Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright



Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers, those born between 1946-1964. It is about remaining Stellar and Living Life Lively in the finite time we have remaining. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, Boomer sex, romance, Boomer Dating, grey divorce, Baby Boomer retirement, finances, and new business ventures. Making new friends and appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about baby boomers new life beginning and adventures. Planet BoomerVille is about embracing the future and making your now as big as your past. Maybe even better. Why not? Why not you?


  • Putting hypnotherapy to work in your life w/Rene Brent Ep. 39

    20/06/2017 Duration: 57min

    Our mind, and the subconscious, is the last frontier we can have an immediate impact on that will change our lives and the ones we love. This is a knowledge packed episode you will love.  Pay special attention on how to use this knowledge to positively impact our grandchildren and adult children, at 44:00 minutes. -The difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. (2:30) - What you get to when you reach your sub conscious mind. (5:20) - How you use it. - Your body is the emotional GPS. (7:13) - Are you a procrastinator? (8:05) - We are re-booting during sleep. (11:10) - It is not our age - it is a build up of chemicals. - Tip for morning wake ups. (12:53) - Attitude does not work when in survival mode. (14:40) - What happens in a hypnotherapy session? (15:15) - There is a first time you felt that way. (18:30)    Stopping the echo from the past. - We cannot out think our history. (20:50)     50% of what we remember is not true. - How to find a local hypnotherapist. (24:00) - Hypnosis and Forgiveness. (29:00) -

  • Banish "If I'd only known" nutrition questions w/Howard Jacobson. Ep.38

    13/06/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Howard Jacobson is the creator of the Plant Yourself podcast with over 210 episodes about living and eating healthy. He easily busts nutritional and medical myths. In this episode, Howard explains why you find the same pharma and health answers on Google and the big medical sites like WebMD and Mayo Clinic. Howard has an excellent frame of reference for headaches and helmets that carries over to other health issues. If you have wondered where do you find medical and health information that you can trust, Howard, and PlantYourself podcast, are great beginning points. Howard has also co-authored ProteinAholic by Dr. Garth Davis and Whole, by T. Colin Campbell. Being vulnerable to the the “guru of the week.” 3:30 Caught in the cult of marketing. Learned to do the research. (4:49) The credible medical web pages are filled with advertising for drug companies. (7:00) Research what the messages these websites are sending out to advertisers about you. (7:25) Limited view framework of human body has a machine prone t

  • Making Work From Home Money with Joe Hogue. Ep. 38 

    06/06/2017 Duration: 38min

    For many baby boomers, a new outlet to exercise creativity, entrepreneurial urges, or developing an additional stream of income that requires less than $1,000.00 per year to start is  intriguing. Meet Joe Hogue of My Work From Home Money blog. In 1.5 years he has created over $35,000.00 a year income out of thin air, and it continues to grow. Approximate Show Notes Why he started (3:00) How he narrowed down a topic. (4:36) The 3 ways to make money on line. (4:50) Start with what you enjoy. How many hours per week? (8:00) So you start a blog. What are the components that bring the money?  (9:30) What blog site owners miss. Joe has 10 books published over the last 2.5 years. (11:30) The first step is learning the blogging business. (12:40) Generating $2,000. per month from one source. (14:20) Not dependent upon one source of income. Has 3 streams. (17:00) The businesses on his website have been vetted. None marginal. (18:30) His mantra: “I am the average person with above average success.” (20:24) The key skil

  • Deliverance Take 2-Dueling Baby Boomer Podcasts. Ep. 37

    30/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    I recently me Dan Farnsworth of Boomer Income Ideas. We hit it off big time. Dan interviewed me (my first) and then I interviewed him. His interview will be in a future episode. Check this out as Dan compares and contrasts our shows. Be sure to check out also. I will post the video interview on FaceBook and Planet BoomerVille blog. Do you know a video editor who would like to be a intern with Planet BoomerVille? Love to be introduced to this person. Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about new life beginning and adventures. Planet BoomerVille is about embracing the future and making your now as big as your past. Maybe bigger and even better. Why not? Why not you?

  • “ReZoom the Boom, it’s time to call the roll again” w/ Jim Cathcart. Ep: 36.

    23/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    Jim Cathcart is the epitome of a baby boomer - born on the first year of the boom and graduated high school on the last year. In his mid 20’s he discovered Earl Nightingale. This led to a storied career as a National Speaker and inspirer of 10’s of thousands, author of numerous books, top 1% of TEDx speakers, teacher of entrepreneurship, advisor. Still speaking, coaching, and singing in his band. Jim Cathcart wrote what could be the next anthem of the Baby Boomers - “ReZoom the Boom.” Listen on Spotify.  Partial lyrics. ReZoom the Boom It’s time to call the roll again. We’ll rock and roll till the very end. We still have our dreams sweetheart. The baby boomers headed for retirement To many people are letting go They think achievement time is over It’s time to grow Time to ReZoom the Boom. It all ReZooms when you begin to dream. Time to call the roll again. We’ll rock and roll till the very end.   Show Notes Why he is not on an island somewhere. The story of ReZoom the Boom. Retire “to” not “from.” Life is the

  • Getting started on your first book with CoupleMoney. Ep 35.

    16/05/2017 Duration: 28min

    Do you have a book that is just waiting for you to begin? My father did. I gave him a blank book so that he could start before he retired. I found the book when he passed with the original note written Christmas, 1973. If your book is still inside you, listen to Elle Martinez of and podcast as I ask her to pull back the curtain and tell you the process she is going through now as she is writing her first book. Approximate Show notes Types of book publishers. (3:45) What the publisher is doing. (3:53) Publishers time line. (4:36) The hardest part. (6:09) Jump Start Your Marriage and Your Money. (6:47) Most difficult part of writing. (7:30) The second hardest part of writing. (8:16) Writing a book is different than writing a blog post or podcast script. (9:09) Begin with a great outline. (10:41) Scrivener - tools for writing. (11:00) What the publisher did to assist. (11:25) The book cover process. (13:43) Which book formats to publish? (15:44) Where’s the money? (16:55) - Advances. - Royalties

  • Your Magnificent Mind and Mentor with Steven R. Campbell. Ep 34.

    09/05/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    You’ve read about the power of your subconscious mind and how it impacts your decisions and life perspectives. You know that it runs on automatic most of the time. In this interview with author Steven R. Campbell, you will listen to stories that illustrate the principals and learn the basics of mind influence that will surprise you. Do not be fooled because they sound to simple. Use Principal 1 and 2 for the next week and observe the changes. Approximate show notes: - How teaching math caused him to research the mind. 2:10 - What holds us back from learning or changing. (4:34) - Can baby boomers at 55+ relearn and change? (6:47) - How you learn (7:10) - Stories (10:10) At 91, Rick said one thing to his wife of 67 years that made a world of difference. Steve’s family experience. - Why your brain does not care what you tell it. (15:00) The “C” math student story. - When does your old life end? (20:19)- Making your mind Magnificent. (22:00) Principal #1 Principal #2 - What happens when there are mental

  • Business must knows when starting your venture, w/Sylvia Inks. Ep 34.

    02/05/2017 Duration: 42min

      If you have thought about starting a baby boomer business venture, small, medium, or large, this episode gives you the building blocks for a smart stressless start so that you avoid the “Oh Crap” moments.  Sylvia is the author of “Small Business Finance for the Busy Entrepreneur – Blueprint for Building a Solid, Profitable Business.” - What experiences triggered the book? (2:00)                 Story of couple that looked good on outside. Simple steps taken upfront that will protect business and retirement. (2:56) Mistake of not separating business and personal funds. (4:25) 2nd Big Mistake - no budget. Budgeting for the one time yearly expenses. (6:20) Often can be losing money on products and services. (9:15) Other business owners will share information with you. (10:35) Major Points in starting your business (11:40) Creating an LLC gives an extra layer of protection. (16:30) What to do for beginning venture- blogger, writer, artist. (17:40) Two important items to account for in your budgeting. (20:18)

  • Jim Palmer - Have an adventure while you still can. Ep. 33.

