New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • The Hard-Won Wisdom of a Journey from Hopelessness to Spiritual Transformation - Karen Casey, Ph.D. - ND3790

    26/07/2023 Duration: 57min

    Casey experienced a literal angel knocking on her door which moved her from the potential of committing suicide to a path of discovering how God is present on the other side of the abyss of depression and despair and shares how she connected with her Higher Power that has served as her guide ever since. Karen Casey, Ph.D. received her doctorate in philosophy with an emphasis on Native American studies. She’s an accomplished author with over two dozen books and is the 2007 winner of the Johnson Institute American Honors Recovery Award for her contribution to the field of recovery. Karen’s focus as a writer and spiritual teacher is to strengthen our connection to a Higher Power, which is the invisible source of inspiration, guidance, strength, and wisdom available to each of us. Her books include Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women (40th anniversary edition, Hazeldon 2022), 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles: Cultivate a Simpler, Slower, More Loved-Filled Life. (Conari Press 2016) and

  • The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self - Rupert Spira - ND3598


    The experience of our essential nature is available to us at any moment. We don’t have to “practice” to get there. It is not something “exotic” to our being. Teacher of non-dualism, Spira says, “The peace for which we long, the fulfillment for which everybody longs lives in their own being. It’s accessible, available to everybody in their own being.”Tags: Rupert Spira, nondualism, non-dualism, the direct path, awareness, perception, relative, absolute, consciousness, love, non-duality, fear, individuality, death, presence, presence of awareness, essential being, Spirituality, Philosophy, Death, Dying, Personal Transformation, Science

  • Beyond the Physical—The Greater Reality - Dan Drasin - ND3789

    12/07/2023 Duration: 57min

    Here we explore scientific findings of the continuity of human consciousness beyond the physical body. There is much that is constantly going on beyond our ordinary senses. Drasin explores the comparison that the “greater reality” beyond physical life might be analogous to an ocean and the soul is analogous to a surfer’s wave that has form and endurance but is not separate from the ocean. Dan Drasin is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and has been a photographer and media producer for more than six decades. He’s also the Operations Manager of New Dimensions and the announcer whose voice you hear on each program. His short 1961 documentary film titled Sunday was widely acknowledged as the first social-protest film of the 1960s and is part of the permanent film collection at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Since the early 1990s, Drasin has been actively investigating the field of afterlife communication through traditional mental and physical mediumship, as well as modern electronics as featured in his d

  • The Redemptive Power Of A Near-Death Experience - Rajiv Parti - ND3596


    Until his NDE, material success was of utmost importance to Dr. Parti. He routinely disregarded stories his patients told him about their spiritual experiences during surgery until he, himself, experienced his own spiritual awakening in an NDE. Hear his profound tale of traveling to the Hell realm, meeting his spirit guides, finding forgiveness, and melding with the light.Tags: Rajiv Parti, NDE, Near Death Experience, SDE, Shared Death Experience, Hadol, Ketamine, spirit guides, Pakistan, partition of India, St Michael, St. Rafael, Angel Gabriel, materialism, forgiveness, prayer, self-funeral, cortisol, chronic pain, unified universal energy of light, Raymond Moody, Christ Consciousness, past lives, Health & Healing, Parapsychology/Paranormal, Meditation, Intuition, Psychic, Death & Dying, Spirituality, Spirit Guides, Angels, Spirits

  • Relating More Effectively with All Our Relationships - Rick Hanson, Ph.D. - ND3885

    14/06/2023 Duration: 57min

    One of the foundations of being able to act skillfully with others is by deep breathing, giving us time to interrupt the emotional hijacking of the reactive brain. Also, included in this dialogue is the announcement of the Global Compassion Coalition in which people can come together to create a world in which people and nature are cared for and thrive. Rick Hanson, Ph.D. is a psychologist, senior fellow at the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and a summa cum laude graduate of UCLA. He’s founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom. Also, the founder and president of the Global Compassion Coalition. He is the author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom (New Harbinger 2009), Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time (New Harbinger 2011), Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence (Harmony Books 2013), Meditations to Change Your Brain - CD

  • Cultivating Your Own Vitality - Deborah Zucker, N.D. - ND3594


    “Vitality is the essence of what it is to be alive,” says Dr. Zucker, and the body will tell us when our vitality is weak. With good self-care we can revitalize our own health, like tending to a garden with gentle loving attention. It’s about being honest about where we’re losing our energy and experimenting with ways to redirect it in the manner that makes us thrive. Tags: Deborah Zucker, naturopathy, naturopathic physician, holistic health, wellbeing, healthcare, self-care, vitality, shadow, Jung, voice dialogue, fatigue, energy, attention, play, inner GPS system, voice dialogue, experimentation, fruit tree, garden, exercise, diet, community, breath, portable altar

  • Our Natural State of Open Awareness - Amoda Maa - ND3788.rtf

    30/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    Amoda encourages us to loosen our grip and soften the way that we respond to life and how the fundamental nature of reality is open awareness. She speaks about ending our argument with reality and meeting it with kindness, tenderness, and openness. “That is the beginning of transformation.” Amoda Maa is a spiritual teacher who, after immersion in psychospiritual practices, and experiencing her own dark night of the soul, offers meetings and retreats with seekers of peace and true fulfillment. Her teachings don’t belong to any tradition or lineage although they do tap into the wisdom of many esteemed wisdom philosophies. She is the author of How to Find God in Everything: An Invitation to Awaken to Your True Nature and Transform Your World (Watkins 2008), Change Your Life Change Your World (Watkins 2012, Radical Awakening: Discovering the Radiance of Being in the Midst of Everyday Life (Watkins 2016), Embodied Enlightenment: Living Your Awakening in Every Moment (New Sarum Press 2022) and Falling Open in a Wor

  • Listening to What Trees Have to Teach Us - Ellen Dee Davidson - ND3787

    24/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    Here we explore what it means to be in conversation with trees. Davidson hikes into an ancient redwood forest on a regular basis and practices “forest bathing”. She reminds us that when we are not bombarded with the noise, bright lights, and electromagnetic fields of a city our nervous system calms down and our capacity opens up to a wider field of perception. Ellen Dee Davidson is an advocate for the health of forests. Besides her memoir, she’s the author of a number of children's books, also worked as an elementary, piano, and creative writing teacher and raised two daughters. She lives with her husband in the redwoods of northern California where she regularly sits with trees in a form of “forest bathing”. She is the author of Stolen Voices: In a City Ruled by Silence Can One Girl’s Voice Make a Difference? (Turtleback Books Library Binding 2005), Princess Justina Albertina (Charlesbridge 2007), Zoe the Misfit (Boulden Publishing 2008), Wind (Luminare Press 2022) and Wild Path to the Sacred Heart (A F

  • Microdosing Awe in Our Everyday Life - Jake Eagle and Michael Amster, M.D - ND3784

    17/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    Awe gives us a break from processing and judging unwanted events and gives us the capacity to see through them—to see a larger picture and we don’t have to travel to the Grand Canyon or overlook Niagara Falls in order to access it. It’s available to us in our everyday life and we can tap into it with something called the A.W.E. Method that only takes 5 to 15 seconds. Jake Eagle, LPC, is a psychotherapist, mindfulness instructor, fellow member trainer of the International Association of Neuro‑Linguistic Programming, and cofounder of Live Conscious. Michael Amster, M.D., is a physician and faculty member at Touro School of Medicine. Jake Eagle & Michael Amster, M.D. are co-authors of The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day (Hachette Books 2023) How the A.W.E. Method can be a shortcut to three levels of consciousness: safety, gratitude, spaciousnessInterview Date: 3/3/2023  Tags: Jake Eagle, Michael Amster, a

  • Complexity Theory, Consciousness, and Everyday Life - Neil Theise, M.D. - ND3783

