X-philes Talk X-files



The truth is still out there. Again. Each week, we nitpick the scientific inaccuracies of the spartan virus, Scullys hair color, and non-fatal rocket blasts to the face.


  • John Doe, Hellbound, Provenance, Providence, Audrey Pauley, Underneath, Improbable

    07/01/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    Just over two weeks to go until we get brand new X-Files!!! This week, David is joined by Tiffany and Garrett Devol from Xfiles.News as we discuss a selection of episodes from the middle of season nine: John Doe Hellbound Provenance Providence Audrey Pauley Underneath Improbable Doggett forgets who he is, Reyes sees dead people, William gets kidnapped from the care of the lone gunmen, Reyes enters the Twilight Zone, John Shiban does Jekyll and Hyde, and Burt Reynolds is God. We really hope that you’ve been enjoying the X-Philes Talk X-Files podcast. If you have, please support us: Click here to support this podcast by leaving a virtual tip.

  • Nothing Important Happened Today, Nothing Important Happened Today II, Daemonicus, 4-D Lord of the Flies, Trust No1

    01/01/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    Kick off a new year by kicking back with some platonic polish sausage as David is joined by Keva, Roi, and Avi to discuss the first bunch of episodes in the show’s ninth season (we can’t really call it the final season now, can we?): Nothing Important Happened Today Nothing Important Happened Today II Daemonicus 4-D Lord of the Flies Trust No 1 Featuring: Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad! Daemonicus versus 4-D! Doggett and Reyes shippyness! Why Trust No 1 sucked and how it could have been not just a million times better but actually saved the whole super solider storyline! There must be something in the water…

  • Deadalive, Three Words, Empedocles, Vienen, Alone, Essence, Existence

    25/12/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Merry Xmas from all of us here at X-Philes Talk X-Files! This week David plays the part of Scrooge as he is joined by Jessa and Roi to dissect the last third of season eight. Folks, we’re in deep mythology territory here. We’re talking: Deadalive Three Words Empedocles Vienen Alone Essence Existence

  • Surekill, Salvage, Badlaa, The Gift, Medusa, Per Manum, This Is Not Happening

    18/12/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    On this week’s podcast: David complains about the mythology in seasons 8 and 9… Tiffany is devastated by crying Scully… Avi is grossed out by the teaser for Badlaa… Garrett nitpicks the science of x-ray vision… All this and more on the newest episode of X-Philes Talk X-Files as we countdown to the X-Files Revival in 2016!!! Episodes discussed on this week’s show are: Surekill Salvage Badlaa The Gift Medusa Per Manum This Is Not Happening

  • Within, Without, Patience, Roadrunners, Invocation, Redrum, Via Negativa

    11/12/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Season 8! Mulder is gone, so Scully gets a new partner on the X-Files. Introducing Agent John Doggett, a.k.a. Robert Patrick. We’re big fans of the Dogg over here at XPTXF, and we love this first selection of (mostly standalone) episodes from the show’s eighth season: Within Without Patience Roadrunners Invocation Redrum Via Negativa Join David, Avi, and Tiffany for a freestyle conversation that we hope you’ll enjoy.

  • all things, Brand X, Hollywood A.D., Fight Club, Je Souhaite, Requiem

    03/12/2015 Duration: 01h22min

    In May 2000, the official word was that The X-Files would end with season seven, so these final episodes of that year were – as far as everyone knew – going to be the final six episodes of the show ever. Fortunately, that turned out not to be entirely true. Especially as one of those episodes was abhorrently bad. David, Trish, and Laura talk Buddhist crop circles, the dancing undead, and invisible men – a.k.a. the final few episodes of the 7th season: all things Brand X Hollywood A.D. Fight Club Je Souhaite Requiem #XFilesRevival #GreenSweater

  • X-Cops, First Person Shooter, Theef, En Ami, Chimera

    27/11/2015 Duration: 58min

    David, Jessa, and Roi are in the house for a quote-tastic discussion of some seriously amazing episodes from The X-Files’ 7th season: X-Cops First Person Shooter Theef En Ami Chimera See Scully avoid the camera! Watch her (temporarily) lose her sight! Hear her snark while Mulder enjoys a little slice of domestic heaven! Enjoy!