    25/04/2017 Duration: 39min

    Making decisions, but not “no decision” decisions.What happens when you “just say yes.” Downsizing to a boat after 29 years in same home.  4 decision hinderances. You always know the right answer, and much much more. - His coaching clients asked him to write this book after giving story 3 times at his   live events. - Mr Wonderful, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington wrote forward. (3:32) - It’s a mindset; not about manifesting.(5:02) - Mindset or positive mental attitude? (5:39) It’s what you decide to do in the circumstances (6:12). - By our 50’s and 60’s most decisions are made unconsciously- how do we make more aware            decisions? Jim and Stephanie’s big decision (7:06) If you live your life every day the same way for 75 years, did you really live a full life? (7:18) We need to have an adventure while we still can outside our comfort zone. (7:58) What happened when they said “yes.” (8:25) #Hunter S Thompson -  “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty

  • Todd Tresidder Financial Mentor Unplugged and on a Roll Ep 32.

    18/04/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    Approximate Show Notes The investment financial models and what is wrong with them. (2:10) All are portions of the truth. (4:30) Financial Mis-information - Truth vs UnTruth (5:31) Where Vanguard’s John Bogle made a mistake. (6:19) Low Cost Passive Management Index Fund analogy to Congress. (7:30) His teaching is science and math. (8:15) 7 Steps to 7 figures. (9:00) Emotions and Facts. (9:26) Pay off mortgage or have debt. His condo experience. From what perspective is this advice? (14:00) The more you can move toward the math, the better you will do. (15:37) The Next Big Bubble (21:29) Expectancy Principals Todd’s investing mistakes history. Called the stock market bubble. Called the real estate bubble. We mistake the last 3 years low interest rates as reality. (26:00) No positive expectancy net of inflation. The universal trends in the 1980’s. (29:27) On a roll. (30:45) Would a 50% haircut change your retirement future? (33:00) Risk Management Strategy The Financial Reality for Baby Boomers

  • You are not your thoughts with Suzy Rosenstein. Ep. 31

    11/04/2017 Duration: 48min

    Remembering your dreams of who you want to be. What would you do if you won the lottery?  - Feeling frustrated, stuck, and stagnant. (2:35) - Do people know they are in a funk? (3:00) - You may not recognize your funk. - Just been so busy the last few decades. Not thriving. On auto-pilot. - Dreaming and the part it plays. (5:37) - Based upon Mindfulness. (6:20) - Awareness of your thinking (7:00) - Our results prove our thoughts every time. (7:22) - The Great Gazoo (8:30) - Thoughts are just sentences in your mind. (8:46) - Example of weight loss and mom in law. (11:00) - Take an approach of fascination. (15:10) - What your mind does to you without your permission. (16:25) - What would you do if you won the lottery? (20:00) - Remember a time when you were envious, and the story. - Opportunity list vs bucket list. (25:40) - Creating memories and regret proofing. (29:00) - Being intentional. - Life regrets - not making more time for friends. (32:10) - Listen to your excuses. - Change something. Start small. - F

  • FloydFest, Traditions, friends, lonliness, Intergenerational Connectivity. Ep 29

    04/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    The first part of this episode was recorded in early August after #FloydFest 16. Current brilliant insights were added. Live life lively boomies. - The FloydFest ritual overview. - What new traditions can be created? (6:30) - Official UK stats on aging and loneliness (7:11)    TV or pets are main form of company    12% feel trapped in their own homes    more women than men feel lonely. - Can we cross pollinate friends? - Baby boomer anti-loneliness awareness- staying connected with our children           friends.(8:41) - Inter-generational connectivity is part of our future. - Loneliness is statistically on the horizon….let us plan now. - Big dating tip for single boomies. (10:20) - Gatherings - who, what and when. - Gathering ideas. - Beat the UK statistics. Thanks for sharing this episode with your friends and showing them how to listen to podcasts and subscribe if they do not know how.

