Bros Watch Pll Too - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 475:01:41
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Wherein Benjamin Light and Marco Sparks break down each episode of Pretty Little Liars in ever increasing detail.


  • s07e11 “Playtime”

    21/04/2017 Duration: 02h53min

    Recapping Season 7, Episode 11 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria gets terrible advice and starts trying to plan a wedding, even though Ezra is non-communicative and running off to see Nicole, Hanna has no time for A.D. business this week because her OTP Mona has decided to make her a fashion superstar overnight with her rolodex of contacts, Emily is stuck in a lame bitchy love triangle between Ali and Paige at Rosewood High and probably regretting blowing Sabrina off, and Spencer is recovering from her flesh wound to discover her secret origin of being born of hate in a madhouse. A.D. still very much has a head, Jenna walked into a closet somewhere, Holden’s heart could explode at any minute, and Toby is a ghost.

  • Season 7A Rewatch

    18/04/2017 Duration: 02h12min

    Our casual rewatch comes to an end with Season 7A of Pretty Little Liars. This week we’re squeezing in 704 “Hit and Run, Run, Run,” 707 “Original gAngsters” and 710 “The dArkest Knight.” Spaleb goes down in flames in one of the shows best scenes, Ezra tricks Aria into the kind of wedding he wants, Emily is a bad girlfriend to her three girlfriends, and Hanna has a real dumb plan to figure out who A.D. is. We made it. 711 “Playtime” is hours away. Toby is still dead. Let’s do this.

  • Season 6B Rewatch

    11/04/2017 Duration: 03h03min

    The guys are closing out Season 6 with rewatches of 611 “Of Late I Think of Rosewood,” 617 “We’ve All Got Baggage,” and 620 “Hush Hush, Sweet Little Liars.” Topics discussed: who gives a better massage, Spaleb, where the liars are at after the time jump, panties, who the heck is Amoji and A.D. and are they the same person? Drunk Melissa Hastings, Wrick Rollins, Ali being the worst, and Ayygs.

  • Season 6A Rewatch

    10/04/2017 Duration: 02h32min

    We’re getting into the home stretch of our PLL casual rewatch. This time, the Bros are moving through Season 6A, with 601 “Game On, Charles,” 607 “O Brother, Where Art Thou,” and 608 “FrAmed.” After being tortured for three weeks, the liars have escaped the Dollhouse to come home to a slowly developing “who is Charles” season arc. Fortunately, their individual character arcs are much more compelling. Spencer needs drugs to sleep now, Aria is closed off emotionally and taking photos of creepy dolls, Emily has transferred all of her anxieties onto being super overprotective of Shower Harvey, and Hanna is back to remixing her identity again now that A ruined hers.

  • Season 5B Rewatch

    04/04/2017 Duration: 02h59min

    This week on the casual rewatch, we find the liars with false hope after Ali’s arrest. But soon, that hope spins out of control and ends up with them all kidnapped and in the dollhouse. We’re covering 513 “How the ‘A’ Stole Christmas, 514 “Through a Glass, Darkly,” 518 “Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me,” and 525 “Welcome to the Dollhouse.” How does Ken DiLaurentis afford this massive Christmas Ball? What was the deal with Holbrook? Why Egg? What if Caleb was Obi-Wan? Why isn’t Nolan North in everything? You get the idea.

  • Season 5A Rewatch

    29/03/2017 Duration: 02h42min

    The Bros are back from PaleyFest, exhausted but in good spirits. We briefly discuss Paley before getting into 505, “Miss Me x 100,” 509 “March of Crimes,” 511 “No One Here Can Love or Understand Me,” and 512 “Taking This One to the Grave.” Classic A return text, #Haunted Caleb, everyone being mean to Hanna, the Liars all turning on Ali, and Mona seemingly being murdered, to die for all us sinners out there as the Vanderjesus.

  • Season 4B Rewatch

    21/03/2017 Duration: 02h52min

    This week, we’re taking a trip through the Dark Spencer Saga, part II, as we move through season 4B of PLL. We did a casual rewatch on 417 “Bite Your Tongue,” 419 “Shadow Play,” 420 “Free Fall,” and 424 “A is for Answers.” We get a top five all time PLL scene with the Spencer/Aria dual intervention, the fabulous noir episode, Aria cry-face, Detective Hanna, the ultimate Paily romance scene, and much more.

  • Podcast Extra! An Interview with @AllThingsPLL

    19/03/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    Sup fam, we’re checking in with a bonus episode this weekend, talking to Jaymie from the popular twitter account @AllThingsPLL. We answer fan questions on topics like our favorite flashback, how we would kill off the Liars, and who we think is AD.

  • Season 4A Rewatch

    15/03/2017 Duration: 02h45min

    This week on the pod, we’re rewatching “A is for A-L-I-V-E,” “FaceTime,” “The Mirror Has Three Faces,” and “Bring Down the Hoe.” It’s the dreaded Toby’s Mom plot line season. But don’t let that deter you, because there’s still plenty of good stuff here in Season 4A of PLL. Like the first appearances of Tanner and Holbrook. Tons and tons of clues about CeCe being A to the point that it’s almost comical. Ezra at his most pathetic and unlikeable. Mona and Hanna at their most romantic. #OTP

  • Season 3B Rewatch

    08/03/2017 Duration: 02h57min

    The Bros are running down 3B, which is PLL at the absolute height of its powers, and possibly our favorite run of the show. This week we break down “Mona-Mania,” “Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno,” “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted,” and “I’m Your Puppet.” Also, we’re recording in the same space for the first time, so brace yourself accordingly. This is a long podcast.

