Your Choice - Making the BEST choice! Empowering each person to make their next choice their best choice. We make choices everyday - big and small. How do you know you are making the right decision? Looking back over your life can you connect the dots? What kind of impact did your choices make in your life? If you could speak to yourself five, 10 or even 20 years ago what advice would you give yourself? This podcast examines the tough questions of community, social, family, and personal differences and discusses how the choices we make could have an impact on our future self! Our guests provide an impact choice that altered their life for the good or the bad. We focus on connecting the dots of choices that left an impact and led the person to where they are today. No topic is safe - we discuss drug and alcohol addiction, divorce, suicide, bullying, jealously, racism, health, community, family values, and more. For more information about Your Choice Podcast please visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help! If you are looking for support or you want to share your story please email me at Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER!
CHOICE 0055: John Rinaldo, "How to be an "Entrepreneur" (2018)
16/03/2018 Duration: 16minMy 10 year old daughter has a PASSION for making slime. To the point where she was driving me crazy in buying her supplies every time we went to Walmart or Michaels. Last week she asked me again and this time I said, “I will buy these supplies, if you can make money from it”. I thought that would fix the situation. Well, she said, “ok, I can sell slime to my friends at school”. I said, “no, kids want to buy slime because they can make it themselves”. She said, “I will sell slime to my friends for $3 per slime and that’s how I will make my money back. So, do you want to support my slime business and buy my supplies? I will pay you back?” Well, that was some investment pitch... and of course I did!HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO CREATE A $4000 + A MONTH PASSIVE INCOME AND I DO ALL THE HARD WORK FOR YOU?
CHOICES 0054: Zach Adkins, "their addictions have never affected me"
16/03/2018 Duration: 35minZach played a background character that's a passed out druggie in the scene where Ron James does a deal with Landau’s character, and he also played Benjamin, the prison librarian. As an actor at Christ Temple Church, Zach's acting director informed him about The Choice movie being filmed in Huntington and he audition and was chosen to be in the film. Zach performances for children at Christ Temple Church and teaching all ages at my home church Gloryway Baptist Church. Today’s guest.... Could be you!Do you want to share your story to help others? If you are interest to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER!**** Sponsor ****HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO CREATE A $4000 + A MONTH PASSIVE INCOME AND I DO ALL THE HARD WORK FOR YOU? Visit:
CHOICES 0053: John Rinaldo, "How are your manners?
04/03/2018 Duration: 17min25 Manners We Should Know1.) When asking for something, say "Please."2.) When receiving something, say "Thank you."3.) Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.4.) If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation5.) When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.6.) The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.7.) Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, it's to compliment them, which is always welcome.8.) When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.9.) When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time yo
CHOICES 0052: John Rinaldo, "How healthy is your family dinner?
25/02/2018 Duration: 15minWe live in a life that we as a family gets pulled in some many direction and family dinner is suffered by it. Family dinner time is important because it provides a time for each member to sit down and actually provides a senses of belonging. So the next time you have a family dinner ask yourself how healthy is your family dinner?
CHOICES 0051: John Rinaldo, "My Personal Experience with Bullying"
17/02/2018 Duration: 21minI came across Keaton Jones video who was/is being bullied at school. I can definitely relate with Keaton and I will share my life experience at the age of 10.
CHOICES 0050: John Rinaldo, "The Triangle of Drama"
09/02/2018 Duration: 21minWe make choices everyday but sometimes we make poor choices that keeps us from moving forward. Today I talk about the triangle of drama and how you can avoid the drama. In the triangle of drama there are three players 1.) Prosecutor 2.) Rescuer 3.) Victim which one do you play the most?
CHOICES 0049: John Rinaldo, "My 2018 Superbowl Prediction"
04/02/2018 Duration: 10minThis is the kind of stuff we need to see more of.It's great to see people building each other up whether they are a believer or not. They have the right focus, it's not about winning or losing its serving a greater purpose.Many reasons to want the Eagles to beat the Pats in the Super Bowl but this is my favorite reason!Article:
CHOICES 0048: John Rinaldo, "Forgiveness or Freedom"
03/02/2018 Duration: 21minYou cannot have the expectation of freedom if you have no standard of forgiveness.- Steven Furtkin, Elevation ChurchForgiveness propels one to move forward and for the good. And it is inviting positivity towards yourself
CHOICES 0047: John Rinaldo, "2018 - A New Beginning"
04/01/2018 Duration: 10minIts 2018 and its time to make a choice... I talks about the upcoming year and choices I will be making throughout the year and recording my experiences
CHOICES 0046: Nick Andrew Staver, "People are finding a connection with my songs"
21/12/2017 Duration: 44minNick Andrew Staver tours around the USA singing his songs in local venues. Nick finds gratitude when his fans finds connection with him. Nick also has a couple updates of the new album, upcoming tours, and a pleasant surprise in the horizon. The next podcast guest... could be you! Everyone has a story about the choices they've made in life. What's yours? Your story has the power to challenge, encourage and help others. Are you willing to share it? If you'd like to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please email or visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help!Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER!
CHOICES 0045: Greg Puckett, "Changing the physically environment in a positive way"
21/11/2017 Duration: 36minGreg Puckett have been working in the substance abuse prevention field for the past 16 years. Upon working with various groups, and having just restarted an acting career, Greg met up with Ron James on the set of Choices. The whole event was somewhat serendipitous and Greg is honored to call him a friend. The next podcast guest... could be you! Everyone has a story about the choices they've made in life. What's yours? Your story has the power to challenge, encourage and help others. Are you willing to share it? If you'd like to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please email or visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help!Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the
CHOICES 0044: Veteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 3 of 3), "A dog saved my life".