    10/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    All complex systems share limited randomness, whether it’s human society, ants in an ant colony, cells in a body, there's got to be a limited range of randomness. This randomness in biological life makes us different from machines. Also included is a discussion about how the brain does not create consciousness and consciousness is fundamental in the universe. Neil Theise, M.D. is a practicing pathologist and leading stem-cell researcher as well as an explorer in the nature of consciousness and its relationship to us and the cosmos as revealed in Complexity Theory. Theise is also a senior student of Zen Buddhism at the Village Zendo, in New York City, under the guidance of Roshi Enkyo O’Hara. He is the author of Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being. (Spiegel & Grau 2023) Interview Date: 2/25/2023   Tags: Neil Theise, ant colony, ant colonies, errant ant, quenched disorder, technosphere, liver cells, stem cells, hard problem in science, co

  • Thomas Merton-A Mystic Lover of Life - Matthew Fox - ND3593


    Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer, mystic, and Trappist monk who died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand when he was 53 years old. The gifts he left behind from his short life were immense. He combined deep contemplation with social action. Here Fr. Matthew Fox shares his profound intersection with Merton via Creation Spirituality. Tags: Matthew Fox, Thomas Merton, Michael Toms, activism, Dan Berrigan, Philip Berrigan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Karl Marx, Pere Chenu, Saint Augustine, Second Vatican Council, original sin, D.T. Suzuki, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Aquinas, prophetic Christian, Augustinian Christian, Dalai Lama, mysticism, Thomas Berry, hermitage, New Grange, spiral, Hildegard of Bingen, Hagia Sophia, Feminine side of god, Doctor of Spirituality DSP, Cosmic Mass, African mass, Spirituality, Religion, Social Change, Politics, History, Ecology, Nature, Environment

  • An Evolutionary Crisis Leads to An Evolutionary Birth - Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. - ND3782

    26/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    Humanity is poised on a threshold that could be described as a global dark night of the soul. This global crisis is not asking us to simply “make things better” or invent new ways of living. It’s demanding that we surrender to a transformation so radical that we become a new variety of the human species. Our assignment is to become sacred activists. Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. was a psychotherapist in private practice and a college professor of psychology and history. Now through her webinars, podcasts, live workshops, books, and articles, as well as one-on-one life coaching, Carolyn is touching the lives of thousands to assist them in deeply adapting and becoming resilient in the face of the unprecedented changes confronting humanity. She works closely with Andrew Harvey for the Institute for Sacred Activism. She is the author of Undaunted: Living Fiercely into Climate Meltdown in an Authoritarian World (Apocryphile Press 2022) and Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World (co-author A

  • What Wild Horses Have to Teach Us - Carolyn Resnick - ND3781

    19/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    Horses are valuable teachers and healers. They show us powerful lessons in how to be effective leaders. You'll be surprised by what Resnick reveals about the secrets of how a horse becomes and maintains its leadership of a herd of wild horses. Horses’ extensive language and communication skills are a matter of survival and they do it without words. Carolyn Resnick is the founder of The Resnick Method of Horsemanship and offers many online courses, clinics, retreats, and certification opportunities that create a magical connection with horses using rituals that are innate to the horse. She is a master horse communicator who grew up with horses and spent three summers of her childhood gradually becoming accepted into a community of wild horses, culminating in her ability to ride a lead mare bareback and without a bridle. She is the author of Naked Liberty: Memoirs of My Childhood, Guided by Passion, Educated by Wild Horses (Amigo Publications, Inc. 2005).Interview Date: 10/18/2022   Tags: Carolyn

  • Reality May Not Be What We Perceive with Our Senses - Howard Eisenberg, M.D. - ND3780

    12/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    In this deep dialogue we discuss how the brain selectively filters our perception of reality through our personal histories, our beliefs, habits of mind, and our prejudices. It highlights the evidence that we are living in a “consensual realty” and our senses are reporting back to us only a very small portion of the greater reality. Howard Eisenberg, M.D. is a medical doctor with additional postgraduate training in both psychology and psychiatry. He’s also been awarded a postgraduate degree for his parapsychological research on telepathy. He is the author of Inner Spaces: Parapsychological Exploration of the Mind (Musson Book Co. 1977) and Dream It to Do It: The Science and the Magic—Decoding Reality 2.0 (Syntrek® Inc. 2021).Interview Date: 1/20/2023   Tags: Howard Eisenberg, collective illusion, love, meditation, universal mind, consciousness, Jesus, intention, imagination, the placebo effect, silo thinking, empathy, soul gazing, Philosophy, Meditation, Personal Transformation, Science

