Show about personal finance and entrepreneurship. We discuss how to save money, how to make money and how to invest your money. We do dialogs and interviews with authors, bloggers, personal finance experts and entrepreneurs.
417 Samuel Moyn: By making war more humane we are giving up on peace
04/10/2021 Duration: 25min Samuel Moyn is a professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law School and Professor of History at Yale University. His latest book is Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War. Get the book here:
416 Frank Rose, the digital anthropologist
03/10/2021 Duration: 33min Frank Rose is the author most recently of The Sea We Swim In: How Stories Work in a Data-Driven World. Get the book here:
415 Joseph J. Ellis: The American Revolution didn't make everyone happy
30/09/2021 Duration: 24min Joseph John Ellis is a historian whose work focuses on the lives and times of the founders of the United States of America. His latest book is The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783. Get the book here:
424 Scott DeLuzio: Afghanistan War Veteran loses his brother to the war
29/09/2021 Duration: 46min Scott DeLuzio is an Army veteran, having served six years with the Army National Guard, including a deployment to Afghanistan in 2010. His book is Surviving Son: An Afghanistan War Veteran Reveals His Nightmare Of Becoming A Gold Star Brother. Get the book here:
413 Dan Koeppel: The battle against Covid-19 in an emergency room in New York
28/09/2021 Duration: 30min Dan Koeppel is an author and columnist. His latest book is Every Minute Is a Day: A Doctor, an Emergency Room, and a City Under Siege Get the book here:
412 Jeffrey Hooke: The Myth of Private Equity
27/09/2021 Duration: 32min Jeff Hooke is a broad-based finance and investment executive with global experience throughout the U.S., Europe, and the emerging markets of Latin America and Asia. His book is The Myth of Private Equity: An Inside Look at Wall Street’s Transformative Investments. Get the book here:
411 Alexandra Brodsky: Supporting Victims of sexual abuse
25/09/2021 Duration: 21min Alexandra Brodsky litigates high-impact cases concerning civil rights abuses in schools and the criminal legal system. Her book is Sexual Justice: Supporting Victims, Ensuring Due Process, and Resisting the Conservative Backlash. Get the book here:
410 Scott Borchert: How the government paid broke writers to rediscover America
23/09/2021 Duration: 28min Scott Borchert is a writer and editor. His book is Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America. Get the book here:
409 Robert Levine: In the times of Frederick Douglass and Andrew Johnson
22/09/2021 Duration: 26min Robert Levine is a University Professor of English at the University of Maryland. His latest book is The Failed Promise: Reconstruction, Frederick Douglass, and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Get the book here:
408 Mark Babbitt: Creating a culture that does good
21/09/2021 Duration: 28min Mark S. Babbitt is the President of WorqIQ, a consultancy focused on improving leadership, building “good comes first” company cultures, and developing Workplace Intelligence (WQ). His latest book is Good Comes First: How Today's Leaders Create an Uncompromising Company Culture That Doesn't Suck. Get the book here:
407 Eyal Press: Essential but immoral jobs
20/09/2021 Duration: 25min Eyal Press is a writer and journalist who contributes to The New Yorker, The New York Times, and other publications. His latest book is Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America. Get the book here:
406 Kai Bird: Jimmy Carter was a president ahead of his time
19/09/2021 Duration: 30min Kai Bird is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and biographer. His new biography is The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter. Get the book here:
405 Benjamin Smith: The Drug trade and violence in Mexico
17/09/2021 Duration: 27min Benjamin Smith is a professor of Latin American history at the University of Warwick, his latest book is The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade. Get the book here:
404 Ada Ferrer: The historic intimacy between Cuba and the United States
16/09/2021 Duration: 27min Ada Ferrer is a Professor of History and Latin American and Caribbean Studies at New York University. Her book is Cuba: An American History Get the book here:
403 Alex Renton: My ancestors were slave traders
15/09/2021 Duration: 30min Alex Renton is a British-Canadian journalist and author, His latest book is Blood Legacy: Reckoning With a Family’s Story of Slavery. Get the book here:
402 Scott Ellsworth: Blatant Racism and The Tulsa Race Massacre
13/09/2021 Duration: 22min Scott Ellsworth is an American and the author of four books. His latest book is The Ground Breaking: The Tulsa Race Massacre and an American City's Search for Justice. You can get the book here:
401 Michael Moss: How the Food Giants Create and Exploit Our Food Addictions
11/09/2021 Duration: 29min Michael Moss was a journalist for The Wall Street Journal and the author of many books. His latest is Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions.
400 Chris Tomlinson: Much of what you heard about El Alamo is not true
09/09/2021 Duration: 20min Chris Tomlinson is the business columnist for the Houston Chronicle, focusing on energy, business, and policy. He's co-author of the book Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth. Get the book here:
399 Erwin Chemenrisky: How the Supreme Court is a racist institution
08/09/2021 Duration: 19min Erwin Chemerinsky is the Dean Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. His latest book is Presumed Guilty: How the Supreme Court Empowered the Police and Subverted Civil Rights. You can get the book here:
398 Avram Miller: An Improbable Journey Through Life and Technology
07/09/2021 Duration: 29min Avram Miller is a businessperson, venture capitalist, scientist, technologist, and musician, his book is The Flight of a Wild Duck: An Improbable Journey Through Life and Technology. You can get the book here: