Are you a leader who wants to grow yourself, and drastically improve health and safety along the way? You're in the right place! Welcome to the Safety on Tap Podcast!We bring you interesting and inspiring people with different ideas, perspectives and stories, straight to your phone or computer, for your listening pleasure, whenever it suits you. Nice! Now this isn't just for people who have a 'health and safety' job. There are so many more people involved in drastically improving health and safety - supervisors, HR professionals, business owners, health and safety reps, CEO's, health professionals, RTW coordinators..the list goes onAnd those people listening very closely will quickly work out that whilst our focus might link with health and safety, Safety on Tap actually helps WAY beyond health and safety - personal effectiveness, business strategy, people leadership, innovation and creativity.keep your ears, and your mind, open!
Ep024: An induction proven to be effective? with Dr Sue Bahn, from Tap Into Safety
29/11/2016 Duration: 37minClick here to complete the 2016 Listener Survey - only takes 5 mins! In today's episode, we explore this new innovation in inductions and other training - based on research, and proven to be associated with increased knowledge retention and reduction in injury and property damage incidents. I haven't created the usual time-stamps (the audio equivalent of the table of contents) for this episode, as a bit of an experiment to see whether these are useful for listeners. So, if you miss them, drop a comment below to tell me, and I'll keep doing them. If not, I'll eliminate some waste from the podcast production process which means I have more time to create content for our new Safety on Tap video stream....stay tuned for that one. Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email! [activecampaign form=5]
Ep023: Getting out of groundhog day, with Tim Allred
17/11/2016 Duration: 39minGroundhog Day, the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray. That's what we're talking about today. Well not really - though there is a pretty clear link between today's discussion with Tim Allred on the habit of reflection, and that feeling of 'groundhog day'. It will all make sense at the end, I promise! Listen in as we cover: 1:08 Cocktails and reflection 2:02 Quick recap on Tim's last interview 5:36 The words at the end of each podcast are deliberate 7:43 Poking YSPspeak attendees to start reflecting 10:15 Succeeding in a VUCA environment 11:21 Tim's recent learning reflections on fixed vs growth mindset 15:51 Safety people traditionally lean towards fixed mindset 20:14 Growth mindset: More effort, more reward 24:02 Reflection isn't just for you, build it into the safety system 26:29 Reflection should be proportionate to the context 29:51 The roots of performance reviews (and why they mostly don't work) 32:06 Tim's 3 key points Tim mentioned two books which are worth checking out: - The light and fast org
Ep022: Embedding safety: For the few who move the many
10/11/2016 Duration: 46min[GET YOUR BONUS]: Jen and the team at Jaxzyn showed us how to walk-the-talk, by creating a beautifully engaging summary of what we discuss in today's episode. So it's a WHAT-TO-DO guide as well as a HOW-TO guide. Clever! You can access that here. Are you one of the few, who move the many? That's a seriously deep question. Our guest today has a mission to help those few. Jen Jackson leads Jaxzyn, an energy-filled business seeking to create amazing employee experiences and engagement. Jen joins us today to share the exact model Jaxzyn uses to help massive, complex and global organisations embed safety into their DNA, and supporting those few people who move the many. In this episode we cover: 2:37 The first thing that struck me about Jen 5:23 Jen and I play corporate BS bingo 9:45 Jackson explains Jaxzyn 13:09 Jen's challenge: embedding safety 17:19 Earning people's attention, starting with empathy 22:21 How to understand your audience 24:20 Understanding your audience can be a scary thing 28:56 B
Ep021: Replacing risk with vulnerability: A very human idea, with Gordon Bedford (Part 2 of 2)
27/10/2016 Duration: 36minSTOP! If you haven’t already, I suggest you head over to listen to Part 1 first, then come back for this one to finish it off (it will make much more sense that way!). Gordon Bedford continues his daring challenge to the idea of risk, by explaining the concept of vulnerability in some more detail. I probe the idea to see if it really has legs, which I won't spoil before you listen :-) IN part 2 of the chat with Gordon, we cover: 2:18 Vulnerability in manufacturing 4:38 The meaning of words do matter 5:10 Risk suits cold, clinical and big numbers 6:26 Vulnerability suits anything involving people 7:43 Exploring vulnerability through hunches and experiments 9:27 Gordon puts it into practice in manufacturing 13:07 And then construction 15:10 What about 'so far as is reasonably practicable'? 17:00 Vulnerable, then Resilient, then Counter Vulnerable 24:35 How the 'vulnerability' experiment is going 29:46 How to connect with Gordon Gordon mentioned a fantastic concept (Anti-Fragile) from a great book by th
Ep020: Replacing risk with vulnerability: A very human idea, with Gordon Bedford (Part 1 of 2)
20/10/2016 Duration: 33minHave you ever had crazy thoughts, that you try and push out of your mind, but keep coming back? Like, 'why don't we throw an entire idea, methodology and industry out, and do something different'? Well you are not alone! I describe today's guest on the podcast as crazy - in a good way. Listen in as Gordon Bedford mounts the case to relegate risk to the history books, and replace it with something much more effective, much more human: 3:05 Gordon's crazy idea 7:12 Raging against likelihood & 'acceptable risk' 9:04 Risk Fail #1: Fukishima 8:58 Vulnerability vs risk 18:11 Risk Fail #2: Benign risk leads to massacre 19:22 Learning from benign risk but highly vulnerable 21:09 6 people dead, but the risk assessment was right? 27:35 How does vulnerability work in more familiar contexts? 28:53 Road safety already uses vulnerability Once you’ve listened to PART 1, head over and listen to PART 2 of this interview, when Gordon unpacks some his idea with some practical examples. Let’s get to know each other!
