The Blockchain Show



The Blockchain Show with Ethan Kinderknecht, Sarah Hempfling, Mark Beauchamp, Ian Collins, and Steve Anderson. The Blockchain Show is a podcast that demystifies and promotes widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology.


  • 170: Mysterium.Network with Jaro Šatkevic

    17/07/2020 Duration: 34min

    Jaro Šatkevic is the head of Product at Mysterium.Network an open-source project that built the world's first decentralized VPN. We cover the ways in which everyday people's data is vulnerable on the current version of the internet and how to better safeguard digital footprints. Some surprising insights into censorship, digital discrimination, and more online injustice are brought to light as well as solutions with their platform and others.

  • BCS Ethereum Show 2: Kosala Hemachandra - MyEtherWallet

    10/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Kosala Hemachandra is the founder of MyEtherWallet, a safe, free, open-source wallet that puts you in control of your private keys as the nexus for all interactions on the Ethereum blockchain. This episode includes: How crypto wallets have evolved and where MEW's heading Why MEW sees mobile as the next wave of financial inclusion ETH 2.0  How his quick visit to see his family in Sri Lanka means he's running his company while locked down at his parent's home indefinitely

  • 169: IoTeX with Raullen Chai and Larry Pang

    01/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    IoTeX has been recognized for using blockchain for a use case that makes sense: decoupling the identity of devices from users and issuing decentralized accounts to serve as access controls and logins for IoT devices. 

  • 168: Securrency with Dan Doney

    27/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Dan Doney Co-Founded Securrency in 2015 and serves as Chief Executive Officer and Lead Architect of Securrency’s comprehensive, cutting-edge technology. Dan is a recognized expert in software development, artificial intelligence, process automation, cybersecurity, dynamic asset pricing, and enterprise architecture. Dan served as the Chief Innovation Officer of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and is the recipient of the 2014 Fierce 15 award as a top government change agent. Dan holds degrees from the U.S. Naval Academy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

  • TBCS Ethereum Show 1: Back to Basics, Flipping Bitcoin

    26/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    Steve and Joey host a spinoff of The Blockchain Show called The Ethereum Show. The original concept for the podcast dates back to 2016 with Steve and Ethan going forward instead with The Blockchain Show. As interest in new developments in regards to Ethereum surge, Steve reclaims the hosting throne this time with his friend Joey to shed some light on the Ether side of things. Ethan joins briefly to recount the early days of The Blockchain Show and Steve later breaks down decentralization and unforeseen use cases of Ethereum to Joey.

  • 167: RealT with David Hoffman

    11/06/2020 Duration: 44min

    David Hoffman is Co-Founder and COO of RealT, the platform for tokenizing property ownership in the United States. RealT’s platform allows investors to earn daily dividends on a fractional, tokenized basis.

  • 166: Fold with Will Reeves

    04/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Will Reeves is CEO of Fold, and a tech entrepreneur with expertise in developing payments solutions. Will continues to work as Head of Payments at Thesis with previous experience as Venture Lead at A3Ventures and Co-founder of Membo. Of note, Will also was part of the early team that brought the Google Store to market, and he led the vision for the cult project, Lightning Pizza, the first real-world service using the bitcoin Lightning Network that allows customers to order Dominos Pizza anywhere in the U.S. with bitcoin. The Fold app, now available on Android and iOS, allows shoppers to earn bitcoin rewards back (up to 20%) on credit card and lightning purchases when shopping at merchants like Amazon, Target, Starbucks, Uber, Airbnb, and more. Users can spend these rewards on their next purchase, save for later use, or withdraw to a personal wallet.

  • 165: DigitalMint with Marc Grens

    31/05/2020 Duration: 53min

    Marc Grens is an investor, Fin Tech expert, and the Co-Founder and President of DigitalMint, the leading Bitcoin point-of-sale provider in the USA.

  • 164: O(1) Labs and Coda Protocol with Evan Shapiro

    27/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    Evan Shapiro is the CEO and Co-Founder of O(1) Labs, the team behind Coda Protocol. Coda swaps the traditional blockchain for a tiny cryptographic proof, enabling a cryptocurrency as accessible as any other app or website. This makes it dramatically easier to develop user friendly crypto apps that run natively in the browser, and enables more inclusive, sustainable consensus.

  • 163: Climate Futures and 1PLANET with Jesse Uzzelle

    06/05/2020 Duration: 53min

    Jesse Uzzell is CEO and Founder of Climate Futures, the organization behind 1Planet. They are empowering individuals and businesses to take climate action in their daily lives by enabling access to global carbon markets.

