Underground Usa



Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • It’s Official…The GOP Primary Season Is Over

    22/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    Before we get into Monday’s America’s Third Watch segment, I wanted to play Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign suspension speech. It is just five minutes long, but it illustrates the humble modesty of a true leader.Far from utilizing the typical “blame everyone else” political move that just about every inside-the-beltway politician uses when things don’t go their way, DeSantis accepted the realities of the matter:It bears noting that his campaign suspension was followed immediately by an endorsement of what can now only be seen as the overwhelming favorite for the GOP, former President Donald Trump.Different from most political creatures, DeSantis didn’t name-call or castigate. He outlined what he was fighting for and will be fighting for in the last two years of his governorship and beyond.And rather than personally attack former South Carolina Governor Mikki Haley, he simply pointed out the obvious facts about the timber and reality of her campaign; that she has outed herself as a corpora

  • Finally, The Global March To Marxism Is Rebuked

    20/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    Before we get into Friday’s America’s Third Watch segment, in which we talk a lot about the situation in Gaza and our Southern border here in the US, I wanted to point out some promising talk coming out of all places, the World Economic Forum’s annual conference of elitist clowns in Davos.On the off chance that you are not paying attention to the narcissistic globalists at the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos get-together (insert eye-roll here), I’d like to share with you my surprise at a question-and-answer session and a speech.In both instances, the speakers presented a full-throated condemnation of Marxism and anti-individualism, with one presenter going as far as to declare those in attendance at Davos a part of the problem. You could almost feel the crowd’s righteous indignation.Starting with the latter presenter first, we have Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, who declared in no uncertain terms his dismay with the entire World Economic Forum assumption that they are soothsayers and the fut

  • January 6th: A Timeline Of Events That Raises Many Questions

    17/01/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Many narratives were crafted about the protest that occurred at the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Almost all of the ones produced by Congress and the mainstream media shop the narrative of a violent mob that, unprovoked, stormed the Capitol Building while elected officials cowered in fear.But that is the preferred narrative; the narrative those in power want you to believe.Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why the elected class was so reticent in releasing the full complement of surveillance video to the American public? It is a valid and important question to have answered.Over 1,300 people were arrested and charged with various crimes related to the January 6th protest. Of that – three years on, 53 percent of those arrested (548 individuals) still await trial and another 220 individuals still wanted by the FBI. As to those still awaiting trial, their incarceration violates their Fourth and Sixth Amendment rights to due process and a speedy trial. Their continued incarceration moves them to the

  • The Errors In Biden’s Speech Were Many…But This Is The Most Egregious

    08/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    Before we get to Monday’s segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to make a few comments about Joe Biden’s disgraceful Valley Forge speech. To put it bluntly, there was so much disingenuousness in that speech – so much politically driven propaganda, that I was half expecting Washington’s ghost to appear to slap the man.As I have stated many times – and as I am starting to hear emerging into the conservative mainstream, there is no adjudication of insurrection anywhere against Donald Trump regarding the events on January 6th. In fact, not one January 6th political prisoner has even been charged with insurrection. Therefore, the 14th Amendment, Section 3 doesn’t apply.Additionally – and this addresses the degree of outright deceit to which the neo-fascists who puppeteer the Biden administration will sink, Trump already served four years, and none of the fear-porn being shopped by Democrats ever came close to happening. One would think that if Donald Trump was a “danger to democracy” he would have planted the

  • He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him

    06/01/2024 Duration: 20min

    In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hated Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump for the same thing.This is not an endorsement (it’s still too early in the process to make an intelligent statement of support), but each point Ramaswamy makes is something I can wholeheartedly agree with. In fact, I have been championing his stance on two of the issues for decades.In these four clips, Ramaswamy hits on:* The media’s support of the institutional racism false narrative* The selective support of Ukraine as farce in the realm of “Good v. Evil”* Calling for the RNC’s failures in recent federal elections and Ronna McDaniel’s resignation* Reforming the electoral process by hobbling Super PACsThe False Narrative Of Institutional RacismRamaswamy answers a mainstream media reporter’s question on whether he “condemns” Wh

