This podcast is about one thing: helping each of us live our lives on our own terms to live uncompromised for you and for a better world.
Uncompromised Talk with Heather MacDonald and Ron Renaud
23/04/2018 Duration: 41minA great but all too quick, 40-minute race through some big issues in America today with Heather MacDonald of Manhattan Inst. Here’s what we hit: The narrative that cops are racist Immigration The state of colleges @HMDatMI Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Clark Neily and Ron Renaud
16/04/2018 Duration: 01h41minWhat a great conversation this was with the brilliant Clark Neily from CATO Institute. We covered a lot of ground: State-sponsored - Supreme Court-approved eugenics The Second Amendment Qualified Immunity for police @ConLawWarrior
Uncompromised Talk with Julieanna Hever and Ron Renaud
08/04/2018 Duration: 01h26minOutstanding conversation w/ Plant-Based Dietitian and author, Julieanna Hever, who shed some important light on: Why no more chicken, cheese or eggs (ug) Why real men eat couscous A ton of other nutrition questions @plantdietitian Plant-Based Diets: A Physician’s Guide (Perm J 2016) Plant-Based Nutrition for Healthcare Professionals (J Geriatr Cardiol 2017) Plant-Based Nutrition (Idiot’s Guide) 2nd Edition Just Sides Sign Up Page Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Kristin Canty and Ron Renaud
01/04/2018 Duration: 01h24minKiller conversation with entrepreneur & all around make-stuff-happen gal, Kristin Canty about: The FDA/USDA shutting down dairy farms The “miracle” of raw dairy? Crazy federal laws putting people in jail over food The process of living your purpose Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Hal Shurtleff and Ron Renaud
25/03/2018 Duration: 01h56minA long chat that went by too quickly w/ Hal Shurtleff, Dir. of Camp Constitution, talking: The state of edu in the US Limitations of gov under the Const. The story of how we "lost" the Korean War The threat of a Constitutional Convention Check out Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Yaron Brook and Ron Renaud
18/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minEnjoy this great conversation with Uncompromised Yaron Brook, author, speaker and chairman of @AynRandInst, talking: Selfishness as a virtue Who was Ayn Rand? What is “objectivism?” Morality, virtues and Reality Check out: @yaronbrook & Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Robert McNamara and Ron Renaud
12/03/2018 Duration: 59minQuick 55-min chat with attorney-stud Robert McNamara from Institute for Justice (IJ), talking about: Civil forfeiture -absolute craziness Eminent domain abuse & hope Pro licensing The Supreme Court -I get straightened out a bit Check out IJ: or @IJ Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Diana Rodgers and Ron Renaud
04/03/2018 Duration: 01h26minThis was a fun and interesting chat with paleo-nutritionist Diana Rodgers talking: Why red meat is great Why chicken isn't Why you (likely) need more protein I learned a lot about nutrition but need to learn WAY more. Find Diana & @SustainableDish Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Jeffrey Tucker and Ron Renaud
26/02/2018 Duration: 58minCheck me out with Jeffrey Tucker talking: What in the hell is crypto-currency Crazy story about when FDR closed banks, gold made illegal & $ losing 75% of its value! How money makes you free Is immigration good for America? & @jeffreyatucker Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Stephen Hicks and Ron Renaud
19/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minHang with me and super-hero philosopher Stephen Hicks talking: A sweeping history of philosophy What's up with the chaos at universities Subjectivity v. Objectivity You can find Stephen here: and @SRCHicks
Uncompromised Talk with Michael Shermer and Ron Renaud
13/02/2018 Duration: 01h18minThe Uncompromised @michaelshermer and I talk: Is there a God? Is there life after death? What does it mean to be “good?” Free will v. Determinism The infantilizing of society Regardless, creating Heaven on earth You check out more of Michael’s work with Skeptic here: See more of what Michael is up to here: Connect with Michael here: @michaelshermer Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Antony Davies and Ron Renaud
04/02/2018 Duration: 01h30minWelcome to economist, author and professor of economics at Duquesne, Dr. Antony Davies. What a great conversation –it turns out he used to manage the local (dive of a) movie theater that I used to go to when I was a kid! I had some great insights about healthcare, Bitcoin, when socialism really works, housing bubbles to (the coming) college-debt bubble burst and more. Whether you care about economics or not, this is a fun and fast-moving conversation about so much that does —and will continue to affect us all. Antony is a sharp –and humble, dude who knows his stuff. Enjoy. You can find Antony at: @antonydavies Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Jayson Krause and Ron Renaud
29/01/2018 Duration: 01h30minBang! Kick-ass conversation with Jayson Krause –Canadian national bobsled champ, author (52 People), leadership strategist, creator of Science Behind Success™ … and more cool stuff. As far as people in the personal/professional growth business who are the real-deal, Jayson is one. Every time we talk I learn something I can use to make my life better. I know you will too. What I loved about this conversation is that Jayson gave a strong scientific argument/context for the need to be disciplined and goal-driven. It’s amazing how impactful it is when one understands what goes on inside of when we’re creating or breaking habits. Myelin? Ever hear of it? Yeah, you need to. Epigenetics? Memes? “Viruses?” … and being personally responsible for each of those things? Enjoy, Monsieur/Madame Uncompromised. Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Jonathan Pageau and Ron Renaud