Ep019: Leader to the very end: A case study (Part 2 of 2) with Brian Barrett, my Dad
13/10/2016 Duration: 39minSTOP! If you haven't already, I suggest you head over to listen to Part 1 first, then come back for this one to finish it off. This is the second part of the two-part interview with Brian Barrett, my Dad. We started with the background to Dad leading his organisation to the very end, until it was amalgamated into a new council, and the challenges he faced leading when he had little control over so much of the change. We shift into his humbling experience of getting feedback from people in his organisation, and that one person was so moved, they painted a portrait of him. Dad also shares his insights into leading work health and safety, and how his organisation leveraged amazing improvements off the back of their WHS focus. In today’s episode we cover: 2:18 Ever wonder how you'll lead right to the tumultuous end? 4:44 At the very end, what will people say to you? 10:13 At the very end, will your people be moved to get not one, but two portraits painted of you? 11:35 At the beginning, what did the end o
Ep018 Leader to the very end: A case study (Part 1 of 2) with Brian Barrett, my Dad
06/10/2016 Duration: 34minIt's a great honour to interview my Dad, Brian Barrett this week, a leader who I think has plenty of insight to offer. This first part of the two-part interview, we cover off leading in an organisation you know will cease to exist - from which we can all take something away, including what NOT to do should you find yourself in that situation (actually, it has much a broader lesson). In today's episode we cover: 2:09 Why on earth would Dad do a podcast interview with me 3:45 The mechanics of mergers in NSW local government 5:56 First serious failure in communication (clean out your desk) 6:59 Preparing for merger, when you legally aren't allowed to 10:50 Leading people through uncertainty 14:59 Government as 'supply-chain' leader (or not?) 19:56 Planning which missed the vital ingredient 20:18 "One of the worst pieces of implementation of public policy in 39 years" and the reply which will shock you 26:30 Stand up and say it, there will be plenty of others who are thinking it 28:58 Recruitment fail - not pro
Ep017 Safer brains, better work? Neuroscience in the spotlight, with Amanda Wang Valentine
29/09/2016 Duration: 51minMake your life easier - Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! I feel that in my attempts to improve my own effectiveness, which hopefully translates into better health and safety outcomes, I have spent way more time trying to understand what's going on outside people (the workplace, the environment, the design of work), than on the inside of people, and our brains in particular. I'm not sure that makes sense, given how complex, and how powerful, our brains are. Today's guest Amanda Wang Valentine shares her quest to better understand what's happening in our brains, with a focus on attention. Listen here to see how she is pushing the edges of current health and safety practice. In today's episode we cover: 1:52 Living in Hollywood, attitudes to water & legalised marijuana 4:40 The land of the free, including everyone's right to an opinion 7:10 Amanda's journey to where she is now (it includes our Prime Minister) 11:44 The link between Intel, Netflix and Morgan Freeman 15:56 Shifting focus from physical hazard
Ep016: Too much sh*t? Focus on outcomes, with Kobi Simmat from Best Practice Certification
22/09/2016 Duration: 38minMake life easier for yourself. Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! Kobi Simmat tells it straight. If you don't like feeling just a little bit uncomfortable about the ineffective status quo, probably best not to listen. must be ok with being a little uncomfortable, since that's the space where growth occurs. And that's why you listen to this podcast. So maybe this is just right for you. In this chat, we cover: 1:33 Kobi's view on WHS 4:25 Open cheque book leads to financial haemorrhaging into 'safety' 5:47 Kobi and I on how effective video and audio are 6:57 Master & apprentice vs more paperwork 7:59 NOT Auditors - Best Practice Assessor 8:51 Ban document control non-conformances 10:08 The System, must recognise failure in the form of practice 10:47 The bad reputation of the certification industry vs a best practice mindset 16:27 Learning by using FOMO 16:37 Using certification for good or evil in procurement 20:01 The death of the certification industry? 24:02 Show me your dashboard
Ep015: Being starkers (behind the curtain) with Andrew Barrett
18/09/2016 Duration: 28minMake life easier for yourself. Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! Starkers (Naked). You know what it feels like to be really open and honest? Well, you get 100% ME in this episode, come behind the curtain as I share a bit of general reflection, about podcasting, answers to common questions I get, and a little bit about how I'm improving the podcast moving forward. In this chat, we cover: 2:10 I confess - Podcasting wasn't in my plan 3: 12 The magic of podcasting (you'll be surprised with what I think) 4:34 What we can learn from the grass not being greener on the other side 8:49 What I actually do apart from hosting Safety on Tap 10:56 Show respect to people through preparation 12:38 The skill of asking questions 15:26 Collaboration: A recipe for success 19:08 Co-opetition vs competition 21:52 Reflecting on the National Safety Convention 23:34 Innovation through reverse thinking - Less safety on this podcast 24:36 Tell me who you want to hear interviewed and I'll make it happen 26:55 Shout-out to a few
