Audio Divina

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 25:36:24
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Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the upcoming Sunday's gospel, presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM.The podcast offers a fantastic resource to those who are studying, or simply hunger for the gift that comes from listening and understanding the Word of God.Presented in a medium easily accessible to all ages in the modern world, it is a perfect example of Don Bosco's teaching that ministry must be presented to the young in a realm and a method that they can understand.New episodes will be released each Wednesday of the week reflection on the coming Sunday's gospel.Produced and Published by the Salesians of Don Bosco - Australia-Pacific


  • The Kingdom of God Must Go Elsewhere - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

    30/01/2024 Duration: 13min

    The Kingdom of God Must Go Elsewhere: Jesus remains closely associated with the town of Capernaum as the goodness and healing of the Kingdom of God that comes in his words and deeds impact upon Simon Peter's mother-in-law. Taking her by the hand, and allowing her to serve a meal not only restores her to health, but breaks through the many socially determined taboos associated with women at that time. Miracles multiply, and those possessed by demons are freed. Jesus' authority sweeps all evil away, but he must withdraw to share with the source of all that he is and does - God. But the disciples want to go back to Capernaum. They are becoming famous! Jesus will not go back. The Gospel and the Kingdom of God must spread further. For this purpose Jesus came into the world. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 1:29-39 This week’s reader

  • An Authoritative Teaching That is New - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

    23/01/2024 Duration: 13min

    An Authoritative Teaching That is New: No longer alone, Jesus teaches in the Synagogue in Capernaum. All wonder at the newness and authority of his teaching. Then he teaches in a different way. He overcomes the presence of evil in the demon possessed man, reducing the demon to silence, even though the demon knows that Jesus is "the Christ of God." The people recognise that this is also a "new teaching." Jesus shows that he is bringing in the Kingdom of God by overcoming the power of evil my his more powerful divine presence, in word and in deed. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 1:21-28 This week’s readers are Rose and James Narrated and Produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • A Vocation that Costs no Less than Everything - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

    16/01/2024 Duration: 13min

    A Vocation that Costs no Less than Everything: Bursting onto the scene alone, Jesus announces that the Kingdom of God is at hand. His first action is to call others to follow him. As he journeys towards a destiny that only God can determine, he asks that others join him as followers. They must come after him. Leaving all that their peers would regard as the sign of their great success as fishermen at the Lake of Galilee, they will be associated with Jesus in bringing the Word of God and the Kingdom of God to others. They will act as God's fishermen, empowered by their association with Jesus. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The Baptism of the Lord, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 1:7-11 This week’s readers are Jen and Joseph Narrated and Produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • What is it that you expect from Jesus? - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

    09/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    What is it that You Expect from Jesus?: Like all the Gospels, John opens with the call of the first disciples. The Baptist points away from himself, directing his disciples to the Lamb of God. The first disciples seek him out, and he asks them what they are looking for in him. They have their own answers and expectations. They are not wrong, but they still have a long way to go in their journey as disciples. Jesus will not be the Messiah they expect, but the one who has come to do the will of his Father, and to draw us into that challenging world. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B. Gospel Reading: John 1:35-42 This week’s readers are Mika and Mapolo Narrated and Produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • My Son, the Beloved - The Baptism of the Lord, Year B

    03/01/2024 Duration: 14min

    My Son The Beloved: The Baptism of Jesus leads us from our celebration of the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus, to reflection upon the ministry among us that lies ahead of him. The Baptist introduces Jesus, who has not yet appeared in the story, as the more powerful one who baptises in the Spirit. At the baptism the heavens open and a voice announces who Jesus is. The divine communicates with the human: Jesus is the beloved Son of God. Someone from God will exercise his messianic ministry among us. We are called to be part of the presence of God among all people that necessarily generates a cross. The divine and the human intersect. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The Baptism of the Lord, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 1:7-11 This week’s readers are Jen and Joseph Narrated and Produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • A Child Reveals God to the World - The Epiphany of the Lord, Year B

    02/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    A Child Reveals God to the World: Within the Christmas cycle we meet the wise men from the East who are not Jews but know that a King has been born. Their obedient journey brings them to Jerusalem, where they learn that the Scripture says the child will be born in Bethlehem. The wise men represent the world outside Israel who enter God's design, recognise and honour the newborn King. Obedience to the ways of God leads to the revelation of God to the whole world. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The Epiphany of the Lord, Year B. Gospel Reading: Matt 2:1-12 This week’s readers are Jennifer and Isaac Narrated by Michael Gartland Produced by Michael Gartland and Ashley Trethowan For more information visit:

  • Unshakable Trust in the Ways of God - The Holy Family, Year B

    26/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Unshakable Trust in the Ways of God: Mary and Joseph respond without question to the Law of Israel as they present their first-born in the Temple. They are told that their child brings Israel's story to a turning point, bringing salvation to Israel and all other nations. However, suffering lies ahead. A sword will pierce Mary's heart, and Jesus' life and ministry will lead to the rise and fall of many in Israel. This family is not able to understand what all this might mean, but they do not question the ways of God.  Mary treasures all these things in her heart, as she, Joseph and their child obediently return to Nazareth, open to whatever God may have in store for them and for their child. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for The Holy Family, Year B. Gospel Reading: Luke 2:22-40 This week’s readers are Anna and Br Jeff Produced and Narrated by Michael Gartland For more information visit: www

  • The Word Became Flesh - Christmas Day Year B

    25/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    The Word became Flesh: The Prologue to the Gospel of John is among the most profound passages in the Bible. It tells of the pre-existent union of love between God and the Word, the Word's saving gifts of light and life, and our ambiguous response. But the Word is Jesus Christ who dwelt among us, showing us the wonderful presence of God's saving truth. Those who accept that truth become children of God. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for Christmas Day, Year B. Gospel Reading: John 1:1-18 This week’s readers are Pauline and Dominic Narrated by Michael Gartland Produced by Michael Gartland and Ashley Trethowan For more information visit:

  • Swaddling Cloths and a Manger on the Road - Christmas Night, Year B

    25/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Swaddling cloths and a manger on the road: Luke's account of a birth of Jesus, as with the appearance of John the Baptist, is fixed in a given time and place. But it is surrounded by the symbols of swaddling cloths, only used for a king, a manger, from which Israel should be nourished, recognition by the simplest of people, the Shepherds, and the heavenly proclamation of God's glory. Jesus is born on a journey, for a journey. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for Christmas Eve, Year B Gospel Reading: Luke 2:1-14 This week’s readers are Miranda and Luc Narrated by Michael Gartland Produced by Michael Gartland and Ashley Trethowan For more information visit:

  • Accepting the Word of God - 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B

    25/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Accepting the Word of God:  The final Sunday of Advent points toward Christmas Day with a Gospel reflection on the Annunciation to Mary of Nazareth. One of the most beloved Christian images of Mary, we need to recognise that she struggles to accept what God is asking of her. In the first moment she is dumbfounded, wondering what this might mean. Then she asks a perfectly logical question - how can this be? Only when she recognises God's active presence, making the impossible take place, does she utter her famous acceptance of God's word. Mary of Nazareth leads the way in our journeys of faith that move from puzzlement, to logic, and sometimes to an eventual acceptance of what God wants from us. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B. Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26-38 Gospel read by Ed and Raqael  Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit: www.

  • I am not the Christ - 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B

    12/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    I am not the Christ:  The Roman liturgy devotes two Sundays to the figure of John the Baptist to help us prepare for Christmas. In the Gospel of John he is presented as being "sent by God", the only character in the Gospel who has this status and thus renders authentic witness to Jesus. He does it negatively, by refusing to accept the messianic roles that the leaders of Israel would like to pin on him: the Christ, Elijah, the Prophet. He insists: "I am not"! In this way he prepares for someone who will repeatedly insists: "I am he"! He points beyond himself to someone who cannot be understood in traditional messianic categories. No matter how important the Baptist might be, the one who is to come outstrips anything he may represent. The mystery of God among us has been announced. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B. Gospel Reading: John 1: 6-8, 19-28 Gospel read

  • The Witness of John the Baptist - 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B

    05/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    The Witness of John the Baptist:  The opening page of the Gospel of Mark presents two amazing witnesses to the coming of Jesus. First of all, the voice of God calls out, through the prophecy of Isaiah, promising someone who will prepare the way of the Lord. God is coming to us in "the Lord," and his messenger will go before him. The second witness is John the Baptist who also uses images and language to tell us that the divine is entering our story: the mightier one, someone who will baptise, not with water, but with the spirit of God. These Advent witnesses leave no doubt about the importance of the one who is about to come to us at Christmas: this man will be the Son of God. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 1: 1-8 Gospel read by Matthew and Steph Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • The Two Advents of Jesus - 1st Sunday of Advent, Year B

    28/11/2023 Duration: 12min

    The Two Advents of Jesus:  Today’s Gospel reading comes from the end of Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of Mark,  repeating much of what we encountered in the final weeks of our reflections on Matthew. Advent opens with a parable about a Master who leaves his servants to administer his household while he is away. The servants know their Master as they wait for his return. Advent is about the two comings of Jesus. He is already among us because of the incarnation, the coming we celebrate at Christmas. But he will come again as our judge. In the meantime, we are to always be ready for the coming of our Lord and God. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for 1st Sunday of Advent, Year B. Gospel Reading: Mark 13: 33-37 Gospel read by Chi and Pat Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • Recognising Jesus in the Least of his Brethren - Christ the King, Year A

