Pretend You're Fired Today

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 12:11:08
  • More information



Job security planning in an uncertain world. Career continuity, resume writing, job search networking and interview tactics to stay continuously employed.


  • Effective Interview Follow Up Strategies to Get The Offer

    07/08/2017 Duration: 18min

    Imagine this: You get your resume into the right hands. You get to interview with key decision makers from the company of your dreams. You prepare well, you do the interview, and you nail it. Mission accomplished, right? Wrong! Savvy executives know that the interviewing process continues well after the actual interview is over. It all comes down to how well you do the follow-up. Making the right moves after your interview will reinforce your position as the best candidate and will uphold that good first impression you made on the interviewer. In other words, if you want to “seal the deal” you must continue your follow-up appropriately and professionally. On today’s podcast we are going to discuss the most effective strategies for your follow-up that can help you get the offer and position you as the only choice! Show highlights: - The one thing you must do BEFORE the interview ends. (2:42) - How to quickly set yourself apart from the competition AFTER the interview. (4:50) - How to avoid being annoying and t

  • Making the Best Impression during Video / Skype Interviews

    31/07/2017 Duration: 16min

    Last time we talked about how to nail phone interviews. And to stay on topic, let's continue mastering other virtual ways of conducting an interview: Video and Skype. If you think Skype is the future, you’re wrong. This is already happening. It is the present. And being able to interview successfully over Skype and video is a skill you need to master to stay ahead of your competition. Today’s podcast will give you 10 successful video interviewing tips that can help you impress every hiring manager you talk to. By the end of it you’ll have a solid start to edge out your competition and be the candidate that gets to the next level! Show highlights: -Things to practice before you switch on the webcam. (2:07) - How to “be yourself” on video. (3:17) - How to make your video look professional. (Hint: the secret is in the background!)(5:06) - This one thing will make you “hard to watch” on video. (6:32) - How to put on your best “newscaster” face. (7:44) - Your backup plan for when things go wrong. (9:12) Being able

  • Nailing the Phone Interview to get the next interview

    24/07/2017 Duration: 20min

    Having distributed teams is a common thing for many companies today. And sometimes their entire organisation is completely virtual. As a consequence, doing phone interviews throughout the whole process is becoming more and more common.Interviewing over the phone is a skill set that needs to be mastered like anything else. And for this reason, our entire show today is dedicated to this topic.Executive phone interviews are very different from an in-person or video interview. They pose special challenges you need to be aware of. And when the job position you want is on the line, you need to know how to make the right impression.Show highlights:- The one crucial difference between a phone and an in-person interview. (2:17)- The “real” reason why hiring managers opt for that first phone interview. (2:56)- Why you should always ask to schedule the interview in advance. (5:02)- One huge advantage of “dressing up” even if nobody sees you. (5:45)- How to avoid dropped calls or poor connections. (7:30)- What the tone o

  • Acing an Interview with an Inexperienced Interviewer

    17/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    As you progress through your career you will come across some hiring managers that are inexperienced in conducting interviews. However, even if the person evaluating you has never done this before, you still need to win them over.  You need to show that you’re the right candidate for the job so you get to the next stage in the process. In today’s podcast you’ll discover some strategies how to deal with an inexperienced interviewer successfully. Show highlights: - How to handle your initial reaction when you realize you’re dealing with an inexperienced interviewer. (2:47) - The one thing even the most inexperienced interviewers are looking for in a candidate. (3:02) - How to “save” the interview when the interviewer is terrible at asking the right questions. (3:43) - The best way to win anyone over without sounding condescending. (4:03) - The one tactic that won’t  help you advance through the interview process. (6:47) Plus, if you’re looking for additional interview tactics and strategies, go to http://interv

  • Effectively Handling the Overqualified Interview Question

    10/07/2017 Duration: 20min

    “Don’t you think you are overqualified for this job?” How many times have this happened to you: You thought the interviews was going great, you’ve been asked to come back for a second or third interview and then, all of a sudden, the question pops up. Can’t they see it from your resume? Why do they need to ask you when your credentials are right in front of them and, they’ve asked you to come back? But here’s the thing. There’s a reason why a hiring manager asks you if you think you’re over qualified. And the way you answer it might literally mean the difference between you getting that job or not. On today’s podcast we’re going to talk about how to effectively handle the “Aren’t you overqualified?” interview question in five different ways so you can move on to the next phase and nail that the interview! Show highlights: - Why it’s good news if they ask you “Aren’t you overqualified?” (2:30) - How NOT to answer this question. (4:20) - The one thing every hiring manager is hoping to find in the answer you giv