Ep014 Crystal-ball gazing into the future workplace, with Peter Gahan
19/08/2016 Duration: 35minPeter Gahan leads the leading organisation on leadership in Australia, the Centre for Workplace Leadership. He's also go a firm eye on the future, to support research, turning it in practice, for effective leadership to support work which is changing so quickly all around us. In this chat, we cover: – The future of work (it's closer than you think) – What Peter thinks about leadership, including a simple and understandable definition of leadership to help us improve. – Some of the disruptive things in business impacting, and impacted by, leadership - like corporate democracy and modern performance reviews You can hear more of Peter at the National Safety Convention – get your tickets here. Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email!
Ep012 Digital disruption to make your head explode, with Richard Coleman
10/08/2016 Duration: 34minRichard Coleman knows a thing or two about digital disruption. He has put a number of practical and very cool digital technologies to good use for health and safety, and has his finger on the pulse with the broader digital landscape. Make no mistake, digital disruption is happening, is only getting bigger & faster, and it creates great opportunity, or poses a great threat to current health and safety approaches - Richard invites us to choose opportunity. In this chat, we cover: – What we mean by digital disruption (if you think you know, you're probably wrong like I was) – The role of health and safety driving and supporting adoption of new and emerging technologies – The drastic impact disruptive technology can make in eliminating risks, changing the way work is done, and introducing a range of new risks - How prepared current health and safety is (both the approach, and the professionals) for disruption that has already begun Peter is our there making a difference in the world - which I suppose s
Ep007 - Leading in challenging environments, with Peter Baines from Hands Across the Water
05/08/2016 Duration: 36minPeter Baines has seen some pretty tragic stuff in his time, and has learned a thing or two about leadership in challenging and disruptive environments. Listen in as Peter, from charity Hands Across the Water, shares with us what he has learned. The biggest surprise for me was that these leadership lessons will apply to almost everyone, as work and life get more and more disrupted. No tsunami required. In this chat, we cover: – Where Peter cut his teeth as a forensic police officer, identifying victims of mass disasters all over the world – Peter's key factors for great leadership, a sneak peek from the presentation he will be delivering at the National Safety Convention in September 2016 – A very person-centred approach to leadership - no fancy programs, visions or rhetoric - straightforward concepts that anyone can focus on - The similarities between the Corporate Social Responsibility context and the health and safety context, including alternative ways to measure value Peter is our there making a di
Ep006 - Architecture, the blues, the muppets, and safety with Dr David Borys
29/07/2016 Duration: 51minWhat do Dr David Borys and Animal, from the muppets, have in common? Listen in as Dr David Borys, from RMIT University (amongst a few other places!) fill us in on the talk he is giving for the 2016 Wigglesworth Memorial Lecture, entitled Two windows to clarify the enigma that is health & safety PLUS a sneak peek at the 'intelligent risk management' workshop he is also running during the Convention. In this chat, we cover: - The connection with David and Animal the muppet (no, I'm not calling him a muppet…!) - A contrasting perspective on health and safety 40 years ago, and David's view today - David's take on what we know, whether all that knowledge has actually helped improve health and safety, and why - How David took on James Reason and left him without a good response - Some simple and free ideas for us to try and improve health and safety (you won't be disappointed!) Whether you are getting along to the 2016 National Safety Convention or not, you'll enjoy this chat with David. Enjoy! Let’
Ep005 - Falling out of the safety church and what came after, with Loren Murray
