Think Fit is a podcast hosted by Tim and Robo who have lost a combined weight of nearly 100kgs! We want to cut through the confusion and make people realise there isn't a secret to weight loss. That doesn't mean it has to be hard either. We will share stories based on our experiences. What worked, what doesn't and hopefully have some fun doing so. So if you are sick of all the confusion about losing weight and getting fit then tune in!
Think Fit Episode 46: Are We Making Ourselves Fat?
25/02/2018 Duration: 01h15minNetflix, Uber Eats, Virtual Reality, Driverless Cars! Technology is advancing at a scary rate and we have a world of convenience at our fingertips. We are making rapid advancements in health and technology that means we have the potential to live longer lives than ever before. But are these advancements making us fat? Are the very things that are designed to make life more convenient and safer actually making us more sedentary? This week we come to you live from the local conspiracy theory bunker with tinfoil hats on our heads as we ask the hard questions about whether we are making it harder to be healthy. We discuss two articles about ways to get fit on a budget and health tips you will actually enjoy! Robo recommends the Peet Dryer: and Tim recommends Marley Spoon: Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Robo's Socials:
Think Fit Episode 45: Small Changes That Lead to Big Weight Loss & Health Improvements
18/02/2018 Duration: 01h12minFACT: Drastically changing your diet or increasing your exercise overnight is not going to lead to permanent, healthy weight loss. Instead, to successfully improve your health and lose weight you need to make many smaller changes. Some together and others over time. By making smaller changes you are going to not only see your weight go down, you are going to not see it go back up again! This week we give too many tips that you can add to your Think Fit tool box to ensure that your health remains a priority and you manage to get your weight under control. We talk about things like ordering small food sizes or not buying pre-made food at all, ensuring your exercise is fun, adding foods rather than cutting foods out, stretching and we even manage to barely talk about sleeping or walking because by this point, they are fairly obvious. At some point we end up having a discussion about robbing banks. How we got onto that topic is still a mystery. We discuss two articles, one about what slim people eat for breakfast
Think Fit Episode 44: Overcoming Adversity and Being The Best Version of Yourself with Brett Robbo
11/02/2018 Duration: 01h19minG'Day Legends! (Borrowed from this week's guest) This week we are extremely lucky to be joined by Brett Robbo. Brett has a history in high performance sport both as an athlete himself and as a coach spending a lot of time working with both able bodied and para athletes. Working along side incredible people who have faced and overcome extreme obstacles has given Brett insight into how people can manage and overcome adversity. In addition, Brett has had his share of adversity too which saw him completely re-evaluate his approach to life and pursue a career in mental strength and helping others become the best versions of themselves. This episode has something for absolutely everybody because quite literally, everyone faces challenges. We talk all about living your life in line with your core values, why it is important for people to create their own success and why it is important to accept that bad things happen but they don't need to limit your life. Brett also hosts his own amazing podcast which is linked be
Think Fit Episode 43: The Unexpected Benefits of Getting in Shape
04/02/2018 Duration: 01h21minEverybody has their own reasons for getting in shape. Whether it's for their health, to look good at the beach or to fit into their wedding dress. All valid reasons and great sources of motivation. In addition, we all hear about what you can expect when you start. More energy, clothes don't fit anymore and better confidence. The benefits of getting in shape are well documented and often are one of the first things that people talk about when they recount their positive health change. But what about the side-effects that you don't expect? What about the changes you start to notice that are completely unexpected and surprisingly awesome! That's what we (mostly Robo) discus this week. We wanted to share our experiences of the positive changes we experience when we started training and exercising that we noticed that we did not expect. Maybe some of these benefits will surprise you and might even provide that missing piece of motivation to help you get into shape! In addition to that red-hot content we discuss 5
Think Fit Episode 42: The Importance of Self Care
28/01/2018 Duration: 01h28minWe all know to reach our goals we have to work at them. Whether it is lifting weights in the gym, changing our eating habits to lose weight. In fact, people are even becoming more and more aware of the importance of rest and recovery. Your mind plays an important part in this too and that is why it is important to spend time taking care of the muscle between your ears. This week we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself. We discuss, what things you can do for your own wellbeing including taking time for yourself, setting limits, learning to see your own value as well as your own limits. We then try to put some more tools in your Think Fit tool box and provide you with tips on how you can make sure you are taking care of yourself. Self-care is incredibly important. It is also incredibly easy to forget about it when you are caught up in the routines of daily life. So do something good for yourself this week and download this episode, get comfortable and find out how you can take care of yourself!
