A car show for car enthusiasts. We talk all car topics, events and news, as well as having a laugh! We have an automotive quiz once a week to which one guest will be in the hot seat answering car questions to find the smartest car enthusiast. Join me Matty J every week for Car Torque, the car show from Australia.
If you had 1 car, 1 place to drive it. Ultimate drive?
24/02/2021 Duration: 01h17minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Adrian, Scott, Ed and David as they discuss their latest car updates and answer the question, "if you had one car, where would you drive it for the ultimate drive?"Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
Chicken nuggets and podcasting. Sunday Kickback
18/02/2021 Duration: 01h42minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adrian, Riz and Patrick discuss their latest car updates, talk about their cars of the week and answer questions from the live facebook audience. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
All alone in the segment
16/02/2021 Duration: 01h10minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Alam, Adrian, Scotty and Ed as theye discuss cars that are alone in their segments. The boys also battle it out in the quiz!Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review! Check out our merch here!
Ballin in primary and high school. Sunday kickback
11/02/2021 Duration: 01h25minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Riz, Luka and father son duo Rob and Harley as they talk their latest updates, battle it out in car of the week and discuss Matty's Dads past job as a limo driver.Don't forget to subscribe, rate ad review!Check out our merch here
The 90's cars that you can still afford.
09/02/2021 Duration: 01h25minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, David and Scotty discuss their latest updates and chat about the cars from the 90's that are still attainable in this covid taxed, radwood resurgence era. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here
Matt, a Civic, a Huntsman. A love story. Sunday Kickback
03/02/2021 Duration: 01h37minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Adrian, Riz, George and Adam from the Pod Filter Podcast as they discuss George's latest purchase and the buying experience. The boys battle it out in car of the week, and Alam joins in to say hi before his trip back to the nations capital.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our Merch here!
Just drive the car!
31/01/2021 Duration: 01h12minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty chats with Scotty, Adrian, Alam and Ed as they discuss the continuation from the last episode, as well as have different views as to why you should drive cars instead of them being a garage queen..Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
... And that's the end of car meets in Melbourne. Sunday Kickback
28/01/2021 Duration: 01h13minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Adrian, Alam, Patrick, Riz and newcomer George to discuss the end of car meets in Melbourne after a recent event, which coincidentally happened after the guys tried to fix the issue the previous week. The boys battle it out in car of the week.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!Check out our merch here!
Must have accessories when buying a car
24/01/2021 Duration: 01h19minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Alam, Ed and David as they discuss their latest updates, and what are the must have accessories when buying a car, The boys battle it out in car of the week as Ed is guest quiz master.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our latest merch here!
No place for car meets in 2021. Sunday Kickback
23/01/2021 Duration: 01h19minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adrian, Alam, Riz, Patrick and Aleks discuss a car meet that got shut down and how car meets are no longer viable. The boys battle it out in car of the week.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here:
Best sports or performance cars for 15K
15/01/2021 Duration: 01h07minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty Adrian, Alam and Scotty discuss sports and performance cars that are still yet to be fully hit by the Covid Tax and what they would buy. The boys touch base with Adrian as he makes his return and gives us an update on his M3. They boys give car updates and battle it out in the quiz!Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check our our Merch here!
Peer pressure buying. Sunday Kickback
14/01/2021 Duration: 01h16minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Alam, Patrick and Scotty discuss their latest updates, Matty discusses his trip in a Maybach and the boys try to peer pressure Patrick into buying a SSS Pulsar Turbo!Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
Live from Adelaide South Australia
06/01/2021 Duration: 01h42minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Alam, Ed, David, Riz and Scotty as they discuss the best cars to buy and fix for a total of 10k, Matty tells us about his road trip to South Australia and the boys generally catch up on their car lives.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!Check out our Merch here!
Best cars released in 2020
05/01/2021 Duration: 01h23minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Riz, David and father son due Rob and Harley are in to discuss their latest car updates as they head into the new year as well as the best cars that were released in 2020. The boys battle it out in the car quiz at the end of the week.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
How many reindeer did Santa have?
28/12/2020 Duration: 01h14minOn this episode of Car Torque Matty is joined by David, Ed and Scotty is this pre Christmas chat as they discuss their latest updates, David tells us about his profession and they battle it out in car of the week. Don;t forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
So Adrian, you are telling us, that a R35 GTR is not a Supercar? Sunday kickback
26/12/2020 Duration: 01h20minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Scotty, Alam, Riz and Adrian discuss what Adrian thinks a Supercar actually is, Adrian tells us about the return of his E46 M3 and how it is on the road. They battle it out in car of the week and discuss an end of year car meet they went to!Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our Merch here!
Even teenagers want S15's. Sunday Kickback
21/12/2020 Duration: 01h20minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty is joined by Alam, Adam, Riz and Patrick as they discuss their latest updates, battle it out in car of the week and also discuss what are teh cars teh next genre of kids are after! Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!
The trials and tribulations of getting the MR2 on a club permit
15/12/2020 Duration: 01h06minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty discusses with Scotty and Alam about their latest car updates, and tells them about his day getting the AW11 MR2 on a club permit.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our Merch here!
So wait, Covid Tax is a thing? Sunday Kickback
14/12/2020 Duration: 01h17minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Adam, Patrick, Scott and Anthony discuss the current car climate, they battle it out in car of the week and answer questions from the live facebook audience.Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!Check out or Merch here!
Affinity not infinity
09/12/2020 Duration: 01h16minOn this episode of Car Torque, Matty, Scott, Alam and Ed discuss their latest car updates, battle it out in the quiz and discuss what makes certain people have affinities to car brands/cars as well as the reason why we like a range of different cars.Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!Check out our merch here!