The Todd Huff Radio Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 664:10:51
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The Todd Huff Radio Show is America's home for Conservative, not bitter talk radio. Todd launched his program as a podcast from his bedroom closet on August 10, 2015, and on October 3, 2016, it aired as radio program on Freedom 95 in Indianapolis. Todd's patented style, wit, insight and sense of humor make his show unique in the talk radio landscape. But be advised: contents may cause you to lean to the right.


  • Big Government Teaches People To Believe Crazy Things

    28/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    When the government is in power and in control, at it's core, the government is force. For example, the issue of to wear a mask or to not wear a mask. Over the past year there has been an evolution of standards regarding mask wearing. Dr. Fauci originally came out and said wearing a mask is largely symbolic. Then he changed his tune to how important masks are to preventing the spread of Covid 19. Including his recommendation to wear a mask, shield and goggles. What is the next phase of virtue signaling? Well, Dr. Fauci is now saying to wear 2 masks! What is the government going to encourage or enforce us to do next? Situations like this cause people to turn to the government to save them from things the "experts" say to be true. How often are the "experts" actually right? Lovers of big government love telling people what to do.

  • A Refreshing Dose Of Truth From The Senate Floor

    27/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Articles of Impeachment have been voted on in the House of Representatives. As before, they did their long dramatic walk to the Senate. Last time they looked solemn as if they were in a funeral procession. This time, not so much. They are so eager to impeach Trump and keep him away from any form of government leadership. The Senate voted 55-45. Five Republicans voted to impeach former President Trump. It takes 2/3 or 67 Senators to vote to convict. If this vote stands, Trump will be acquitted. Senator Rand Paul gave an impassioned speech against impeachment.

  • We Should Welcome A Conversation About Truth

    26/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Conservatism is rooted in truth and believe our liberties come from God. The radical left doesn't have this deep foundation in truth & they actually believe that government is god.

  • The Political Purge Has Begun

    25/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Weakness & corruption has returned to Washington D.C. Democrat leadership and those in the media want every Republican & Conservative in D.C. to say "mercy." If they don't, they're accused of being a traitor, Fascist and seditionist. George Stephanopoulos and Senator Rand Paul got into a heated debate on Sunday over election integrity. According to the Left, they can question the 2016 election and scream fraud, but it's wrong to question the 2020 election because their side won.

  • Do As I Say, Not As I Do

    22/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    President Biden has signed a slew of executive orders since taking office on Wednesday. One of them being a mask madate for the next 100 days for air travel and other forms of commercial transportation. He also signed a mandate that made mask wearing and social distancing mandatory on federal property. However, he visited the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday...federal property, without wearing a mask. The Biden Administration also claims that they can't find the Covid plan from the Trump Administration, so now we're being told that Biden needs to start over at zero to come up with a plan for the pandemic. If that's true, how do we have a vaccine? What was Operation Warp Speed? Whatever has happened with the vaccine roll out has been wiped clean & now any progress will be given to the Biden Administration.Matt Lamb of The College Fix discusses how college campuses are embracing the culture of payback politics.

  • The Inauguration Speech & The Softball Media

    21/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Joe Biden has been sworn in as President. Yesterday was supposed to be this pivotal moment in time where we've been released from the grips of a dictator and now it's time to heal. Now, the media can start fawning over him and Kamala Harris everyday. President Biden was praised for his speech by calling for unity and an end to white supremacy. Chris Wallace said the inauguration speech since 1961. But, what does he really mean when he talks about unity and white supremacy? To the radical left, it means we all get in line with their ideas and the media will push it all day long. Conservatives need to be alert from Day 1 and ready to oppose the leftist agenda. If the President really wants us to unite, tell us what we can unite around because it's not going to be radical leftist ideas.

  • Inauguration Day 2021

    20/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Today, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States at noon at the Capitol in Washington D.C. President Trump gave his farewell address last night at the White House. He started a movement during his presidency that will carry on past his time in office. He tapped into what many Americans think about D.C. - elitist, out of touch and wanting to silence the opposition. He exposed the massive corruption that exists in our nation's capital. President Trump believes in the American dream, in the American people and in the Constitution. He understands how important freedom is. Farewell, President Trump. Thank you.