Think Fit Episode 41: The Best Diet You've Never Tried!
21/01/2018 Duration: 01h12minAt long last, Think Fit is finally going to reveal to the World the secret weight loss diet that has led to them losing nearly 100kg between the two of them! This diet is so secret that it is kept in a nuclear grade bunker with some of the most sophisticated security known to man! That security is the reason why it has been hidden from the World for so long. But no more... In reality, this week we discuss our experiences with some of the diets we have tried while trying to lose weight and the how and why of why they didn't work. We then go into the nitty gritty of what we specifically did to our diets to successfully lose weight. We highlight the lessons we have learned through our own success and failure with diet as well as some of the lessons we have learned from previous guests on the show and how their approaches have now influenced our way of thinking. Fundamentally the take away from this episode is that there is no single right way and unfortunately you need to work out what works for you. We discuss
Think Fit Episode 40: Binge, Emotional & Over Eating with Lyndi Cohen, The Nude Nutritionist
14/01/2018 Duration: 01h22minFood has an amazing ability to bring us together. We celebrate the good times and the bad times while eating, drinking and being merry. But what happens when the emotional relationship with food turns bad? What happens when you find yourself turning to food to alter your emotional state? What about when you start eating and cannot stop yourself? These are real challenges faced by people on a daily basis. People can develop an unhealthy and emotional relationship with food that can lead to massive over eating and binge eating. This week we are joined by dietitian and nutritionist, Lyndi Cohen. Lyndi had an unhealthy emotional relationship with food and struggled with her weight until she decided to make a change. Lyndi stopped dieting and focused on normalising her relationship with food and since then has lost over 20kg, kept it off and has launched the 'Keep it Real' program to help other people with their challenges. We discuss how people form an emotional relationship with food, why people binge or over ea
Think Fit Episode 39: When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade!
07/01/2018 Duration: 01h13minSo 2018 has been off to a rough start for the boys at Think Fit. Tim found out that a close family member has cancer and Robo, has fallen victim to a calf injury. But that is life and it must go on. So in a particularly relevant episode this week we discuss the tips and tricks to manage the curveballs that life throws at you. We focus heavily on the importance of keeping on top of your mental wellbeing, being flexible with your goals or resolutions and even talk about using any negative thoughts or emotions to keep driving you forward. We have a particularly nasty (seriously) article to discuss about the disgusting things we are eating without realising as well as a surprisingly educational article from Men's Health. Robo shares an exciting announcement and surprises Tim with a question towards the end of the show. We also discuss some of the guests we have coming up in the next few weeks. Tim recommends the podcast 'Dirty John' which can be found here:
Think Fit Episode 38: How To Make Sure Your New Year Resolutions Are Successful (Basically it is all about Goal Setting)
31/12/2017 Duration: 01h11minHow many times have you woken up on January 1 determined to make it a year of positive change? How often have you gotten to December 31 and ticked off all of those goals? We are guessing it isn't that often... So to celebrate the New Year we wanted to give you some strategies you can use when setting your goals to make sure that you stick to them and even more importantly, achieve them! These are fundamentally simple and are relevant to any sort of goal setting but include things like do research to understand what is required, be aware of the challenges you are likely to face along the way, set both larger and smaller goals and make sure you understand why you want to make the change. These strategies work whether you are setting goals for your New Year resolution or any goals throughout the year. We discuss a extremely legitimate piece of research out of Harvard University (that is also possibly the funniest one yet) as well as a surprisingly good article from Men's Health. We also have another letter from
Think Fit Episode 37: The Iron War! A Think Fit Story!
24/12/2017 Duration: 01h11minThe drama of sport is one of the reasons we find it so compelling and the Iron War is one of the most dramatic. Two of the fittest men doing battle over a 3.8km swim, a 180km bike and 42.2km run. The 1989 Iron Man World Championships is considered one of the greatest races not only in triathlon but in the history of sport. This week we wanted to give our listeners a Christmas gift so we are recounting the story of Iron War. We go into the background of Mark Allen and Dave Scott, the sport of IronMan and then delve into the drama that unfolded that October day on the Hawaiian island of Kona. You don't need to be a triathlete to enjoy this story of two gladiators of the sport battling it out in what many consider the closest race ever witnessed. We hope you enjoy our Christmas gift to you! Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Robo's Socials: Instagram: https://www.instag
Think Fit Episode 36: The Think Fit Guide to Surviving Christmas! Don't Let the Festive Season Make You Fat!