  • You Can’t Toss Someone Off Of A Ballot Without Due Process

    30/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Now Maine. The election “authority” in that state, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, has decided – unilaterally – that Donald Trump should be removed from the federal election ballot in Maine because he is an insurrectionist.Mind you, in no court, in any state, anywhere in the United States, has a charge of insurrection been leveled against anyone, let alone Donald Trump. So, no insurrection conviction – against anyone – has been registered.Officially – legally, there has been no insurrection as qualified by the United States Constitution. Therefore, there is no legal (read: legitimate) basis to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment which bars insurrectionists from running for the presidency, among other federal offices.One can only hope that the US Supreme Court still recognizes the US Constitution as the law of the land and fast-tracks a rebuke of Colorado’s supreme court in their ruling to remove Trump from their state ballots and Ms. Bellows. There is no other interpretation that can be legitimate but t

  • Phobias…The Woke Left’s Got ‘Em

    18/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this segment of America’s Third Watch, we discuss – among other things – the woke Left’s neverending list of phobias. Oh, sure they present as being these confident social justice warriors, but the fact of the matter is this. That confidence is a facade.Traditionally, the Progressives – now officially transitioned to “the woke” (I wonder if you have to have anything cut off during that transition) – project their actions, thoughts, and fears upon their opposition. When they screamed Russian collusion it was Hillary Clinton and the former FBI counterintelligence chief who were doing the colluding. When they pointed fingers at Donald Trump about grifting the Ukrainians, it was Hunter Biden getting paid to do nothing.And just like the midlife-crisis 1970s male who had to buy a Corvette to “compensate” for what we will label “shortcomings”, the woke Left is continually overcompensating in their championing of just about every special interest demographic known to man. This is where the phobias come in.Islamoph

  • Oh, You’re A Change-Agent Activist? (Yawn)

    12/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into this current segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to preface a point that we touch on, which centers on the obnoxious trend of everyone needing to be a change-agent activist.Understand, I have no issue with people who see a wrong and want to affect change for the better. I applaud them. The world needs more people aware of our societal maladies and willing to sacrifice to affect positive change.But the keyword in all of that is “sacrifice” and the chief sacrifice is taking the time to understand the issue thoroughly. Too many people – especially GenZers and university students – allow their emotions to drive them without a comprehensive understanding of the issue that has “triggered” them.The danger in being only quasi-informed on an issue someone is passionate about is that this class of “activist” falls prey to the manipulative social engineers who almost always exist on the transformative Left. A quasi-informed “change-agent activist” is easily manipulated into being a useful idiot

  • He Who Controls The Food & Means To Healthcare...

    05/12/2023 Duration: 32min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, I wanted to touch on an item that I believe is getting little coverage in the mainstream media and the coverage it is getting is convoluted.US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was invited to sit in with the Israeli War Cabinet so he could be informed on the next stage of Israel's campaign to rid Gaza of Hamas, this time in the south. What this meeting turned into was Blinken lecturing the Israelis about what they could and couldn't do, what they must do, and a time frame on when they needed to wrap this up.Blinken told them they could not use the same tactics they did in the north (which were successful). Instead, they have to execute more pinpoint targeted attacks so they don't have to evacuate civilians, so they don't have to go into UN buildings or hospitals or community buildings and government buildings; buildings that Hamas hides behind – and they want it wrapped up in a couple months.Actually, not even a couple of months. The Israelis s

  • Why Is It We Don’t Learn From These Things?

    01/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    Before I intro this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to point out the overt and deliberate attack on innocent Israelis in Jerusalem last Thursday by Hamas terrorists. This attack resulted in the murders of six people and the severe injury of five more.I warned of this in the run-up to the fake ceasefire. I warned that the cessation of hostilities was not as it appeared and, in fact, was a hudna: a perceived ceasefire that gives jihadis (and that’s what Hamas is, a group of jihadis) an opportunity to regroup, re-arm, re-strategize, and re-deploy.We witnessed the end of that short hudna with the murders in Jerusalem.The West – and especially those pro-Hamas/Palestinian protesters who exist in the intellectual void of college campuses and radical urban assemblies – have completely failed to understand the Hamas mindset.As Professor Denis McEoin, the Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Newcastle University, wrote at MEForum.org:“The jihad is waged against the entire world, but Israel has become its fo

