Power Trading Radio is a daily progressive trader focused program, hosted by long time trader Merlin Rothfeld, who offers expert analysis of the market from a traders perspective. Fueled by Online Trading Academy, the show is designed to take average investors and give them the skills that they need for real success. The show covers issues relating to Stocks, Forex, Futures, Options, Wealth Management, Retirement Planning, IRAs and more.
Wealth Management with Tillie Allison
18/04/2013 Duration: 36minTillie Allison joins Merlin to talk about a variety of topics including Trade management, Portfolio rebalancing and how to position ones portfolio in light of the increased market volatility. Tillie also shares her thoughts on Doug Casey’s opinions about investing in the bond market, an area Tillie feels is very risky right now. To wrap things up, Tillie talks about her new DVD on wealth Management titled: “How to Retire With More Money Than You Need”. Catchy huh?!?
“Totally Incorrect” with Doug Casey
18/04/2013 Duration: 36minNew York Times bestselling author, Doug Casey joins John O’Donnell and Merlin Rothfeld to talk about his new book titled “Totally Incorrect”, a stern look at what is wrong with many areas of our world. Doug and crew also look at the recent decline in commodities, in particular gold and gold miners for trading and investing opportunities. As well as the macro picture for our financial markets here in the states.
Breaking the Currency Chains
17/04/2013 Duration: 36minJohn Kicklighter, Chief Currency strategist at, joins Merlin for a look at the disconnection between many stalwart market relationships, including gold, the dollar, commodities and more! John talks about risk events coming up which could add an element of opportunity/unpredictability going forward. The duo look at many market relationships and identify important levels on several currency pairs.
Gold's Triple Lindy
16/04/2013 Duration: 38minBack in 1986, Rodney Dangerfield pulled off the impossible dive, the “Triple Lindy” to save his school. Today, it looks like Gold is in the midst of just such a historic dive! 22 year CBOE veteran Marty Dim joins Merlin to talk about the actions of gold and the equity markets as a whole. The duo look at supply & demand concepts and the integration of chart patterns as well as technical indicators for enhanced probability. Tickers: GLD, GDX, SPY Disclosure: Merlin is short SPY, long GDX
Weekend Edition with Jim Puplava
13/04/2013 Duration: 39minJohn and Merlin welcome President and CEO of Puplava Financial Services! The trio take a look at many macro issues such as the current selloffs in gold and silver and the miners that are digging it out of the ground! Later they look at “Margin of Safety” and how it impacts trading decisions & evaluation. Jim also uses this tool as a odds enhancer to further increase his probability of being on the right side of the trade, and helping refine his entries in supply and demand zones. Jim also gives his forecast for the equity markets going forward which will surprise many viewers!
The Answer To The Tax Man
12/04/2013 Duration: 37minMichael Atias of OTA Tax Pro’s addresses listener questions regarding trader taxation as the final few days until April 15th tick away. Michael talks about audit probabilities for those who file extensions, the monetary impacts of trading futures contracts (1256 contracts) vs. other assets such as stocks , options or currencies, and what are the pros and cons of taking withholdings on you pay check.
Breaking All Time Highs with Mike McMahon
11/04/2013 Duration: 36minMerlin starts off with a quick look at bitcoins and their place in our current markets: Boom or Bubble? Later Mike McMahon joins the show to talk about the new online trading labs he has been teaching, helping students around the world handle live trading with real money from nearly anywhere in the world. Mike and Merlin discuss the importance of level2 information before moving on to the current market situation and Mikes surprising forecast for the S&P 500.
Currency Roundup
10/04/2013 Duration: 36minMerlin takes a look at some of the major international news headlines before diving into analysis of several major currency pairs including GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY. Later, he addresses the topic of Cross Currency Pairs, addressing some of the pros and cons of trading such securities. Merlin answers several listener questions about specific securities including: GE. FTI, CLH, CLB, AAPL and more.
The Ball Keeps Bouncing!
09/04/2013 Duration: 34minContinuing Fridays crucial rally off the lows for the past month, The markets collectively moved higher, once again challenging all time highs. To help analyze the market, Scott McCormick joins Power Trading Radio from his class in Dallas Texas. The duo take a look at the proper manner to trade gapping securities, Best Buys stellar rise, Google and Apple. Sprinkle on a little about market and currency correlation, and you have the makings for a great show!
Weekend Edition with Todd Wood
05/04/2013 Duration: 35minJohn O’Donnell and Merlin Rothfeld welcome trader/author Todd Wood to Power Trading Radio to talk about his new book “Currency”. The trio discuss the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on the dollar and its weakening global dominance as the world currency. Later, Merlin announces another gold coin winner, bringing the total number of gold coins won by listeners to 26! Are you next?
