Artist, curator, educator and creative entrepreneur Sergio Gómez shares insights from his artistic journey.
How to upgrade to an improved version of YOU
09/04/2018 Duration: 11minIs it possible to upgrade to a new and improved version of you? This may sounds strange but it is actually possible. Watch my episode and learn a live hack to help you grow and win in life.
How to organize your day productively with Dr Yanina Gomez
08/04/2018 Duration: 16minIs there hope for a disorganized person? Yes there is and Dr Yanina Gomez tells us how to do it. Organize your day effectively!
How to adhere large paper to canvas perfectly flat
08/04/2018 Duration: 12minLet me tell you how to adhere large paper to canvas perfectly flat. I have been doing this for over 15 years and I will tell you how I do it.
How to start a podcast with
25/03/2018 Duration: 07minHave you ever wanted to start a podcast? Here is an easy way to do it.
When life gets on the way of your art career
24/03/2018 Duration: 14minThere are times in the life of an artist in which unfortunate things happen or simply life gets on the way. How do you deal with it?
How to grow an audience for your art
22/03/2018 Duration: 12minDo you want to grow an audience of followers and fans of your creative work? Check out this video and think about attention and how to deliver value and interest once the attention is there.
Being an artist in 2018
22/03/2018 Duration: 09minBeing an artist in 2018 is different than 2015, 2012 or any other time. Learn what two things you need to know to be effective no matter what year you live in.
How to manage your art inventory with Artwork Archive
12/03/2018 Duration: 08minHaving trouble managing your art inventory? Need help? Look no further.
How to manage a job and an art carer
12/03/2018 Duration: 12minManaging a full time or part time job and you art career may be a difficult task. In this episode I provide advice to help you make it work.
Four ways to improve your artist website
11/03/2018 Duration: 09minDiscover four ways to improve your artist website and get noticed.
What's the best advice you ever received?
09/03/2018 Duration: 10minWhat's the best advice you ever received? Breakfast with Sergio. Episode 4
Are you telling your artist story? Part II
02/03/2018 Duration: 14minThis is the second part of why artists need to tell their story to attract more followers and buyers
Are you telling your artist story?
28/02/2018 Duration: 13minEveryone has a story. You may think yours is not important or interesting. I think it's the opposite. Your artist story is unique and you need to tell it to the world!
When should I make an exhibition Proposal?
27/02/2018 Duration: 09minHave you ever made an exhibition proposal? When is the right time to do one? Find out in this episode recorded live during Breakfast with Sergio!
Capitalize on Your Network
26/12/2017 Duration: 03minThis is episode 2 of 5 on the five skills every artist will need to be successful in 2018.
Contextualize your story
20/12/2017 Duration: 04minIn this daily audio blog I talk about why you need to contextualize your story as a skill to master in 2018
Writing exhibition proposals
15/12/2017 Duration: 05minWriting exhibition proposals is a skill you can learn. I tell you how in this episode.
Creating exhibition proposals
14/12/2017 Duration: 05minWant to know how to create an exhibition proposal that gives results? Listen now.
The artist race for attention
12/12/2017 Duration: 05minIn today’s audio Blog, I talk about social media and our endless quest to find our audience. Enjoy