  • 162: Asensys with Michelle Chuang

    28/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    Michelle Chuang is COO of Asensys, a new-generation, high performance system that brings throughput and capacity to a new, scalable level. Just how they are solving blockchain's scalability problem, AI and blockchain tech will power internet 3.0, what Asynchronous Consensus Zones are, and how the new age of the internet will help humanity stay secure in the post COVID-19 era are answered in this episode.

  • 161: Cypherium with Sky Guo

    15/04/2020 Duration: 40min

    Sky Guo is the CEO at Cypherium, a highly scalable and robust smart contract platform. Their design features a joint Proof-of-Work (PoW) and HotStuff (Also adopted by Facebook's Libra) consensus mechanism that can achieve thousands of transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization. Cypherium also implements a Turing-complete virtual machine for smart contracts that runs on Java, the most widely-utilized and reliable programming language in the world. This enables democratization of the development of smart contracts and lowers the barrier to blockchain adoption for existing enterprise.

  • 160: Zcoin with Reuben Yap

    10/04/2020 Duration: 32min

    Reuben Yap is the project steward for Zcoin, a global privacy-first digital currency. They are taking privacy to the next level with untraceable coins. Reuben's background in corporate law specializing in institutional frameworks as a lawyer, combined with his strong advocacy for online and financial privacy provides great insights into the future of cryptocurrencies and privacy. He talks about the merits of untraceable transactions and how Zcoin facilitates it, why privacy is a fundamental human right, and some other privacy and crypto-related use cases such as verifying elections on the blockchain.

  • 159: Bitfinex with Paolo Ardoino

    03/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    Paolo Ardoino is the CTO at Bitfinex. He explains some new projects they are working on at one of the world's biggest crypto exchange, how IEO's are still alive and well, the Bitcoin Lightning network, how they bounced back from 2016's hack, the Halvening, and more.

  • 158: LGO with Hugo Renaudin / Digital Asset Exchange for Institutions

    30/03/2020 Duration: 37min

    Hugo Renaudin is the CEO and co-founder of LGO, the leading digital asset exchange for institutions and the biggest institution exchange in Europe.

  • 157: Solve.Care with Pradeep Goel

    23/03/2020 Duration: 48min

    Pradeep Goel is the CEO of Solve.Care, a global healthcare blockchain technology company using innovative approaches to solve the complex problems that plague healthcare around the world. Pradeep has deep expertise in healthcare, human services, finance, and technology. Before taking the reins at Solve.Care, he has been passionate about designing and building solutions for public programs, such as Medicaid, the Children Health Insurance Program, Medicare, SNAP/TANF, the Child Welfare Program, and other health insurance and health information exchanges over the past 26 years.  

  • 156: Orbs with Danny Brown-Wolf

    19/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    Danny Brown-Wolf is the Head of Partnerships and Strategy at Orbs, an enterprise blockchain solution allowing companies to prove responsibility with data through a public blockchain as a neutral third party way of verifying data.

  • 155: SolidBlock and Women in Block with Yael Tamar

    05/03/2020 Duration: 29min

    Yael Tamar is the CMO and partner at SolidBlock the company behind the world's first commercial tokenization. She is a thought leader on this topic and the future of real estate financing. She also founded Women in Block.

  • 154: BearTax with Vamshi Vangapally

    02/03/2020 Duration: 26min

    Vamshi is the CEO and co-founder of BearTax. He joins Ethan to explain how his team's software is helping cryptocurrency traders file taxes with ease and confidence. With tax season upon us, learn the IRS's latest stance on crypto and what that means for investors and businesses. Also why it's crucial to classify cryptocurrency income appropriately, both gains and losses, and how accurate record keeping goes a long way. Vamshi speaks to why this is so and some of the advantages of their smart matching program across multiple exchange platforms. Users can even go backwards to update previous returns and become current on back taxes.

  • 153: Ampleforth with Evan Kuo

    28/02/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Ethan is joined by Evan Kuo from Ampleforth, for a exploration into the potential of DeFi - Decentralized Finance. Today's decentralized assets, such as Bitcoin and ETH, can be seen as the primitive building blocks for tomorrow's DeFi use-cases. These include lending, debt, and synthetic equities, however, we quickly come to a realization of their inherent limitations. Evan breaks down how their limitations are due to their high correlation to each other and why they bring about the need for extreme overcollateralization and the risk of autoliquidation. This brings up a big problem in crypto that not many are addressing. The diversification of these primitive building blocks will be required for DeFi to reach its potential. Hypercorrelation is a huge problem, one that threatens the very viability of cryptocurrency.  Further topics covered in this episode: The AMPL is a decentralized commodity-money like Bitcoin, but with near perfect supply-elasticity like fiat. Its protocol automatically increases o

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