  • 4 Tactics to Nail the "Tell me about yourself" question

    03/07/2017 Duration: 14min

    There’s one interview question candidates fear the most: And that is the elusive “So, tell me about yourself..." It doesn’t matter how far up the ladder you’ve climbed, everyone hates it. But the way you react to it and the answer you give can be extremely telling of your ability for an executive role. Today’s episode will show you how best to prepare in advance so you avoid all potential land mines and bring your A-game to the challenge. Show highlights:  - The real reason why interviewers ask the elusive “Tell me about yourself” question. (1:03) - The ONE thing you need to focus on when you’re preparing your answer. (2:15) - How to walk the fine line between confidence and conceit. (3:49) - How NOT to answer the question. (And how to avoid “rambling”.) (5:52) - A simple tactic to make your answers short, sweet, and to the point. (8:25) For more interview preparation resources head over to and download your complimentary Interview Prep Sheet. This will help you keep all your bas

  • Creating an Elevator Pitch to Grab Your Listener's Attention

    26/06/2017 Duration: 15min

    If you have a career of any kind you have probably used an Elevator Pitch before. Sometimes, a great elevator pitch could literally mean a new career opportunity for you. And if you feel your pitch doesn’t sound natural and personal enough, or you never know quite what to say… then today’s episode is a must-listen! We’re going to address 7 steps that will help you craft a pitch you can use for any formal or informal event you attend.  BBQs, conferences, job fairs, networking events, cocktail parties, community gatherings… you name it. Everywhere you go, you’ll know exactly how to answer that dreaded question, “So, what do you do?” with confidence! Show highlights:  Specific questions to ask yourself before you even start writing your pitch. (3:22) How to tweak your pitch for different audiences. (4:04) What is “data dump” and how it can significantly improve the way you write your pitch. (5:09) The reason why you need a “hook” and a simple way to come up with one. (5:44) The biggest mistake most professional

  • 3 Specific Cultural Fit Interview Questions to prepare to answer

    19/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    Welcome to episode 25! Today you’ll learn three most common questions (and how to answer them properly!) hiring managers use when they want to determine if you’re a good cultural fit for their company. This is the same list of questions we use to prepare our high achieving clients for their job interviews. And by the end of it, you’ll know exactly how to prepare your answers so you become a job offer magnet! Show highlights:  The one “character revealing” question I always ask candidates to help them prepare for an interview. (2:06) Three traits of an honest answer. (Experienced hiring managers can spot these almost instantly.) (2:40) The one question all rookie interviewers ask. (And how to answer it properly.) (4:23) How to present your weaknesses without risking to be taken negatively. (4:50) How to answer “Why should we hire you?” and instantly become the most interesting candidate that’s hard to pass up! (5:50) Plus, if you’re looking for additional interview tactics and strategies, go to http://interv

  • Crafting STAR and CAR Stories to Crush the Interview

    12/06/2017 Duration: 12min

    We talk about STAR and CAR interview methods today. You’ll discover the best way you can use them to help you prepare for any kind of interview you’ll have in the future. And by the end of the episode you’ll understand why these two tactics alone can help you become so confident… you can literally turn into a job offer magnet! Show highlights:  One subtle - yet very important - difference between STAR and CAR methods and why you should master them both. (1:25) The “secret” agenda behind behavioural interviews. (2:10) Watch out for THESE THREE words at the beginning of an interview question. (That’s a signal you must switch to STAR or CAR!) (2:57) How to use STAR (3:37) and CAR (5:16) in your answers. (Step by step!) A simple “trick” to make the interviewer “experience” your answers right there on the spot… and make them relate to you even stronger! (7:45) Ready to start crushing your interviews? Here’s what you do: First, hop over to and download your interview prep-sheet. And

  • Setting Up Your "Crush The Interview" Mindset

    05/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    This episode is all about how best to prepare - mentally - for your next job interview. Specifically, you’ll learn how to get ready for all those terrifying questions that make your heart race and knees shake. The ones you always hope nobody asks. By the end of this show, you’re going to be one step closer to having the right mindset that can crush even the hardest of interviews and get the job offer you’re after. Show highlights: - Three of the most feared job interview questions. (2:06) - How to “make your skeleton dance” and still get the job offer. (3:44) - The wrong way to answer an interview question. (4:01) - Dirty little secret candidates with “impeccable backgrounds” hide in their closets. (5:20) - This one “miracle” can turn your most dreaded interview into a winner. (5:57) Here’s what to do next: Go to, download you interview prep-sheet... And get ready to become a real job offer magnet! Start listening now.

