Cantor Azi Schwartz

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:30:00
  • More information



Azi Schwartz is the Cantor and Music Director of the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City - the flagship of Jewish liturgical music in the United States. Cantor Schwartz serves on the faculty of the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at HUC-JIR in New York City, on the faculty of H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and on the faculty of the cantorial school of Abraham Geiger College in Berlin. Born and raised in Israel, Cantor Azi Schwartz has sung with prestigious orchestras and choirs around the world. He has performed in the United Nations' General Assembly Hall, the United States Capitol Rotunda, and the Knesset, in City Field stadium, as well as in Carnegie Hall, the Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv accompanied by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin accompanied by the RIAS Kammerchor. In October 2015, Azi represented the Jewish people at the multireligious gathering at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum during the Pope's visit to New York. Cantor Schwartz earned a master in music (M.Mus) from the Mannes School of Music in New York City, where he majored in voice and conducting. He is a graduate of the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute and also studied classical music at The Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Music and Dance. Prior to embarking on his professional musical career, Azi graduated from the Har Etzion Hesder Yeshiva and completed his military service as a soloist in the Israeli Defense Forces Rabbinical Troupe. Azi has served as Cantor of the Palm Beach Synagogue in Florida, Cantor and Choir Conductor of the Park East Synagogue in New York City, Cantor of Heichal Meir Synagogue in Tel Aviv and Assistant Cantor of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue. His singing and conducting repertoire includes classical music, Israeli music, Jewish music and original works. He has released eight solo albums in addition to participating in several other recordings. Azi is married to Dr. Noa Schwartz, and they have three children.


  • L'dor Vador (Eldor)

    19/09/2016 Duration: 01min

    L’dor va-dor nagid godlekha u-l’netzah n’tzahim k’dushat’kha nakdish. V’shivhakha Eloheinu mi-pinu lo yamush l’olam va-ed, ki El melekh gadol v’kadosh atah. Barukh atah Adonai ha-El ha-kadosh. From one generation to another we will declare Your greatness, and forever sanctify You with words of holiness. Your praise will never leave our lips, for You are God and Sovereign, great and holy. [End of Kedushah]

  • Azam'ra

    19/09/2016 Duration: 02min

    Azamra l’Elohai b’odi Ahal’la . . . Halleluyah! All sing to You, all praise to You, O Source of all Creation. We call Your Name, we sing Your praise, O Holy One of Blessing: Halleluyah!

  • L'kha Dodi (Boino)

    19/09/2016 Duration: 03min

    L’kha dodi likrat kallah, p’nei shabbat n’kab’lah. *Shamor v’zakhor b’dibur ehad, hishmi·anu eil ham’yuhad. Adonai ehad ush’mo ehad, l’shem ul’tiferet v’lit’hilah. L’kha . . . Likrat Shabbat l’khu v’nelkhah, ki hi m’kor ha-b’rakhah. Mei-rosh mi-kedem n’sukhah, sof ma·aseh b’mahashavah t’hilah. L’kha . . . Mikdash melekh ir m’lukhah, kumi tz’i mi-tokh hahafeikhah. Rav lakh shevet b’emek ha-bakhah, v’hu yahamol alayikh hemlah. L’kha . . . Hitna·ari mei-afar kumi, livshi bigdei tifartekh ami. Al yad ben yishai beit ha-lahmi, korvah el nafshi ge·ala. L’kha . . . *Hitoreri hitoreri, ki va orekh kumi ori. Uri uri shir dabeiri, k’vod Adonai alayikh niglah. L’kha . . . Lo teivoshi v’lo tikalmi, ma tishtohahi u-mah tehemi, Bakh yehesu aniyei ami v’nivn’ta ir al tila. L’kha . . . V’hayu limshisah shosayikh, v’rahaku kol m’valayikh. Yasis alayikh elohayikh, kimsos hatan al kallah. L’kha . . . Yamin u-smol tifrotzi, v’et Adonai ta·aritzi. Al yad ish ben partzi, v’nism’hah v’nagilah. L’kha . . . *Bo·i v’shalom ateret ba·

  • Halleluya

    19/09/2016 Duration: 02min

    Halleluyah! Hallelu El b’kodsho, Halleluhu birkia uzo. Halleluhu vig’vurotav, Halleluhu k’rov gudlo. Halleluhu b’teika shofar, Halleluhu b’nevel v’khinor. Halleluhu b’tof u-mahol, Halleluhu b’minim v’ugav. Halleluhu b’tziltz’lei shama, Halleluhu b’tziltz’lei tru’ah. Kol han’shamah t’hallel Yah – Halleluyah! Halleluyah! Praise God in the sanctuary; praise God in the powerful heavens. Praise God for the mighty acts; praise God for infinite greatness. Praise God with shofar calls; praise God with harp and lyre. Praise God with timbrel and dance; praise God with flute and strings. Praise God with crashing cymbals; praise God with resounding cymbals. Let all that breathes praise Adonai – Halleluyah!

