Ready to Prepare for Success ? Listen in as Anmol Singh Chats with Successful People in their respective Industries, To give you the tools that you need to Succeed.
How Do I Increase My Work Ethic
20/09/2020 Duration: 40sWork Ethic will naturally follow if you're a person who has Integrity. A person with integrity acts with honesty, honor, and truthfulness. Integrity is the quality of having strong ethical or moral principles and following them at all times, no matter who's watching. As long as you stay true to yourself and your goals, your work ethic will follow. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Earn A Full-Time Living In The Hour Of Power
19/09/2020 Duration: 37sWhen you get good at trading, you could just trade for an hour and just go with your day. The bulk of the opportunity lies within the first hour where the market is open. It provides the liquidity you need to get in and out of the market. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
How you can be a professional trader trading less than 1 hour everyday.
18/09/2020 Duration: 49sIn this episode, Anmol breaks down how even if you are new to trading, you can still be done trading for the day in the first hour of the market opening, and why you should spend the rest of your day reviewing your trades. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
The Only Two Things That Affect Stock Prices
18/09/2020 Duration: 49sFear and Greed are two of the biggest things that influence people when making trades, which causes irrational trades to be made. That is why, in technical analysis, it is important to decode those emotions and realize where the root of them. It would be best if you then used your findings to make educated decisions. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
What’s The Best Time Of Day To Trade
16/09/2020 Duration: 46sAnmol shares that trading is most active in the morning. That is where the bulk of opportunities lies, There is an imbalance created from the night before. People are making trades based on the news. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
What's The Best Way For A Beginner To Start Trading
15/09/2020 Duration: 41sThe best way is to PRACTICE! You could open a demo account and watch the charts. You could also watch Live Traders Youtube videos, ask questions in our Live Trading Chatroom and take our courses if you want to enhance your knowledge in trading. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
What's The Difference Between Fundamental and Technical Analysis
14/09/2020 Duration: 50sFundamental Analysis studies all those factors which have an impact on the stock price of the company in the future, such as financial statement, management process, industry, etc. It analyzes the intrinsic value of the firm to identify whether the stock is under-priced or over-priced. On the other hand, technical analysis uses past charts, patterns, and trends to forecast the price movements of the entity in the coming time. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Is A Simulated Account A Good Way To Learn Trading?
13/09/2020 Duration: 41sIn this episode, Anmol explains why everybody should use a simulated account initially but not spend too much time in a simulated account. It will not give you the same experience of what a real trading platform is like but do use it to make yourself used to the platform, and will help you learn how to buy and sell stocks so that you can get used to making orders! Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
What’s Your Favorite Book On Trading?
12/09/2020 Duration: 47sAnmol shares that he is not a fan of reading trading books, as every trader has a different trading style. Instead of reading, find a mentor that you admire and follow his strategy in trading. They’ve been in the markets and understand the dedication and patience trading requires. They’re willing to share their wins and losses with you to learn what and what not to do. They can coach you in making smart trading decisions. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Do You Need To Read The News Everyday To Be A Good Trader
11/09/2020 Duration: 57sAs a day trader, you probably don't have the same resources as a hedge fund with teams of 20-50 people dedicated to solely researching new opportunities, so you may think you may need to go to the news or books to help you make the right trades. However, most of the time before the news has reached you, millions of people have already read it so it's most likely already priced into the stock. This is why Anmol sticks to technicals. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
How To Raise Capital
10/09/2020 Duration: 51sWhile money doesn't grow on trees, there are several ways you can seek funding for your new venture —some more traditional than others. First, you will need to define your plan to succeed, try to eliminate as much risk as possible, and then approach those who believe that you will succeed, and believe in the business. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Why Do I Need A Mentor When I Can Read Books By Experts?
09/09/2020 Duration: 54sThe mentor will tell you what can help you. They've been there, done that, and have seen it all. With books, there are no valuable connections, timely advice, occasional checks that will literarily leapfrog you to success. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ►
What's The Fastest Way To Save $1000 So That You Can Start Trading
08/09/2020 Duration: 57sIn this episode, learn how you can quickly generate $1000 in a short period of time. There are tons of ways and websites dedicated to helping you sell your stuff in return for cash! Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
When To Listen To Your Gut
07/09/2020 Duration: 54sIt is essential to learn when & how to listen to your gut instinct. It is also vital to weigh the facts to ensure that you consider all possible options. The voice in your gut is wise, however, it can push you to do something that feels right when another opportunity may yield better results. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
What Does Millionaire Anmol Singh Invest In?
06/09/2020 Duration: 52sIn this episode, Anmol shares what else he invests in aside from stocks, and why he likes to invest in luxury assets. He also mentions that before looking into these types of investments, you do want a solid financial foundation first. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Follow The Strategies That Are Already Getting Results
05/09/2020 Duration: 49sIf someone gives you a strategy that can make you successful in a period of time, don't waste time trying to reinvent the wheel with a strategy that is working for other people! You have to follow the exact steps given for your specific strategy to work the way it's supposed to. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
How Long Does It Take To Make A Full Time Living With Trading
04/09/2020 Duration: 58sWhen starting anything you have to make yourself available for learning. Immerse yourself in educating yourself first, and in no time, you will see yourself trading! Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
It's Never Too Late To Make Your Dreams A Reality
03/09/2020 Duration: 31sWe’re never too old to pursue our dreams, and it’s never too late to make our dream come to life. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Should You Invest In Luxury Assets?
02/09/2020 Duration: 37sAnmol preaches to only invest in luxury assets if you have extra income. Instead, invest in the stock market as there are more opportunities for people investing. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (
Do You Want To Be Right Or Do You Want To Make Money?
01/09/2020 Duration: 42sAnmol shares that in trading, a trader should leave their ego out of the door. Your ego can make bad decisions while trading and end up losing money. Get A FREE Traders Guide To Success ► (