Christian single mom, you may be doing this solo, but you are not alone. I'm Jenn Buell--a speaker, writer, and widowed mom of four, and I'm right there with you. In this podcast you will find encouragement, hope, faith and stories from a real single mom.
Ep 79: Just say NO to an Overwhelmed Holiday Schedule
06/11/2019 Duration: 18minThis week my special guest is Jennifer Bryant, host of the popular Practical Family podcast and we are talking holidays. As moms we can want to get everything right this time of year but that comes with a lot of stress and can steal our holiday magic. So what if we just said NO to being overwhelmed this year? Listen in.
Ep 78: Might Mom Series Recap: You Can be a Mighty Mom Too
30/10/2019 Duration: 08minToday let's recap the great conversations I've had with mighty moms this month. I'll talk about the key take-aways from each mom that help YOU be the mightiest mom you can be. Listen in.
Ep 77: The Ministry of Hitting Pause on Your Career
23/10/2019 Duration: 17minMy guest today is author Jen Babakhan. We talk about the sacrifices we moms make with career and parenting and her new book "Detoured." Listen in.
Ep 76: The Mighty Ministry of Good Books
16/10/2019 Duration: 17minToday my guest is Kathleen Kerr, Acquisitions Editor for Harvest House Publishers. We talk about why getting women's stories published matters and the importance of good books. Listen in.
Ep 75: The Mighty Ministry of a Clutter Free Christmas
09/10/2019 Duration: 19minToday I have an extended episode for you with a lot of fun and a chance to win a copy of Kathi Lipp's new book, The Christmas Project Planner. We talk about creating a less-stress, clutter free Christmas and all the joy that will bring you, mom. Listen in.
Ep 72: No More Us vs Them: Seeking to Understand Even When We Disagree
18/09/2019 Duration: 13minDon't be scared off by today's title, mama. I promise we are not going to be cheering for a particular political party or hot-topic issue. Rather, let's talk openly about how to discuss difficult topics while letting love and grace lead us. I think the world--especially online--could use more of that.
Ep 71: Overwhelmed Mom Syndrome: It's a Real Thing and This is How to Handle It
11/09/2019 Duration: 11minAs moms we can spend all our time running, working, and simply doing until we are exhausted and overwhelmed. In today's episode, let's talk about overwhelmed mom syndrome (yes, it's a thing and I didn't make it up) and how to stop living feeling depleted.
Ep 70: Why the Church Needs to Prioritize Supporting Single Moms Today
04/09/2019 Duration: 11minFall is in the air and many churches are prepping to start small groups, life groups, or whatever they call them. Does your church have space for single moms in your groups? Does it have a group specifically to help meet the needs of those moms? Listen in to find out how to include single moms and why this needs to be a priority.
Ep 69: Remember to Breathe on the Way Down: Taking a Brave Leap of Faith
28/08/2019 Duration: 11minTaking a deep breath and leaping in faith can feel scary. Remembering to breathe on the way down is important. In this week's episode, let's talk about bravely trusting God, making sure your leap of faith is one He's asking you take, and remembering his faithfulness. You can do this mama.
Ep 68: Eye Rolls & Deep Breaths: Parenting Your Teenager so You Both Survive
21/08/2019 Duration: 12minParenting teens gets a bad rap but these not-quite-kids-anymore that live in our homes still hold a dear place in our hearts. Though sometimes we barely recognize the, I have learned a few tricks to navigating the choppy waters of middle school and high school parenting. You can do this, mama, and let's talk about a few ways to do it well.
Ep 67: The World Needs What Makes You Different, Weird, & Wonderful, Mom!
14/08/2019 Duration: 11minLast episode was about finding yourself on at the crossroads of something new in your life. But as you move into whatever comes next, you need to make sure you do it as yourself. Whatever makes you unique, God created that on purpose. Let's talk about what that matters.
Ep 66: What Next? When Mom Feels an Early Midlife Crisis Begin
07/08/2019 Duration: 11minIt's ironic that motherhood is a job you slowly work yourself out of. As our kids grow and move into new seasons of their lives, it can fill us with a panicked feeling of "what next?" But new seasons can be amazing new opportunities. Let's talk about finding ourselves at crossroads and asking tough questions.
Ep 65: The Spunky Mom's Back to School Supplies List for Mom
31/07/2019 Duration: 11minJuly has come and almost gone and it's already time to start thinking about school? How did that happen? As school supplies and lists invade our favorite stores, I've got a list just for you, mama. There are some things YOU need to hit back to school strong. Listen in.
Ep 64: You're Still Standing! Props for Not Locking Your Kids Up Yet This Summer
24/07/2019 Duration: 10minYou have made it halfway through summer and you are still standing! That is worth celebrating. But I also am a mom and know you might have reached an exhausted point in the season. Though I am kidding about locking them up, I do know that when we reach this point we can feel like we are not doing a great job as moms. Today I've got lots of ways you are totally winning.
Ep 63: Eye Rolls & Mom Wins: Surviving Summer with Moody Teens
17/07/2019 Duration: 11minWe are halfway through summer. Are your kids starting to hit the "he's looking at me" stage yet? When they are little, this type of thing annoys us. When they hit the moody tweens and teens, well that is just surely on a whole 'nother level. Today let's talk about handling the mood swings that hit our older kids and how to win as a mom even when you annoy them.
Ep 62: Mom's Summer Fun: Popsicles, Good Books, Sunshine & More!
10/07/2019 Duration: 15minSummer is in full swing. We are doing great at making sure our kids are cared for and have fun activities, but what about mom? We need to have fun too. In this excerpt from a conversation with Bethany Howard of Permission Granted, we talk about why that's important and some ways to make summer fun for you.
Ep 61: Busy, Busy, Busy: How Not to Overschedule our Kids
03/07/2019 Duration: 17minSummer is in full swing and there's a juggling act between our kids having too much time on their hands and being too busy. There are many reasons that can push us to overschedule them and us. In today's extended episode, Jennifer Bryant of the Practical Family podcast shares with me four questions to help us avoid the overscheduling trap.
Ep 60: No More Electronics! Waging War on the Screen this Summer
26/06/2019 Duration: 11minIn summertime it can be so easy to let the kids get lost in screen time. But eventually we pay for it in poor behavior, poor health, and mom guilt. Let's talk about how to set limits and what to offer instead. In this episode I don't recommend pretending we're in 1880 but do encourage finding ways to curb the addiction to the screen that's plaguing our kids. Listen in.