Ron Paul Liberty Report



Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report


  • Which Party Won The Elections? The War Party, Of Course!

    15/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    Writing in Responsible Statecraft today, Connor Echols effectively makes the depressing case that no matter which party controls Congress, it's always the war party in the driver's seat. Also today: So...the FBI had infiltrated the "Jan. 6th insurrectionist" groups months before Jan. 6th? What did they know and when did they know it? Also...what happened to the antiwar left?

  • As 'Election Day' Becomes 'Election Week," Something Has Broken In 'Our Democracy'

    14/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    It has been nearly a week since 2022 election day in the US. Despite the endless propaganda that "vote counting takes time," the fact is there is no reason why hundreds of thousands of votes still have not been counted. Anomalies abound. What's broken and how can it be fixed?

  • How To Think About The Economy - with Per Bylund

    11/11/2022 Duration: 24min

    Per Bylund, Senior Fellow at The Mises Institute, joins the Liberty Report to discuss his new book 'How To Think About The Economy'. Get your copy today on Amazon or from the Mises Store:

  • Weekly Update --- Hey Incoming Congress: Try These Three Simple Tricks for a Successful Start

    11/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- Hey Incoming Congress: Try These Three Simple Tricks for a Successful Start by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • Shakedown! Kiev Sends Lawmakers To DC To Demand New Congress Keeps Money Flowing

    10/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    Ukrainian parliamentarians are set to descend on Capitol Hill to make sure newly-elected US Representatives and Senators continue to shovel endless dollars into their black hole. The irony is that the trip to lobby us for MORE money is paid for in the first place by OUR money! Also today: this week's election makes it clear that a national divorce is needed...but the Fed's tyranny keeps all of us shackled together whether we like it or not.

  • Where To Now, America?

    09/11/2022 Duration: 22min

    Yesterday's midterm elections have left us with more questions than answers. How could Republicans have blown it so badly given the level of voter dissatisfaction across-the-board? How could Republican Congressional leadership have botched their message so badly? How did so many weak candidates emerge in key races like for the Pennsylvania Senate? How can we continue to pretend we are a first-world country with a voting system that is completely dysfunctional? Where to now?

  • Will Republicans Have The Courage To End Welfare For Ukraine?

    08/11/2022 Duration: 32min

    With polls suggesting a Republican victory in the House and Senate today, the mother of all battles seems to be brewing between old-guard Republican leadership which favors endless money for Ukraine and a populist/conservative wave that is increasingly skeptical. GOP voters are trending strongly away from Ukraine support. Who will win? Also today: what to think while voting, and finally...a new US base in Syria!

  • US Greenlights Missiles To Finland...What Could Go Wrong?

    07/11/2022 Duration: 27min

    The US government announced that it's sending half a billion dollars worth of guided multiple launch rocket systems near Finland's border with Russia. The escalation and out-of-control spending continues. The Pentagon argues that the move will "support the foreign policy and national security of the United States." Also today, US HIMARS missiles are said to have hit a major dam in Ukraine and US progressives have found a new foreign policy home...with the neocons!

  • Desperation Speech? Biden Feels 'In His Bones' That Democracy Is At Risk

    03/11/2022 Duration: 24min

    President Biden delivered a speech from Union Station in DC - a once-thriving marketplace that is now empty - that smacked of desperation. He avoided mentioning the economy - which polls show concerns Americans the most - and instead focused on the "dangers to democracy" if his party does not win the midterm elections in a few days. He again trotted out the January 6th "insurrection" as his proof. Will it fly? Also today, realizing the economic price they are paying for Russia sanctions, a new poll shows UK citizens souring rapidly.

  • Rumble Says 'Non!' To French Government Censors, Pulls Out Of Country

    02/11/2022 Duration: 23min

    Faced with French Government demands that free-speech video platform Rumble censor Russian news channels, the company's CEO simply said "no." No more Rumble for France. It's a brave example of how to resist "cancel culture." Also today: US weapons to Ukraine continue to end up in the hands of criminals. And: Anti-sanction parties surge in Germany and Austria - is the backlash gathering steam

  • Blockbuster Report: Homeland Security Colluding With Social Media To Silence Americans!