  • The Heart of the Wild - Terry Tempest Williams - ND3587


    Williams tells the story of her initiation by the living land when she was 7 years old. While taking a school trip she ended up alone, in the dark, in Mount Timpanogos Cave. For a brief but powerful moment she felt the beating heart of the mountain. She says, “For the rest of my life I’ve been trying to retrieve that sacred space I felt inside that mountain alone. I have been searching for that moment when you’re part of something so old, so deep, so true.” Take a tour with Williams and find the relevance of our national parks in the 21st century and how these public commons might bring us back home to a united state of humility. It’s Terry Tempest Williams’ hope that we learn what it is to offer our reverence and respect to the closest thing we have to sacred lands.

  • The Narrative Intelligence of the Greek Myths - Carol Pearson, Ph.D. - ND3591

    29/03/2023 Duration: 57min

    Most of us are trapped in the stories we tell ourselves. Archetypes, such as are found in the Greek myths, can trigger a story in our brain that helps us notice opportunities, props, and characters that may have been invisible to us. They change what we are noticing and can enhance our narrative intelligence and encourage us to tap into our potential. Carol Pearson, Ph.D. is an expert in depth psychology and transformational leadership as well as archetypal narrative intelligence. She has served as professor at several universities and colleges and also served as president of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. She was the senior editor of The Inner Edge: A Resource for Enlightened Business Practice. She is the author of such classic works as: The Hero Within (republished, Harper Elixir 2015), Awakening the Heroes Within (Harper Elixir 2015),The Hero and the Outlaw (coauthor Margaret Mark) (McGraw Hill Education 2001), Persephone Rising: Awakening the Heroine Within (Harper Elixir 201

  • Living the Yogic Life in a Material World - Karan Bajaj - ND3585


    Here we look at the life adventures of a father, husband, writer, corporate marketer, world traveler, and meditation and yoga teacher. We explore the question of whether our search for spiritual fulfillment and creativity has to take a back seat to our livelihood. Bajaj takes a year sabbatical from corporate work every four years and suggests how we can too. Karan Bajaj was born and raised in India, and trained as a Hatha Yoga teacher in the Sivananda ashram in South India. He learned meditation in the Himalayas. He’s been named one of India Today’s Top 35 Under 35. He lives in New York City but soon will be returning to India with his wife and young daughter. He is the author of several novels, including Johnny Gone Down (Harper Collins 2010), Keep off the Grass (Harper Collins, India 2008) and The Yoga of Max’s Discontent (known in India as The Seeker) (Riverhead 2016).Interview Date: 6/23/2016     Tags: Karan Bajaj, habits, routines, yoga, bodhisattva, belief, Buddha, enlightenment, ven

  • Listening To The Light Of Our Soul - Mark Nepo - ND3590 (1)


    The heart releases its own logic, going beyond our everyday attempts to meet goals and solve problems. Mark Nepo helps us re-kindle the fire of our aliveness, and reminds us that kindness allows us to experience our connection with all things. Prepare to be deepened by his ability to be authentic as he illuminates the wisdom that is available in our own hearts. Mark Nepo is a poet and philosopher who, for over three decades, has been teaching in the fields of poetry and spirituality. As a cancer survivor, Mark remains committed to the usefulness of daily inner life. He devotes his writing and teaching to the journey of inner transformation and the life of relationship. He is the author of 18 books including Seven Thousand Ways To Listen: Staying Close To What Is Sacred (Atria 2012), Reduced To Joy (Cleis Press 2013), Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness (Sounds True 2015), The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart (Atria Books 2016) and The Way Under the Wa

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