Answers With Bayless Conley



Bayless Conley is a church leader and speaker, known for both his clear presentation of the Bible message and the way he applies it to everyday life.Bayless grew up in Southern California where, during his teenage years, he became involved in a lifestyle of drug and alcohol abuse. After years of searching for truth, and a number of near-death experiences, he found answers and freedom in Jesus when a 12-year-old boy shared God's message of hope with him in a park one day.Bayless' unique background and remarkable story have enabled him to reach a diverse audience globally. Today, the Answers with Bayless Conley broadcast is impacting lives around the world in numerous languages.Bayless and his wife, Janet, are the parents of three grown children, and enthusiastic grandparents of three. Together they lead Cottonwood Church in Orange County, California, and passionately pursue life, God, and family.


  • How to Experience God’s Peace in Anxious Times

    05/02/2021 Duration: 27min

    We live in anxious times. And if you are prone to worry, the challenges of your personal life and the world we live in make it even harder to keep your sanity. But it's God's will for you to experience His supernatural peace in every circumstance of your life, no matter how turbulent things get. Jesus wants to give you peace and rest. Let Bayless Conley show you from the Bible how the peace of God can keep you from feeling anxious when normal reasoning says you should be worried. It really is possible to have a peaceful life, so find freedom from worry today!

  • Living a Life of Trust

    29/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    Every believer needs to know how to live a life of trust in God. Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." The truth is that God's ways are sometimes diametrically opposed to conventional human wisdom. When faced with tough choices, do we still trust that His plans are better than ours? Living a life of trust won't just happen—as we rest on His promises, we all need to seek God for His wisdom, His strength, and His guidance in every circumstance. Bayless Conley's teaching will inspire you to live life this way, every day, fully trusting in the Lord.

  • Jesus: The Light of the World

    22/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    Jesus declared in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” As a child of God, you have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and welcomed into the kingdom of light—not only that, you’ve been given authority to light up the dark. Find out how you can exercise the power God’s given you to push back the darkness in Bayless Conley’s message “Jesus: The Light of the World.” God wants to use you in your sphere of influence to bring the lost and hurting into the light of His kingdom. Ready to get started?

  • Listen and Obey God

    15/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    When God asks you to do something, it's always for your good. But sometimes we're so busy with our lives and so distracted that we never really hear what He has to say. And disobedience can open the door for troubles and heartache. In this insightful message, Bayless Conley shows you why and how to listen and obey the Lord. God wants to take you on the greatest adventure you'll ever be on, and you would be amazed at what would happen when you grow in knowledge and understanding of Him.

  • You Have Influence

    08/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    Statistics reveal that the average person influences tens of thousands of people in their lifetime. That means no matter what you do or what kind of personality you have, your life will definitely impact others. Will you have a positive or negative influence? Bayless Conley shares how you can powerfully impact people for the gospel in his message “You Have Influence.” Discover key ways you can yield your life to God so it makes an eternal difference in every other life it touches.

  • The Secret of Going Just a Little Further

    01/01/2021 Duration: 27min

    There are times in life when your efforts can feel like you’re digging a dry well and wasting your time, which tempts you to stop short. But what if breakthrough is closer than you think? You can experience God’s supernatural power in dramatic ways. Bayless Conley shares the secret to breaking into a river of blessing and favor in your life—more than you may have ever anticipated—through simple practices that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Fall more in love with God as you press in and take your faith a little further in four specific areas.

  • Revival Is Coming

    25/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    Jesus said in Matthew 24 that the gospel would be preached in all the world, and then the end will come. It's estimated that new technologies will bring the translated Word of God into every language that still needs it within our lifetime. Pair that with the fulfillment of many other biblical prophecies, and you can conclude we're living in the last days. As believers, we don't have to fear the end times. If anything else, the opposite is true—what a time it is to be alive. God is at work in the earth, and He is moving amongst His people. In this powerful message, Harrison Conley stirs your heart toward desiring and seeing God revive His people and pour out His Spirit like never before.

  • The Christmas Story through Joseph’s Eyes

    18/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    While sometimes overlooked, Joseph played a significant part in the Christmas story as the earthly father of Jesus. Thrown into unusual circumstances beyond his control, he humbly trusted and obeyed God. And the same qualities that Joseph demonstrated in his life will help you in your life when you face situations that you never chose and don’t understand. Bayless Conley’s look at the Christmas story through Joseph’s eyes will encourage you to walk faithfully with God even when life hits you with the unexpected. Listen today!