    01/11/2022 Duration: 23min

    An amazing investigative report from The Intercept has brought "the receipts" proving the deep - and corrupt - relationship between the US Department of Homeland Security and social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter. Government agents actually had special access to directly request takedowns of any posts at odds with Biden Administration policy on a range of issues from Covid to Afghanistan to Ukraine. Will the next Congress investigate this shocking attack on the First Amendment?

  • Weekly Update --- Will the Midterms Change Anything?

    01/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- Will the Midterms Change Anything? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • 'Gimme Gimme Gimme!' - Ukraine's Zelensky Demands MORE Money From Washington

    31/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    Ukrainian president Zelensky has warned US Republicans that if they win next week Ukraine needs more than just weapons. Ukraine also needs cold, hard cash to pay its bills. Ukraine's endless demands even irritated President Biden, according to a new article on CNBC. Also today: Covid tyranny aftershocks continue, with Dr. Peter McCullough continuing to be stripped of his licenses...for telling the truth. Finally: 60 years ago we almost saw nuclear war. Cooler heads prevailed. Today we are back...without cooler heads.

  • "Corporate Greed" Doesn't Cause Inflation -- The Federal Reserve Does!

    28/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    Democrats are struggling to redirect the blame for inflation off of Biden. They should put the blame where it belongs -- on The Federal Reserve! Instead, Democrats have decided to go with a dead end misdirection. They're trying to blame "corporate greed," which is an illogical waste of time that further bamboozles anyone who believes them. The problem of inflation will never be corrected until enough people understand that the source is always The Federal Reserve.

  • Peak 'Woke'? Facebook, Netflix Crashing And Burning

    27/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    After relentlessly pushing "woke" ideology and "cancel culture," Netflix, Facebook, and many other media and social media companies are now experiencing the wrath of the masses, as they shed value at an astonishing pace. Are we at "peak woke"? Why is Facebook trying to "cancel" the Ron Paul Institute? Will Elon Musk help turn the tide back to free expression? Also today: election funny business in Pennsylvania? Finally: Finland eyes nukes aimed at Russia. Good idea?

  • NY Shocker: Supreme Court Judge Demolishes Vax Mandate, Orders Reinstatement!

    26/10/2022 Duration: 30min

    New York State Supreme Court Judge has ruled that the city of New York must reinstate all 2,000 workers fired for refusing the Covid shot WITH back pay. The city's termination of the employees was "arbitrary, and capricious." Also today: US military personnel are blowing the whistle on their own vax mandate. Finally: House Progressives apologize and rescind their letter begging for a bit of diplomacy before launching WWIII.

  • Weekly Update --- Political ‘Justice’ in America

    26/10/2022 Duration: 04min

    Watch the Liberty Report LIVE Every weekday at 12pm EST on Rumble! Join us on Locals:

  • Smackdown! House Dems Desperately Walk Back Letter Urging Diplomacy For Ukraine

    25/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    How it started: 30 Members of the House Progressive Caucus penned a relatively timid letter to President Biden suggesting a bit of diplomacy before we march to WWIII. How it's going: The House Progressive Caucus almost immediately began furiously backpedaling from their own letter. Meanwhile the US 101st Airborne is in Poland and "ready to fight." Also today - MSNBC pundit: if you worry about inflation, you might be pro-Hitler. What?

  • Does Blake Masters Have The 'Right Stuff' For Senate? With Guest...Blake Masters!

    24/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    Businessman Blake Masters has run an underdog race for the US Senate against former astronaut Mark Kelly. He has openly embraced the free market, foreign policy restraint...and Donald Trump. As Masters gains on the establishment-favored Kelly, the Arizona Senate race may be bellwether for what to expect in the midterms just weeks away. Follow Blake at Get your tickets to the RPI Conference:

  • U.S. States Wage War Against The ESG Scam

    21/10/2022 Duration: 23min

    More and more people are realizing the absurdity of "getting rid of fossil fuels," and don't find the idea of "eating the bugs" as appetizing. We work to bring home the bacon, not the insects. The ideas of "woke capitalism" and "climate finance" are crushing our standard of living and many U.S. states are now fighting back against it.

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