As Kobe Bryant once said, There is power in understanding the journey of others to help create your own.Thats why the Learning Leader Show existsto get together and understand the journeys of successful leaders, so that we can better understand our own.This show is full of stories told by world-class leaders. Personal stories of successes, failures, and lessons learned along the way. Our guests come from diverse backgroundssome are best-selling authors, others are genius entrepreneurs, and one even made a million dollars wearing t-shirts for a year. My role in this endeavor is to talk to the smartest, most creative, always-learning leaders in the world so that we can learn from them as we each create our own journeys.
421: Sebastian Junger - Defining Freedom, Building Tribes, & Leading A Team
30/05/2021 Duration: 01h04minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Sebastian Junger is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of THE PERFECT STORM, FIRE, A DEATH IN BELMONT, WAR, TRIBE, and FREEDOM. As an award-winning journalist, a contributing editor to Vanity Fair, and a special correspondent at ABC News, he has covered major international news stories around the world and has received both a National Magazine Award and a Peabody Award. Junger is also a documentary filmmaker whose debut film "Restrepo", a feature-length documentary (co-directed with Tim Hetherington), was nominated for an Academy Award and won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance. Notes: Human beings need three basic things in order to be content: they need to feel competent at what they do; they need to feel authentic in their lives, and they need to feel connected to others. Definition of Freedom: “We walked 400 miles, and most nights we were the only people who knew where
420: Sean Covey - Disciplined Execution, 7 Habits, & Decision Making Tools
23/05/2021 Duration: 59minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Sean Covey is President of FranklinCovey Education. He is a New York Times best-selling author and has written several books, including The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, which has been translated into 20 languages and sold over 4 million copies worldwide. Sean's dad is Stephen R. Covey, the author of one of the most sold books of all time (more than 30 million copies), The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Notes: Sean played Quarterback at BYU -- Led the team to two bowl games and twice selected as ESPN’s Most Valuable Player of the Game. What he learned from his time as a QB: How to prepare How to "do hard things" - "Your zone of comfort expands because the hard things aren't as hard anymore." Importance of a system - Rigorous practice, filming of the practice, reviewing of the work. Da
419: Scott O'Neil - How To Be Where Your Feet Are
16/05/2021 Duration: 01h01minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 The 3 things Scott told his daughter Kiraat a YPO event... Family, Family, Family It will always be ok. Things will go bad. It will be ok. Anything, anytime - "you can always call, text, FaceTime, no matter what. I am here for you." Scott's 4-part process to become more present: Find perspective Seek authentic feedback Cultivate reflective strength Love your leadership constitution Public failure: Scott started a business with Seth Berger, founder of AND1, basketball shoes. HoopsTV. Raised $14 million from investors… Eventually failed, had to lay off 50 people, including his own brother(!) The good old days are today (scene from the office (Ed Helms) Andy Bernard: “I wish there was a way to know you're in "the good old days" before you've actually left them.” Scott got fired from his role as President of Madison Square Garden. He says it was because he was "too busy being
418: Mark Scharenbroich - How To Tell Stories That Move People (Nice Bike)
09/05/2021 Duration: 01h03minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Mark Scharenbroich is an Emmy award winner, best-selling author, and hall of fame keynote speaker. He is known for his authentic delivery, his talent for delivering unique stories, and his comedic timing. He's the author of Nice Bike: Making Meaningful Connections on The Road of Life. Notes: Nice Bike. It’s not a technique, it’s a genuine interest in others and the willingness to acknowledge the talents and accomplishments of everyone. The three parts to story-telling: Stories need to be unpredictable, they need to have a hook, and they have to have a cast of characters. While in college at St Cloud State, Mark toured high schools and colleges with a comedy troupe called Mom’s Apple Pie which helped him develop his comedic timing and ability to improv. While on a trip to Washington DC with his dad, Mark witnessed his dad walking up to a couple of Vietnam veterans and saying, "T
417: Hubert Joly - How To Unleash Human Magic & Achieve Improbable Results
02/05/2021 Duration: 01h03minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Hubert Joly is a senior lecturer at the Harvard Business School and the former Chairman and CEO of Best Buy.He is the author of the upcoming book “The Heart of Business – Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism.” Notes: In May 2012. Jim Citrin, the leader of the CEO practice at Spencer Stuart, the global executive search company, asked Hubert, “Would you be interested in being the next CEO of Best Buy? Issues at Best Buy were all self-inflicted. Hubert realized there was an opportunity to fix it... Hubert's "5 Be's" of leadership are purpose, values, clarity, authenticity, and service. "My purpose in life is to make a positive difference on people around me." - Hubert Joly "If you cannot go outside, go inside. Leadership starts from within." Work to be the best version of yourself Ask your people, "What is your dream?" -- "My job as a leader is to help you achieve