  • Time To Castrate The United Nations

    30/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    Thanks for downloading and listening. Before we get into this Monday's edition of America's Third Watch – in which we debate the reality of Bidenomics and talk about the crimes committed by Hamas against the Israeli people, I wanted to point you toward the lead story over at UndergroundUSA.com titled, Not Just No But Hell No!It has to do with an initiative the United Nations is pushing upon the world – through its woke and globalist entities – that wants to take control of the definition of Free Speech; what you're allowed to say, what hate speech is, what you're not allowed to say.This is antithetical to a free world of sovereign nations. This is something you're going to have to write your Senators and Representatives about complaining loudly that the UN not only is a useless agency but is an organization that should be dismantled.[The UN] has no say whatsoever within the United States. We are a sovereign nation. We do not kneel to the United Nations.Free Speech is under attack. We all have to defend it. If

  • Are Tinfoil Hats Becoming A Fashion Statement?

    13/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    As a precursor to today’s segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, I wanted to mention two things.First, please take some time to read The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different, the featured story at Underground USA. It addresses the many and substantial parallels between the Islamist and Marxist ideologies and how the implementation of both – including their similar tactics and methods of indoctrination and oppression – have always ended in a dramatic loss of freedom and individualism. Simply stated, both ideologies subjugate the individual and kill freedom.Second, and this relates to the above in the fact that indoctrination – or more succinctly, brainwashing – results in a need for a re-institution of a person’s critical thinking ability. Once people have digested the Kool-Aid it takes great effort to free their minds; to liberate their minds so they can see things clearly; so the brainwashed can see clearly that oppressive and totalitarian ideologies are never the answer and, in fact, ensla

  • In An Official Capacity, It’s Irresponsible & Actionable

    06/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    Before we get into this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch, in which we discuss not only Squad member and US Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI), incendiary X post published Friday but some of the lesser-known violent directives of Islam, I wanted to provide a link to the Kindle book I mentioned in the first segment.Women in the Fundamentalist Islamic Culture is the short book I discuss. It is available through Amazon in Kindle form or by subscribing as a premium member and accessing the bookshelf where you will find all six monographs I produced for the non-profit I ran in the 2000s and early 2010s, including:* The Fraudulent Senator: A New Media Investigation into Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senatorial Campaign* The United States Of America Is Not A Democracy* Understanding The Threat Of Radical Islam* Women In The Fundamentalist Islamic Culture* The Muslim Brotherhood & Wahhabism In America* A Brief Overview Of ‘The Twelvers’: Ahmadinejad’sBut back to Tlaib and her reprehensible post…Friday, Tlaib issued a

  • It’s Can’t Be A Same-Old-Same-Old Response This Time

    04/11/2023 Duration: 31min

    Before we get into Friday’s segment of Amerca’s Third Watch in which Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of subjects – from the worthlessness of the United Nations in the Middle Eastern conflicts, to the very real fact that regardless of what US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says the United States cannot engage in a two theater global conflict, to the inexperienced narcissism of the useless opinions on world events coming off of college and University campuses in the United States, I wanted to highlight a soundbite for everyone to consider.I present a hot mic soundbite featuring US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) – now Houston Mayoral Candidate Jackson Lee – in which she destroys any argument that insists she isn’t a two-faced bully.In the soundbite, Jackson Lee – an alleged supporter of tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion – excoriates one of her aids and drips that venom onto a second.This is the real Sheila Jackson Lee, not the measured camera-facing voice she puts on for the media. So, p

  • How About We Enforce The Laws We Have…Everywhere?!

    30/10/2023 Duration: 30min

    In this episode of America’s Third Watch, Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of topics including how retailers – especially in California and up the West Coast – are lobbying Congress to create federal law that would combat the current scourge of retail thefts plaguing America’s urban areas; retail thefts that can already be prosecuted through the enforcement of existing law.We also touch on the mounting evidence of corruption and graft being perpetrated by the Biden family and the question of how their million-dollar payments are being rationalized.And lastly, we cover some undeniable facts as they relate to the Palestinians, the Middle East conflict, and how history is calling bullshit on the arguments being made to justify the violence that has been a constant since before the creation of the nation-state of Israel.And I wanted to mention – and we have been promoting this in our mailouts – that I will be a featured guest in tomorrow’s episode – yes, the Halloween episode – of The Truth Summit, produced an