17/12/2017 Duration: 01h08minIt's the most wonderful time of the year. Work is wrapping up, family come together from all over the world. There are parties, feasts and countless celebrations. It's a time of celebration where we are bombarded with temptations that might not always be the healthiest. It is also a time of year where people are already looking to the New Year to reset their health and fitness goals. But who said you need to let the festive season get the best of you? It is possible to celebrate and not completely derail your health and fitness goals. This week we look at some hints and tips to manage your Christmas work party and then we get into ways to not go overboard on Christmas Day. Nothing too complicated but instead we are looking at things like training first thing in the morning, using smaller plates and dividing it up into sections to ensure you get all the goodness you need. We also look at where to put your food and things you can do after the big day to avoid overdoing it for the days after Christmas too. We lo
Think Fit Episode 35: The Hard Truth About Why You Aren't Losing Weight with Vinnie Tortorich
10/12/2017 Duration: 01h33minThis week we are lucky to be joined by one of the biggest names in health and fitness in the world, Mr Vinnie Tortorich! Vinnie is the man behind the No Sugar, No Grains Lifestyle, author of Fitness Confidential and host of the incredibly popular Fitness Confidential Podcast. A celebrity trainer with over 30 years of experience, Vinnie takes a no bullshit approach to fitness and will tell you straight up why you aren't losing weight. Vinnie absolutely rips to shreds an article on how to lose weight without exercising. We then have a discussion about his approach to health and fitness. The big take away from the episode is that you cannot outrun a bad diet. As mentioned, Vinnie strongly encourages people to give up sugar and grains for health. We discuss why fitness has become so complicated and and how to make it less complicated. Not only does Vinnie have a lot to say, he is able to back it up with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Well worth listening to and we also highly recommend checking out his web
Think Fit Episode 34: How Difficult Emotions Impact Your Health & How Sport Can Help with Psychlogist, Brian Langsworth
03/12/2017 Duration: 01h35minHave you ever been scared, felt down, nervous, uncertain? Maybe even depressed or anxious? Well guess what! You are not alone. This week we are joined by Performance Psychologist, Brian Langsworth to delve into the power of the mind and just what sort of impact negative thoughts can have on your health and wellbeing. Brian explains a lot about why there is nothing wrong with experiencing difficult emotions and the role that getting active can play in overcoming them. We discuss some strategies to deal with these difficult emotions if you are dealing with them or know someone who is. We look at times when these difficult emotions can actually be a positive and how you can utilise them to get the best out of yourself. We also talk about why we spend so much time caring for our bodies yet often we neglect to take care of our minds as well. We look at how sport is able to help a person overcome these negative feelings whether it is a 10 minute walk or running a marathon. We also discuss the mental clarity people
Think Fit Episode 33: Motivation & Tips To Overcome Hurdles That Everybody Face!
26/11/2017 Duration: 01h19minEveryone faces challenges, obstacles and hurdles in all aspects of our lives. It is part of being human. This week we have an in-depth discussion about those people that motivated and helped us to overcome those challenges. We also then provide a number of tips for how you too can overcome any barriers you are facing. These might be challenges with your weight, your racing, your job or hey, even your study! Things like learning from your mistakes, being supportive, setting smaller goals and mapping out your path to success. We talk about some of the biggest hurdles we have and do face and apply these tips to them to show how they have helped us to overcome them. Ultimately, it is not the fact that we face struggles, it is how we deal with them that makes all the difference. We go through one of the worst articles we have covered yet on the show and have a bit of a chat about the Western Sydney 70.3 Asia Pacific Championships! We introduce the second winner of our Port of Tauranga Competition Winner, Stephen W
Think Fit Episode 32: When Doing Less Might Be Better For You (Keep it Simple!)
