest and repair. She explains the differences in units, the importance of individual dosing and the necessity for establishing base-level, blood vitamin D levels. She discusses an ideal regimen for children and clears up myths surrounding the fat storage of Vitamin D. Dr Gominak emphasises that this is not a quick fix, and that establishing ideal levels of vitamin D for optimal rest and repair may take up to two or three years. However, once a patient is used to monitoring their own body and symptoms, they learn to make fine tuning adjustments to ensure good sleep.We review the problems with the literature, how studies are performed and mis-evaluated and discuss the problems with the wrong information in the mainstream. As a conclusion, anybody interested in their health might want to consider checking their vitamin D levels before any sym

  • Unlikely Bedfellows - Sleep, Vitamin D and the Microbiome with Dr Stasha Gominak

    09/08/2018 Duration: 01h26min

    Good sleep is essential for rest and repair. Dr Stasha Gominak is a neurologist who through trying to help her headache patients, embarked on a long journey to discover how Vitamin D regulates sleep cycles and leads to true healing. Dr Gominak is convinced that many of today's lifestyle diseases (other than cancer) are actually rooted in sleep disorders. In this first of a two-part episode, Dr Gominak recounts the amazing story of how she discovered that Vitamin D is involved in sleep cycle regulation, and that once 'proper' sleep is restored and the optimal repair mode is active, the B vitamins, particularly B5, come into the story. She also discusses the role of the microbiome in Vitamin D-regulated sleep, and how B vitamins are an essential precursor to a healthy gut as well as the product of a well-functioning microbiome. Although very complex in its details, Dr Gominak's theory is beautifully logical and elegant. She inspires with stories of how her patients' feedback was instrumental in discovering thi

  • Back Pain is Normal with Dr Oliver Thomson

    02/08/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Back pain costs the US economy $88 billion per year in lost work hours and constitutes 30% of GP visits in the UK. Yet Dr Thomson argues that the years of accumulated data show than most back pain is not the result of biomechanical damage, rather a normal state of being and it often resolves itself. As a Doctor of Osteopathy and an active researcher, Dr Thomson strives to treat his patients according to evidence based studies and focuses much more on a holistic approach that reassures the patient and gets them moving and back into active life as quickly as possible. Dr Thomson dispels so many myths about back pain and does so on the back of hard data. He also teachers other therapists and healthcare professionals about the most current knowledge and on implementing methods shown to be effective. He discusses a back healthy lifestyle and also provides for therapists in how to talk effectively to clients with back pain. For more information see Dr Thomson's clinic website Body Matters Clinic For course info see

  • Neuroplasticity - The Brain's Big Trick with Dr Michael Merzenich

    26/07/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    Did you know your brain was capable of lifelong change? Are you aware that YOU are the controler of that change? My guest this week explains all. Dr Michael Merzenich is a world-renowned neuroscientist. Often called the 'father of brain plasticity', he is one of the scientists responsible for our current understanding of brain change across lifespan. In this episode Dr Merzenich explains brain plasticity and the changes that accompany growth and development. He discusses how specifically engaging the brain encourages plasticity to improve brain repair and brain aging. He describes how training the brain can be accomplished in daily life or supplemented with specifically-designed, computer-based training. The ability of brain training to avert or improve potential neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, is a major topic. Dr Merzenich provides some very persuasive experimental data to back it up. We discuss the importance of the signal to noise ratio in brain aging, and how to improve it. We talk about

  • Raising Awareness of Lyme Disease with Dr Carsten Nicolaus

    19/07/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    With rigorous science, but also an integrative and compassionate approach, Dr Carsten Nicolaus leads us through why we should be paying attention to Lyme Disease. Dr Nicolaus is an MD, PhD and director of the BCA clinic in Bavaria, Germany, which specialises in tick-borne diseases. From prevention through diagnosis to treatment in all it's complex variations, Dr Nicolaus feeds nearly thirty years of experience into providing a step by step understanding of the disease and his clinic's approaches to supporting patients with various modalities in all stages of the disease process. He inspires hope and his passionate pursuit of conquering this disease is a beacon for the future. This is a stop, back, replay kind of episode packed with useful information. Make the most of your summer outside with a few mindful tips that will allow you to enjoy it carefree and safely. For more information from the BCA clinic, please visit their English website For more information see the International Lyme and Assoc

  • Yoga - An Ancient Practice for the Modern Age with Zoe Bertali

    12/07/2018 Duration: 43min

    Are you interested in starting yoga and don't know where to start? Zoe Bertali of the The Refinery in London talks us through the best way to start a regular yoga practice. Having practiced yoga herself for 18 years, she describes a brief history of yoga and explains the differences between the main styles of yoga and how each attracts a different student. We talk about the deeper spiritual aspects of yoga and the many ways in can positively affect your mind, body and overall health. Zoe talks about her experience with yoga and it's ability to combat stress, improve mobility, build resilience and release emotional blocks. Zoe founded The Refinery together with her husband as they wanted to found a community where anybody can feel safe and comfortable, attend a variety of classes and make the most of alternative therapies and wellness treatments. If you want to know more visit the website at or on Facebook @therefinerye9

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