Wherein Benjamin Light and Marco Sparks break down each episode of Pretty Little Liars in ever increasing detail.
s07e08 “Exes and OMGs”
19/08/2016 Duration: 02h59sRecapping Season 7, Episode 8 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria is subjected to toxic levels of Ezra man-pain when he learns that she deleted his phone call from Nicole, and is saved only by a Team Sparia away mission, Hanna is having PTSD flashbacks again and might be hallucinating The Grunwald, leading her to psych herself up again to take matters into her own hands, because that worked out so well the last time she tried it in 6x20, Emily has three love interests in this episode, and is thinking of applying to coach Swim Team at Rosewood High, but somehow is still getting swept up in Ezria bullshit, and Spencer is learning that threats of violence produce positive results with an unforthcoming doctor, and thus might be becoming a super villain.
s07e07 “Original gAngsters”
12/08/2016 Duration: 02h33minRecapping Season 7, Episode 7 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria declares all the liars her ride-or-die bridesmaids and then promptly ditches them 12 hours later when Ezra cons her into eloping to Rome or some bullshit, Hanna is back to her mystery solving ways, using her mom’s hotel access to break into rooms and arrange an Actual Bad Guy massage for Jenna Thing, Emily tries to give her mom a nice quiet birthday dinner at the Radley, but Pam finally ditches her boring ass for the Bride Pride party, and Spencer is back to getting quasi-dumped by goddamn Toby, who is moving to a small town in Maine to raise a family of hand-actors.
s07e06 “Wanted: Dead or Alive”
05/08/2016 Duration: 02h36minRecapping Season 7, Episode 6 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria is stressing about the prospect of having to share her murder cred with Ezra Fitz til death do they part, Hanna is burying the hatchet with Spencer about her sham engagement and the Caleb situation, Emily is dutifully upholding Ashley Marin’s order of keeping the booze away from Ezra at The Radley, while trying to snoop on Jenna Thing and Sour Harvey, and Spencer has been assigned to cool Ali down after they’re exposed by A.D. for dropping a dime on her after they took a vote and declared her the murderer.
s07e05 “Along Comes Mary”
22/07/2016 Duration: 02h44minRecapping Season 7, Episode 5 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria deletes the first lead in a missing persons case in several years, and is karmically punished by getting #PLLProposalTold by Ezra that she has to listen to his bad rollercoaster metaphor for marriage, Hanna is “working on blueprints” or something for Sugar Daddy Lucas and making copious HannaFace when Spencer keeps bringing up Caleb and it looks like Jenna Thing might deep six her murder cover-up, Emily is failing at her Pisco Sour drink mixing, cosmically presaging the Voltron-like joining of forces between Sour Girls Jenna Thing and Shower Harvey, and dishing out terrible advice to Aria, and Spencer is resorting to Star Wars references to charm Toby-Wan Kenobi into helping her locate missing Brotherhood of Ex-Boyfriends member Caleb Ren. Ok, that was a stretch, I’ll show myself out.
s07e04 “Hit and Run, Run, Run”
15/07/2016 Duration: 02h25minRecapping Season 7, Episode 4 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria acts as the sole voice of reason because Ezra isn’t around to Jedi mind-trick her, and then sneaks Ali back to Welby and straps her to her bed so she can question her about Charlotte, Hanna has glass in her hair and is nobly self-immolating to stay out of the Spaleb drama—until Mona shows up to help her properly do a murder coverup, and then give her some OTP TLC, Emily actually goes to her job twice in one day when she’s not faking Elliott’s burn bag, and Spencer is diving head-first into a reckless self-destructive binge after pushing Caleb away to protect their murderous secret. Oh, and Jenna Thing is back!!