  • Ein Keloheinu

    15/09/2015 Duration: 03min

    [Conclusion of Shabbat morning service]Ein keloheinu, ein kadoneinu, ein k’malkeinu, ein k’moshi∙einu. Mi kheloheinu, mi khadoneinu, mi kh’malkeinu, mi kh’moshi∙einu. Nodeh leloheinu, nodeh ladoneinu, nodeh l’malkeinu, nodeh l’moshi∙einu. Barukh Eloheinu, barukh adoneinu, barukh malkeinu, barukh moshi∙einu. Atah hu Eloheinu, atah hu adoneinu, atah hu malkeinu, atah hu moshi∙einu. Atah hu sheh-hiktiru avoteinu l’fanekha et k’toret ha-samim. There is nothing like our God, like our Lord; there is nothing like our Leader, like our Protector. / Who is like our God, our Lord? Who is like our Leader, our Protector? / Let us thank our God, our Lord; let us thank our Leader, our Protector. / Let us praise our God, our Lord; let us praise our Leader, our Protector. / You are our God, our Lord; You are our Leader, our Protector. / You are the One to whom our ancestors offered wonderfully scented incense.

  • Zam'ru L'Adonai

    15/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Kabbalat Shabbat] Zam’ru l’Adonai b’khinor, b’khinor v’kol zimrah. B’hatzotzrot, v’kol shofar, hari∙u, lifnei ha-melekh Adonai. Yiram ha-yam u-m’lo∙o, teiveil v’yoshvei vah. N’harot yimha∙u khaf, yahad harim y’raneinu. Sing to Adonai to the music of the lyre, the lyre and voices singing together; with horns and shofar, trumpet the presence of Adonai, the Sovereign. Let the sea and all that is in it roar, the earth and all who dwell on it thunder; let rivers clap hands, mountains sing in harmony.

  • Ahavah Rabbah

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Shabbat morning] Ahavah rabbah ahavtanu, Adonai Eloheinu, hemlah g’dolah viteirah hamalta aleinu. Ba-avur avoteinu v’imoteinu shebat’hu v’kha va-t’lamdeim hukei hayim, kein t’honeinu u-t’lamdeinu. Deep is Your love for us, Adonai our God, boundless Your tender compassion. Our ancestors – men and women – trusted in You, and You taught them life-giving laws. For their sake graciously teach us, Merciful One, and show us mercy.

  • V'shamru

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Shabbat services] V’shamru v’nei yisrael et ha-shabbat, la’asot et ha-shabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam. Beini u-vein b’nei yisrael ot hi l’olam, ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai et ha-shamayim v’et haaretz, uva-yom ha-sh’vi∙i shavat va-yinafash. The people Israel shall observe Shabbat, to maintain it as an everlasting covenant throughout all generations. It is a sign between Me and the people Israel for all time, that in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day God ceased from work and rested.

  • Adon Olam

    14/09/2015 Duration: 03min

    [End of Shabbat morning service] Adon olam, asher malakh, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. L’et na’asah v’heftzo kol, azai melekh sh’mo nikra. V’aharei kikhlot hakol, l’vado yimlokh norah. V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, v’hu yih’yeh b’tifarah. V’hu ehad, v’ein sheni l’hamshil lo, l’hahbirah. B’li reishit, b’li tahlit, v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah. V’hu Eili, v’hai go-ali, v’tzur hevli b’eit tzarah. V’hu nisi u-manos li, m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. B’yado afkid ruhi b’eit ishan v’a∙irah. V’im ruhi g’viyati, Adonai li v’lo ira. God eternal reigned before the birth of every living thing. When all was made as God ordained, God alone was known as King. When all is ended, God will reign alone in awesome majesty. God was, God is, God will be, glorious in eternity. God is unique, there is no other, there is none at all to be compared. Without beginning and without end, God’s vast dominion is not shared. God is my God, my life’s redeemer, my refuge in distress, my certain shelter, my cup of life. I place my spirit in God’s care, when I sleep

  • Or Zarua

    14/09/2015 Duration: 03min

    [Yom Kippur eve, introduction to Kol Nidrei] Or zarua la-tzadik u’l’yish’rei lev simhah. Bi-shivah shel malah, u-vi-shivah shel matah, al da’at ha-makom v’al da’at ha-kahal, anu matirin l’hitpalleil im ha-avaryanim. Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for those whose hearts are true. By the authority of the court on high and by the authority of this court below, with divine consent and with the consent of this congregation, we grant permission to pray with those who have transgressed.

