Know Thyself



Resurrecting sense and meaning from the dust of a billion factoids. New episodes are released the first and third Monday of each month.


  • Know Thyself 47: The White North Has Thy Bones -- The Lost Franklin Expedition

    07/01/2020 Duration: 55min

    1845 Two Ships leave England to seek the Northwest Passage, and disappear from the face of the Earth. Where had they gone? What happened to them? Almost two centuries later, we know some of the answers. But mysteries remain. The most complete audio presentation of the Lost Franklin Expedition anywhere. Part 1 -- The Story.

  • Know Thyself 46: Heretics Must Die!

    26/11/2019 Duration: 49min

    It is one of the most infamous acts of butchery in history. Parisian Catholics vs Protestants at the height of the Reformation. People were going to die.  A lot of people. In this episode you will hear the background, the intrigues, the animosities personal and religious, the kings and queens and dukes and admirals, the popes and reformers, and in the end the murderers and their victims.  A sad, sordid, disturbing tale of how religious zealotry mixed with power lust, greed, and fear brought out the absolute worst in humanity and resulted in the wholesale slaughter of 10,000 to 30,000 people.   Cover Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong 

  • Know Thyself 45: Rampaging Mobs Edition

    06/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    This episode continues our excursion into the manifestations of mob behavior by covering some of the deadliest, most out-of-control, seething, frothing, infuriated hordes and outraged masses in history. Sports Hooliganism on a grand and deadly scale (as in 30,000 people massacred during the Nika riots), anti-Vaccination riots in Rio, Religious riots, salt riots, plague riots, riots and more riots. So light your Molotov cocktails, grab your rocks and clubs, and stake out your barricade for this survey of some of the deadliest (and goofiest) riots in the ancient and modern world. The in depth discussion of the NIKA RIOTS of 532 CE begins at 43 minutes.  

  • Know Thyself 44: The Terror of History: Witch Trials with Teofilo Ruiz

    01/10/2019 Duration: 56min

    National Humanities Medal Award Winner, Author, Revolutionary, Historian Professor Teofilo Ruiz explains how the witch persecutions began, what they consisted of, why they stopped, and what it means for humanity. A fascinating, broad and deep discussion with a brilliant and distinguished historical researcher and multi-award-winning teacher and author. From Professor Ruiz: “I think that the role of a historian, the role of a teacher—and I truly believe this—is to go against the grain. To argue. To be a contrarian. To make people think critically about things."  

  • Know Thyself 43: The Bible in 50 Minutes

    17/09/2019 Duration: 53min

    IMPORTANT CORRECTION!! Near the end of the episode I commit a gaffe and state that there is no "Satan" in the Old Testament, which is obviously false. As per our interview with Dr. Price, there IS a Satan in the Old Testament, most fully developed in the book of Job.  What I meant to say is that there is no DEVIL in the Old Testament!  I conflated the two terms (as did later interpreters of the bible), and said "Satan" when I meant "Devil," hence the error. Satan in the Old Testament is the accuser -- something akin to a prosecuting attorney working in the court of God. Satan in the New Testament is presented as the Devil, an Angra-Maniyuesque enemy to God, chief among the demonic forces who actively oppose the work of God. Although it is seen by later Christians as the same being, his role and powers are very differently presented in older Hebrew and Christian texts.  I will correct this with some bad editing when I get the chance. Other than that, I think my errors are no more than usual. Where did the beli

  • Know Thyself 42: Steve Rathje on Identity and Reason

    30/07/2019 Duration: 41min

    Who are you going to believe -- the group or your own eyes?  Answer (all too often): The Group. In the fascinating and wide-ranging discussion with Psychologist Steve Rathje, we take a hard look into: what reason is and why we developed it how our need for belonging drives our beliefs why we ignore inconvenient evidence whether it hurts worse to listen to the other side or get a root canal how even listening to conflicting evidence can threaten our identity why being smart can lead you deeper into error how Occam's razor can cut the wrong way how enemies can fulfill some of our deep needs what can be done to incentivize truth over tribalism Steve is studying for his PhD in social psychology at Cambridge University, and is the author of the Words Matter Blog in Psychology Today (Words Matter Blog). Music: Icy Vindur by A Himitsu Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 41: Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins and the Daemonologie of King James

