A Roundtable Review and Game Show
Episode 22 – In The Flesh, Series 1
28/03/2015On today’s episode, Andrew, Dylan and Stella discuss the BBC zombie drama In The Flesh, and Andrew berates William for not having watched the program despite already being aware of this and demanding he come on the show anyway.
Episode 21 – Young Ones
21/03/2015What if, like, the old west was, like, in the future! Whoaaa! Andrew, Carlo, Dylan, Stella and William discuss Jake Paltrow’s Young Ones.
Episode 20 – Spider-Men Twos
15/03/2015Two Spider-Men enter, one Spider-Man leaves! Yes, there are two Spider-Man 2s, one distinctly less amazing than the other, and which one that is will be determined with pinpoint accuracy on today’s packed episode featuring Andrew, James, Sammi and William.
Episode 19.5 – Bonus Round
11/03/2015Bonus episode, in which Andrew, Carlo and William recording in the same room for the first time ever spend roughly a minute discussing The Avalanches’ Since I Left You, and then Universal Studios for the following hour. Rough, sleepy voices await you!
Episode 19 – Das Boot
07/03/2015Andrew and William go it duo-lo and spend an hour crammed into a tight, claustrophobic episode with Wolfgang Petersen’s classic Das Boot.
Episode 18 – Help!
01/03/2015Help! I’m trapped inside the podcast! Andrew, Dylan and William talk about the pot addled Beatles vacation caught on film by Richard Lester, Help!.
Episode 17 – Candy
21/02/2015On today’s great ep, Danny, Dylan and William discuss the questionably comedic sex farce Candy, and maybe things get a little trippy.
Episode 16 – Transformers: Age of Extinction
14/02/2015On today’s packed episode, Andrew, Danny, William and Zoé thoroughly deconstruct Trans4mers: Age of Extinction, an immense, unwieldy, epic saga of giant robot combat, government conspiracy and intergalactic bounty hunters, but mostly the particulars of federal statutory rape laws.
Episode 15 – The 100, Season 1
08/02/2015On this week’s thrilling episode, Andrew, Beth and Zoé discuss season 1 of Battlestar Hunger Games Teen Edition, aka The CW’s The 100. Our amazing new logo is courtesy of Josh Hollis, a really cool dude.
Episode 14 – Lady Vengeance
01/02/2015On today’s bungled, all too fleeting episode, we salvage some conversation on Park Chan-Wook’s grim Lady Vengeance between Andrew, Dylan and William, and confront Carlo with some deeply personal questions.
Episode 13 – 2014 Movie Special
25/01/2015Our long national nightmare draws to a close as Andrew, Carlo and William conclude a series of 2014 retrospectives as they count down their top tens in movies.
Episode 12 – 2014 Podcast Special
18/01/2015Andrew, Sammi and William count down their top tens in podcasts for 2014, what shows they’ve dropped, and not much more than that. We are a committed bunch and very on-topic.
Episode 11 – 2014 Television Special, Part Two
11/01/2015Andrew, Dylan and Shannon count down their top fives in this week’s bombastic, explosive conclusion, and Andrew debuts a thrilling new game that he definitely put a lot of thought in to.
Episode 10 – 2014 Television Special, Part One
28/12/2014The second in a series of 2014 retrospective episodes, and the first in a series of the first one of those. Andrew, Dylan and Shannon discuss their picks for the top 10 TV series of the year. Tune in next week for the thrilling conclusion!
Episode 09 – 2014 Music Special
21/12/2014This week, the first in a series of 2014 in review episodes. Host Erik and guests Andrew, Caroline and Glen count down their top tens in music.
Episode 08 – Strangers With Candy, Season 2
14/12/2014Andrew, Carlo and Dylan discuss season 2 of Strangers With Candy, William was absent but is writing this caption and doesn’t really know what else to say.
Episode 07 – Snowpiercer
09/12/2014Dylan, host of A Talking ‘Cast!?! joins us this week to eat some nummy protein bars and discuss Bong Joon Ho’s Snowpiercer.
Episode 06 – Pontypool
24/11/2014Today we infect your ears by discussing the 2008 horror film Pontypool. Kill is kiss!
Episode 05 – Twin Peaks, Season 1
18/11/2014This week, Andrew, Carlo and William discuss season 1 of the groundbreaking TV drama Twin Peaks.
Episode 04 – American Horror Story: Asylum
10/11/2014This week: psychos, demons, aliens, mutants, Nazis, oh my! It’s American Horror Story: Asylum.