Experience Jesus, all the time! Embark on a new, fresh journey with Jesus. Subscribe to receive regular encouragement and wisdom on your journey with Jesus.
How to Live Free in the Midst of Hardship
15/01/2019 Duration: 02minThe difficulties of life can leave us empty and broken, but did you know that you can live free even in the middle of conflict? Whatever thirst we have, we can come to Him. You can be free!
045 - The Freeing Truth that Can Radically Change Your New Year
08/01/2019 Duration: 03minThe simple good news that can make 2019 your best year ever!
044 - The Only Resolution You Need to Make This Year
01/01/2019 Duration: 04minSelf-control can be yours, no resolutions required.
043 - He is with you today
25/12/2018 Duration: 02minThere's never a moment that you're not completely loved and accepted by God.
042 - Baby Jesus: Redeemer, King and Lord of the Universe
24/12/2018 Duration: 02minFind out the beautiful Christmas tradition your family could do at home to remember the true meaning of Christmas.
041 - Enamored with Jesus
18/12/2018 Duration: 01minIt’s Christmas time, have fun, give thanks and enjoy Jesus!
040 - The Truth About What Faith Actually Looks Like
12/12/2018 Duration: 03minHas feeling sad or afraid while facing a difficult time ever caused others to question your faith? Has it ever made you ask yourself if you were really trusting God? In this freeing message, Frank shares the truth about what faith actually looks like.
039 - The Encouragement You Need to Run the Race
04/12/2018 Duration: 04minThe race can be long, and the heartaches we face cause us to cry out for Christ's return. Frank reminds us to get excited - The Lamb who laid down His life is coming back as a Lion with a mighty roar, to slay His enemies and make this place right.
038 - Believing in a God You Can’t See When Life is at its Hardest
27/11/2018 Duration: 02minFrank reminds us of the great tenacity required to believe in what we cannot see, and encourages us that if we’re hanging onto Jesus, we’re secure no matter what is happening in our lives.
037 - Everything you Need to Know to Run the Race
14/11/2018 Duration: 03minIn the midst of the weary, long race of faith, we can become exhausted. In this short video, Frank reminds us to keep our eyes on Jesus because He has promised that His strength will never fail. You can finish the race!
036 - Stop Judging! We Were Never Designed to Live Here
13/11/2018 Duration: 04minThe pain of living in a world we were not designed to live in can be unbearable. In this short video, Frank encourages us with the truth that there is hope when death is all around us because with God it is never the end of the story.
035 - Faith Doesn't Change Anything - The Surprising Truth
06/11/2018 Duration: 04minIn this short audio clip, we get a quick peek into the lives of two men changed by their darkest days. May you find freedom as Frank reveals the truth about what having faith really accomplishes.
034 - The Freeing Truth Every Christian With Anxiety Needs to Know
30/10/2018 Duration: 03minFriends, this is a clip you don’t want want to miss! May freedom be yours today as you hear Frank share truth that every Christian needs to know!
033 - Why Living Vertically Changes Everything
23/10/2018 Duration: 03minKeeping our eyes on Jesus changes everything! God has promised to be in our wilderness with us, and in this short video, Frank encourages us to allow the wilderness we’re facing to become the place where we find God in ways we've never known him before.
032 - How to Praise God in the Wilderness
16/10/2018 Duration: 04minDo you long to see the power and glory of God in your wilderness? Do you wonder if it’s even possible to praise Him when you are facing such pain? Don’t miss Frank’s hope-filled video today, as he teaches us what God’s lovingkindness is all about, and shares how it is possible to praise God, even in the wilderness.
031 - The Secret to Being Truly Satisfied
09/10/2018 Duration: 03minYou've experienced it, haven't you? You're in deep turmoil, and you have a physical need, but the Holy Spirit provides the presence of God to you so richly, that you lose sight of the need you had. May Frank’s words in this short video bring light into the darkness you are facing, as you are reminded that Father can satisfy your deepest thirsts.
030 - What Every Hurting Person Needs to Know
02/10/2018 Duration: 02minWe face many adversities in this life, and in those dark times, we can feel so alone. May Frank Friedmann’s words in this short video from Living in Grace fill you with hope as you are reminded that our God always holds on to us.
029 - Never Alone
30/07/2018 Duration: 04minIn this podcast, Frank shares a very personal story detailing the worst test he has ever faced. Whatever you are facing today friend, you don't have to go through it alone. None of us are up to the demand of this life, but the wonderful news is, Jesus is!
028 - The Way of Escape: His Life Inside Us
30/07/2018 Duration: 01minIn scripture, we are told that God will not tempt us beyond what we are able and that with the temptation He will make a way of escape for us. In this exciting podcast, full of good news, Frank shares with us that the way of escape is Jesus, and His life is inside of us!
027 - How Far Will You Go With Your God?
30/07/2018 Duration: 02minIn this podcast, Frank shares the story of a man named Nick and his courageous journey of faith as he risked everything, including his own life, to share Jesus in Communist Romania. We are challenged today with the question, “How far will we go with our God?”