19/11/2017 Duration: 01h17minIt's very easy to think that more is always better. I am going to lose more weight if I train more. I will go faster if I run more. If I follow this new diet I will lose more weight? Well what if we told you that sometimes less is in fact better! This week we look at how keeping things simple and decreasing volume can help you to not only be healthier, but also go faster as an athlete too. We look at how many beginners overcomplicate their training in an effort to make significant improvements quickly. We discuss how extreme diets and constantly changing what you eat can in fact make losing weight harder. We also look at how this same approach can be applied to the workplace. Tim has a big rant about the multiple articles people tagged in him this week which highlight just how terrible health and fitness reporting is and Robo laughs at him while doing it. We also get to know the first of our Port of Tauranga Half Competition winners, Mia Cameron. If you want to join Mia, use the code 'thinkfitpod' when enteri
Think Fit Episode 31: The Struggles of Training When You Are Overweight & How To Overcome Them
12/11/2017 Duration: 01h13minOn this week's Think Fit we take a look back at some of the biggest challenges we faced when we started to get active. From feeling intimidated in the gym, having issues with clothing not fitting properly, sweating too much, getting injured or even just how bloody hard it was! Lucky for you, we learned a whole lot from going through that experience and we wanted to try and share some of the ways in which we were able to overcome it. Things like, checking your ego at the door or understanding your why were all things we did to get over the fear and insecurity we felt. We test ourselves against a Men's Health Fitness Test (We both failed - no surprises there) as well as discuss 6 drinks that allegedly will help you lose weight (when one is a chocolate shake you have to wonder how reliable the information is!) We also announce the winner of our Firefly Recovery giveaway! Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
Think Fit Episode 30: Is Your Relationship Making You Fat?
05/11/2017 Duration: 01h10minYou may see this week's title and think you are listening to a podcast from Men's Health or another equally rubbish fitness publication. But it is an often joked about phenomena. People get into a relationship and their weight can go up. This week we discuss why your weight can change once you enter into a relationship. We discuss why dating can be bad for your health and what it is about finding somebody to love that can see your waist line increase. But fear not! It isn't all doom and gloom because in a typical Think Fit twist, we turn it around and focus on how being in a relationship can be good for your health and why working as a team can lead to long term health for all parties! We discuss the importance of push ups, an article about the five worst men's health and fitness tips (one of them is about shaving?) and answer a question about foods we hated when we were big that we love now! Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter
Think Fit Episode 29: How To Overcome Weight Loss Plateaus & The Most Unhealthy Health Foods with Dietitian, Chloe McLeod
29/10/2017 Duration: 01h12minDue to overwhelming demand we are lucky to be joined by Think Fit's favourite dietitian, Chloe McLeod. This week we talk with Chloe about how to overcome weight loss plateaus. Based on the number of requests we received to cover this topic, as well as our own experiences, it seems like this is something most people know about. Chloe talked about some simple tips to keep your weight loss going. The real advantage of having an actual expert on the show though, was that Chloe was able to advise how to do it in a safe way. Tim & Robo tried to contribute something to the show by talking about the non-diet tricks we use to overcome plateaus. We discuss foods that are perceived as unhealthy that are actually ok and also the foods which people think are unhealthy that might not be. There is a funny story about cauliflower and we go through the 25 funniest tweets about dieting. If you want to enter The Port of Tauranga Half then use the code 'thinkfitpod' when registering to go into the prize draw. You can enter t
Think Fit Episode 28: How Saying YES Can Help You Lose Weight!
22/10/2017 Duration: 01h15minOne of our basic instincts is self preservation. We want to avoid putting ourselves in dangerous, awkward or embarrassing situations. This week we are here to tell you that you should fight that basic instinct and take a leap of faith. We both consider ourselves very optimistic and that glass half full approach to life has allowed us to achieve things we never thought we could. This week we share the times that we have decided to step outside of our comfort zone. We talk about the unexpected benefits that occurred and highlight just how much we have learned from our failures. We both believe that we were able to lose our weight and keep it off by pushing back against the voice in our heads that told us to avoid things. By doing things we didn't think we could allowed us to achieve things that we never would have thought possible. That's the thing though, anyone can do it! Ultimately, you never know if you don't try! If you want to enter Port of Tauranga Half then use the code 'thinkfitpod' when registering
Think Fit Episode 27: The Biggest Mistakes People Make and Simple Tips To Get In Shape with Expert Trainer Andrew Read
15/10/2017 Duration: 01h23minIf you do anything for over 25 years there is a good chance you become pretty good at it! This week we are joined by one of the best trainers in Australia or anywhere! Andrew Read is a fitness professional based out of Melbourne who has worked as a trainer for a quarter of a century. During that time he has seen and heard just about everything! We discuss the biggest mistakes he sees people making when they want to get in shape and gives some tips for how every single person, regardless of their health or fitness levels can get into better shape. We discuss some particularly bad fitness articles (we know because of how he reacted to them) and get the truth behind a lot of the claims inside. Andrew also gives us insight into how he has managed to stay in top shape well into his 40's and how he helps his clients to do the same! Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Andrew's Socials: https://www.r