21/07/2016 Duration: 41minThe first time I've interviewed someone who has brought Lego into the conversation - now that's imagery I can understand! Listen in as Loren Murray, from Creative Works Group share with us her insights into how we can create a health and safety career worth chasing. In this chat, we cover: - How Loren fell out of the safety church, and what happened next (this has no analogy with actual falls incidents…) - Her key points from the upcoming Young Safety Professionals panel at the National Safety Convention in September 2016 - How to create a career you love (and why Loren loves her own!) If you want have more than just a job in health and safety, you'll get some great insights from this chat with Loren. Enjoy! You can hear more of Loren at the National Safety Convention - get your tickets here. Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email! andrew@saf
Ep004 - Effective story telling for better safety, with Drew Rae from Griffith University
16/07/2016 Duration: 36minAre you a story teller? No? It's not as childish as you might think. Listen in as we hear from one of Australia's foremost safety story tellers, Dr Drew Rae, about the importance of stories in our professional practice. In this chat we hear about: - good, and less good, story telling for safety, - drowning horses, - rocket ships - the fashion of safety, and - being curious (not the first time that's come up on this podcast!) Now let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap
Ep003 - The value of reflection (not reflective....) with Tim Allred from Young Safety Professionals
29/06/2016 Duration: 42minDo you stop, and truly think about how your going, how effective you are, what's working, what's not, and what's got to change? Tim Allred, founder of Young Safety Professionals in Australia, shares his reflection on the value of this kind of reflection! Isn't that appropriate! In this chat we cover: - the start of the Young Safety Professionals group and the benefits of a peer community - the natural tendency for younger people to ask WHY - exciting young speakers at the upcoming 2016 National Safety Conference, including Tim, and yours truly! - individual reflection which helps you improve whatever it is that you do - the courage for and the approach, to experimenting and research which everyone can do in their day to day work to test effectiveness As a special gift to our listeners, Tim is giving away his reflective journaling template, for free! If you want a copy email me, and I'll send it to you right away! And let's get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn,
Ep002 - A seriously crazy mindset, with Ali Uren from Kiikstart
19/06/2016 Duration: 34minDo you ever feel a bit dull, without much 'oomph', plodding rather than sprinting through your work? Listen in as I get SMASHED (in a good way!) by energy, ideas and actionable improvements from Ali Uren, the change-maker at Kiikstart. We cover a lot of ground - from the courage to let go of what's not working, to personal risk assessments, through to getting dirty hands in the business planning process and creating delightful experiences for our customers. If you only take a pinch of value from this interview you will still be a richer, more effective person! Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email!
Ep001 - Leading a tribe, with Alanna Ball from Women in Safety
19/06/2016 Duration: 53minAlanna Ball felt a little lost in health and safety, she wanted to belong to a family, a tribe. There was no tribe for her, so she led others who were in a similar place to form a tribe: Women in Safety. What a tribe! Join us in the interview for a great insight into the importance of a professional family or tribe, and the opportunity for you to leverage other work-families and work-tribes to drastically improve health and safety. We also get two FREE slices of conference-goodness, from the the 2016 South Australian Health and Safety Conference, with thanks from conference organisers Informa. I chat on the couch with a very vivacious Professor Ian Maddocks (Australian of the Year, no less), who shares some very thought-provoking insights into the amazing opportunities, and things to consider for, ageing workforce, and John Cvetko, a client relationship manager who knows a thing or two about improving health and safety outcomes through a sharp focus on our customers. Let’s get to know each other! Connec
Ep000: The beginning of Safety on Tap, with Andrew Barrett
16/06/2016 Duration: 30min"Where shall I begin, your Majesty?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go-on until the end: then stop". Thanks Lewis Carroll, the King, and the White Rabbit who asked such a great question in the first place! Since this is episode ZERO (not that kind of zero...) of the Safety on Tap podcast, I thought it gentlemanly that I tell you a little about my WHY....and a little bit more about me. Towards the end I also share two short-but-great interviews, which I recorded at the 2016 South Australian Health and Safety Conference, with thanks from conference organisers Informa. Marie Boland, Executive Director of SafeWork SA shares with us how she is disrupting her organisation from the inside, and David Clarke, CEO of the Safety Institute of Australia, makes the case for professional certification and the momentum of the health and safety profession in Australia. Not to be missed! Let's get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett, and check