416: Greg McKeown - How To Make It Easier To Do What Matters Most
25/04/2021 Duration: 01h06minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Greg McKeown wrote the New York Times best-seller, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. As well as frequently being the #1 Time Management book on Amazon, this book challenges core assumptions about achievement to get to the essence of what really drives success. His latest book is titled, Effortless: Make It Easier To Do What Matters Most. Notes: Essentialism was about doing the right things; Effortless is about doing them in the right way... The best free throw shooter ever is not Michael Jordan or Steph Curry… It’s Elena Delle Donne. 93.4%. “If you keep it simple, less can go wrong.” The word NOW comes from the Latin phrase, novus homo, which means “a new man” or “man newly ennobled.” The spirit of this is clear: each new moment is a chance to start over. A chance to make a new choice.” “Whatever has happened to you in life. Whatever hardship. Whatever pain. They
415: Suneel Gupta - How To Get People To Take A Chance On You
18/04/2021 Duration: 01h04minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Suneel Gupta is on faculty at Harvard University. He's the author of Backable - The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take A Chance On You Notes: Let’s start with the obvious -- when lots of people are applying for the same spot, you have to find a way to stand out. You can’t just check a box, you have to leave an impression. (But backable people “go beyond Google” and dig for insights that other people interviewing for the job may not find. They talk to customers, they attend shareholder meetings, they test-drive the product. (But backable people “go beyond Google” and dig for insights that other people interviewing for the job may not find. They talk to customers, they attend shareholder meetings, they test-drive the product. ) Suneel comes from a family of highly backable people—including his mother, Damyanti Hingorani, the first woman engineer for Ford Motor Compan
414: Erin Meyer - How To Build A High Performance Culture (No Rules Rules)
11/04/2021 Duration: 01h06minText LEARNERS to 44222 to learn more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Erin Meyer is a professor at INSEAD, one of the leading international business schools. Erin conducted an in-depth study with Reed Hastings, Co-Founder and CEO of Netflix, investigating the underlying principles necessary for building a corporate culture that is inventive, fast, and flexible. The results of that research were published in their book No Rules Rules. In 2019, Erin was listed by the Thinkers50, for the second time, as one of the fifty most impactful business writers in the world and in 2018 she was selected by HR magazine as one of the top 30 most influential HR thinkers of the year. Notes: “Corporate culture can be a mushy marshland of vague language and incomplete, ambiguous definitions. What’s worse, company values — as articulated — rarely match the way people behave in reality.” The Netflix culture deck. 127 slides originally intended for internal use b
413: Brook Cupps - Living Your Values: Tough, Passionate, Unified, & Thankful
04/04/2021 Duration: 01h15minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Brook Cupps is a leadership teacher and the coach of the Centerville High School basketball team. In 2021, he led his team to the first state championship in school history. He is best known as a leader who truly lives his core values. They are: Tough, Passionate, Unified, & Thankful. Notes: Brook's personal mantras: Wolf - Wolves travel in packs. They are not good by themselves. They need the pack. BC needs people around him. Loves teams. "Wolves are more badass than lions or tigers. You don't see a wolf in a circus." Chop Wood - "I've never viewed myself as talented, but I'm willing to work. We say chop chop. When things are going well, get to work. When things are bad, get to work. The connection is always back to work." The Man In The Arena - "I had to develop this over time. The critics used to bother me and I would listen to them. It affected my confidence. I learned
412: Kevin Sharer (Former CEO of Amgen) - What Operational Excellence Looks Like
28/03/2021 Duration: 57minText LEARNERS to 44222... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Kevin Sharer has a distinguished career as a successful CEO and Board Member. He is currently a senior lecturer at Harvard University Business School and continues to mentor a select number of senior executives. Either as a Chairman, independent director, or mentor, Sharer has been a part of more than 20 successful CEO-successor transitions. Kevin led Amgen for 20 years, first as President and then as CEO for 12 years. Under Sharer’s leadership, the company achieved annual revenue of $16 billion with operations in 55 countries. Notes: "What Operational Excellence Looks Like" Must know the details Must have a listening system to know where problems brew The leaders have a clear agreement with the team on what success is A cadence of clear communication The leader must embody the behavior... They are the model Must have real empathy for people and care about them The leader needs to as
411: Ryan Petersen (CEO of Flexport) - How To Build A High Velocity Team