  • The Left Wants To Deprogram Conservatives

    19/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    The Left doesn't want to debate conservatives over our ideas, they just want to deprogram conservatives to think like them and their liberal theology. The Left believes that the government can solve all of our problems and the only thing that prevents them from utopia are conservatives. To the Left, politics is their religion.

  • Time To "Unite" Leftist Style

    18/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    CNN's Don Lemon has lumped every Trump voter into the same boat. He compared all Trump voters to the KKK and all of them are racist. The Left is saying it's time to "unite," but their definition of unite is for conservatives to shut up & get on board with their ideology otherwise there will be hell to pay. They are already silencing conservatives on social media and some are calling for conservative news outlets to be shut down.

  • The Intersection Of Faith And Politics

    15/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Constitutional Conservatism believes that rights come from God, not the government. The idea of a Republic gives a built in protection from the government because the Founders knew that as man built a government, it would grow too big. Being a Constitutional Conservatives says,"I believe in the document and ideas behind it." Conservatism believes that government should stay small. We are a nation of individuals with freedoms given by God, not subjects to a government.

  • The Era Of Payback Politics Has Begun

    14/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    The House voted to impeach President Trump for a second time. They pushed through the charges claiming he incited the violence last week at the Capitol. AOC calls for Senators Cruz and Hawley to resign. The Left wants to censor anyone who spoke out against the integrity of the election. Mayor Bill De Blasio announced on Wednesday that NYC would cancel contracts with the Trump Organization.

  • Critical Thinking Is Necessary, But That Doesn't Fit The Left's Narrative

    13/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Fake News Jim Acosta is, of course, out there doing whatever he has to do to make people buy into the narrative. The media has very few journalists today. They believe they are there to tell you how you should think and what to believe.

  • Big Tech Censorship

    12/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    The media and Big Tech has censored & banned President Trump. We'll play the speech from last week so you can hear for yourself what the Left says incited violence. We also discuss the double standard from the radical Left. It's time to take heart and learn to persuade others towards truth.

  • Free Speech Under Assault & Articles Of Impeachment

    11/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    On Friday, Twitter permanently banned President Trump from their site. Sunday evening, Amazon Web Services dropped Parler. There is obvious collusion between Amazon, Twitter, Google and Apple. Nancy Pelosi has demanded that the President resign or face impeachment. Democrats are also pushing for VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to have the President removed immediately.

  • The President Makes A Statement

    08/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    In a recorded speech from the White House, President Trump condemned the Capitol riots and stated that there will be an "orderly transition" to a Biden presidency.

  • Joe Biden Has Been Certified As President

    07/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    After a day peaceful rallies and violent protests at the Capitol in D.C., Congress reconvened to certify the Electoral College vote to make Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States.

  • Control Of The Senate Is Still Undecided; Congress Set To Count Electoral Ballots Today

    06/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Senate candidate Raphael Warnock has been projected the winner in the Georgia runoff against Kelly Loeffler. The race between David Perdue & Jon Osoff is still too close to call. With Warnock winning his race that is a "gain" for Democrats in the Senate. If Osoff wins, there will be a 50/50 tie in the Senate and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris would be the tie breaker (if sworn in on January 20) giving Democrats control of the House of Representatives, the Senate & Presidency. Mike Pence will be present today when Congress meets in a joint session to count the Electoral College ballots. We'll discuss his role in the process.

  • Summarizing Both Sides Of The Election Debate

    05/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    The Georgia Senate Run-off is today. Will Georgians vote to give Democrats total control or will the two Republicans prevail? Tomorrow, January 6, Vice President Pence will be counting to confirm the electoral votes. We'll discuss the views of both sides of the election debate.

  • Leaked Phone Call Between The President & Georgia Secretary Of State

    04/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    President Trump called the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, and it has been leaked to the media. The sound bites have been reported as evidence that the President is trying to pressure an election official to interfere with the now certified election results. Nancy Pelosi was elected to a 4th term as Speaker of the House.

  • Has America Ever Really Listened To Sidney Powell?

    30/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    On Tuesday, Sidney Powell was on The Rush Limbaugh Show. She was on the show, to again, make her case for election fraud. The continued push to shine a light on the evidence of fraud comes as Congress is set to count and confirm the Electoral College votes on January 6, 2021.

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