A car show for car enthusiasts. We talk all car topics, events and news, as well as having a laugh! We have an automotive quiz once a week to which one guest will be in the hot seat answering car questions to find the smartest car enthusiast. Join me Matty J every week for Car Torque, the car show from Australia.
NSX or?? Adrian's new whip. Sunday Kickback
06/02/2020 Duration: 01h17minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Alam, Adrian and Tyron are in for the Kickback as they take viewers questions, discuss Adrian's new car, discuss a few what would you rathers and discuss why Matt would prefer the latest NSX over a Huracan.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!
Would you buy a classic car?
01/02/2020 Duration: 01h02minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty and Tyron discuss classic car ownership, and what makes a good classic to own and why! Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Best cars from 2010 to 2019
22/01/2020 Duration: 01h13minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Alam, Adrian, Ed and Tyron as they discuss all topics regarding their personal cars as well as discussing the best cars of the last 10 years from 2010 to 2019.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!
How do we fix the car industry? Sunday Kickback
21/01/2020 Duration: 01h14minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Alam and Tyron start of 2020 with a kickback where they discuss what is wrong with the car industry currently, discuss Mercedes latest anouncement as well as have a car of the week and what would you rather!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Hello 2020! Car updates and Homologation cars
13/01/2020 Duration: 58minOn this episode of Car Torque, Alam, Adrian, Ed Tyron and Matty discuss the latest with their cars, Ed and Tyron's latest purchases, Alam discusses his trip back home and the boys discuss Homologation Specials which are their favourites!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Hot Wheels and Christmas
30/12/2019 Duration: 01h18minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty and Andre discuss their love of model cars, what got them into collecting them and what they own. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Car Torque Episode 216: Return of the Laser
16/12/2019 Duration: 01h19minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adrian, Ed and Anthony discuss car events they have recently been to in the form of Classic Japan and Highball Cars and coffee. They discuss Anthonys possible next purchase and Matt finaly has the Laser back!!!Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!
Daily Exotics and Audi R8's
09/12/2019 Duration: 01h07minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty Adrian and Ed discuss people who daily exotics, Audi R8's, upcoming event of Classic Japan and discuss the latest with their cars.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
James new whip, and track day fun
01/12/2019 Duration: 01h19minOn this epsiode of Car Torque, Matty, Paul, Adrian and James discuss James new car, what mods it has and his plans, They also discuss James and Pauls track day to Winton to see hwo their cars went for a first time. Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Ford Vs Ferrari and wanting Leon back
25/11/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Ed, Adrian, James and the prodigal son Alam return to discuss the Ford vs Ferrari movie. They discuss characters that need to come back in the Fast and Furious series, they also discuss car updates and have a car quiz battle!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
The Great Ocean Road, and its supposed to be a damn daily!
18/11/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode of Car Torque Adrian and Matt catch up and discuss about Adrians trip down the Great Ocean Road and him finding new respect for his NX Coupe, Matty discusses liking his Forester even more and they discuss the show Shannons End Of an Era.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Japanese imports and dodgy cars that need repair
08/11/2019 Duration: 01h10minOn this episode of CT, Matty, Adrian, Alex, Ed and Tyron discuss Japanese odometer checks and Japanese imports due to Alex's R34 GT-T, dodgy car repair stories, car updates and bring back the Car Quiz, however with a twist! Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
I don't need no A/C, I got T Tops!
04/11/2019 Duration: 01h32sOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adrian and Anthony discuss the latest with their cars, Matt discusses getting his car kubby stolen, Adrian discusses siting in the latest Aston and James from the Tuesday Review pops in for a chat!Don't forget to Subscribe rate and review!
3D printing and licence plates
25/10/2019 Duration: 59minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Ed, Luka and Adrian discuss the NX getting broken into, Matt discusses his new 3D printing obsession for car parts, the boys discuss their car updates and Adrian discusses his plans with the m3. Ed fills us in with Victoria's history of Vehicle licence plates and where they started to where they are now.
Breaking into cars, and Pajero Sports
21/10/2019 Duration: 01h06minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adrian, Rob, Deb, Harley and Tyron discuss the latest with their cars, Adrian discusses his car getting broken into, Harley discusses his new ride and Tyron fills us in on the latest car meets/shows coming up.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review.
Rocking up to the meet with all my flags on
10/10/2019 Duration: 58minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty and Adrian discuss the latest with their cars, Matt discusses his trip in the LTD to Highball Cars and Coffee while Adrian continues to troubleshoot his NX.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
NX SR20's pull a premium one week before racewars.
02/10/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode of Car Torque, I am joined by Adrian and Ed as we discussed our car updates, we open up our fan mail live on air (Thanks Dave!) and we share gifts all round. Adrian discusses a new cleaning brand he has been trying and Ed discusses the latest on his W123.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
To Whipple or not to Whipple?
27/09/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Anthony, Rob and Harley are discussing all things in their car world with their current cars, Harley discusses the next phase of his Mustang build, Anthony discusses where he is at with the crown, and the boys think about cars that are next to blow up on the used car market!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!
Marty the recovering Labradoodle and Adam's new whip. Sunday Kickback
25/09/2019 Duration: 01h09minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adam and Tyron talk all things in their current state of their cars. Adam reveals his latest purchase, while Matty and Tyron talk about their car updates and try to keep Matty's Dog Marty in a good state!Don't forget to subscribe rate and review,P.S. Sorry about the audio quality, there were technical difficulties this episode.
Cheap track day cars and cars of the week
17/09/2019 Duration: 01h15minOn this episode of Car Torque, Alam, Ed, Tyron and Matt talk about what are the best track day cars for not much money, Tyron discusses his truck issues, we discuss about our cars of the week and we uncover Alam's undercover identity. Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!