  • Fun Stuff to Do When You Are Not Working

    29/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    Today’s topic is a little different than what we've been discussing so far. In this episode, I’m going to help you create a list of "Fun things to do when you are NOT working!" Why is this important? Because it helps you stay positive. You see, when you are not working, it’s easy to slip into a funk or become depressed. Especially when everyone else in your house is off to school or work. When I found myself unexpectedly unemployed in March 2009, this list helped me stay sane and focused. It literally saved me! So don’t take this topic too lightly. Listen to today’s podcast and discover the things I have on my list. Plus, get additional suggestions that may spark new ideas for you! Show highlights: - One activity that can help you improve your career strategy. (I use this to strategize my next moves all the time!) (6:00) - How to have fun while you’re networking. (6:27) - How to create new business opportunities… AND having a blast at the same time. (7:07) - Creative ways to take care of your body and soul… w

  • 2 Ways to Network at Conferences When You Cannot Attend

    22/05/2017 Duration: 13min

    Most executives and professionals think it’s a lost opportunity if they cannot attend a conference in person. But that’s a mistake. Of course, attending in person is always the best option.. but there’s so much you can gain from an event even if you can’t be there! And today’s podcast will show you how to do network from your office or your home. Let’s face it, opportunities lay everywhere. You just need to be creative and figure out a way how to make the most of a situation. Show highlights: How to network with everybody in real time when you’re not physically there. (4:44) One simple way to learn conference material without attending. (5:07) What to do when you have a limited budget. (6:11) The easiest way to meet with speakers and sponsors even if you can't buy the conference ticket. (6:53) If you have commitments that prevent you from going, or your budget can’t cover the full expense… Listen to this episode and find out how to network without attending! And if you want to know what else can help you ge

  • Maximizing Business Travel to Nurture Your Network

    15/05/2017 Duration: 12min

    Everyone needs to go on a business trip once in awhile. Most people’s focus is solely on getting the work done… and have no idea how to leverage these trips for nurturing and expanding their networks. Today’s episode will show how to do just that: Growing your network while you’re traveling, make meaningful connections with people in your industry… and make sure you're always in demand! Show highlights: One thing you should do before going on a business trip. (3:51) How to make Facebook work for you when you’re in a new city. (4:35) How to reach out to people you want to meet without feeling awkward. (5:33) The REAL reason why breakfast is the most important meal of your day! (5:50) How to make people remember you. (6:23) And if you want to know what else can help you get your next job FAST… Go to, take the free job landing quiz, and start your complimentary training today! Start listening now.

  • Attending Conferences: The Before Prep and Follow Up After

    08/05/2017 Duration: 13min

    Attending conferences helps you stay on the forefront of your industry… and it’s the best place to meet people who can help you move forward in your field. In today’s podcast you’re going to find out what you should do BEFORE you attend any event and the best way to follow up with anyone you meet. Applying what you hear today will enable you to genuinely nurture your network and keep it primed for when you need it most. Show highlights: The single most important thing you should do BEFORE going to any conference. (3:44) How to use roster of speakers and sponsors to make meaningful connections. (4:46) The most efficient way to use social media when preparing for a conference. (5:17) How to “open the chat” with somebody you just met. (6:08) What you should do on LinkedIn AFTER the conference. (6:49) How to make people you meet at conferences remember you. (6:58) Plus, to make sure you’ll always get your next job FAST… go to, take the free job landing quiz, and fill your knowledge gap

  • 3 Easy Ways to Connect with your Network When You Don't Need It

    01/05/2017 Duration: 12min

    Does this describe you? a) You lunch at your desk every day and you’re always busy working. b) You never stop to do small talk with your colleagues. c)  You talk to the same 5 to 6 people at work every day. If you find yourself doing any of the above… you are NOT connecting with your network as you should! I see people do this all the time. And when they need to call somebody asking for a favour, they feel awkward… because they never reached out before! Here’s the thing: Connecting with your network is extremely important to always keep it primed. It’s like putting money in the bank so you can withdraw (with interests!) when you need it most. In today’s episode you’re going to find out three easy ways to connect with your network - in a truly genuine way! Show highlights: One simple (but extremely important!) thing you must do on your commute everyday that can have the biggest impact when connecting with your network. (03:32) A “sneaky” way to connect with your network on Facebook. (This will set you apart