21/03/2021 Duration: 01h10minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Ryan Petersen is the CEO and Founder of Flexport. Prior to starting Flexport to fix the user experience in global trade, Ryan was co-founder and CEO of, a data-as-a-service business for global shipping. Flexport hit a $3.2 Billion valuation after $1 billion investment led by SoftBank. Notes: Excellence = Curiosity - "It's a more fun way to live." Learners Appreciative Have fun "It doesn't have to be boring." The importance of writing as a leader: "I write a lot of essays. Some are published. Some aren't." Communication: "It's a huge part of the job of a leader." For investor updates... "It's good practice." Try to use humor, learn something new, don't be boring, get people "pumped up" Raising money from investors: "It's like your love life. You have to earn it. There are no shortcuts. You need to have a business that doesn't need them." "We built
410: Dustyn Kim - How To Stand Out & Speak Up
14/03/2021 Duration: 58minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Dustyn Kim is the Chief Revenue Officer at Artsy. Artsy is used by art lovers and collectors to discover, learn about, and buy art. Prior to working at Artsy, Dustyn was a senior executive at LexisNexis. While at LexisNexis, she was my boss! She is a rare combination of highly respected, extremely well-liked, and typically the smartest person of every room she walks in. I loved working for her. Notes: Excellence = Authenticity and team building. "A leader should be focused on building great teams." What Dustyn learned from one of her favorite bosses, Kumsal Bayazit (the CEO of Elsevier) "She was inspiring and very human. Work and life go hand in hand." "When I got a senior leadership role, I didn't want a command and control organization." What she learned from Sebastian at Artsy: "He said to me, 'I advise, you decide.' That empowered me and gave me ownership of my decisions
409: Adam Bryant - How To Conduct A World Class Interview
08/03/2021 Duration: 49minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Adam Bryant interviewed more than 500 CEOs for “Corner Office,” a series on leadership that he created in 2009. Adam is the author of three books based on the themes that have emerged from his interviews and consulting work. His new book is THE CEO Test: Master the Challenges that Make or Break All Leaders. Notes: Interview style - Instead of asking them about strategies and industry trends, Adam focuses on timeless questions (how they were influenced by parents, lessons from early years in their careers, what they look for when making bets on people to invest in) about the important leadership lessons that CEOs had learned… Some questions he likes to ask: How do you hire? What questions do you ask? Describe yourself in one word... Work to get around the polished façade What animal would you be and why? Tony Hsieh would ask, "On a scale of 1-10, how weird are you?" Some addit
408: Jeff Immelt - How To Follow A Legend & Lead Through A Crisis (Former CEO of GE)
01/03/2021 Duration: 57minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Jeff Immelt served as CEO of GE for 16 years. He has been named one of the “World’s Best CEOs” three times by Barron’s. During his tenure as CEO, GE was named “America’s Most Admired Company” by Fortune magazine and one of “The World’s Most Respected Companies” in polls by Barron’s and the Financial Times. Notes: Raised in Cincinnati, OH by his father Joe and mother Donna. Both of his parents grew up in the depression. Growing up Jeff said, “I remember when my dad had a great boss, he was motivated, and when he had a lousy boss, he was neither challenged nor happy. The worst kind of boss he always used to say, was one who criticized all day long but never offered solutions.” GE was founded on April 15, 1892, by one of the greatest inventors in history, Thomas Edison. For most of the 20th century, GE had more patents than any other corporation. Jack Welch, deemphasized technolog
407: Ryan Serhant - How To Have Big Magnetic Energy (Million Dollar Listing)
22/02/2021 Duration: 59minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Ryan Serhant is a real estate broker, CEO, and founder of SERHANT. He's a bestselling author, producer, and star of Bravo's Million Dollar Listing New York and Sell It Like Serhant. He led the #1 ranked (in sales volume) real estate team in New York City in 2019 with just under $1.45 Billion in sales. Notes: His mantra is: "Expansion. Always in all ways." It's about growth. Work to find your own brand and mantra -- It must be honest and genuine for you. A learning exercise for you to do: A "self-audit." Ask your friends and colleagues, "When I'm not around and you're describing me to others, what do you say?" Find friends who are willing to be honest with you to better understand what you're known for... If you don't like it, work to change it. Ryan Serhant was known as the guy who kept his hands in his pockets and couldn't look you in the eye. He needed to change that. "Y
406: John Chambers - How To Lead Through Stress, Create Massive Growth, & Build Relationships
15/02/2021 Duration: 01h09minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 John Chambers served as Cisco’s CEO from 1995-2015 and Executive Chairman from 2015-2017. Cisco went from $70 million to $40 billion in annual revenue during his time. Notes: When John was six years old, he went fishing with his Dad in Elk River, WV. He was told, "Don't get too close to the water, the current is strong and could pull you under." John's curiosity got the best of him. He went too close and slipped, falling into the water. His dad ran towards the current as it was pulling John and yelled, "Just hold on to the fishing pole." Fortunately, John survived and was eventually pulled out of the water by his dad. His dad said, "Do you know why I told you to hold on to the fishing pole? "Don't let panic set in. Focus on what you can control. Work your way to calmer waters." It's a great metaphor for life. When dealing with stress, hold on to the fishing pole. How to deal with fear and uncertainty?
