Power Trading Radio is a daily progressive trader focused program, hosted by long time trader Merlin Rothfeld, who offers expert analysis of the market from a traders perspective. Fueled by Online Trading Academy, the show is designed to take average investors and give them the skills that they need for real success. The show covers issues relating to Stocks, Forex, Futures, Options, Wealth Management, Retirement Planning, IRAs and more.
Market Analysis with Jeff Manson
19/10/2012 Duration: 38minJeff Manson joins Merlin to talk about the Google mistake and the impact it may have on the financial markets and transparency. Jeff talks about some of the seasonal patterns he looks for when making long term investment decisions, sharing with us his CAT comments which he posted on Power Trading Nation. Later, the duo takes a look at the current market situation for potential trading opportunities based off of the S&P500. Jeff also shares with us his forecast for markets going forward.
Mentoring with Jose Blasco
18/10/2012 Duration: 39minIn just a few short years, Jose Blasco has gone from novice rookie trader to the peak of the trading and education pyramid. Nominated for Instructor of the Year at the Online Trading Academy International Conference, Jose spends his days trading and mentoring students in XLT trading rooms and the elite Mastermind Community. This collaboration has helped shape some of the most successful graduates ever! Jose talks with Merlin about some of the analysis he and his colleagues are doing in order to find high probability, low risk trading opportunities. The duo takes a look at several different asset classes and trading opportunities.
Online Trading Academy's International Conference 2012
16/10/2012 Duration: 30minFor the second straight day Merlin is broadcasting live from the Online Trading Academy International Conference, in Newport Beach California. Steve Misic joins Merlin to talk about a wide assortment of currencies and economic announcements. Steve talks about the current TIC numbers and why they support a much more bullish market going forward. Merlin and Steve talk about several other indicators which are having an impact on current market direction. Later in the show, the duo talk about the Aussie, Euro, Yen, Pound and other currencies including a brief discussion about crosspairs. Tune in and join in the discussion!
Mapping Out Trades with Rehman Moledina
15/10/2012 Duration: 29minBroadcasting live from the Online Trading Academy International Conference, Merlin Rothfeld and Rehman Moledina pull back the curtain on this years events. Major content changes and educational improvements as well as new social media outlets topped the instructor agenda, with many new announcements to follow. Rehman takes some time to walk listeners through his thoughts on Apple as well as the trades he is currently in. Later the duo talk about Gold, and again, Rehman talks about his outlook for the precious metal as well as share the trade he is currently in with respect to GLD
Weekend Edition
13/10/2012 Duration: 37minAs earnings sour, and economic data comes in pointing to economic contraction, Citigroup issues a Strong Buy recommendation for the US Equity markets. Are they onto something, or just looking for a patsy to sell their shares too? John O’Donnell and Merlin Rothfeld take a look at this subject as well as announce the second winner of the Power Trading Radio gold coin contest.
Wealth Management with Tillie Allison
11/10/2012 Duration: 39minTuesday night, Tillie and the Online Trading Academy in Stamford Connecticut hosted a free, graduate event going over the concepts and principles of ProActive investing. These events are designed to help promote Community, Sharing of Ideas, Enforcement of Discipline, and they are free to Online Trading Graduates. Tillie turns her attention to Emerging markets, addressing a listeners question about EEM, then turns to diversification and commodities to help mitigate the risk of equity heavy portfolios. Tillie and Merlin also talk about the short setup on the market and how they would approach it in a Long term trading account vs. a short term account.
Gaining Security with Options
11/10/2012 Duration: 39minAs the market shows signs of topping out, investors are nervous with their long term holdings, and rightfully so! Steve Moses joins Power Trading Radio to help several listeners with their portfolio questions. From buying insurance on a large SPY holding to using complex strategies like Iron Condors, Steve uses clear examples to help the listeners find solutions to their problems. Steve and Merlin emphasize the importance of consistency and probability. Often sacrificing the big, high risk trade for the higher probability, low return trade is the better go for those who want to survive in the trading game.
From Student to Mentor
10/10/2012 Duration: 38minJasmine Wang began her trading career many years ago like most... Struggling! Trying to take the cheap way to success by reading books. She quickly learned that this was not the path to success. Jasmine talks with Merlin about her transition from aspiring trader to full time trader and one of the top instructors in the Online Trading Academy XLT mentoring room. After a walk through of her progression, focus turns to asset classes and the establishing of levels to get a higher probability trade setup. Jasmine also shares her thoughts on the currency markets and the impact of the dollar.
In Studio with Scott Greer
09/10/2012 Duration: 37minBack in 2007, Scott Greer was looking for a career change and found himself in a class at Online Trading Academy. Having applied his education to a real trading account, and following diligently the XLT program, he met his financial objectives in just under 2 years. Scott talks about how he achieved success, and offers listeners some key pointers as to how they can achieve success as well. Scott has also gone on to be a sought after instructor at Online Trading Academy! The duo take a look at the current market for signs as to where it may be headed as well as key buy points. Later, focus shifts to currencies and how to use them as leading indicators for the equity markets.