  • Season 3A Rewatch

    01/03/2017 Duration: 02h29min

    This week on the pod we’re moving through the first half of Season 3 of Pretty Little Liars, and wondering at just what got changed, and what the original plan was, when the writers shifted to the eventual CeCe storyline. Spencer has a virtual mind palace. Aria discovers that Ken Cosgrove’s wife had a baby with Ezra. Hanna breaks up and makes up with Caleb over her true love: Mona Vanderwaal. Emily is a sullen drunk, and then gets saddled with a bunch of Nate St. Germain scenes, and then the liars suspect her girlfriend… and then things got worse. Basically, Emily Fields is a Russian novel in 3A.

  • Podcast Extra! And Interview with PLL Production Supervisor Jackie Ryan

    27/02/2017 Duration: 45min

    Join us for a bonus episode where we talk with PLL Production Supervisor Jackie Ryan and find out a little more about how the sausage is made. Find out whether or not the liars have trailers, what a Line Producer does, and what to expect from Famous in Love.

  • Season 2B Rewatch

    21/02/2017 Duration: 02h19min

    This week on the casual rewatch, we’re covering season 2B of Pretty Little Liars. Specifically: s02e16: “Let the Water Hold Me Down,” s02e19 “The Naked Truth,” s02e23 “Eye of the Beholder,” and s02e24 “If These Dolls Could Talk.” This might be peak PLL. A run of legendary episodes running up to the big A reveal. So many classic scenes, so many great moments. Also, theorizing on future Lucas’s hit app.

  • Season 2A Rewatch

    15/02/2017 Duration: 02h14min

    Join us for a rewatch of some choice 2A episodes, featuring s02e03 “My Name is Trouble,” (heh-heh) s02e04 “Blind Dates,” s02e07 “Surface Tension,” and s02e12 “Over My Dead Body.” Spencer is at her best when she’s asking for support and getting nothing from her family, Emily is letting A help her lie about Danby with an assist from the excellent Samara, Hanna is concerned about Caleb’s business with Actual Bad Guys, and self-actualizing with Therapy Anne’s assistance to move beyond her toxic Ali friendship, and Aria is blowing off her brother’s suicide hints to focus on her Ezria drama and getting rid on that scheming Jackie Molina.

  • Season 1B Rewatch

    08/02/2017 Duration: 02h13min

    As we move through early PLL, we’re rewatching s01e13 “Know Your Frenemies, s01e16 “Je Suis Une Amie,” s01e19 “A Person of Interest,” and s01e21 “Monsters in the End.” This is where the Hastings clan takes over the show and it is glorious. Also, proto-Paily, Haleb and Spoby. The paper bag selfies, Garrett Reynolds, kids crossing the street when they see Toby coming, Maya goes to “juvie camp” for smoking pot… we love this show.

  • Season 1A Rewatch

    01/02/2017 Duration: 01h56min

    It’s a long hiatus, so Marco and Benji are gonna kill the time by turning back the clock to rewatch some choice cuts from each half-season of Pretty Little Liars. We start with 1A, of course, and do a casual pod on episodes 3, 4, 8, 10. This show was so much fun right out of the gate. Toby’s hair! Queen Bee Alison when Sasha was like 13! Ezra’s B-26 poem aka the worst poem ever written by anyone ever! Old Jason before the head transplant! It’s all here, folks.

  • Podcast Extra! 2017 Hiatus Q&A

    25/01/2017 Duration: 02h23min

    We’re still here, bitches! Marco and Benji return in the midst of this interminable hiatus to talk about recent previews and sneak peeks for s07e11 Playtime, and then answer a bunch of fan questions from you, our wonderful listeners. There is drinking involved.

  • Podcast Extra! An interview with Brendan Robinson and Kyle Bown

    04/10/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Surprise! We’re back for a special episode where we interview Pretty Little Liars writer Kyle Bown and Brendan Robinson, AKA Lucas Gottesman. Join us as we learn about the origin of “Merry Ho Ho,” Lucas’s interior decorating strategy, and how Brendan Robinson would kill Lucas off if given the choice. Also, be sure to check out the Seed & Spark funding page for “Twentyfiveish,” a web series Kyle and Brendan are producing together. One month of the hiatus down, only six more to go!

  • s07e10 “The DArkest Knight”

    02/09/2016 Duration: 03h38min

    Recapping Season 7, Episode 10 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria makes a nice Welcome Home dinner for Ezra, and then watches as he reunites and makes out with suddenly-alive Nicole on national TV, Hanna has gone rogue with an awful plan that involves violently holding Noel Kahn hostage for a simple DNA test, Emily has Paige and Ali all up on her jock in the middle of the usual season finale A crises, and after Paige accuses Ali of manipulating Emily’s emotions, Ali uses a surprise pregnancy to manipulate Emily’s emotions—also, you may have heard she beheaded a guy, and finally Spencer is saying goodbye to old Toblerone with an inappropriate kiss request, letting Detective Marco scam on her with Toby’s moves, and finding out who her real mom is, after getting shot and bleeding to death in another nightmare abandoned terror house. And then at the end everyone dies. Especially Toby. …Noel might still be OK, just put some ice on it.

  • s07e09 “The Wrath of Kahn”

    26/08/2016 Duration: 02h14min

    Recapping Season 7, Episode 9 of Pretty Little Liars. Aria gets an assist from Jason (#Arson) when tracking down Mary Drake’s adoption records before learning the results of Ezra’s trip to Columbia, Hanna has gone off the grid to spy on Noel Kahn, but he sees through her beer ruse, so she has to just whack him in the head with a lead pipe instead, Emily is being a terrible terrible girlfriend to Sabrina while leaving the door open for a shady to Paige to come back in, and Spencer is getting Marco’s digits and breaking into the Kahn Cabin to discover no-bullshit new evidence that Noel Kahn is on the A team.

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