Podcast Extra! And Interview with PLL On-set Dresser Mike Malone
11/07/2016 Duration: 01h09minHey there! Before we find out how a “well-thought out plan” somehow ends up as “First-Degree Murder,” let’s take a moment to talk to the On-set Dresser for Pretty Little Liars, Mike Malone. Topics include: what is an On-Set Dresser? What is the current status of Pigtunia? The hardest set to shoot on, and, who disco-danced at the Season 4 wrap party? Also, for fans of David Lynch and Steven Soderbergh, we’ve got a ton of behind the scenes stories about Twin Peaks, Solaris, Schizopolis, and much more. Enjoy!
s07e03 “The Talented Mr. Rollins”
08/07/2016 Duration: 02h37minRecapping Season 7, Episode 3 of Pretty Little Liars. Ezra is out of town, which means Aria can reclaim her role as the chief Liar operator and go Ethan Hunt on Wrick Wrollins in the DiLaurentis House, Hanna is pretending to still be engaged and doesn’t want to talk about it—or her torture experience at A’s hands—leading up to a clockwork tragedy, Emily decides to be a bartender at The Radley for two seconds after getting rejected by Sabrina, who then shows up at her work with a girl to rub it in, and Spencer is forcing herself to have difficult talks with Caleb about #Spaleb, taking L’s left and right, but at least wearing an awesome trench coat while doing it.
s07e02 “Bedlam”
01/07/2016 Duration: 02h18minRecapping Season 7, Episode 2 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria breaks up with Liam like she’s taking off a band-aid, but he’s not going down without dropping all of the truth bombs on Ezra’s predatory ass, Hanna gets a ride home from a ghost and books it to NYC to recapture the magic with Jordan, but the magic got torn down by construction workers, Emily is so focused on protecting Ali that she lets Mary Drake into her world, much to Wrick’s consternation, and Spencer is now in a relationship with Serious Scotch after getting fired from her job and treated like a consolation prize by No Longer Essence of Best Boyfriend Caleb.
s07e01 “Tick-Tock, Bitches”
24/06/2016 Duration: 02h39minRecapping Season 7, Episode 1 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria is tasked with finding a man, a British man maybe? but the fateful music of The Frey leads her back into Ezra’s arms, Hanna is locked in a barn because A punched her in the face and stole her clothes, and she’ll need to dream/hallucinate (maybe?) her BFF Spencer to get out, Emily is worried that Ali might be a murderer for some reason and takes almost no convincing at all to believe it, and Spencer is getting hangry shade from her theoretical boyfriend all day as she tries to run the command center during a frantic 24-hour search for Hanna.
Podcast Extra! A Pre-Season 7 Roundtable with Heather and Jacob
21/06/2016 Duration: 01h19minPLL is back for Season 7! Just in time, we’ve got a roundtable discussion with Marco, Benji, Heather Hogan of Autostraddle, and Jacob Clifton of the Austin Telegraph (and based TWoP fame). We’re answering listener questions about Emily’s love life, what Noel Kahn and Jenna Thing are up to, who’s Charlotte’s real father, how Pretty Little Liars should end, “is that a snake?” how PLL changed social media, Mona being the greatest, and much more. Thanks to Heather and Jacob for joining us, and thanks for listening!
Podcast Extra! Revisiting s02e10 “Touched by an ‘A’-ngel”
31/05/2016 Duration: 01h36minIt’s summer break in PLL-land, but the Bros are back to talk about an old classic episode. Aria uses Jason as a power play to get Ezra’s attention, Hanna goes horseback riding with Mona, hoping to get on evil step-sister Kate’s good side, Emily’s life is in the dumps, and then she gets an evil porn massage from creepy Lucas, and Spencer discovers the NAT Club, elevating her paranoia to an even more intense level.
s06e20 “Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars”
18/03/2016 Duration: 03h17sRecapping Season 6, Episode 20 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria finishes her novel with Ezra and then hitches a ride on the Z-train, Hanna’s scheme to get some alone time with Caleb succeeds when she uses a flashback to seduce him into kissing her, Emily has to babysit the onetime true love of her life, who is losing her mind seeing dead people after getting gaslit by her evil husband Wrick, and Spencer feels Spaleb slipping away, with not even an “I Love You” bomb halting the implosion, so she spends most of the episode with Toby, pretending that she doesn’t notice how Mona is totally flirting with her.
s06e19 “Did You Miss Me?”