  • L'dor Va - Dor

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Kedushah, as sung on Shabbat] L’dor va-dor nagid godlekha ul’netzah n’tzahim k’dushat’kha nakdish. V’shivhakha Eloheinu mi-pinu lo yamush l’olam va-ed, ki El melekh gadol v’kadosh atah. Barukh atah Adonai ha-el ha-kadosh. Through all generations we declare Your greatness, and to all eternity we hallow Your holiness. Your praise will never leave our lips, for You are God and King, great and holy.

  • Mi Shebeirakh

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Blessing to Bat/Bar Mitzvah] Mi shebeirakh avoteinu, God of our people, and all who came before, Mi shebeirakh imoteinu, May your love and guidance open every door. Mi shebeirakh avoteinu, God of our people, whose strength will never cease, Mi shebeirakh imoteinu, May your love and guidance be a path to peace. L’dor va-dor, There comes an ancient yearning L’dor va-dor, No history can tame L’dor va-dor, And here and now We feel the seasons turning As a brand new spark is added To the world’s eternal flame. Mi shebeirakh avoteinu, Please bless this journey and all the joy it brings, Mi shebeirakh imoteinu, May your love and guidance fill the song he/she sings. L’dor va-dor, And in a distant future someday L’dor va-dor, May another chorus rise L’dor va-dor, And in that distant future someday May you see the light of knowledge In your son or daughter’s eyes. Mi shebeirakh avoteinu, God of our people, one thing we’re certain of From the seeds of faith and learning Grows a family never ending in its love.

  • V'shamru

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Shabbat services] V’shamru v’nei yisrael et ha-shabbat, la’asot et ha-shabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam. Beini u-vein b’nei yisrael ot hi l’olam, ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai et ha-shamayim v’et haaretz, uva-yom ha-sh’vi∙i shavat va-yinafash. The people Israel shall observe Shabbat, to maintain it as an everlasting covenant throughout all generations. It is a sign between Me and the people Israel for all time, that in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day God ceased from work and rested.

  • Tov L'hodot

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Kabbalat Shabbat] Tov l’hodot l’Adonai u-l’zamer l’shimkha elyon. L’hagid ba-boker hasdekha ve-emunat’kha ba-leilot. It is good to thank God, to sing Your praise, exalted God, to proclaim Your love each morning, to tell of your faithfulness each night.

  • B'rikh Sh'mei

    14/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    [Torah service] Ant hu shalit al kola, ant hu d’shalit al malkhaya, u-malkhuta dilakh hi. Ana avda d’kudsha b’rikh hu, d’sagidna kameih, u-mikameih dikar oraiteih b’khol idan v’idan. La al enash rahitzna v’la al bar elahin samikhna, ela beilaha dish’maya d’hu elaha k’shot, v’oraiteh k’shot, u-n’vio∙hi k’shot, u-masgeih l’me’bad tav’van u-k’shot. Beih ana raheitz, v’lishmeih kadisha yakira ana eimar tushb’han. Y’hei ra’ava kadamakh d’tiftah libi b’oraita v’tashlim mishalin d’libi v’liba d’khol amakh yisrael, l’tav u-l’hayin v’lishlam. Amen. You rule over all, for dominion is Yours. We are servants of the Holy One, whom we revere and whose Torah we revere at all times. We do not rely on mortals, nor on angels, but on the God of the universe, the God of truth, whose Torah is truth, whose prophets are truth, and who abounds in deeds of goodness and truth. In God we trust; to God we utter praise. Open our hearts to Your Torah. Answer our prayers and the prayers of all Your people Israel for goodness, for life, a