  • Psalm 24: The Return of the King

    11/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    Who can come into the presence of a holy God? Only those whose hands and heart are pure, says Psalm 24. So what’s the issue, you ask? None of us qualifies! Romans 3:23 tells us, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Think about it: even with all of humanity’s advancements throughout history, we’re still utterly lost spiritually. In this message, Bayless Conley looks at three prophetic psalms that point to different aspects of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Put your trust in His finished work in Psalm 22, embrace Him as your Shepherd in Psalm 23, and be welcomed in Christ into the presence of a holy God without shame and guilt in Psalm 24.

  • Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1)

    04/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the book of James. Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives? Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.

  • Understanding Faith

    27/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    If you want to learn how faith works in your life, then you need to look to Jesus. He is both the source and the developer of your faith, bringing it to maturity. In this message, Bayless Conley shares four basic principles of the faith-filled life. How it is first and foremost about trusting a person, Jesus Christ. How having faith in Him works by ‘saying’ and ‘praying.’ Plus, the great hindrance to faith—not forgiving. Don’t miss this very practical teaching, it’s going to help you!

  • Three Things Jesus Wants to Do for You

    20/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos. In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the things He still does today. Bayless Conley shows three things an unchanging Jesus wants to do for you in an ever-changing world.

  • Three Essential Qualities of a Godly Person

    13/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David – ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan and God called him a man after His own heart. Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character. As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.

  • The Lost Coin

    06/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable: how God desires to use you to reach the lost. There are people in your world who are at the end of their rope, saying, “God, if you’re real, show me.” Their lives will be radically transformed when you become a carrier and a conduit of the Good News, so be encouraged to let your light shine!

  • The Importance of Being in the Right Place

    30/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    It’s important to be in the right place! When you are where God wants you to be, you can expect Him to meet your needs in powerful ways and work through you to do amazing things. Bayless Conley shares how God will lead you to specific places in life in order to bring you illumination, provide for you, and use you to be an instrument of healing and blessing to others. Watch or listen to this eye-opening message, and learn to discern God’s guidance as He directs you to the place that’s right for you.

  • Find God’s Strength (When You Need it Most)

    23/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    Whatever sort of strength you need—be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual—God’s strength is available to help you. If you want to learn how to take hold of this strength and to experience God’s power in your everyday life, you’ll be encouraged by this insightful message to dig deeper into God’s Word and hold fast to Him as your refuge and strength. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis right now and feel sorrowful or perplexed, or if you’ve been unjustly thrown into circumstances far beyond your control... God has strength and an answer for you! He is for you and wants to undergird you with His mighty power.

  • Five Ways to Experience More of God’s Power

    16/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    The same power that resurrected Christ turns sinners into new creations, heals sick bodies, delivers the oppressed, works miracles, and gives you victory over sin, failure, and weakness. In this compelling message, Bayless Conley unveils from the Scriptures how you can experience more of God and His resurrection power for the race you are called to run. Learn five ways to deepen your relationship with God and consequently reveal more of His presence and power in your life.

  • The Greatest Verse in the Bible

    09/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    John 3:16 declares, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." No other verse in the Bible says so much to so many in so few words. In this message, Harrison Conley helps you understand the depth of what the gospel is and why it matters. There is nothing more important than to find out where you stand in relation to what God's Word says in the greatest verse in the Bible.

  • Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

    02/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    Your past doesn't have to define your future. Join Bayless Conley as he examines the life of a biblical character who was brought up in a background of idolatry and against all the odds turned to the Lord with all of his heart. Regardless of your past, God has good plans for your life. Your role is to get into His Word, make it your final authority, and live by it. If you've worried about how your past affects God’s will for your future, this teaching offers hope and practical steps to help you discover your destiny.

  • 6 Traits that Build a Great Life

    25/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    The fact that life goes by fast should make us think about how we spend the rest of ours. So how do we build a meaningful life in the time we have on earth? In this episode, Bayless Conley is unpacking six character traits that build a great life in the eyes of God for you and for those around you. As a believer, you're called to stand out and do all you can to further God’s kingdom. When you develop these six traits, it will be impossible for your faith—and your life—to remain unnoticed.

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