Weekend Edition with Robert Murphy
06/10/2012 Duration: 37minEconomist Robert Murphy joins John and Merlin to talk about how many of the current “remedies” our government has implemented simply are not working. Before we understand how to fix these problems, we must first identify what the impact of our previous actions has been. This allows us to isolate areas of the economy, adopt a new policy and get things working again. Unfortunately many of the suggestions fly right in the face of the Keynesian economists in power! The trio also takes a look at the gold standard, and the looming question regarding devaluing currencies and international trade.
What to do with your Portfolio?
05/10/2012 Duration: 37minWith so many different opinions about where the markets are headed, should you just cash out and wait? Russ Allen joins Power Trading Radio to talk about how true portfolio diversification will help investors regardless of where they think things are headed. Russ and Merlin address several listener questions as they try to help them focus on the correct portfolio allocations and investment ideas. Russ offers his suggestions for those who have not have much saved for retirement, drawing their attention to free online calculators which can help them plan for the future. .The key is, Start Today!
Trading With Debbie Hague
03/10/2012 Duration: 36minPurposefully avoiding the news may seem like a bizarre thing for a trader to do, yet Debbie Hague does just that! She focuses on price action and the charts to tell her when and where to trade. Sprinkle on that confirmation tools like Fibonacci, and she has crafted a winning trading style. Merlin and Debbi take a look at High Frequency Trading and weigh the impact of this hotly debated topic on their trading results. Later, a listener question regarding position sizing and scaling out is answered by these 2 veteran traders.
The View from the Southern Hemisphere
03/10/2012 Duration: 27minBert Antonik joins Merlin live from his home in Singapore. With the newly opened Online Trading Academy office in Jakarta, Bert has been exceptionally busy teaching and trading. He shares his thoughts on emerging markets with some interesting points about the old school BRIC countries and the emerging CIVITS countries which may shape the future of growth and consumption. Bert also talks about his preference to trade the Euro currency, and offers a hypothesis about where it may be headed in the near future.
Trading Around the World
02/10/2012 Duration: 32minTillie Allison is back on the air after teaching in India for the past 5 weeks. Tillie talks about how she transitioned to trading the Indian markets, which to her surprise, acted just like any other market. Tillie talks briefly about how some traders become frustrated with consolidation & basing, a topic which she will dive much deeper into when she hosts Hour With The Pro’s on October 4th. To wrap things up, Tillie and Merlin give their thoughts on where this market may be headed.
Weekend Edition with Lew Rockwell
29/09/2012 Duration: 38minLew Rockwell, president and founder of the Mises Institute joins John O’Donnell and Merlin Rothfeld for this engaging weekend edition of Power Trading Radio. Focus points to Keynesian vs. Austrian economic policy and the impact these two economic philosophies have on financial markets. The trio looks at the gold standard, jobs, bond vigilantes and many other topics on this fun filled episode. Tune in and find out where these three stand.
Housing: Climbing Out of the Deep End
28/09/2012 Duration: 36minDiana Hill joins Power Trading Radio to talk about the current status of the housing market. For the last few months, the sun has been shining on housing, with economic data showing increasing prices and stability in many markets around the USA. Does the recent Fed action support a continuation of this trend? Diana and Merlin discuss this topic as well as Diana’s recent article in “Lessons from the Pros” regarding buying houses out of state. We also revisit homebuilder stocks which Diana was openly bullish on for the last 18 months. Is she still Bullish after their 100%+ up move? Tune in and find out!
Trading The Plan
27/09/2012 Duration: 37minCraig Weil joins Merlin to talk about how he has created, implemented and maintained his trading plan over the years. One issue that is troubling many listeners is “how to get back on track if on a losing streak”. The duo adds their 2 cents on how they personally deal with these issues. Craig goes over a couple rules he has in his plan, as well as giving examples about how he has modified these rules over the years. If you are struggling to get your plan in place, this show will offer you some solid suggestions.
XLT with Brandon Tristan
26/09/2012 Duration: 37minBrandon Tristan catches Merlin up on some of the new happenings in the XLT mentoring & Trading environments. Students can now access an area where they can all share their screen with live trades, and work collectively to trade better. This is NOT done alone, as there is generally an instructor in the room to help lead discussions and correcty trading issues. Brandon and Merlin weigh in on a comment from a listener who thinks that traders need to "catch-up" for flat or losing days, thus putting more pressure on them to succeed. Let Power Trading radio know what your thoughts are on this topic! Power Blast your responses to
Monday Kickoff!
24/09/2012 Duration: 37minMerlin Rothfeld runs though some of the more entertaining headlines that have piled in over the weekend, and adds his cynical twist as usual. Without a guest in studio, Merlin focuses on listener questions. Topic range from Currencies to Futures, with Merlin adding his thoughts on several positions. More details are also given about the Free Gold Coin Contest.
Weekend Edition
21/09/2012 Duration: 37minJohn O’Donnell and Merlin Rothfeld introduce the Power Trading Radio gold coin give away! This is a free contest which allows listeners to bid on the price of gold for the coming week and potentially win a free gold coin! The duo also talks about the Fed and the recent announcement of QE3, specifically the MBS portion and how it might impact home builders and the housing market. John points out 2 areas in the market that he is bullish and bearish going forward, which might present some trading opportunities for listeners.