11/11/2017 Duration: 27minVeteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 3 of 3)Budhi Blair, who served more than 9 years in state prison for attempted murder, learned to train dogs while in prison. It's a skill that he says saved his life and gives him purpose outside of prison.A dog saved this ex-con & veteran. Now he saves dogs. (column) you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #addictionawareness #Challengeforchange #drugprevention #veteranday #remeberanceday
CHOICES 0043: Veteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 2 of 3), "A dog saved my life".
11/11/2017 Duration: 43minVeteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 2 of 3)Budhi Blair, who served more than 9 years in state prison for attempted murder, learned to train dogs while in prison. It's a skill that he says saved his life and gives him purpose outside of prison.A dog saved this ex-con & veteran. Now he saves dogs. (column) you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #addictionawareness #Challengeforchange #drugprevention #veteranday #remeberanceday
CHOICES 0042: Veteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 1 of 3), "A dog saved my life".
11/11/2017 Duration: 39minVeteran Day Special - Budhi Blair (PART 1 of 3)Budhi Blair, who served more than 9 years in state prison for attempted murder, learned to train dogs while in prison. It's a skill that he says saved his life and gives him purpose outside of prison.A dog saved this ex-con & veteran. Now he saves dogs. (column) you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #addictionawareness #Challengeforchange #drugprevention #veteranday #remeberanceday
CHOICES 0041: Part 2/2 - Stacy Solie & Kristin Geeslin "Irma The Hurricane"
29/10/2017 Duration: 30minThis Part 2/2 of Kristin and Stacy discuss the events of Hurricane Irma 2017.Past Episodes: CHOICES: 0032 Kristin Geeslin, "We can choose our actions, observe our thoughts and strongly influence our emotions".CHOICES: 0024 Stacy Solie - "I FINALLY found my passion!"The next podcast guest... could be you! Everyone has a story about the choices they've made in life. What's yours? Your story has the power to challenge, encourage and help others. Are you willing to share it? If you'd like to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please email or visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help!Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #Irm
CHOICES 0040: Part 1/2 - Stacy Solie & Kristin Geeslin "Irma The Hurricane"
28/10/2017 Duration: 39minThis Part 1/2 of Kristin and Stacy discuss the events of Hurricane Irma 2017.Past Episodes: CHOICES: 0032 Kristin Geeslin, "We can choose our actions, observe our thoughts and strongly influence our emotions".CHOICES: 0024 Stacy Solie - "I FINALLY found my passion!"The next podcast guest... could be you! Everyone has a story about the choices they've made in life. What's yours? Your story has the power to challenge, encourage and help others. Are you willing to share it? If you'd like to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please email or visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help!Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge, encourage and help someone that is need of support. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #Irm
CHOICES: 0039 - DiAnn Edwards , " how people earn their wings"
09/10/2017 Duration: 39minToday’s guest is DiAnn Edwards. DiAnn has a children book coming out and it touching on how people earn their wings! Today’s guest…. Could be you! Do you want to share your story to help others? If you are interest to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please more information about Your Choice Podcast please visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help! Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #heroinepidemic #addictionawareness #Challengeforchange #opioidcrisis #drugprevention #heroin
CHOICES: 0038 - Victoria LaVonne, " his mother believed he had a higher calling"
02/10/2017 Duration: 39minVictora LaVonne who played Ron James mother in the movie Choices which will be released later this year. Today’s guest…. Could be you! Do you want to share your story to help others? If you are interest to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please more information about Your Choice Podcast please visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help! Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER! #heroinepidemic #addictionawareness #Challengeforchange #opioidcrisis #drugprevention #heroin
CHOICES: 0037 - Casper Hill, "I was ready for a change"
25/09/2017 Duration: 36minCasper Hill is a published author and founder/owner of TeamSuccess Publications. TeamSuccess Publications mission is to empower others through various media outlets such as literature and television programs. Winning through EdutainmentToday’s guest…. Could be you! Do you want to share your story to help others? If you are interest to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please you know you and I make choices everyday - big and small that impacts our future self? Well, our guests talks about those choice and how their choices impacted their lives. As we try to empower you “the audience” to make your next choice - your best choice!For more information about Your Choice Podcast please visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help! Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. I wish for you the next choice to be the best choice EVER!#heroinepidemic #addictionawareness #Challengeforcha
CHOICES: 0036 - David Botero, "the value of contributing to your community"
16/09/2017 Duration: 36min"Most people are so stuck in their egos that everything revolves around me, me, and more me. But if you want to be rich in the truest sense of the word, it can't only be about you. It has to include adding value to other people's lives". - T. Harv EkerDavid Botero. David is a community organizer, a father, and an avid fan/promoter/athlete/mentor/ambassador for the game of handball.The next podcast guest... could be you! Everyone has a story about the choices they've made in life. What's yours? Your story has the power to challenge, encourage and help others. Are you willing to share it? If you'd like to be a guest on Your Choice Podcast please email or visit and you can learn more about our organization and how you can help!Thank you supporting and sharing Your Choice Podcast to your family and friends. If you haven’t rated us on iTunes please do… when you rate Your Choice Podcast will help share the Guest story in hopes to empower, challenge,