    21/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    Recognising Jesus in the Least of his Brethren:  Closing our year of reflection upon the Gospel of Matthew, we hear of Jesus’ Lordship over the good and the evil. In a remarkable account, we are told that we will not be judged by our achievements but by the way we have treated the least of the brethren of Jesus – those who are in most need. The parable of the talents that we reflected on last week told us that we have been greatly gifted and our final encounter with the Word of God from Matthew's Gospel asks us to reflect on how well we have shared those gifts. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for Christ the King, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 25: 31-46 Gospel read by Jos and Anne-Maree Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • Living the In-Between-Time - 33rd Sunday of the Year, Year A

    14/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    Living the In-Between-Time :  Jesus instructs us on the seriousness of our commitment to the in-between-time. The Master leaves for a distant land and gives his servants a large sum of money. Some use it well but one of them digs a hole and hides it, out of fear of the Master. God showers abundant gifts upon us and we are to receive them gladly, using them as we make our contribution to the world and society. We are not to dig a hole to hide our gifts, waiting for the return of an angry God. Such an attitude misunderstands God, and the service we are to render with our God-given talents. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 33rd Sunday of the year, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:14-30 Gospel read by Paige and Michael Narrated and produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • The Gift of the Now and the Promise of the Not Yet - Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

    08/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    The Gift of the Now and the Promise of the Not Yet: As Jesus' life-story comes to an end, he focusses his attention upon the end of all history, and God's final judgment. With the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, he instructs on the importance of both our current Christian experience, and the end-time that lies in the future. The parable presents the virgins who will welcome the bridegroom and his bride with lighted lamps. Some are not prepared for a possible delay and are subsequently not recognised by the bridegroom. Jesus warns that we must wait for whatever day and hour God plans for the end of history. In the meantime, we must live full Christian lives in our dedication to "today," aware that we are waiting for a "tomorrow" that only God can determine. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:1-13, read by Matthew a

  • A Program for Holiness - All Saints Day, Year A

    31/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    A Program for Holiness: We pause our reading of the final pages of Matthew to go back to the beginning of Jesus' ministry in his sermon on the mount, where a new and perfect Moses gives us a new and perfect Law. We celebrate the "saints," those who have not been raised to the altars, but whom we know in our hearts are "saints," by recalling the gifts God gives us that make us holy. This program for holiness places the Christian somewhat at odds with a secular world, but there is much that we can do for that world if we respond generously to God's gifts. Today we praise and thank God for the many "saints" we have known and loved, and we ask that we too may grow in holiness. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for All Saints Day, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 Gospel read by Julia and Br Pau Narrated and Produced by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • The greatest commandment - 30th Sunday of the Year, Year A

    25/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    The greatest commandment: Bringing the conflict between Jesus and the leaders of Israel to an end, Jesus astounds them as they attempt to trap him in a debate over the most important law in Israel. He responds by taking them back to their Law, reminding them that Moses instructed that that they must love God (Deuteronomy 6) and love their neighbour (Leviticus 6). These laws have always been with them. But for the first time in history, Jesus brings them together. To love God calls for love of neighbour; to love neighbour gives witness to the truth that we love God. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 30th Sunday of the year, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:34-40 Gospel read by Bro Duc and Ines Narrated by Michael Gartland For more information visit:

  • Give to God what belongs to God - 29th Sunday of the Year, Year A

    17/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    Give to God what belongs to God: The leaders of Israel take the initiative, sending representatives of the Pharisees and some Herodians to trap Jesus. Righteous Religion - the Pharisees - and political convenience - the Herodians - join to pose a question where whatever Jesus answers will be wrong. He will support the Roman tax, and thus offend the Pharisees, or reject it, and thus offend the Herodians. But he asks them for a coin that bears the effigy of Caesar. There are matters that belong to Caesar. His questioners are looking after that, as is obvious from their possession of the Roman coin. But they are to render to God what belongs to God. They are called to recognise the presence of God's Son among them. In this, they continue to fail. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 29th Sunday of the year, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:15-21 Gospel read by Bridie and Declan Narrated by

  • Invitation to a wedding feast - 28th Sunday of the Year, Year A

    11/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Invitation to a wedding feast: Through the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus continues his questioning of Israel's leadership. But this is no ordinary wedding. It is the wedding feast the king is giving for his son. Continuing the theme of last week's parable, the vineyard becomes a wedding feast. Those invited to the feast reject and even murder those who invite them to the wedding. The king slays them, and turns elsewhere: the good and the bad are invited from the highways and the byways. But even among the multitudes who are now invited to the wedding, there is one who does not respond to the invitation. Greeted as "friend," he refuses to be part of the celebration. We have all been invited to God's banquet. Today's Gospel urges us to take that invitation seriously. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 28th Sunday of the year, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:1-14 Gospel read by Ro

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