Market Timing the Long Term With Sam Seiden
05/04/2013 Duration: 37minChief Education, Products, and Services Officer and Instructor at Online Trading Academy, Sam Seiden joins Merlin to talk about some of the pitfalls of historical investment models, and what individuals should do to take control of their financial future. This includes unorthodox investments as using Options in your retirement accounts and creating your own Annuity. Why would one want to create their own annuity? Sam explains why on this wealth management focused show.
6 of One, Half Dozen of the Other
04/04/2013 Duration: 37minJohn O’Donnell and Merlin take a look at arguments for macroeconomic issues pushing the markets to all time highs, as well as what factors could cause it to collapse. From Copper and other commodities to Unemployment numbers, the market is giving us many signs, it’s up to each of us to compile the data and determine how to position ourselves going forward.
The Collapse of Corn and Europe’s Scorn
03/04/2013 Duration: 37min25 year CME & CBOT veteran Bill Henner joins Merlin to talk about the recent declines in Corn and what trading opportunities moves like that provide, as well as how to adapt to relationship changes such as the disconnect between copper and the Dow over the last few months. Later, the duo look at several currencies including the Euro, US Dollar, AussieYen and much more!
It’s Good To Be A Pirate!
02/04/2013 Duration: 37minWith the new release of her book “Trade Like a Pirate: 67 Golden Nuggets To Simplify Your Trading”, Debbie Hague spends a few minutes with Merlin talking about the inspiration behind the book and its intended purposes. Merlin and Debbie address the first Golden Nugget in her book offering some insight to the viewers of what they can expect when they get their hands on the book. After several market stories and lessons, Merlin and Debbie then focus on several listener questions ranging from Apple, to LSG and IBM.
Weekend Edition with Peter C. Earle
29/03/2013 Duration: 34minPete Earle ( is a trader, analyst and writer focusing on economics and history from the Austrian School and historical revisionist perspectives. He holds a bachelor's degree in engineering, an MBA, and a smattering of courses in programming and algorithms. He resides in the New York metropolitan area.
From Common to Rare: Know your Precious Metals
28/03/2013 Duration: 36minIn response to a listener question about which metal is a better investment: Gold or Silver, Merlin brings on local expert Paul Buzby to help clear up things. Mr. Buzby, Director of Economic Research at Rare Coin Wholesalers breaks down the differences between Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Palladium, outlining the pros and cons of each metal from a market perspective. He also bring on a wide assortment of coins ranging from common American Eagle Gold to extremely rare coins, some worth over $500,000! Merlin and Paul talk about using coins (common or rare) as a supplement for ones portfolio and even a hedge should markets take a nosedive! Tune in and get a glimpse of this Million Dollar coin lineup!
Lining Up The Numbers
28/03/2013 Duration: 34minMerlin takes a look at several factors facing the markets going forward such as: Industrial Production, Copper, Consumer Staples, Healthcare and the US Dollar. All of which point to further pressure on the markets! He addresses these pressures from an investors perspective and a short term traders perspective with very different results. Merlin also fields many listener questions about current market trajectory, When to buy back in, and what’s the best defensive play right now!
Follow the Money with John Kicklighter
27/03/2013 Duration: 36minAs more details emerge about the financial situation in Cyprus, speculation turns to other potential bank runs around the globe. Chief Currency Strategist, John Kicklighter joins Merlin to look at what the global impact of the European situation is, as well as what might be the best opportunities. Later, Merlin and John take a look at a variety of currencies including: Euro, Yen, Pound and more. Ultimately, focus is pointed at the fed and their mammoth purchases designed to keep America afloat, but what happens when they unwind their holdings!?! Tune in to find out!
To Automate or Not To Automate?
25/03/2013 Duration: 37minStraight from teaching an Online Trading Academy Platform Immersion course in Irvine California, Derek Zelek joins Merlin to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of automating trading strategies. Many traders believe automation is the secret to consistency as well as removing emotions from their trading. Merlin and Derek show a couple of examples of automated strategies and are quick to point out the shortcomings and flaws in the data that many traders input.
Weekend Edition with Todd Harrison
23/03/2013 Duration: CEO Todd Harrison joins Merlin and John to talk about socionomics and the financial markets. After a look at social mood factors which impact the markets, the trio look at look at a wide variety of current issues including the mess in Cyprus and a look at how the hedge fund industry has adapted to market changes, a lesson that all proprietary traders should learn!