  • How to Make Job Boards Work for You

    24/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    Did you know that only about 20% of all hires are made through job boards? This is a surprisingly small percentage. And yet, most job seekers spend the majority of their time there, droning over listing and looking for that right opportunity. They are applying the 80/20 formula backwards! Spending 80% of their time on activities that give only 20% of results. Job boards CAN be useful… if you know how to use them properly. Which is exactly the purpose of today’s episode: Discover HOW to use job boards effectively so you can free up your time and use it to grow you network instead! Show highlights: How to use job boards so that hiring managers find YOU. (04:06) One simple way to drastically reduce time you spend searching through job boards… and still remain on top of every lucrative job opening the moment it’s posted! (05:01) How to get any line manager’s direct contact info… even if it is NOT disclosed in the job listing. (06:10) How to increase your chances to be found by search firm recruiters. (07:38) How

  • Staying in Demand with Your Competitors

    17/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    Very few people actively stay relevant to their competition… even when they do their job extremely well! The reason? Spending too much time at your desk and assuming everyone around you knows about the good work that you do each day. And if this describes you, don’t worry. Listen to today’s show to learn career maintenance strategies that will help you stay relevant (and in constant demand!)… without declaring you are looking for a job. Show highlights: When doing volunteer work can help you stay in demand. (4:24) How to be seen as an authority in your industry AND keep in touch with college classmates at the same time. (4:52) How to cultivate leads from conferences and conventions… even when you can’t attend! (6:02) Do this to make connections offline without leaving your office. (6:50) How to use blogging to your advantage. (7:01) Go to to find out what else you need to know to stay competitive before you need it. Start listening now!

  • The Best Ways to Set Up Informational Interviews

    10/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    I’m surprised by how few executives know how to use exploratory interviews to their advantage. This is a great tool to learn new industries and discover unpublished opportunities in your field. Plus, it’s the best way to put yourself out there without declaring you are looking for a job! An exploratory interview can play an instrumental role in your career advances… and, as a job seeker, you really need to learn how to use it the right way. For this reason, today’s episode focuses on everything you need to know - and do! - before you set up your next informational interview with companies you’re interested in. Show highlights: The reason why companies love informational interviews even if they don't have a job opening right now! (3:54) How to turn the interview into a powerful networking tool and create opportunities for you. (4:44) What you must do immediately after you identify a company you want to explore. (5:40) How to ask for referrals without feeling awkward about it. (6:15) A word-for-word cold call

  • How Recruiters Work and How to Hire a Recruiter

    03/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    I’m always surprised by how many senior executives and professionals don’t understand the business model of third party recruiting. And that’s a bad thing. Because an effective recruiter relationship can play an instrumental part in your career advances. It can literally mean the difference between you getting great offers all the time… and no calls at all! And that’s the focus of the episode today - understanding how recruiters work! Whether you’ve worked with recruiters before or not, you’ll find there are seven things you can improve immediately to make your relationship with them the most effective it can be. Show highlights: Why you can’t hire a recruiter. (And how to turn this to your advantage.) (5:05) The single most important reason why you should never ignore any recruiters’ calls. (6:10) How to make recruiters want to help you. (7:03) The one thing you must never do when dealing with a recruiter. (7:27) One type of candidate all recruiters want to market all the time. (8:08) What to do when you’re

  • 5 Most Common Career Mistakes Smart Executives Make…

    27/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Welcome to another episode of the Pretend You’re Fired Today show! Today’s topic is all about the next thing on your “Pretend you’re fired” list. And that is… your "career maintenance" activity. You’re going to hear five most common mistakes smart executives make all the time and what to do to correct them. This will help you keep your network warm and always be on top of their mind. Remember: The best time to create demand for you is when you don’t need it... so when necessity comes, the demand is going to be there for you. Show highlights: - The one essential element you need to have in place before you even start updating your profile or resume.(4:26) - Signs that you’re not making any connections and keeping your network warm. (5:25) - This one assumption is hurting competent high level people more than anything. (6:20) - Why you shouldn’t use job boards. (7:34) - How to become invaluable to your organization. (And to your boss!) (8:24) And if you’re curious to see how fast you’d find a new position today

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