    17/07/2019 Duration: 40min

    The 1640s were a brutal time in England, with the breakdown of many state governmental functions during the English Civil War.  It was a time of chaos, and the perfect opportunity for the one-man murrain known as Matthew Hopkins to begin accusing, swimming, pricking, and torturing hapless victims as witches. In 3 short years, Hopkins sent between 200 and 300 souls to the gallows.  But Hopkin's comeuppance was, ahem, coming, although the form it would take has been open to some dispute until recently.  Also, the "madness" of King James VI and I, the obsession with witches and demons, contributed to the general atmosphere of fear and loathing that allowed Hopkins and his ilk to have their way. Herein is the story of an honorary diplomate of the school of worst humans--Matthew Hopkins. Cover Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 40: The Witches of Trier

    25/06/2019 Duration: 54min

    For this episode I call an audible based on information I came across researching other topics. From 1581 to 1593 the city and surrounding villages of Trier, Germany were the scene of the greatest, worst, deadliest witch trials in European history. Powerful and weak, old and young, rich and poor became fuel for the pyres of Archbishop von Schonenberg and Bishop Binsfield. So many people died that the executioner became the equivalent of a multi-millionaire, while crops failed and two villages were left with only ONE woman alive in each.  Are witch trials the worst thing humans have ever perpetrated upon each other?  After this episode, you might change your opinion.   Cover Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 39: The Connecticut Witch Hangings with Beth Caruso

    05/06/2019 Duration: 36min

    Beth Caruso, author of "One of Windsor: The Untold Story of America's First Witch Hanging" tells us the stories of Alse Young and Lydia Gilbert, two of the first known victims of Witch Mania in The Colonies. Alse was hung 45 years before the more famous Salem witch fiasco, an event recorded in one line in the governor's daybook with her name left out. It was only through some serious sleuthing in the historical record that her story can be (somewhat) told.   Lydia Gilbert, another victim in the Connecticut persecutions, might have been convicted on the most ludicrous charges in the history of self-serving zealotry. Which is saying a lot. And which also proves there is no statute of limitations on bewitching a musket. These are the stories of the forgotten victims of a powerful delusion, told by a woman who has spent years learning the story of the times in which they lived. Buy Beth's Book: One of Windsor; One of Windsor Visit Beth's site: Learn more about the Co

  • Know Thyself 38: Witch Hunts and Black Mass

    23/05/2019 Duration: 45min

    Today we stare into the hooked nose of a most troubling historical evidence of our capacity for hysteria: the witch craze. How did witches go from being village wise women and cunning folk to enemy number one, a mortal threat to God and good Christians everywhere? How did burning old men and women for fun and profit become a respectable hobby? In this episode we cover the 1324 case of Alyse Kyteler, Petronilla de Midia (aka Meath), and Bishop Ledrede... We look back at the stirrings of the witch mania in Europe... And outline the Black Mass as it struck terror into the hearts of Medieval peoples.    

  • Know Thyself 37: Mob Mentality and Morality with Rob Henderson

    14/05/2019 Duration: 30min

    Today we introduce our series on Mob Madness and Mass Delusions. I speak to Rob Henderson, PhD student in psychology and Gates scholar studying moral psychology (not his own) at Cambridge University. Topics include the physical pain of social ostracism, herd mentality, moral foundations theory, whether members of a screeching, seething mob are morally responsible for their activities, and the dangerous downside to creating your own personal echo chamber of like-minded people online. Grab your torch and pitchfork and join us in an intro to a the only series-long celebration of one of our defining human characteristics -- the capacity to whip ourselves into an foaming-at-the-mouth terrified and terrifying irrational frenzy and demolish everything in our path. READ Rob's Blog! Art work: Oz by Ian Armstrong    

  • Know Thyself 36: Ancient Hominin Predators to Modern Man-Eaters

    03/05/2019 Duration: 50min

    The bones of our ancient relatives and prehistoric ancestors bear the puncture wounds, scrapings, and bite marks that tell a horrifying tale of predation. Who and what we are has been shaped by what we had to duck, run, jump, and hide from.   But if you really want to know what preyed on us in the past, look no further that at what eats us now. From the Talon Holes in the Taung Child's skull to the bite marks on Peking Man, from the Beast of Gevaudan to the Leopard of Panar, here are a few of the trials of life that we, and our closest relatives, have endured.   Cover Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong      

  • Know Thyself 35: Climate Change and Human History

    16/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we learn that we are tough to kill and hard to keep alive. Within our sphere we are durable and resilient, but that sphere is very narrow indeed. We survive catastrophes, searing heat, crippling injuries, and seemingly mortal wounds. But could we survive in any other time and place than here and now? This is an open question.   Artwork: Oz by Ian Armstrong Music: Icy Vindur by A Himitsu 

  • Know Thyself 34: The Bugs are Going to Win with Mark Crislip, MD

    25/03/2019 Duration: 40min

    Our relationship with microorganisms is *ahem* complicated...mostly symbiotic, but often combative and, yes, fatal. In this episode I speak with a physician on the front lines of the battle to the death between viruses, amoebas, and bacteria and their human victims.   Dr. Mark Crisplin in an infectious disease doctor in Portland, OR, and the author of a bi-weekly blog and several books. He is also and app-maker and an award-winning podcaster, creator of the now discontinued QuackWatch series and the Persiflager's Puscast. We speak on a wide range of topics, including which infectious diseases have killed the most people in history, how they did it, which ones are still a threat now and in the future, a virus so deadly that no one has ever recovered from it, whether ebola is a world-historic threat, resistance to antibiotics and the coming post-antibiotic world, Abraham Lincoln's possible syphilis, and the disease that is wiping out Tasmanian Devils. The picture Dr. Crislip paints is in some ways admittedly bl

  • Know Thyself 33: Smallpox

    18/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    The Adapt or Die Series goes Viral... Egyptians, Hittites, Athenians, Romans -- outbreak after outbreak Variola major has been a pox on our house from time immemorial. No other disease has weakened and crippled empires and wiped entire peoples off the earth like smallpox. It killed 400-500 million in the 20th Century alone. And now, through a millennium-long effort of blowing scab powder, scraping lesions, and really listening to dairy maids, it's gone. Almost.     Artwork: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 32: Plague Life 1347-1351

    07/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    The puking flea apocalypse! This is one of the rare events in history where the death toll is constantly being revised HIGHER as new data comes in. By recent estimates, possibly 40% of THE WORLD killed by the Great Plague. What was it like to live during the end of the world? What did the dying -- and those who remained alive -- experience?  How did people understand what was happening? Who did they burn and torture? In this episode are 1st hand accounts of the Black Death. A blow-by-blow recounting of the havoc one particular bacteria has wrought on humanity.  And, or course, the way in which the human imagination is capable to taking a bad situation and turning it into something truly ghastly and despicable. Famine, pestilence, maudlin displays of self-mutilation, cruelty in the guise of piety, and, yes, nobility and heroism.  Welcome to Europe during the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages.   Graphic: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 31: The Black Death -- Rumblings in the East

    01/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    Where did the plague that ravaged Europe in the mid-1300's come from? How did it get there? Today we begin a three episode series on the Great Black Death Plague of Europe that killed millions and rewrote history. We stare unblinking into the face of arguably the worst catastrophe in the history of humanity.  Herein you will hear of flying corpses, the dawn of germ warfare, where some of the deadliest diseases known to man hang out, and why one English Princess never made it to her own wedding. In the Next Episode we will cover Plague Life. Finally, the third Plague episode will cover the collateral damage to societies and the social repercussions of the Plague. Yikes. Note: There were some annoying issues with the audio of the episode that will be corrected in the next episode. Cover Art: Oz by Ian Armstrong

  • Know Thyself 30: The Plague of Justinian

    12/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    In which we begin our "Adapt or Die" Series. The Byzantine empire was under attack, and tens of thousands of people in Constantinople were dying every week. It wasn't the Vandals or the Ostragoths, it was a disease that brought terror and death on a massive scale. Even the Great Justinian himself is not spared from the illness. Corpse halls, ghost ships, headless sailors, plague-ridden serpents, fever dreams and apocalyptic visions, and the wrath of God. We begin the episode with an intro to our complex relationship to one of the most ancient of all life forms. If you want to skip all bacteria stuff, The Plague of Justinian begins at 14:30

  • Know Thyself 29: Adolf Hitler -- Worst Human Ever

    28/01/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    The conclusion to the worst people ever series winds up falling to Godwin's Law. This is one of those rare cases where cliche, popular opinion, and received knowledge happen to be absolutely right: Hitler was as bad as human beings get. Aggressor and instigator of world's most deadly war. Instigator of thuggery and riots. Murderer of former friends. Head of the coldest, most clinical and industrial, act of mass murder in history. Prancing ranting provocateur. Mama's boy.    

  • Know Thyself 28: The Lisbon Apocalypse with Susan Neiman, PhD

    14/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    The Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 and The Holocaust  What do these events have in common? They were both seminal events that challenged two different eras relationship to, and understanding of, evil.  Today I speak with Dr. Susan Neiman, director of The Einstein Forum, devotee of the enlightenment, moral crusader (well, sort of?), and author of "Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy." Link: We speak about the way evil shapes human actions and understanding of the world.    Pre-order her new book: Image: Oz by Ian Armstrong

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