22/01/2018 Duration: 55minJonathan Pageau – What a great conversation! I love his insightfulness, wisdom and directness. One of only a few traditional Christian iconographers around the world, he’s also an expert in Christian symbolism and its application to the world in general. You have to check out his engravings (see link below) —they’re simply stunning. We started talking about the “new” concept of “my truth” vs. or alongside The Truth. He talked about how our intuitions, thoughts, emotions and our balancing of these things becomes our integrity. He also covered the idea that we need to introduce a bit of chaos in life (or society) to keep it from expressing itself in more destructive ways in our lives/society. This is one of those conversations that I could have continued for another couple hours. I hope you enjoy it! @PageauJonathan Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Derek Magill and Ron Renaud
15/01/2018 Duration: 01h26minThis was a fun one with Derek Magill from Praxis — a college alternative which focuses on a mentorship approach to learning and getting ramped up and into the job market. The first 25 minutes or so Derek expresses what Praxis is, why it exists and market needs it’s meeting. The rest of the time we talked about building an online presence (for professional purposes), people having a permission-based mindset, college debt crisis, professional licensing and more! Derek Magill: Derek Magill Twitter: @derekmagill Praxis: Discover Praxis Praxis Twitter: @DiscoverPraxis Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with James Harrigan and Ron Renaud
08/01/2018 Duration: 01h27minThis was a great conversation with political scientist/commentator, James Harrigan. It takes no time before we’re up to our knees in: negative and positive rights, the “supremacy” and “necessary and proper” clauses of the US Constitution, the perils of credentialing and licensing, what’s likely to happen to the US —since we’re not going to be able to pay off our debt and more. I’ve heard it said that it doesn’t matter if you don’t take interest in “government” — the government has an interest in you. One of my favorite moments is when James explains the impact of “the government” taking on the responsibility of doing things that were prior done by private charities. I can’t wait to hear what you think of this one! Live Uncompromised. iTunes Podcast: Words & Numbers (by FEE) Twitter: @JamesRHarrigan Facebook: Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Dr Oren Amitay and Ron Renaud
02/01/2018 Duration: 01h33minIn this great conversation with psychologist, Dr. Oren Amitay, we covered a ton of ground. Starting with his recent run-in with a comedian, we end up touching upon the #metoo conversation, challenges with rearing kids in the era of social media, evolutionary norms in men & women and more. Holy cow, a lot happened in 90 minutes. Don’t Compromise! Twitter: @docamitay YouTube: Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Uncompromised Talk with Vicki Hoefle and Ron Renaud
02/01/2018 Duration: 01h30minThis episode is great if you have, had or plan on having kids! My guest Vicki Hoefle is a beast; she’s easy going yet clear about both the general philosophy for how to be successful as a parent while giving specific advice for how to handle a number of challenging circumstances. I loved this conversation for a number of reasons but a couple things stood out: Of course, her wisdom is relevant for parents — or those who engage with children but also for engaging anyone else. When Vicki talked about kids’ (human’s) natural compulsion toward independence, freedom … autonomy and their desire to be “left” to do their thing and even show you that they can be independent and do good things — which every great parent wants. I hope you enjoy Uncompromised Vicki Hoefle! You can find Vicki at: On Twitter: @vickihoefle Instagram: vickihoefleparenting Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook:
Welcome to Uncompromised Talk with Ron Renaud
01/01/2018 Duration: 21minWelcome to Uncompromised Talk! This podcast is about one thing: helping each of us live our lives on our own terms — to live uncompromised — for you and for a better world. Future episodes will feature experts talking money, spirituality, parenting, politics, health/nutrition, history, philosophy and 100 other topics … in this first episode, I lay out the essence of the philosophy of living uncompromised. But, if you just want the skinny: The more connected we are to truth and the best within us — and the more we live that out, the freer we are. With this freedom, we’re more able to create our lives on our terms. And though most people don’t think of it this way, the freer we are, the more we’ll create great things in the rest of the world. As the old adage goes: The truth shall set you free. This podcast is about us discovering truth —and doing something with it, to set ourselves free to live uncompromised. Ready? Let’s do this. Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook: https://www.f