  • The Amazing Maleeni, Signs and Wonders, Sein Und Zeit, Closure

    20/11/2015 Duration: 01h15min

    Magic. Snakes. Moby. As the X-Files revival gets ever closer, the X-Philes Talk X-Files podcast continues to march onwards – towards the end of the age of Mulder and Scully as longstanding mysteries get resolved (including the disappearance of one Samantha Mulder.) This week, David is joined by Jessa and Roi to discuss some great season seven episodes: The Amazing Maleeni Signs and Wonders Sein Und Zeit Closure

  • Hungry, Millennium, Rush, The Goldberg Variation, Orison

    13/11/2015 Duration: 49min

    Once there was a man He lived in a yellow house Caught bad guys and protected His darling wife and child. Once there was a man Betrayed by his employer They tried to cause the Apocalypse And he lost his darling wife. Once there was a man Angry at the world Fought to bring down demons Who sought to bring him down. Once there was another man Self-described as most unwanted He had a thing for redheads And kissed one New Year’s Eve. It’s season 7! This week, David is joined by Trish Silva and Laura Dandar from xfiles.news to talk about a bunch of great episodes: Hungry Millennium Rush The Goldberg Variation Orison

  • Biogenesis, The Sixth Extinction, The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati

    06/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    David and Keva dig into the three-part mythology story that asks “what exactly is an X-Files three-part mythology story now that the syndicate is all but wiped out…?” Biogenesis The Sixth Extinction The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati Mulder gains the ability to read minds but it causes him to go insane and fantasize about a perfect suburban life with Fowley, Scully goes to Africa where she witnesses a miracle, and Krycek and Kritschgau go head-to-head to finally settle once and for all who has the best name that starts with the letter k. All this and more – including why Teena Mulder is one of the weakest characters Chris Carter has ever written.

  • Milagro, The Unnatural, Three of a Kind, Field Trip

    30/10/2015 Duration: 01h30min

    Milagro. That’s all you need to know. This is the Milagro episode. We knew it was coming. You knew it was coming. And now it’s here. The Milagro episode. In the red corner, we have Avi and Tiffany – both die hard fans of Milagro – and in the blue corner, we have David – who never really got the appeal of Milagro, like, at all. But lest you thing that this entire podcast is devoted entirely to debating the merits (and indeed the point) of the episode, here is the full agenda: Milagro The Unnatural Three of a Kind Field Trip Avi and Tiffany will also share some exciting updates about XFN, as well as some spoiler-free news from NYCC. There’s something for everyone here, folks. Although this episode will almost certainly go down in history as the Milargo episode.

  • Agua Mala, Monday, Arcadia, Alpha, Trevor

    23/10/2015 Duration: 58min

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one before… David and Tiffany are back to talk bank robberies, unconventional sea monsters, and quite literal shit monsters. We’ll also debate the theory that Mulder and Scully never woke up from their Field Trip hallucinations. Plus, find out which of the episodes under discussion David hates with a passion. Here’s the agenda to aid your guessing: Agua Mala Monday Arcadia Alpha Trevor

  • Two Fathers, One Son

    16/10/2015 Duration: 49min

    David and Tiffany’s discussion about the end of the syndicate storyline spirals off in multiple directions as we examine two of the biggest season six eps: Two Fathers One Son Also in this ep, we discuss what footage from the revival has already been seen publicly. (No spoilers here! Just off-the-wall speculation!)

  • How The Ghosts Stole Christmas, Terms of Endearment, The Rain King, S.R. 819, Tithonus

    09/10/2015 Duration: 48min

    Hi everyone, David here! On this week’s podcast, Keva and I discuss devil babies, shady politicians, and lament the lack of darkness since the show moved from Vancouver… So much so, in fact, that we recorded today’s episode in an abandoned mansion in an effort to recapture that vintage X-Files vibe. It was all fine until we found two bodies under the floorboards. And what was really weird was that they were wearing the same clothes as us. It was a little embarrassing, but in a way gave us confidence in our fashion choices. After all, the fact that there’s two of us out there trying to pull off a cowboy boots/mankini combo tells me I’m on to something. Anywho… Enjoy listening to a couple of narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniacs talk about the following five episodes from The X-Files’ sixth season: How The Ghosts Stole Christmas Terms of Endearment The Rain King S.R. 819 Tithonus LYDA: I don’t show my hole to just anyone. MULDER: Why are you showing it to me?