405: Ryan Deiss - How To Create Awareness, Tell Better Stories, & Build Your Brand
08/02/2021 Duration: 01h09minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Ryan Deiss is a best selling author, founder of multiple companies collectively employing hundreds around the globe. He is the founder and CEO of and Founder and Managing Partner of and Ryan is the creator of the “Customer Value Optimization” methodology and have introduced and popularized many of the digital selling strategies. He is also the founder and host of the Traffic & Conversion Summit, the largest digital marketing conversion conference in North America. Notes: Commonalities of excellence: They understand why they've made mistakes - they learn why they've failed. They are purposeful about their decision making Appetite for risk: "I have a very low appetite for risk." "I value security." Must have qualities in a leader to hire on his team? "I want them to not be like me." Need to have skills that compliment his... Early on he hired people ju
404: Wendy Kopp - How To Create A Vision, Execute A Plan, & Engage Others
01/02/2021 Duration: 58minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Wendy Kopp is CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All, a global network of independent organizations that are developing collective leadership to ensure all children have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Today, more than 6,000 Teach For America corps members—outstanding recent college graduates and professionals of all academic disciplines—are in the midst of two-year teaching commitments in over 50 urban and rural regions. Notes: Jim Collins called Wendy “my entrepreneur for this decade.” He continued, “Her organization is truly an entrepreneurial creation that is out to utterly transform education. It’s taking an entrepreneurial, let’s-do-something approach to tackling a massive social problem.” Goal setting: It’s all about setting a goal that’s at the right intersection of ambitious and feasible. The #1 responsibility of a leader is to catalyze a clear and shared vision for the company and secure co
403: Rich Diviney - The Hidden Drivers Of Optimal Performance (The Attributes)
25/01/2021 Duration: 56minText LEARNERS to 44222 for more... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Rich Diviney Rich Diviney draws upon 20+ years of experience as a Navy SEAL Officer – with 11 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He was the Commanding Officer of a Navy SEAL Command. Rich is is the author of The Attributes - 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance. Notes: The process to select Navy SEALs: Rich created a program to effectively articulate why someone made it through SEAL training. "It's not about training to be a Navy SEAL, it's about proving if you can be one." "Skills are not inherent to our nature. They are learned." Attributes are wired into our internal circuitry, always running in the background, dictating how we behave and react and perform. Attributes should not be confused with personality traits. A personality is built from patterns of behavior that emerge over an extended period of time. It’s an outward expression of all the things that make you you - your skills, habits, emoti
402: Donald Miller - How To Tell Your Story, Take Action, & Transform Your Life
18/01/2021 Duration: 01h01minText LEARNERS to 44222 to join thousands of leaders of leaders from all over the world and read "Mindful Monday." A carefully curated email of the most useful leadership articles/books/video. Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 #402: Donald Miller - CEO of Business Made Simple Notes: The Characteristics of a Value Driven Professional: “Value driven successful people see themselves as an economic product on the open market. They are obsessed with getting people a strong return on the investment made in them. People who are obsessed with being a good investment attract further investment and get to enjoy more personal economic value. When you offer greater economic value within the economic ecosystem, you are paid more, given more responsibility and promotions, and are sought after by customers looking for value. In business, your boss may really like you, but in large part, they see you as an economic investment. There is nothing wrong with that. So how do we become ridiculously