  • Increase contributions, reduce taxes, reduce fees with a QRP. Ep. 29.

    28/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    When it comes to your retirement and money, how do you keep more? Is there a way to reduce investment fees? How can you really catch up fast, or make a major addition to your retirement accounts? How can you reduce taxes? A Qualified Retirement Plan may be the answer for you. Damion Lupo is president of Total Control Financial, a firm who’s goal is to disrupt Wall Street by empowering and educating individual investors to take more control of their finances. Is there a danger? Of course! You must know yourself, and be confident. There is a wealth of thought provoking conversation here. Spin jobs by Wall street (3:20) Most people do not want to think about it. (3:50) How much does it really cost investors each year? (7:30) The Guide to Qualified Retirement Plan (QRP) (8:52) The difference between a Self Directed IRA and a QRP. (10:18) Contribution differences. (10:50) Does QRP applied to those NOT self employed? (12:02) Tax Benefits. (13:35) The down side of QRP. (15:26) It takes education. (16:18) Will you d

  • Part 2 - If I had only asked 45 years ago. Episode 28

    21/03/2017 Duration: 11min

    This is the follow through episode on visiting my Aunt Marilyn Kohn and recording a video of Kohn Family history, beginning with her growing up, her parents, high school, college, meeting Uncle Rudy, meeting Grandma Mary Kohn and moving forward to today and what she is looking forward to. We recorded 12 segments from 9 to 25 minutes each on Friday and Saturday morning. It was amusing how one memory, or question, triggers another, much like a pin ball machine in your brain. As you may guess, the best questions and answers occurred when the camera was not rolling. For instance, I asked her about the secrets to a long and happy marriage (hers was 47 years) on Friday night after shutting the video off and sipping a glass of wine. Her answer would have been an immediate viral sensation and Aunt Marilyn would have been a media star if on camera. On Saturday, asking the same question, received a subtler and tamer answer. Entertaining, but not the same. While recording, my son, David, Face Timed in from afar, which w

  • If I had only asked 45 years ago....Ep. 27

    14/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    It was 45 years ago. I remember being at my Great Aunt Helen’s house and walking through it as a young 20 something. I wanted to ask about Great Uncle Johnny who had passed away 10 year prior. He was a WW1 vet and entrepreneur. I choked though. I was afraid I would make her sad or hurt her feelings and did not ask. As if it was being disrespectful. Then, I did not know that asking about a loved one long gone, would bring the memories and blessings of past times back to her, and to great Uncle Johnny. I will teach my children and grandchildren to ask insightful questions about the dead and gone. And to video record the answers while they are still available. Listen to this short awesome episode for the rest of the story.     Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about new l

  • Kirk's early retirement decision while walking the Appalachian Trail. Ep. 26

    07/03/2017 Duration: 41min

    Boomies, this is the first episode of the recently retired and living the dream of outdoor adventure retirement. Kirk Eaton was a type A+ personality who was burning out and had to take a walk in the woods to clear his head. He chose The Appalachian Trail, for a six month through hike of 2,190 miles. When he returned, he had a clear head and decisions made. Listen as Kirk tells the decisions and experiences along the path to retirement and along the AT and Pacific Crest Trail.   How the retirement decision came about. (3:11) Lot’s of weight crushing in. (3:46) Decided to start living on their chosen retirement income for 2 years. (4:20) Preparation for the Appalachian Trail. (7:10) The thought evolution as he walked. (9:30) Shaking the Superman Syndrome. (10:25) Realizing he was designed to fly. (11:19) What happened after the weight slipped off. (13:05) The laughter and engagement of the present. (14:26) To hike six months, plan on $6,000.00 budget. (16:01) What happened when he returned to work. (16:25) The

  • The baby boomer Retirement Manifesto with Fritz Gilbert. Episode 25.