  • The Cancerous Metastasizing Of The Neo-Axis Powers

    23/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, in which we talk at length about the coalescing of a new neo-Axis power joining Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and a gaggle of lesser satellite nations to their whim, I wanted to point out that you're going to hear a little bit of a different quality on the ATW podcasts.We've instituted some new protocols that allow me to go directly through the board. I am in a separate studio from Kyle so this development, well, I think you'll be pleased because I don’t sound like I'm on a phone anymore…which is kind of nice.I also want to point you toward the lead story over at Underground USA – The Death of Mainstream Media Credibility. It centers a bit on the Israeli-Hamas situation but as you get deeper into the article it starts to talk about why we're in the place we're in, where the media can't be trusted, and who brought us to this point.It's got some meat to it and I think that when you have discussions with people who are not of like mind (and

  • Ineptitude, Opportunism & Corruption vs. Some Common Sense

    20/10/2023 Duration: 52min

    After our regular segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, we’re going to try something a little new. This is what I was referring to in my last mailout about trying something a little different; a little unique.We're not deviating from what we do, we're adding something. You'll still hear the twice-weekly interviews on America's Third Watch, but I'm adding a segment called Corner of the Bar (COB) in which regular everyday, informed, and passionate people are brought into the conversation about the important issues of the day so that we can all get an idea of what the mindset of everyday Americans are on those issues.These are the thoughts of the every man and woman, the people who vote, the people who go to work every day and who do life every day, not the opinions of the “opinion class”; instead of always what a pundit says, what a radio host says, what a politician says.It's just the corner of the bar; a very relaxed conversation that gives a voice to the every man and woman. I think it's about t

  • There’s Something Happening Here…What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear

    16/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    As we watch the atrocities committed by Hamas play out, it is hard not to believe that there is something much more nefarious underway. It is obvious that Iran is playing a significant role in the mass murder that has taken place in Israel but what is their true motivation for creating such a massive vulnerability?Are the Iranian mullahs telegraphing that they have nuclear capability in their attack on Israel, a nuclear nation? If so, what will their use of nuclear weaponry look like? Dirty bombs? IEDs? ICBMs?And was this act of inexcusable aggression executed because the Saudis were getting too close to Israel? Were the attacks a move to reconcile the Saudis with the rest of the Islamofascist, terror group-supporting cabal?Kyle Warren and I talk about that and more on this segment of America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the GCN and Salem networks on the Westwood One satellite system…And be sure to read my current article, The Cowards Of The Collegiate Left Ignorant & Entitled, over at UndergroundUSA.comTa

  • Dispelling A Myth & Madness

    09/10/2023 Duration: 19min

    Before we get into today's segment on America's Third Watch, I wanted to say something about Columbus Day and all the people who are advancing the false history that Howard Zinn came up with about Christopher Columbus committing genocide against the Native North American Indians.Christopher Columbus never set foot on North American soil. That's history. He landed in Haiti – Hispaniola beforehand, it’s now called Haiti. He made four voyages to the New World and never made it north of Panama.When you talk about the slaughter of Native North American Indians you have to start talking about the Spanish and the Portuguese, who were integral in the slave trade.So, to disparage Christopher Columbus for having had the courage to get onto an ocean, not knowing where he was going, and finding a route to the New World – even if it was in the Caribbean and not North America, it really is slanderous; it's a slap in the face to anybody who understands true history and, quite honestly, it's a slap in the face to Italian Ame

  • Trust But Verify: A Lesson Re-Learned

    06/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    As we head into the season of gotcha politics and twisted narratives; the season of smear and assassination for anyone daring to message the truth simply for its delivery, I thought it prudent – especially as some in my particular sphere are being scrutinized – to reiterate my experience and background.I have come to understand that this type of confirmation and reiteration helps readers and listeners consume my research, analysis, and opinion with a higher level of confidence.In reality, journalism and journalistic activism would be better served if everyone with a keyboard or a microphone occasionally reiterated their bona fides and experience so people would know why they should actually care about what the journalist or activist is saying.I am also doing this now to make a very important point; one that I have written and advocated for many times before. As Ronald Reagan put so succinctly, “Trust but verify,” or in other words, do your homework when it comes to verifying the facts being espoused and those

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