  • Adon Olam

    14/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [End of Shabbat morning service] Adon olam, asher malakh, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. L’et na’asah v’heftzo kol, azai melekh sh’mo nikra. V’aharei kikhlot hakol, l’vado yimlokh norah. V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, v’hu yih’yeh b’tifarah. V’hu ehad, v’ein sheni l’hamshil lo, l’hahbirah. B’li reishit, b’li tahlit, v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah. V’hu Eili, v’hai go-ali, v’tzur hevli b’eit tzarah. V’hu nisi u-manos li, m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. B’yado afkid ruhi b’eit ishan v’a∙irah. V’im ruhi g’viyati, Adonai li v’lo ira. God eternal reigned before the birth of every living thing. When all was made as God ordained, God alone was known as King. When all is ended, God will reign alone in awesome majesty. God was, God is, God will be, glorious in eternity. God is unique, there is no other, there is none at all to be compared. Without beginning and without end, God’s vast dominion is not shared. God is my God, my life’s redeemer, my refuge in distress, my certain shelter, my cup of life. I place my spirit in God’s care, when I sleep

  • Ata V'hartanu

    13/09/2015 Duration: 02min

    [Morning amidah for the High Holidays and three festivals] Atah v’hartanu mikol ha-amim, ahavta otanu v’ratzita banu, v’romamtanu mikol ha-l’shonot, v’kidashtanu b’mitzvotekha, v’keravtanu malkeinu la-avodatekha, v’shim’kha ha-gadol v’ha-kadosh aleinu karata. You have chosen us from all the nations, You have loved us and found favor in us, and have exalted us above all tongues, and have sanctified us through Your commandments, and have drawn us close, our Sovereign, to Your service, and Your holy and great Name You have proclaimed upon us.

  • Adon Olam

    13/09/2015 Duration: 03min

    [End of Shabbat morning service] Adon olam, asher malakh, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. L’et na’asah v’heftzo kol, azai melekh sh’mo nikra. V’aharei kikhlot hakol, l’vado yimlokh norah. V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, v’hu yih’yeh b’tifarah. V’hu ehad, v’ein sheni l’hamshil lo, l’hahbirah. B’li reishit, b’li tahlit, v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah. V’hu Eili, v’hai go-ali, v’tzur hevli b’eit tzarah. V’hu nisi u-manos li, m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. B’yado afkid ruhi b’eit ishan v’a∙irah. V’im ruhi g’viyati, Adonai li v’lo ira. God eternal reigned before the birth of every living thing. When all was made as God ordained, God alone was known as King. When all is ended, God will reign alone in awesome majesty. God was, God is, God will be, glorious in eternity. God is unique, there is no other, there is none at all to be compared. Without beginning and without end, God’s vast dominion is not shared. God is my God, my life’s redeemer, my refuge in distress, my certain shelter, my cup of life. I place my spirit in God’s care, when I sleep

  • Adon Olam

    13/09/2015 Duration: 01min

    [End of Shabbat morning service] Adon olam, asher malakh, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. L’et na’asah v’heftzo kol, azai melekh sh’mo nikra. V’aharei kikhlot hakol, l’vado yimlokh norah. V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, v’hu yih’yeh b’tifarah. V’hu ehad, v’ein sheni l’hamshil lo, l’hahbirah. B’li reishit, b’li tahlit, v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah. V’hu Eili, v’hai go-ali, v’tzur hevli b’eit tzarah. V’hu nisi u-manos li, m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. B’yado afkid ruhi b’eit ishan v’a∙irah. V’im ruhi g’viyati, Adonai li v’lo ira. God eternal reigned before the birth of every living thing. When all was made as God ordained, God alone was known as King. When all is ended, God will reign alone in awesome majesty. God was, God is, God will be, glorious in eternity. God is unique, there is no other, there is none at all to be compared. Without beginning and without end, God’s vast dominion is not shared. God is my God, my life’s redeemer, my refuge in distress, my certain shelter, my cup of life. I place my spirit in God’s care, when I sleep

  • Kiddush

    13/09/2015 Duration: 04min

    [Friday evening service] Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei p’ri ha-gafen. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’ratzah vanu, v’shabbat kodsho b’ahavah u-v’ratzon hinhilanu zikaron l’ma∙aseih v’reishit, ki hu yom t’hilah l’mikra∙ei kodesh, zekher litzi∙at mitzrayim, ki vanu vaharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha-amim, v’shabbat kodsh’kha b’ahavah u-v’ratzon hinhaltanu. Barukh atah Adonai, m’kadesh ha-shabbat . Blessed are You Adonai, our God, sovereign of time and space, who desired us and sanctified us through mitzvot and who lovingly and willingly bestowed on us Shabbat, a measure of God’s holiness, a sign of creation. For it is the first of sacred times, a symbol of the exodus from Egypt. You have chosen us and sanctified us from among all peoples by lovingly and willingly bestowing on us Your holy Shabbat. Blessed are You, Adonai, who makes Shabbat holy.

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