11/03/2016 Duration: 02h09minRecapping Season 6, Episode 19 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria gets dumped by Liam via her boss, and finds out that Ezra was a terrible boyfriend to Nicole, too, Hanna gets super-passive-aggressive with Spencer about Caleb and concocts a plan to steal him back, set up A with herself as the bait, Emily interrogates Mona, fails to hook up with her, and then spies on Sara Harvey’s comfort bro, and Spencer is losing her mind because Caleb and Hanna are doing #HandStuff and playing mind games with her and she’s essentially helpless to do anything about it without making things worse. Oh and Ali has lots of scenes where zzzzzzzz.
s06e18 “Burn This”
04/03/2016 Duration: 02h31minRecapping Season 6, Episode 18 of Pretty Little Liars. Ezra hypnotizes Aria into having two boyfriends by making her an author she can’t recuse, Hanna is shitty to everyone, especially her OTP Mona, because no one is #Janna, so A blows up her bachelorette party, Emily traces down the source of that Airwolf monster truck engine noise, but her investigation hits a wall until she finds a new clue by staring at Mona’s ass, and Spencer defends Spaleb to her father Nolan North, and brutish Toby, and flashes back to the time Spoby was that one Ben Folds Five song.
Podcast Extra! An Interview with PLL Director Paula Hunziker
01/03/2016 Duration: 54minPLL Day Surprise! We’ve got Pretty Little Liars Script Supervisor and now Director Paula Hunziker back on the podcast to talk to us about the episode she directed that just aired: “We’ve All Got Baggage.” Join us as we discuss Hanna and Melissa’s epic flashback, filming the monster truck scene, Pigtunia, twins, and much more. Thanks for listening!
s06e17 “We’ve All Got Baggage”
26/02/2016 Duration: 02h33minRecapping Season 6, Episode 17 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria is enlisted to marry her parents, and then Liam finds out about Ezria. Hanna assigns herself as Ella’s wedding planner and avoids thinking about her own nuptials. Emily is almost fooled by reporter Damian’s underhanded offer of friendship, and then gets chased around in the woods by a FutureTruck. And Spencer finally confronts her mom about her health issues, but then another mysterious leak occurs and Caleb has to take the blame for her.
s06e16 “Where Somebody Waits For Me”
19/02/2016 Duration: 02h18minRecapping Season 6, Episode 16 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria gets a visit from her boyfriend, who sniffs out her handiwork in Ezra’s new chapters. Hanna takes a tumble in the heart-shaped bed with Jordan, but comes running back to Rosewood after a message from A. Emily discovers that all the eggs in Rosewood were destroyed and blames herself for it. And Spencer learns a secret about her mother’s health via the tricksy machinations of Mona, but can’t bring herself to tell her mom about it.
s06e15 “Do Not Disturb”
12/02/2016 Duration: 02h08minRecapping Season 6, Episode 15 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria is saddened to learn that her mom is taking her awful dad back, so she fully engages her Girl Detective mode and tries to expense it. Hanna is lying to Jordan, planting hard drives, feeling Haleb pangs and getting fired by her awful boss. Emily is making some time with Ali and failing at medical stuffs again. And Spencer is getting distracted by Caleb sex, being routed to phony meetings by her rogue Apple Watch calendar, and teaming up with Aria to infiltrate Sara Harvey’s Radley hotel room lair.
s06e14 “New Guys, New Lies”
04/02/2016 Duration: 02h29minRecapping Season 6, Episode 14 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria takes it up to a Level 2 freakout over Ezra maybe being a murderer, Hanna calls in the boyfriend and his big wallet to fix her problems, but it’s her mom who saves her ass as usual, Emily seduces and destroys Sabrina for Aria’s benefit, souring a possible relationship, and Spencer feels out the new situation with Caleb, Toby, and Hanna, while meeting Toblerone’s new main squeeze and trying her best not to hate her on principle for binge-watching “retro TV.”
s06e13 “The Gloves Are On”
28/01/2016 Duration: 02h19minRecapping Season 6, Episode 13 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria’s last vestiges of faith in Ezra crumble away, so she takes matters into her own hands, with Pigtunia’s help. Hanna is lying like crazy and getting her mom in trouble at work and coming up with bigger lies to fix things, this time with Lucas’s help. Emily comes clean about her big secrets to her mom and Hanna, sort of. At least she’s not dying. And Spencer is messing up a college interview for her mom’s campaign and then getting Hanna’s permission to book a ticket on the C-Train.