Chorus Voices



Chorus provides in-home and community support to more than 10,000 people across metro and regional WA. We support seniors, those living with disability or in mental health recovery to live the life they choose.The Chorus Voices Podcast is your direct line to our work on the ground across WA. Through Chorus Voices, we share stories and learnings that come from our workplace and our community. Tune in to hear about the people we support, how our organisation works, and the personal and professional insights that are inspired by the Chorus community.


  • 14: The Man who Loved his Donkey More than his Wife

    04/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    Tune into episode 14 of the Chorus Voices Podcast! This week, Dan and Louise head to the Bull Creek Multicultural Activity Centre. Explore how celebrations of culture have created a pathway to an incredible community that gives joy, belonging, health and purpose to all those it touches.

  • 13: Emergent Strategy

    21/08/2018 Duration: 24min

    The best strategies are informed by experience, reflection, and aspiration. In episode 13 of Chorus Voices, hosts Dan Minchin and Louise Forster explore how Chorus use these factors to drive the forward-thinking strategy that has seen the organisation thrive.

  • 12: Disability Employment Services

    06/08/2018 Duration: 20min

    A job is more than just a job.  A job isn’t just financial independence. It gives us purpose, a place in the world and a sense that what we’re doing is making a real contribution. Chorus Disability Employment Services (DES) strives to help people living with disability or in mental health recovery to find meaningful employment.   Listen to hear how the DES programme is changing lives and encouraging people to find employment that's meaningful and long term.

  • 11: Our House

    24/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    A place to gather,  connect, have a laugh, and share a meal. This is what Chorus offers with ‘Our House’, a purpose-built home in Mandurah that hosts daily gatherings for seniors and people living with disability. The offering is a simple, but an essential one. Listen in to Episode 11 of the Chorus Podcast to learn how Our House, and the other Chorus Day Centres, change lives.

  • 10: Mental Health Recovery

    09/07/2018 Duration: 19min

    Chorus is all about enabling people to live the life that they choose, and mental health support is a big part of that. Today, Dan and Louise discuss mental health philosophy at Chorus and how the philosophy of “walking beside someone” is revolutionising the way mental health service operates. Let’s talk to some of the people involved in bringing about change in mental health recovery.

  • 9: The Ability Arts Centre

    25/06/2018 Duration: 25min

    Expression. Connection. Healing.  Art has always been a vehicle for these necessary components of human health and happiness. Today, Louise and Dan explore how people living with disability have been given the power of art through the Chorus Ability Arts Centre in Mandurah, Western Australia. Let’s talk to some of the artists and hear firsthand what art can do!

  • 8: Pathways to Community Service

    11/06/2018 Duration: 30min

    Podcast hosts Louise Forster and Dan Minchin share some of the stories and experiences they have enjoyed on their paths to Chorus. Work experience, motivation, challenges and triumphs - listen in to see what lessons they’ve learned leading a community service organisation with more than 1,000 employees and volunteers.

  • 7: Home Care Packages

    29/05/2018 Duration: 24min

    Tune in to Episode 7 of the Chorus Voices Podcast! A working mum struggling to find time for her own aging parents. A formerly fit and active senior, now housebound whilst recovering from a surgery. Or perhaps someone who’s recently had their driver’s licence revoked due to failing eyesight or other health issues. These are the sorts of situations where the Home Care Packages at Chorus can make the difference between crisis and stability. Find out how Chorus approaches aged and in-home care, how the organisational landscape is changing, and learn what a day in the life is like for those giving and receiving care.

  • 6: Creating the Kind of Organisation People Want to Work With

    14/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    What’s the difference between doing a job, and loving it? And how can an organisation become a place where its people are doing the latter?Chorus Voices Podcast hosts Dan Minchin and Louise Forster ask these tough questions of themselves, their organisation, and - most importantly - their team members.

  • 5: The Value of Volunteering

    27/04/2018 Duration: 29min

    This episode of Chorus Voices  is all about volunteering - its impact on others, its ability to build community, and the rich rewards it offers to both the volunteers and those they serve. Tune in and grow through the rich experiences of volunteers to discover how deep the meaning goes.

  • 4: What’s in a Brand?

    17/04/2018 Duration: 33min

    Episode 4 of the Chorus Voices Podcast delves into for-purpose branding through the journey of Chorus itself.Learn from Dan Minchin, Louise Forster, and members of the Chorus community what it takes to build a business that truly means something and what the real-world effects of a powerful brand can be.

  • 3: Technology that Connects and Empowers

    29/03/2018 Duration: 23min

    Episode 3 of the Chorus Voices Podcast covers an exciting topic: Technology! With the power to open new worlds, technology offers incredible opportunities for previously challenged and isolated community members. But the constant rate of change can be intimidating to people and businesses alike. Louise and Dan explore how the barriers to technology can be broken down, and what life could look like on the other side.

  • 2: Cultivating Community Through Gardening

    16/03/2018 Duration: 15min

    Gardening is in many ways a metaphor for health. A garden requires tending. It requires time, attention and caring. The more love a garden gets, the healthier and more beautiful it becomes. A garden spreads joy to all those around it. Join Chorus Voices Podcast hosts Louise Forster and Dan Minchin as they explore how gardening has taken root in the Chorus community.

  • 1: Culture - The Heartbeat of an Organisation

    26/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    Welcome to the first episode of the Chorus Voices Podcast! We’re jumping into the deep end and exploring the vital subject of work culture. Namely - what it means, how to build it, and what it can do for an organisation. Hosts Louise Foster and Dan Minchin explore the importance of culture in the workplace and community through their experience.

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