    28/02/2017 Duration: 59min

      While planning his early retirement, Fritz Gilbert decided to start blogging about his thought process and the planning mechanics. As he wrote about the financial aspects, he found he was spending as much time writing about retirement life purpose and focus. Don’t visit his blog though. You will get caught up in interesting stories and lose time, just as I did, while writing these show notes the morning of. Approximate Show Times How much do you need to retire. (4:00) What is a safe withdrawal rate? (4:50) The key is to get a good estimate of what you will spend. (5:20) Flexible spending is the word. (6:50) The first objective is to try to have the lifestyle you really want to have. (7:50) Rental property not on his list. (10:40) The dismal baby boomer financial stats. (12:50) The preacher and his wife were broker at 50 and retired at 62. How they did it. (17:00) Questions from his blog readers. (19:21) What already retired folks say about planning and the money. (19:50) Having a purpose. (25:25) All my fri

  • How Your Money Type Impacts Your Life. With Jordan Goodman. Ep 024.

    21/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Baby boomers, how are you doing in your finances right now? Are you happy where you are, sad, or wondering what happened? Author Jordan Goodman, America’s Money Answers Man, explains the six money types, the influences that created this money type, and most importantly, how to understand and what to do next. This is timeless information for today or years from now.  Show Highlights It all begins with…. Be the very best you are in the type you are. -High Rollers - optimists, entrepreneurs. -Strivers - Hard working to make things happen. -Squirrels - Extremely conservative and worried. Avoid risk. Penny pinch. -Ostrich- Money will take care of itself…somehow. I’m an artiste, I do not do money. -Debt Desperado’s - Not afraid of debt. Will invest in more debt to get out of debt. -The Coasters - All seems OK. Until something comes up, like retirement or kids going to     college. Resources Book - Master Your Money Type  Jordan Goodman – America’s Money Answers Man.    See Episode 018 for Jordan’s complete intervie

  • How to get into your best shape regardless of age, weight, or health. Ep. 023.

    14/02/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Baby Boomers, learn how to slow aging, increase longevity, feel better, and have fun doing it. irish author Jim Kirwan is on a mission to inspire you to be on a better health mission for the rest of your life.  The exercise beginning are simple and easy to start, even if you don’t think you can. Listen and start doing today. Approximate Show Notes Mission of slowing down and reversing aging. (4:39) Not just about planned exercising. (7:50) Unplanned exercise. (8:10) How to exercise through out the day. (9:20) Reduce sitting time. The average American spends 64 hours a week sitting. (9:35) Getting into the mindset. (10:18) Examples of exercises you can do during the day as you do. It’s our culture of convenience. (12:40) Sitting is the NEW Smoking. (14:00) Canadian study with 12,000. participants. (14:45) Your Chronological Age vs your Physiological Age. (16:38) How to increase your Healthy Life Years. (18:02) We have 6-8 years of low quality life built into those statistics. (18:20) Delaying or eliminating t

  • How to Have Great Sex After 50 and 60 with author Joan Price.

    08/02/2017 Duration: 44min

    Baby Boomers, we grew up with Make Love Not War, Free Love, and Love the One You Are With. But that was four plus decades ago and so much has changed with our bodies, medications, and perhaps relationships. What is the new call for Baby Boomers who want to continue and evolve the pleasure that sex is. Author Joan Price, has the answers. And you will smile as you listen to her. Maybe even laugh out loud. Show Notes and Approximate Times What is senior sex? (4:00) The alternative to getting old. (4:35) What is sex now? (5:03) Sex is a huge buffet. (5:20) How Joan began to write about sexuality. (6:25) Has reviewed over 100 sex toys from a senior perspective. (8:20) The dangers of “knock off” sex toys. (10:55) Together, but different, frees us. (16:02) It is important what we are not doing, it is important what we are doing. (16:10) Sex, longevity, and fulfilling relationships. (16:32) Frequency. (16:42) One partner has given up or has no interest in sex. (17:30) Two major baby boomer sexuality myths. (20:30) Th

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