  • The Beginning, Drive, Triangle, Dreamland, Dreamland II

    02/10/2015 Duration: 40min

    Welcome to California! The land of deserts, sunshine, and lollipops… David and Keva are diving straight into some fan favorite episodes following on directly from the movie: The Beginning Drive Triangle Dreamland Dreamland II Vince Gilligan fans in particular will notice some recognizable faces from Breaking Bad and Better Caul Saul here – so be sure to check out David’s List of Every Breaking Bad Actor Who Was Ever in The X-Filesafter you’re done listening.

  • The X-Files Movie: Fight The Future

    25/09/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    One man alone cannot fight the future… Which is exactly why David has recruited three excellent co-hosts to discuss the first X-Files movie: The X-Files: Fight The Future David is joined by Avi, Roi, and Ky from xfiles.news to chat about Mulder’s infamous bar monologue, why the Well Manicured Man was the best of the bad guys, and reactions to the bee sting heard around the world. We’ll also answer a couple of questions that have been puzzling fans of the first big screen outing (and Layla Harrison) since 1998. Namely: where the heck was Alex Krycek during all this; and how just how exactly did Mulder and Scully get home from the Antarctic after the snowcat ran out of gas? All this and more… Plus: the tables are finally turned on David when he is the one who has to answer quiz questions! Click here to support this podcast by leaving a virtual tip.

  • Travelers, Mind’s Eye, All Souls, The Pine Bluff Variant, Folie à Deux, The End

    17/09/2015 Duration: 01h45min

    In what quite possibly will stand the test of time as the longest episode of X-Philes Talk X-Files EVER, David is joined by (surprise, surprise) Avi and Tiffany from xfilesnews.com to discuss the final episodes not just of season five, but also of the show’s tenure in Vancouver, and also the final eps before the movie! Travelers Mind’s Eye All Souls The Pine Bluff Variant Folie à Deux The End We also get sidetracked by a couple of minor distractions (such as how the earth managed to add 2 billion people in just 17 years.) The start of the show is pre-empted by a brief discussion by David on Avi on recent news concerning the revival: namely the announcement that “My Struggle” will be shown at NYCC in October, as well as Chris Carter’s recent comments about determining the status of Mulder and Scully’s relationship at the start of the first new episode. (The episode proper starts right around the 8:00 minute mark if you want to skip straight to that.) And the academy award in editing down 2.5+ hours w

  • Schizogeny, Chinga, Kill Switch, Bad Blood, Patient X, The Red And The Black

    11/09/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    “Y’all must be the guv’munt peoples.” Ah yes, the day we have finally waited for is here. It’s time for X-Philes to talk Bad Blood, and some other cracking episodes: Schizogeny Chinga Kill Switch Bad Blood Patient X The Red And The Black David is joined by Jessa and Roi, fresh from their recent #xfilesroadtrip to Vancouver to visit many of the locations where the series and second movie were shot. Hear all about all this and more – only in this week’s episode of the X-Philes Talk X-Files podcast!

  • Gethsemane, Redux, Redux II

    28/08/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Faith is the main topic of conversation on this week’s podcast as we take an in-depth look at the trilogy of episodes that closed out season four and ushered in season five: Gethsemane Redux Redux II David is joined by the first couple of xfiles.news, Tiffany and Garrett Devol, to discuss the show’s discourse on the faith that God exists, the faith that aliens exist, and the faith that Mulder and Scully actually really are in love. (“I’m only half dead.”) Plus, at least one of us has a hard time suspending disbelief regarding several of the plot points in this story.

  • Tempus Fugit, Max, Synchrony, Small Potatoes, Zero Sum, Elegy, Demons

    21/08/2015 Duration: 54min

    Trish Silva and Holly Simon join David to discuss plane crashes, babies with tails, and a whole lot of killer bees. We didn’t even have to drill holes in our heads to remember these eps! That’s right, we’re covering: Tempus Fugit Max Synchrony Small Potatoes Zero Sum Elegy Demons

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